A place to find Hope

Month: June 2020

Have You Ever Lost Something Precious to You?

Had a wonderful message this morning from my online church. The theme was not to forget those who are not saved.

Pastor Chris started out with a question. Have any of you lost something that was precious to you?

He shared a story about his three year old son who went missing while they were at a restaurant. The Pastor panicked when a waitress asked them if they were missing a child. They realized that they were. She said “There is a boy out in the drive through in front of the cars.”

Pastor Chris leaped over a barrier to the drive through and sure enough. There was his son, with not a care in the world, admiring the flowers along the drive through.

He ran to him grabbed him and held him his arms. He kissed him and was too relieved to be angry.

What if a driver was looking down when they pulled out and didn’t see the boy???

They saved their precious child.

I have had not one, but to things have I lost that are precious to me.

The first one was my four year old son. We were at Disney Land. We were walking through all the hundreds of people when my wife said “Where is KC?”

He was gone! I couldn’t see him in the mass of humanity. We panicked and rushed to the “lost child,” center. They put out a plea to our son that said, “KC, your parents are lost. Please come to the center.” They gave him very clear directions. Nothing! We felt the fear of losing our son.

I told my wife that I was going out to our car to get something. (Forgot what it was.)

KC was only about four years old at the time. I couldn’t imagine him finding us in that mass of humanity.

I got near the car and there was KC. He was sitting there and waiting for us! How my son found our car out of the thousands that were parked, I do not know to this day, but we had our precious one back. I picked him and told him how much I loved him. I too was too relieved to be angry.

The second precious thing that was lost was my wedding ring. It, of course, means a great deal to me.

I woke up one morning. Walked to the den where I always put my watch and ring, and the ring wasn’t there. I did the whole house search routine. Nothing.

I remember that I had stayed at a buddies house after a late football game. I called him and told him about my ring. He told me he would look in the room where I slept. Nothing.

I have been searching for that ring ever since. I have never found it. When I do though, there will be great rejoicing like when I found my son.

What the Pastor’s message told us about, was the parable about the one sheep that was missing out of the flock. The Shepard left all 99 sheep and hunted for that one sheep. When he found it he rejoiced. He even went back to his town and told everyone about his blessing.

Yes, we have to think…leave the 99 and try to find one?

What is taught here, is that we may have some lost sheep in our neighborhoods, at work, even at church. We need to reach out those few and try to save them.

Then we can rejoice, and be blessed, because that one person has become one of the flock.


If you are down and out. Reach out for help. Don’t wallow in your own self pity. None wants to come to your pity party. Seek help. Pray to God for His love, and His guidance. He will be there to see you through your storms.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

The Sky is Falling-Chicken Little

This blogger has been reeling from all that is going on around me. The Pandemic is getting worse; There is still protests, and our country is severely divided.

It is hard, at best, to be cheerful, and excited. It takes every bone in my body to face each day.

I think I have scars from all of this. I actually hurt. (I know, that’s old age)

Then I thought of Jesus. He had scars all over His body, from thorns, whippings, a spear in his side, and spikes through His hands and feet.

However, the greatest pain He was going through was our sins.

There is one big difference. He will never lose His scars. They are scars of victory. The victory of eternal life for you and me.

When I think of that, my “poor me,” attempt is out the window. No one wants to come to a pity party.

What I need is to buck up and face my storms. When I am a afraid and discouraged, I need to remember that God is always with me. Where there is fear, God brings courage.

Have the fear dying from the virus? Well, to be honest, we should fear from dying and not knowing God.

God will lead us through the fires we face.


How are you doing.?Do you not turn on the TV, because it is mostly bad news? Do you wish you could stay in bed all day?

We certainly hear you. Never let the dark side tell you the world is coming to and end. The sky is not falling like Chicken Little said.

Just be courageous, and stead fast in all of this turmoil.




You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!

How Can we be Humble Through the Pandemic, and Rioting?

Pandemic, rioting, businesses being burnt, statues being tore down, people being killed, and much more. So what can we do to counter all of this?

I have been thinking of this for several months. It was overwhelming for me, and I did not have good answers.

I watched my church message online yesterday, and they shared some ideas.

The first quote I heard was, “Nothing is impossible with God on your side.” That got me in a better mood.

Then they spoke of being humble. What? I am suppose to be humble when the world is crashing around me?

Then they hit me with a verse that woke me up! “Everyone who exalts himself will humbled, he who humbles himself will be exalted.” Matthew 5:4-6.

They mentioned that we need to stop going on rabbit trails. They are scattered and often lead to nowhere. I was doing that. I was running around trying to understand what was happening.

Then our Pastor give us four things to help us be humble:

  1. Love God more than yourself. We need to know who is in charge and lean on Him during the storms.
  2. Love others by serving them for God’s glory. When we reach out and help, not only does the person we help feel good, but so do we.
  3. Ask God to fill you with His Holy Spirit. I often take this for granted. We need the Holy Spirit to guide us at hard times.
  4. We need to hang out with people who are also pursuing a God fearing life. Just being in a group of believers can give us a lot of confidence, and love.


Are you fearful of what is happening? Are your storms getting to hard to face? Do you want to stay in bed all day to avoid the world?

You certainly are not alone.

I feel your pain, and I suggest you totally depend on God as your fortress. he is stronger than any Pandemic, He will hug you during the rioting. He will give you wisdom to understand. He has told us many times:

“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10

Pretty clear there. We just need to rely on Him to protect us and guide us.


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You are not alone.

You are not forsaken.

You are not unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

How can we face the Rioting, Looting and the Pandemic?

The days along and tedious. The pandemic seems to be spreading again. There is rioting, looting and arson. How do we face this dilemma?

I have a lot of time, of course, to think about this. Let me share some thoughts:

Use Your Hardships to Shine

  1. There is always someone or something that is worse off than what we are facing. When I was teaching I had a young lady in one of my classes that was severely handicapped. She was strapped to a electric wheelchair. She couldn’t move and had no control of her hands. There was one thing I noticed with her. She was always smiling. She never got upset. She never got too hurt when the other students picked on her. When I came in the classroom she was the first one I would look for. Why would I do that? It was because of her attitude about life and her circumstances. She knew she was handicapped. She knew she couldn’t play on the swings and slides with the other kids, but she was out there laughing and cheering on the other kids. Believe it or not, I realized I wanted to be like her. She was a wonderful example of someone who seemed to have the whole world against her, and yet she faced the storm head on. BTW… She was a bright student. she had an aide with her at all times, and she took all the tests, by having the aide write the answers down. She was very good at math. I still think of her often.

Let People know When You Are Hurting

I had another student with Tourette’s Syndrome. That is a disease where the child blurts out nonsensical words for no reason. He also had a tic in his face. His face would twitch a lot. He had a hard time getting along with the other kids. Mostly because of his handicap. I decided to let him move his desk up close to my desk. I could look over his shoulder and see his work all day. I could see that he was very hurt by other kids picking on him. So I had a little class “counseling,” session. We sat in a big circle and I asked each kid what was bothering him/her. Most of the kids couldn’t really think of what was bothering them, but it came to my student I had my desk, he unloaded. He said he can’t help what he is doing. He said he wasn’t trying to offend anyone. He had tears flowing. I saw that several other students began to cry. I ended the session and a little miracle happened. One of the students came up and asked if my student could move his desk next to him. I agreed and the class applauded when he moved. From then on he was in the good crowd and not an outcast. What did I learn from this…Everyone needs to be heard. Being silent doesn’t help anything. Let others know of your pain and hurts.

How does this fit into you and I facing a pandemic, rioting, looting, arson?

To me it shows that we can make it through anything. We can conquer our fear and worries.

I had many other student examples of perseverance, and courage. We need to think like these children. Take on our fears. Take on the worries, and with God’s help we can conquer anything.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!

Words of Wisdom From Friends

I watched a great message from my church online yesterday. It had some great wisdom from parables as it foundation. The first parable is from Matthew 4:26-29.

It speaks of a farmer who scatters his seed on the ground. It grows and he harvests it.

Another parable is later in Matthew 4. It is Matthew 4:30-32.

It talks about a tiny mustard seed growing to one being of the biggest trees around. Jesus is comparing The Kingdom of God to the seed.

When the seed is planted it starts growing, It keeps growing and growing until it is a magnificient tree. It gets so big that birds can make nests in it.

What these two parables infer is that we can plant seeds as well. If we do it in the right way, People will come to Christ as their savior. I often heard someone tell me, “You just planted a seed in that person.” I knew what they meant and I was glad.

As parents we need to plant seeds into our children, We need to let them know about God and His Son Jesus. As they grow up they will be like that mustard seed grown up into a beautiful person.


I was thinking about sports the other day. We really miss it right? I was online at a breakfast last Tuesday when one of the members related the Bible is for people who love sports. He said that we all have a great playbook in the Bible. Everything is laid out for us to follow and be a winner. I loved that.

Another person said, “If you are teaching, you are learning.” I can relate to thta as well since a taught school for 22 years. We never stop learning not matter what our age is.

Yet another said, We spend too much time deciding if we want to or have to. There are things in life that aren’t pretty or rewarding, but they need to get done.

My favorite thing I heard was just one sentence: “See, feel, trust.” We need to know that God is always there for us. We need to trust His guidance.


Your are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

Are You Content at This Horrific Time?

How many of you feel content? Do you feel you have everything you need? Does the end of the money come before the end of the month?

I am guessing most of you would be saying NO!

Behind in car payments. Children sick. Parents in assisted living. Rioting throughout our country. The Pendemic taking many lives.

With all this going on we seem to be trained not to be satisfied.

When is more enough?

Let’s check with Jesus to see what He thinks. In one sentence He said: ” We need to be content.”

I could end this post right here, but I am sure you need some more answers.

We need to concentrate on loving what we have.

God gives us another thought: “We have all that we need.”

Bottom line is: We need to have a gratitude attitude.

I have been watching closely what is going on in the world. A pandemic, rioting, and chaos.

It is very easy to get very discouraged right now. What is going to happen? Will my family be safe? Should I stay hunkered down?

The answer to the last question for me is yes. I have to stay hunkered down. I have several underlying problems and I wouldn’t make it if I got the virus. However, my wife and I go on walks every day. In all problems there is a silver lining. We never had time to walk together before.

As for the rioting, looting, and arson. I am very upset, because the majority of the protesters are good people just wanting to use their free speech rights. However, There are some very serious anarchist, attacking the businesses, the police, and other protesters. That have no thought of mourning the death of anyone. They just want to disrupt. I am told they are paid to come in and cause havic.

We need to be strong and pray for God’s intervention here. He is in charge.

I know, It doesn’t seem right that He is allowing all this to happen. Why would He? It is because He gives man the freedom to choose. We are not robots. We do our own thinking and cause our own actions.

Stay the course, and stay close to God. We will overcome these storms together.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

Don’t Pass Your Fears Onto Others

There have been very trying times in our country lately. There is the Pandemic that is causing havoc. Now there is rioting all over this country.

There is widespread panic and people are full of fear.

One of the most important things we can do is to not pass our fears onto others. Yes, we do have fear, but please do not let it spread.

There are many things that are hurting people. Think of the high school students who can’t do their sports that they love. I certainly understand that. There is also no graduation ceremony. This will be the year they will want to forget.

As Christians, we must remember that God is always there. Jesus is always there.

We don’t need to find proof that they exist. We know about faith through God’s Word and His promises.

Yes, real faith doesn’t have all the facts. There all those who don’t believe just because they don’t have all the facts. True faith takes us beyond the facts.

What does all of this have to do with riots and the Pandemic? Both of these are major storms in our lives.

These storms may be more than we can handle, and God says to turn all your worries over to Him.

Let’s make this clear…. God didn’t cause the virus, or the riots. He doesn’t want any of His people to be hurt.

Things to think about during these tough times:

What do you think God is saying during this Pandemic, and rioting?

What do your think God is doing during this time?

What can YOU do to find rest during this time. ?

Be strong for not only you, but your family. Spreading fear is like putting gasoline on a fire.

I need to remind myself, and you, that all this pain and suffering is not going to waste. God in charge and He will figure everything out for us.

He is standing in the fire with us.

I guess the overwhelming question is….What is it going to be like after the Pandemic.? What is it going to be like after the rioting stops. Only God knows, and we need to trust Him and allow Him to take action for us.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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