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I had a nightmarsh day yesterday. I had my normal workout at cardiac rehab and came home very tired.
I thought I was going to be OK for the rest of the night when my wife decided we need to buy a storage shed for our backyard. We went to Home depot and didn’t find what we wanted. I must have covered every inch of that store because I was exhausted.
We then went to Lowes and found what we wanted. It was a storage shed in a box that had to be assembled. (Yippie!)
I was so far gone by the time we got home that I got very upset when my wife said we needed to put the box in the backyard. That box weighed 65 pounds! I tried to get it out of the car and immediately dropped it to the pavement.
We decided to drag to to the back yard. By the time we got where we wanted it I was almost in tears from the pain, and frustration.
I was in terrible pain so I showered and went to bed. I took Tylenol but was awake for several hours because of the pain.
When I woke up this morning I was still in agony, and had to cancel my PT appointment. I am just now starting to feel better with the help of Tylenol.
Have you ever had a day where everything seemed to come crashing down on you? Was it a lost job, or a lost loved one?
These kind of sudden tragedies take a toll on us. We wonder why it is happening to us.
We must always remember that God is always near. He knows our pain and frustrations. He will pull us out of the muck and more and give us hope.
You are never alone.
You are never forsaken.
You are never unloved.
And above all…never, ever, give up!
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