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Had a nice lunch with my neighbor across the street yesterday. He is new to the neighborhood, and I wanted to get to know him. I found out he was a Christian, and an author like me. We shared stories about our families, and I felt like I had found a new close friend.
Do you know all your neighbors? Have to tried to get to know them? Yes, you have your own families to seek to see a lot, but what about your neighbors?
Here is what I have found that works in reaching out to neighbors:
- Take a real effort to get to know all your neighbors.
- Call them just to say hello.
- Email them often.
- And my favorite…meet them at the community mail box.
I can see the mail box out my window, and when I see someone getting their mail I haven’t talked to in a while I go out to talk to them. Easy Peasy. I hear back from some of them stating it is good to talk to me, and they look forward to getting their mail, because of it.
Start your own crusade to reach out to your neighbors. You will put a smile on their face, and you will feel good about it as well.
Are you struggling through your days? Do you feel you would want to stay in bed all day instead of getting up? Well, I have been there with you.
I look forward each day to be talking to God, and thanking Him for the new day He has given me. It gives me strength, and calmness.
Don’t let this unfriendly world pull you down like a huge magnet. Look to the light of Jesus, and walk away from the darkness.
You are never alone.
You are never forsaken.
You are never unloved.
And above all…never, ever, give up!
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