A place to find Hope

Month: August 2023

Children Are Being Abused Around Our World.

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I have been spinning around in circles lately. Too much turmoil in our world. In one country four youths were captured and they were beaten. They also had urine forced down their throats. They turned them loose, but the scares will last forever.


It is hard to be optimistic when all of this is happening. There are children all over the world being tortured and murdered. It breaks my heart when people think it is OK to do this to children.


Pray for these little ones daily.


Thoughts to ponder:

  1. An idol is anything that absorbs your imagination more than God.
  2. God is the creator of all the universe. He created you.
  3. In the final days, God will judge you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Schools Let Children to Do Sex Changes, Without Parents Knowledge

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I am watching the news, and they reported that a school district has voted that children can get sex changes, and they do not need to inform parents it is happening.

I am going to respond to that and I made get some backlash.


I am a retired teacher, and a father. I am appalled that this happened. It is so dangerous for our children. How could they agree that the parents had no right to interfere?

This country is speeding towards destruction. How could anyone agree with this?


Have you been upset with some of the decisions by our government, and school districts? It is happening everywhere.

What do we do?

  1. Be involved in your child’s education. You have the right to know what is going on, and question it.
  2. Go to school board meetings and voice your opinion.
  3. Be an advocate to your child, no one else well.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Feel For the People in Maui, Hawaii. Did Our President Turn His Back?

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Thinking of the people in Maui. It is so sad the losses they have occurred. Many deaths and rising. Homes lost.

There is a dire need for all of us to pray for them at this time.


The even sadder thing is the response for our president. When he was asked his thoughts on it, he said, “No comment.” Really? The people are suffering, and he said no comment?

This made me very angry. I have been to Maui, and the people there are great people like you and I. A comment like that tears them down, not build them up.


Have you had people turn their back on you? Did you feel the hurt? If So what can we do to help with the sadness?


  1. Don’t let anyone degrade you. They seem to have their won problems.
  2. Do not strike back. They will be the winner in that situation.
  3. I know this may be awkward, but pray for that person. They have deep problems.
  4. The most important thing to remember is that God loves you very much.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We seem to be Facing daily Afflictions. We Often Ask God, “Why me?’

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Still struggling with pain. It is hard to face the day when you know pain is around. My right hip is not responding to meds. I have been referred to a PT specialist, and I hope he can do something for me.


How can we overcome the afflictions of life? We often ask God, “Why me?” It is not easy to explain, but I have thoughts on how I handle it:

  1. Take every day one day at a time. I know this is an old thought, but it works for me.
  2. Never let the darkside try to blame it on God. God loves us, and knows what we are going through.
  3. Read the Bible! It is full of love, and compassion.
  4. Help others that are the same boat with you. You helping others soothes the soul and brings a smile to others faces.


Stay strong and rely on the Lord to protect you. He is just a prayer away.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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There are dangerous and Fearful Times. What Should We do?

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As I look out the window here at Sun River, Oregon, I see crews cutting down trees near me. They are huge trees. It is amazing what they can do without too much danger.

Have you ever taken on some projects that were a little dangerous? Dis you fear for your life? Did it make you anxious?

We all face those kinds of days. What to do? How to handle it?


There are two ways to handle them.

  1. Panic, and scream for help.
  2. Pray for God’s help who is there 24/7 to protect you.

Which one would you choose?


The obvious choice for me is too always depend on God for my help. He has always been there for me during dangerous and fearful times.

I could give you a long list where He has helped me. Most was physical help through afflictions.


Don’t allow fearful events overcome you. Cling to God’s promises like, “I will not forsake you.” Never let the dark side overcome you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Face Afflictions in Our Lives. God Helps Us.

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Life is not a rose garden. We face many trials in our live time. It is how we handle them that defines our character.

I can safely say that I have had many trials in my life so far. I could list them, but understand that if you name every kind of doctor there is, I have seen them.

Orthopedic, Urologist, back, Achilles doctor, dermatologist, Heart doctor, Primary doctor, Pain management doctor, Physical therapy, and several others.

I am not trying to whine. I just want you to see that I love the Lord, and the world no matter what happens to me.

I know I am loved by God. I know that He will take care of me.


Something to think about:

God’s power and presence either makes you draw close, or pull you away.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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