A place to find Hope

Category: bad moments (Page 6 of 6)

Getting Older Certainly Is Not For Sissies. Cling to God.

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I am having a bad hair day. I fell yesterday and the second day aches and pains are here visiting me. It was at my niece’s house and didn’t see that her living room was a step down to get into it. I hit my grand nephew’s stroller and landed directly on my right knee. It scraped up my knee, but today it is hurting on the inside of knee in the bones as well.


Have you had some falls? Do you have aches and pains from everyday efforts? You certainly are not alone. For people my age, (82) falling is not an uncommon thing. I am now living with a cane.


Do not let this drag you down like a huge magnate. We will always have aches and pains.

I could say, “Buck up and quite whining,” But I feel for you. Getting older is not for sissies.


Here is my list to cling to during my aches and pains:

  1. Remember the pain that Jesus had to go through for us. Our pain is nothing compared to that.
  2. I use my ailments to reach out to others. It helps them, and makes me feel good.
  3. Never let the darkside control your thinking. It is easy to be depressed all the time if you let that happen.


I know that if you cling to God’s promises the pain won’t feel as bad. He is there for you. He knows your aches and pains. Pray for His protection, and comfort. He listens.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Pain and Suffering Are a Part of Life. How you Handle it is Important.

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I am off to the Oregon Coast today. Weather says it will be nice. Looking forward to it.


I have been wondering when all my pain will go away. I have had so many different ailments and hurts it is hard to be positive all the time. I still manage to do that.


How do I keep that attitude?

  1. All pain will cease when I am heaven.
  2. Jesus suffered much more than I can ever imagine.
  3. Suffering builds character.
  4. Suffering can be used to reach out to others who are suffering.


I realize that what I am saying may be a little over reaching my abilities. However God has sustained me so far. He knows my pains. He knows my needs. He knows what is best for me. So I cling to his promises, and you should too.


If you are suffering, I am so sorry, but try to use your suffering to help others. Try to seek God’s help through prayer. he will hear your pleas.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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God Feeds the Sparrows. He Will Feed You Too

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“One day older and deeper in debt.” Those lyrics from a country western song fits perfectly in our world today.

  1. Inflation is running wild.
  2. Gas prices are soaring.
  3. Food prices are skyrocketing.
  4. The pandemic is causing many to look for ways to pay for it.


How can we survive in this kind of world?

The simple answer is that God even feeds the little sparrows. Don’t you think He will take care of us?

In my early days of marriage we were so poor that we had to turn the oven on to help heat the house. We were not sure we was going to make it until the next paycheck.

Somehow money kept coming in that we didn’t expect. It paid the bills, and kept us fed.


God is there for you. He knows your problems. He knows you are struggling. Never feel you have been abandoned by God. He will never forsake you or turn hIs back on you.


Never let the darkside convince you that all is lost. Look to the light of Jesus. Pray for protection from poverty, and worries.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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