A place to find Hope

Category: bad movements (Page 1 of 3)

Our World is a Not a Friendly Place to be.

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It is hard to be positive in our world today. Two wars going on, high inflation. high gas prices, southern border, crime rate, and many more reasons to be depressed.


There needs to be a way to think positive. Here are my thoughts:

  1. Wars end.
  2. The storms go away.
  3. Seek out God in prayer. There is a new tomorrow.
  4. Reach out to others to help them cope. It makes them, and you, smile.
  5. Read the Bible. It is full of hope.
  6. Go on a walk to clear out you bad thinking.
  7. Know that God is there with you every day.
  8. Call someone and cheer them up.
  9. Love your family.
  10. Seek out God in Prayer.


Be strong and face the wind. Show others how to make it through the day. If you are struggling yourself, pray for strength from God.


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Schools Let Children to Do Sex Changes, Without Parents Knowledge

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I am watching the news, and they reported that a school district has voted that children can get sex changes, and they do not need to inform parents it is happening.

I am going to respond to that and I made get some backlash.


I am a retired teacher, and a father. I am appalled that this happened. It is so dangerous for our children. How could they agree that the parents had no right to interfere?

This country is speeding towards destruction. How could anyone agree with this?


Have you been upset with some of the decisions by our government, and school districts? It is happening everywhere.

What do we do?

  1. Be involved in your child’s education. You have the right to know what is going on, and question it.
  2. Go to school board meetings and voice your opinion.
  3. Be an advocate to your child, no one else well.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Mark Wahlberg Makes His Stand for Faith in Hollywood.

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Current news…

China may be sending help to Russia in the Ukraine war.


Don Lemon steps down from hosting a NYC event.

Talk a walk Don.


Grandma shoves her two grandchildren into freezing river in New York.

Far too many reports like this. The world is falling apart.


Russia announces its suspension from the nuclear test arms agreement,

Nothing good can happen from that.


Mark Wahlberg refuses to deny his faith even though it is unpopular in Hollywood.

God bless him.


Ranting thoughts

  1. Looking at today’s headlines, I can’t help thing we are in trouble as a nation. The grandma article is especially disheartening.

2. As I was check all the headlines, there were several similar to this. What is happening? Are the people going bonkers? So sad.

3. I am so glad Mark Wahlberg is making his stand. He is one of my favorite actors, and he is showing me why.

4. The toxic mess in East Palestine is also hard to swallow. The government to trying to assure the people that the water is safe, and yet they are finding many dead fish, and birds.


Important thoughts…

  1. The winner is always part of the answer. The lost is always part of the problem.
  2. The winner always has a program. The loser always had excuses.
  3. The winner says, “Let me do it for you.” The loser says, “It isn’t my job.”
  4. The winner sees an answer to every problem.


Speaking about God…

  1. We worship what we love. We love what we worship.
  2. Worship is an entire lifestyle centered around that which is more valuable than anything else.
  3. You are made in the image of God.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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President Biden Made a Speech that Divided Our Country.

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Going to have lunch with a friend after I finish this post. Applebees, is having all you can eat boneless wings. We are going to see if we can rung them out of them. 🙂


Went to see a foot doctor today, for hammer toe. It is a painful curling of my big toe on my right foot. He gave me some ideas on how to help, plus going to an insert specialist to get insert put in to help.


I was very saddened by the speech President Biden gave the other day. It certainly wasn’t a speech to unite our country. Made me upset, and I am a democrat. He needs desperately to try to bring our country together not further apart.

________________________________________________________________________________________ No matter what you party connection is we need to stop this horrible division our country is in, and try to work out our differences.


How are you doing? Had life stepped on your feet and given you pain like I have? It is tough to be positive in our world today. Inflation, Border crises, food prices. Gas prices, and the list goes on.

I think we need to regroup and realize that God is in charge. He knows what is going on. He is not happy, but He allows us to make up our own decisions and most of then aren’t good right now.

My Pastor yesterday told us the end times are coming and we need not worry if we are Christians. I find comfort in that.

If you are not a Christian turn you life over to God right now and find peace.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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One Step Forward, and Two Steps Backwards is Hard

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What a day so far! Had to get my car fixed so I was playing phone tag on the phone to get the appointment. Made an appointment at our favorite restaurant for May 7th. Our 34th wedding anniversary. Hunted for almost an hour to find the owners manual for our dryer. So I am very late in starting today.


Have you had hectic days where it seems like you are taking one step forward and two steps backwards? I have been there with you!

What I learned from this:

  1. Make a list in the morning as to what needs to be done and what order it needs to be done.
  2. Only work on the list. No side exits.
  3. Be patient!
  4. Distractions are a given, but try to avoid them.
  5. Have a beer when you accomplished your list for the day. 🙂


Speaking of distractions. We have so many in our lives right now.

  1. The war in Ukraine.
  2. The pandemic.
  3. Inflation.
  4. High gas prices.
  5. The southern border.

There are many more distractions you and I face each day.


We need to lean on God to help us be calm and in charge. Knowing His promises always calms my spirit. If you are a Christian you are not part of this world and will be with God someday. That is an overwhelming sigh of relief right there. Really…we are only on this earth for a New York minute, and then spend the rest of eternity in heaven.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Murphy Law Says, What Could Go Wrong Probably Will.

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What is there to talk about? I should say what isn’t there to talk about?

There is so much happening in our world today, it is hard to keep up.


  1. Inflation is eating up our pocket books. Inflation has risen higher this year than since 1980.
  2. Gas prices are also eating up our pocket books. Biden is blaming it on Putin, and yet the prices were way up before the war even started.
  3. The pandemic doesn’t seem to want to go away.
  4. The war in Ukraine is devastating with hundreds of thousands of civilians dead.


It is hard, at best, to face our world today. We need to hunker down, and depend on God to see us through this storm.

Yes, He is allowing it to happen, because He gave man free choice way back to the garden of Eden. People who just want tons of power are causing much of what is going on.

I understand how hard it is. I hear your pleas. We just need to pray, and pray without ceasing. God listens.


Don’t be discouraged. Stand strong in the promises of God and He will see you through the muck and mire.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Have to Face Surprises. How We do it is what is Interesting.

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It actually snowed this morning in the middle of April here in Salem, Oregon! You never know…

Have you had surprises like snow in April? Has your world been moving too fast because of the surprises?

Things that happen could be you wrecked you car. You owe a lot to the IRS. A relationship has fallen apart. You lost you job.

There can be many more things that happen, so how do we handle all of this?

  1. All storms end.
  2. Tomorrow is a new day.
  3. Facing live with a positive attitude can overcome anything.
  4. Lean on God for comfort. He is in the Bible to comfort you.


I know..it is hard sometimes to accept what is happening, but we have to be strong, and not let the darkside overcome us. Satan would love for us to fall apart.

Lean on the strength of God, and face the storms.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never every give up!


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I’m Tired of Going Round and Round on Earth

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It’s Friday and it is my rant day:

  1. I am very tired of the pandemic.
  2. I am very tired of how this country is divided.
  3. I am very upset with what is going on in Ukraine.
  4. I am very shocked how fast inflation and gas prices are rising.
  5. This is just my short list, but I don’t want to sound like I am inviting you to my pity party.


It is hard, at best, to face the world we live in today. We need to find ways to block out all the negative things that are happening:

  1. Don’t believe half of the news you are hearing.
  2. Seek the truth.
  3. Speak your frustrations to your congressmen.
  4. Put on those horse blinders to only see straight ahead.
  5. Read the bible for comfort. It is full of it.
  6. Go on walks without any negative thoughts in your head.
  7. Call someone to cheer them up. It goes both ways.

I try to abide with the above list for my own sanity. Try it yourself.

Let me know some of your own ways to face the day, in the comment section below.


If your world is spinning too fast for you, pray for protection from God.

Don’t let the darkside overcome you. Satan would love to put you on his trophy wall.

God is in charge and He cares for each of us. Be strong through Him.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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It’s Hard to Have Pain and No Way to Stop It.

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I have been battling sadness the last few weeks. I have gotten a report that I have a hernia, and the surgeon I met said he won’t do it because of my age and medical condition.

I am seeking a second opinion to see if I can still have the surgery. However, I am feeling very bad that I have to live with the pain, and stop some exercising I was doing.

The doctor prescribed a device for me to wear the rest of my life, that is suppose to “push,” the hernia back into it place. I do not want to wear a device the rest of my life.


Have you struggled with you health like I am doing now? I completely understand the boat you are in. I am on it with you.

I am working hard to be positive throughout all of this. Here are some things I have been leaning on to help me with that:

  1. I need to be thankful that it is only hernia, and try to stop the pity parties. That doesn’t go well with my children.
  2. I need to know that God will provide the answer to all of this.
  3. I need to pray often, and without ceasing for strength.
  4. I need to still go on walks to keep some semblance of strength.


Why don’t you make your own list of ways to plow through your walls you are facing? It made me feel good by doing these for you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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A Pregnant Woman and Her Unborn Son Was Killed in a Bombing in Ukraine

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The events in Ukraine are very frightening. Today I heard that a pregnant mother and her unborn child died, because Russia bombed the maternity hospital.

That is a war crime!!

Putin is a mad man who is very desperate. He has to win now because of the embarrassment of not winning his war yet. Desperate people do desperate things. We need to keep the Ukraine people in our prayers every day.


Mean while back in our own country, things at not well at all. Millions are crossing the southern border. The Dictators of four different countries to pushing hard, because they don’t think our leaders will do anything. Inflation is eating up all of our money, and at the gas pump we can hardly afford to drive.

What is wrong with this picture??


We as Christians, must unite in prayer. Pray without ceasing. I always say that God is in charge, because that is true. We need to send pleas to Him for protection of our nation, and the whole world.


On Wednesday, I will start sharing more excerpts from my published book, Signs of Hope; Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World. It is a very timely book that addresses our world as we know it today. It won a national award from the Reader’s Choice Awards.


Stand strong, and never let Satan overcome you. He would love to hang you on his trophy wall.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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