A place to find Hope

Category: survival (Page 3 of 4)

God, hear Our Pleas for Help Because we’re in Turmoil!

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Things are still crashing all around us.

The pandemic is roaring like a lion. It is getting really bad in my state of Oregon. We are having over 1,000 new virus cases each day.

I saw what proved that point. I was going to just have a routine blood test. When I turned into the parking lot there must have been 100 cars lined up to have their test for the COVID-19 test. People are scared.

The whole state is close to a complete lock down. Doesn’t matter to me. I have been on lock down since March due to health problems.

Yes, I am climbing the walls, but I am being safe.


The rioting is coming back again.

One city decided to not pass a bill to defund the police, and the area went berserk. The rioters even attacked the homes of the councilmen who voted against defunding.

Be assured that this has nothing to do with what started all of this way back when people were protesting the killing of a poor black man. Now it is just plain anarchy, and they are trying to dismantle our government.


This is where sane people need to unite and pray for peace and understanding.

I am a member of a fairly new social network called, RallyPoint. It is just for military people only. I highly recommend it if you are a veteran. http://www.rallypoint. com

There, the veterans are getting on edge. They are tired of the turmoil that is going on. They are talking about a civil war.

Not a good choice, in my opinion. I am tried of the turmoil too, but that would like a picnic at the park compared to a civil war.


Here is what my plans are:

  1. Pray for our national and local leaders. They are not perfect, but they are much better than any other country’s leadership.
  2. Stand fast in your own beliefs. There is a movement against our churches. You can have groups gathering in certain numbers, but churches can not. What s wrong with this picture.
  3. I will support my local police and firefighters. They are heroes in my mind.
  4. I will pray for my family and friends. They are so many people affected with what is going on.

Prayer is a powerful force.

God hears our pleas. He will listen and answer. We, however, must always remember that he answers prayer on His timeline and not ours.



Face the upcoming storms head on. God is there with you every step of the way.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up


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Stop the World Let me Off I’m tired of Going round and round.

+If you like what you see, please subscribe at the top of this page where it says, “subscribe.” When you do, all future posts will come directly to your inbox. Also, if you know some else who could benefit for the site, please let them know about it. I want to reach out to as many veterans as possible+If you like what you see, please subscribe at the top of this page where it says, “subscribe.” When you do, all future posts will come directly to your inbox. Also, if you know some else who could benefit for the site, please let them know about it. I want to reach out to as many veterans as possible.


What a ride we have been having lately. The pandemic is having its way, rioting still continues, and the election is still up in the air as to who really won the presidency fair and square.


The election is a mess. I was watching the news tonight and they claim to have hundreds of affidavits signed saying there was much wrong doing going on during counting. There were those who even tapped a guy that was taking ballots out of an envelope and everyone that was for Trump he tore in half and threw it in the garbage. He laughed when he did it.

So much of this kind of thing is going on in several crucial states. There has to be a reckoning to straighten all this mess out. We want who is suppose to be the president, not by cheating.


The pandemic is just growing by each day. When will it end? When we be back to “normal?”

The county where I live in Oregon is getting especially getting hit hard. We had 75 new cases just today. I am on complete lock down, because of my health issues.


The rioting’s are spreading. In Portland, Oregon near me, it is starting up again with even more force. The city council voted to not to defund the police, and the rioters went crazy. They even attacked the homes of the city council.


What are we to do? How can we help stop this madness?

The word is prayer, and lots of it. I pray every single day for our government both national and local to come to their senses and end all of this turmoil. It shouldn’t be allowed to continue.

We need to become Christian soldiers. We need to stand strong and support the right causes. We need to say NO to evil and be alert to the works of Satan. He is having a field day right now. Turn your back on him and tell him to hit the road. We have God on our side so we win in the end. Just stay strong.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

Surprises Tear Into Our Daily Struggles in Life

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What a day I have had so far. Had a doctor’s appointment early this morning and it was almost frightening.

My doctor surprised me with a dementia test. He was concerned and wanted to see if my thinking process was OK.

He handed me a sheet with several test questions on it. He pointed to the first one where I had to draw a line from dot to dot. Somehow I missed number ten. BUSTED!

Then he had me draw a copy of a square that was on the page. It seemed like an optical illusion to me so I blew it there too. BUSTED!

Then he had me read five words in a row three times. After that he had me repeat them without looking. Got four out of five. PASSED!

Then he had me name three pictures of animals. Peachy easy! Passed.

He went on to me repeating two sentences right after he said them. Aced!! Passed!

He then aske me what year, month and day it was. He finished that part with what day of the week it was. My mind blocked. (I am retired. What do I know about days of the week.) Before he went on I blurted out WEDNESDAY! He allowed that. PASSED IT!

The final question from him was the game changer. If I missed it I failed the test. He asked me what the five words were that he had me say at the beginning of the test. I named four out of five. He said that this test was the best one he had had in many months. PASSED! 27 out of 30!

He suggested that I do a lot of crossword puzzles, and solitaire to keep my brain active. Already doing both of them.


Do you like surprises? Is it hard to accept them? We all have surprises every day. The car won’t start. You turned on the wrong street. You forgot your cell phone. (I do that a lot.)

Surprises are hard, at best, hard to handle, but they come and test us frequently.

We still have our Lord looking out for us even when those pesky surprises attack us. He is there to calm the spirit and let us handle them.


Do not give in to this world. We are not part of it. We are only here for a short while if we believe. The world is a very scary place right now. The pandemic is just getting worse. The rioting has not stopped. Wild fires are still burning. The election is upon us.


We need to remember that God is our fortress during our storms. He will never let us face something that we can not handle. Lean on Him during these troubling times.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Be Strong Through the Storms of Life

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It has been quite a ride for me the last eight months.

The pandemic has placed me in lock down. Only doctor’s appointments and family gatherings that everyone has to wear masks and keep the right distance. Haven’t hugged one of my children during this whole time.

This plus the election, (that ends tomorrow, thank God.) Don’t forget the rioting, wild fires, looting, shootings, etc. Pretty dismal path we have to walk.

How do I handle it? Well, it is hard, at best, for me to stay positive, but positive I am.


  1. All storms come to an end.
  2. God is in charge.
  3. He is only a prayer away.
  4. He will not allow us to have more than we can handle.
  5. He loves us. He made us in his image. He wouldn’t do that if He didn’t love us.

Those statements are my fortress against depression, and feeling lost.


So what is happening in your neighborhood?

Are you standing strong, or is the world loading you down with worry? I certainly hear you, but the most wonderful thing you and I can do for our families, is to be a strong leader and always show that we are positive.

If we show a poor me attitude, so will those around you.


Never let the dark side overcome you.

The dark side would love to drag you down into the muck and mire. Look for the light which is Jesus.

Yes, these are very troubling times. This, however, is when the tough get going. They face the storms head on. They lead others to freedom of fear.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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We Have Aches and Pains. We Need Reach Out to God for Help


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I have been having a ton of doctor’s appointments lately. I had to go to Neurologist because I had bad tremors on my left hand. She did a Botox procedure on it, and unfortunately it didn’t do anything. I still have my tremor.

Then I went to a throat specialist to see what was wrong with my throat. My voice was raspy and hoarse all the time. The doctor stuck a hose through my nose down into the throat. He said everything looks great there, and that my hoarseness and raspy voice was just due to old age.


That knocked me down a few notches. I went last week to have a procedure to expand my esophagus. That was successful. I not chocking as much. It seems like I have a lot of issues. Last Thursday, I had Cataract surgery on my right eye. It went great and I can see much better with that eye.

They do the left eye in a week.


What is hitting me right between the eyes is that my body isn’t like it was when I was 21. The aging process is hard to take. It slows you down. You have aches and pains. Poor me!


I have just decided that I should be thankful that God has given me another day. He is in charge. He knows my aches and pains. He knows about my throat. He knows about my eyes.

I should be enjoying each day. I should think it is my last, and do everything I can to help others and myself. I need to awake my weary soul and sing praises to the lord.

Are you going through similar things? Do you have more aches and pains than you would like to have? Does the day seem to drag along?


I hear you! It is hard, at best, to live each day this way. The only solution for me is to give all my pain and agony to God. He has big shoulders. He will ease your your pain, and give the love you need to feel.

Be strong for yourself, and for others. It seems to work for me to reach out to someone that is hurting, and give them hope and love. It comes back to me and makes me feel better too.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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What Are The Things You Are Thankful For?

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I was sitting here wondering what I was thankful for, and what I had trouble with in my life. Complete opposites and yet we have them every day.

The Thing(s) I am thankful for is long, but here are a few:

  1. My family.
  2. I do not have the COVID-19 virus.
  3. I am working hard on my health by walking a lot.
  4. My church.
  5. That God is with me 24/7.
  6. Friends.
  7. Books to read.
  8. God’s glorious mountains and valleys.
  9. I still have my breath that God gives me.
  10. Naps!

I have many more, but you get the picture. Now about things I have trouble with:

  1. Procrastination.
  2. Not enough communication with others.
  3. Not going on walks enough.
  4. Motivation, at times.

There are others, but I really need to work on these first.

How about you?

Make your list and be glad, plus work on your list that you are having trouble with.


Another day of wondering what is going to happen in our world. So much to consider. The Pandemic, rioting, debates, wild fires, and facing each day.

So, what can we do to survive?

I have my own list I have for me, so I will share some with you:

  1. 99% of what we worry about never happens. Give the rest to God.
  2. There will always be storms, but then the Son.
  3. There are some things you can’t control, let them go.
  4. Be sure to tell your children you love them every day.
  5. Never let someone else tell you who you are.
  6. Smile at everyone you see. They will often smile back. A win, win.
  7. Check with your neighbors to see if they are Ok.
  8. Have family time at you house at least once a week, Everyday would be better.
  9. Love others as yourself. (Jesus)
  10. Never, ever, give up!


I was thinking (gives me a headache) about my new book coming up. I haven’t told you much about it here. If you want more information about it go to: http://www.dougbolton.com. There I share daily updates on how it is going.

I have a publisher who is very interesting, and I am almost done. It will be called, “Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.” It reaches out to those veterans who may be suffering from PTSD, TBI, depression, anxiety, Lost buddies, or war wounds.

At the other site I have been sharing interviews I have been having with veterans. Some are WWII veterans. Those interviews are gut wrenching. Every one of them. If you are a veteran, please check out the site and subscribe. It will give you hope and peace, Plus you will get every post sent right to your in box.

The reason I am writing the book is that 22 veterans, or current service people are taking their own lives every day. Yes, I said every day. Hopefully this book will help them in some way.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We are in Troubling Times Time for Prayer

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My mind is blank today so I guess I will ramble.

The debate was the worest ever. Lots of shouting, and no control by the moderator. It was embarrasing. I hope they come up with a better format.

President trump has a love/hate relationship with the people. You either love him or you hate him. How could he be such a controversial figure? In my opinion…IT’S BECAUSE GOD WANTED HIM THERE! God wanted things to be rattled, and used this to wake up the people to what was going on in our government was not right


Had a strange week this last week.

I wasn’t feeling well so my wife took me to Urgent care. MISTAKE! I met with the triage nurse and she asked me a bunch of questions, like what symptoms did I have. When she was finished she said I coudn’t come in. I was sent to an outside tent to have a test for COVID-19.

I was sure I didn’t have that, but played the game. At the tent the nurse asked me even more questions. She than sat down to type what she wrote. Out of nowhere, a PA (Physicians Assistant) came out and started talking to me. The nurse said she already asked the questions, and that she didn’t think I need the COVID test. He still insisted I take the test. This time they stuck the probe down my throat. The nurse jabbed the side of my throat by accident, and she was very apologetic.

I won’t know the results for a couple more days.


We finally got rid of all the awful smoke from the wild fires here in Oregon. However, we woke today with more smoke. From the Claifornia fires!!!


Let’s talk about you. How are you doing? Are you holding strong? Is the turmoil going on getting to you? I hear you!!


Let’s remember a few things:

  1. 99% of what we worry about never happens. Give the rest to God.
  2. God will never give you more than you can handle.
  3. God is with you 24/7.
  4. The most important thing to remember is…GOD IS IN CHARGE!!



You are never alone.

You ar enever fosaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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We Need to Pray About Our Fears to Stop Panic

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Thre no way to avoid it, we are in troubling times right now. There is the pandemic, rioting, wild fires, etc. A bit overwhelming don’t you think?

I have made a prayer list for myself that I do every day before I lay my head down:

  1. Pray for all leaders. From the president on down to our own local government.
  2. Pray for those you have trouble with. Love you neighbor as yourself.
  3. Pray for peace. There are many “hot posts,” in this world.
  4. Pray that the gospel will reach out to many and they will be saved.
  5. Pray for things that pleases God.
  6. Pray for your family, and friends.

We have many fears:

  1. Marriage-It is hard to have a good marriage if you don’t try hard to help it out.
  2. Job-There is much turmoil in the world now. Many people laid off because of the pandemic.
  3. Having enough money. Single moms wonder where the money will come for their rent.
  4. People wonder if life has any meaning. Sharp increase in suicides since the pandemic started.
  5. Many fear they are not accepted by God.
  6. Some think they are a failure.
  7. Others feel rejected.
  8. The opposite of # 5. People are afraid they are too close to od.


Jesus has got us covered my friends. He said it very clearly in:

Matthew 6:25-34 

“Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed.

There is also a verse that shares these thoughts:

Philippians 4:6-7 

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


So where are you in your faith right now? Do you wonder if you are safe from disaster? Would you rather stay in bed all day then face the wolrd?


Jesus is beside you 24/7. He will not sway. He will protect you and love you. He faced many more horrible things many times, and He never wavered.

Show others why you are not afraid or full of fear. Tell who has your back and that they should too.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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Thoughts for Survival inThis Not so Friendly World

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I really loved just putting positive thoughts on my last post. That’s what this site is all about.

With all the turmoil we have been going through for months, I saw some lyrics from a song that fits perfectly:

To God:

  1. Let the rain of your love soak our souls.
  2. Let it come as a flood.
  3. (for the West Coast people facing wild fires.) You bring beauty from the ashes.


Some of my own thoughts:

  1. 34% of all quotes from the founding fathers came from the Bible.
  2. Our #1 prioity is read the gospel of Jesus Christ, and not some politicians words.
  3. You have read in the Bible, “Give onto Ceasers what is Ceasers, and give onto to God what is God’s.” That means go ahead and pay your taxes to the government, but obey God. (Matthew 4:8-10)
  4. you ahve heard the new term of “Canceled culture.” That means to eliminate a culture that doesn’t agree with you. That is what is happening in the rioting. They are trying to destroy our way of life to fit theirs.
  5. Forgiveness:

A. Pray for those who pursecute you. Do not dwell on the incident.

B. Do not bring the rpoblem up again.

C. Do not talk to others about it.

D. Do not let it hinder the relationship.

Remember, Jesus always has and atitude of forgiveness.

If we don’t forgive others, we are turning our back on God’s forgiveness.

We aren’t sinless, but we can sin less.

Without god as your centerpiece, you will fail.

To fear the Lord is to take God seriously.

A Christian life is never boring.


To survive:

  1. Be on guard.
  2. Stand firm in the faith.
  3. Be courageous.
  4. Be strong.
  5. Do everything in love.

Much of what is written above will give you peace and hope. Reread each of the words and let them guide you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!

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Stress is a Huge Part of Life These Days

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It has been very stressful the last six months. Where I live we add the wild fires to our stress. Hundreds of homes are gone. Millions of acres burnt. People have died.

We just got some news that arsonists started two of the deadly fires. Two people have been arrtested, and will face a long time in prison if anyone is killed.

The question is how will we be able to handle all of this. Besides the wild fires, there is the Pademic, rioting, looting, shootings, beatings, etc. Pretty overwhelming for a every day Joe like me.

I was watching my church online yesterday, and our Pastor spoke to this very concern.

When a virus hits that attacks the vulnerable, isolates individuals, and shuts down the economy and schools. We can say, the harder it gets the better I live. 

When protests stop being peaceful, when elections become polarizing, when families, friends, communities, and churches become divided. We say the harder it gets the better I live. 

When everything you own is burned to ash, when families flee for their lives, when the smoke makes the day night. We can say “the harder it gets the better I live. 


Let me explain what he means.

His theme was God knows what to give us.

He is saying that God knows what is going on. He knows the dangers we are all facing. He knows what to give each of us ACCORDING TO OUR NEEDS.

Every person has different fears. Each person faces storms every day.

God doesn’t want us to compromise so He knows what to give us to help us face those who try to sway us.

What the thoughts are from the pastor is, we should know that the harder it gets the better we live. We are sons and daughters of God. He will not gives us more than we can handle.

He may give some peace. He may give others courage. He may give some knowedge to help others.

When it comes to your daily life; choose your battles carefully. Choose your friends wisely. Choose your solutions intentionally. Do not waver God has given you a path to take. Stay the course.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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