A place to find Hope

Category: battling illnesses (Page 1 of 3)

We seem to be Facing daily Afflictions. We Often Ask God, “Why me?’

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Still struggling with pain. It is hard to face the day when you know pain is around. My right hip is not responding to meds. I have been referred to a PT specialist, and I hope he can do something for me.


How can we overcome the afflictions of life? We often ask God, “Why me?” It is not easy to explain, but I have thoughts on how I handle it:

  1. Take every day one day at a time. I know this is an old thought, but it works for me.
  2. Never let the darkside try to blame it on God. God loves us, and knows what we are going through.
  3. Read the Bible! It is full of love, and compassion.
  4. Help others that are the same boat with you. You helping others soothes the soul and brings a smile to others faces.


Stay strong and rely on the Lord to protect you. He is just a prayer away.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Jesus Said, “Blessed are those who Mourn, They Will be Comforted.

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Despair is not the end of the story in our lives. It is simply the occasion when our spiritual senses are awakened to behold new, life-giving dimensions of God’s presence. In Jesus’s words, “Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted.”

That seems hard to believe! You are comforted when you mourn?

Life is fragile and all too brief. According to the Psalmist, our lifetimes are a “mere breath.” We may perhaps live into our seventies or eighties “by reason of strength,” but our experience is generally full of “toil and trouble” (Ps. 39:5Ps. 90:10). Sometimes life leaves you weeping in the dark.

Then I imagined God saying: Keep pedaling, son, despite your fears. I know all the bumps in the road, and, although you falter and even wipe out, my grace encircles you to the end.


We have all faced times that we had to mourn. It is not a pleasant time.

The above message is telling us that God is saying “Keep pedaling.” Keep on keeping on.

God is with you 24/7. Even when we mourn. Pray to Him for strength through the tough times.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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God Can Perform Miracles If You Ask Him

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My last post was my story about having a miracle happen. God is so good.

Well, I have a new affliction knocking at my door. I have tendinopathy in my left rotator cuff.

it is very painful at times, but I have learned not to move my left arm quickly. I do it in slow motion now.

Don’t think I will need surgery, because some therapists can fix it I am told.

I will keep you updated.


I have been following the war in Ukraine. Putin doesn’t call it a war, but it is. From what I have seen I believe Putin is losing badly.

He will be tried as a war criminal, I am sure. So many civilians Tortured, raped and killed. No reason for that. Bombing of apartment homes, killing many.

God knows what is happening there, and He will deal with Putin at the proper time.

Why has He allowed all of this to happen? It is because he allows us to choose what we want to do. He gives us choices, and then we answer to Him for what choices we made.

Pray for the Ukrainian people.


I am a member of a private group called RallyPoint. It is for qualified military people only.

What I have found is that many of the veterans on there are Christians. There many republicans too.

I enjoy sharing thoughts with them daily.


How are you doing? Are you battling afflictions like I am. Do you feel you have more than your share of pain?

Always remember God is with you 24/7. He know your pains, and knows your disappointments. Ask Him to help you through prayer.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Format Change Coming for This Signs of Hope Blog

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I have come to the decision that I am going to change the format of my blog. It may be slow and steady, or a may do a complete change with one post. Come back Monday and check what I am doing.

Today will be the last one of the format I have been using for 13 years.


I have some quick thoughts on God:

  1. God has no future. He’s already there.
  2. God has no potential. He’s almighty.
  3. God has no surprises. He knows everything.


Have you ever wondered if God loves you? It sometimes seems like He has a muffler on His ears.

The truth is that God has His timing, and we have ours. We want everything yesterday not next week. God knows no time. He is eternal. He will answer your prayers in His time.

It also may not be the answer that you want, because God knows what is best for you even though it may not fit what you was thinking. Realize that what He comes up with is the path you need take.


I want to apologize for not posting as often as I should on this blog. I have been diagnosed with arthritis in my hips, and it is very difficult to sit for very long while I am doing my posts.

I will do my very best to continue sending you Signs of Hope.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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4 Ways to Face Days in a Not so Friendly World.

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There have been many things that are happening that are pulling us all down like a huge magnate. Inflation, war in Ukraine, high crime rates, our southern border, gas prices. All this seems to be on the shoulders of our current president.


In reality it is something that probably would have happened no matter who the president is. Of course some of the things can be avoided, and I wish the president could see that.


Still struggling with arthritis in my right hip. I am taking Tylenol Arthritis pills t but there is still some pain there. I will see a specialist, soon to see if there is something they can do that isn’t surgery. I am told that I am too old for any kind of surgery.


How is your day going. Do you often wish you could just stay in bed all day? I certainly have been there.

Life is not a beautiful rose garden. There are too many thorns that can hurt us.

Lost relationships, overpowering bills to pay, lost job, depression. What can we do to overcome all of this:

  1. One day at a time.
  2. Face the storms, and you will become stronger.
  3. Never, ever, give up!
  4. Pray to God for His help.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Be Strong Through the Overwhelming Storms of Your Life

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I lost a couple of battles, but won the war. I am now clear of COVID-19.

I had some scars from it. I was told that I have lost hearing in my left ear. The doctor thinks it may come out of that though.

I had a horrible iron reading from a blood test I took. The high is not supposed to be over 300, mine is 752. That could cause huge damage to my liver. I did an ultra sound yesterday and I am OK for now.

Some wonderful news is that I had A-fib for years, but I had testing this week and the girl said I was back in regular beat since July 24th.

The COVID virus can cause some serious side effects, but can help you on occasion.


Have you had some struggles with you health? Have you had a doctor tell you some bad news?

There are many people like that.

So what can we do to counter attack all of this?

  1. 99% of what we worry about never happens. Give the rest to God.
  2. Be strong and help others who are going through the same things.
  3. Know that God is with you 24/7.
  4. Persevere through the storms of life.


I know it can be hard at times. I have been there, but your strong example to others will go a long way in their lives.

Be the helper.

Be the supporter.

Be the calmer.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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COVID-19 is Attacking People, but Remember God Will Help You

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It is time to whine again. I bet you love it. LOL

I got the COVID-19 virus on July3rd. I battled with it, and came out of it OK, But then I was hit with Post COVID-19! I am still feeling the affects of that today. All the symptoms are gone except for the severe exhaustion, and weakness.

I get up in the morning feeling somewhat good, and by the afternoon I am wiped out.

There have been some serious happenings because of the virus. I seemed to have lost hearing out of my left ear. I went to a ENT, and he said that I did. He said the virus caused it. He also thinks that maybe he can get my hearing back with treatment. We will see there.

Then I had some blood tests and my iron count was out of sight. The normal high is 306. My blood test showed 766. That’s more than double the highest allowed. I see my primary doctor in an hour to see what we can do for that.


Have you had some serious health issues attack you? Do you wonder why you are getting so many ailments? I certainly hear you.


We all have to understand that we are not alone. God is with us every step of the way. He cares for us and He is just a prayer away. We need to ask for His protection, and to give us hope.

We shouldn’t give into the the darkside. Look for the light of Jesus, and give all your worries over to Him.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Take Care of Yourself During the Tremendously Heat

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I am slowly getting my strength back from a bout with COVID. It has been a battle, but the last of the symptoms seem to be going away.


The temperature has been sky rocketing the last few days. It was 101 yesterday, and it will be 99 today. Not a good day to run a race. At the moment our AC is working great and that is a relief.


What has your days been like? Are you also sweltering in the heat? Most of the country is.

I wonder what we can do during this time of overwhelming heat.

  1. Drink lots of liquid. This is a very high time for getting dehydrated.
  2. Wear loose and light clothing. Let the air penetrate your clothing.
  3. Stay inside as much as possible. If you have to go somewhere, make sure there is air-conditioning where you are going.


I have also been struggling weakness in my legs. I have to use a walker now to get around. It isn’t fun, but I like the security I have when I try to walk. Do you also have some things you are struggling with? Do you need help? You certainly not alone.


If you need help ask for it. Do not hide your discomfort. People would love to help you that love you.

Remember that God is with you 24/7. He loves you and made you in His own image. He would do that for no reason. He wants what is best for you. Pray for His protection and love and He will deliver it to you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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I Won the War With COVID, and Hoping Everyone Else is Doing Well

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I have had quiet a ride the last week. I was hit hard with COVID. I seem to have won the battle. I see my doctor today to verify that. I am very sure that if I hadn’t taken my shots I would be gone now.


Have you had similar things happen to you? Have you been hit with a sudden illness? You certainly are not alone. Over a million people have died from COVID. Doesn’t seem to be any let up insight.


We need to rely on God. We need to cling to His promises. He is in charge and He will take care of us if we ask.


Humility isn’t thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.

C.S. Lewis

Pretty much shows us the right path to walk.


Many people feel the world owes them something. What follows is a list of what many people strive for when they have pride.

Manifestations of Pride (appear one at a time)

  • A lack of gratitude in general (2 Chronicles 32:25).
  • Being irritated when people don’t see your gifts, your abilities, or your importance. (1 Corinthians 4:7)
  • Being consumed with what others think (Galatians 1:10)
  • A lack of service (Galatians 5:13, Ephesians 2:10)
  • Being disrespectful to authorities (1 Peter 2:13-17)
  • Not having close relationships (Proverbs 18:1-2, Hebrews 10:24-25). Self-sufficient, don’t need other people.

Do you relate to anything on this lists? If so, do a check on what you need to do to escape this trap.



You are not alone.

You are not forsaken.

You are not unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Pray For God’s Help When Sickness Comes Into Your Life

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My wife just got home, and she is sick. Prayers would be nice.


Have you had sickness in your family lately? Did it worry you alot lot like I am worrying right now.

My wife has too many of the bad symptoms for the virus. I made her lay down, and I have the test kit to check to see if she has it.


God just reminded me that 99% of what we worry about never happens. He wants me to turn my worries over to Him.

I have a chapter in my first book called, “Worry is the dark room where negatives are developed.” That is so fitting for me right now.

I need to be calm and trust God to care for my wife. He knows what is going on and I need to turn her situation over to Him.


Never think God doesn’t want to listen. He just needs us to reach out to Him for help and He will be there for us.


My thoughts are…pray always, and without ceasing. Paul tells us that.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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