A place to find Hope

Category: be strong (Page 6 of 27)

Moscow in flames after explosion at major power plant.

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Current news…

Ukrainian Air Force confirms arrival of Ukrainian pilots in US for training

Scientists believe they will find alien life on thousands of planets in next 20 years.

Moscow in flames after explosion at major power plant.

Jill Biden says husband would never take old age competency test.


My thoughts…

  1. Ukraine is doing the right things to come to the US for training. Far more qualified leaders to do that.
  2. I believe the scientists. I just hope the aliens are friendly. What wonderful things we could do if they are.
  3. Russia is being attacked from all sides. It doesn’t seem like they have much power to fight back.
  4. Jill Biden will of course will stand by her man, but let’s face it he needs the test. My guess is that he would fail.


Important thoughts….

  1. You don’t need to have a great past to have a great future.
  2. If you can’t find good people, be one.


Speaking about God…

Songs of praise I love…

  1. Open the eyes of my heart Lord, I want to ee you.
  2. You are my everything, and I will adore you,
  3. We will always have something to be thankful for.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Putin Reels as Kyiv Claims 150,000 Russian Soldiers Have Been Killed.

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Current news…

  1. Ukraine Live: Putin reels as Kyiv claims 150,000 Russian soldiers have been killed.
  2. Buster Murdaugh collapsed outside court. He is the son of the convicted murder Alex MUdaugh.
  3. Scientist have discovered a hidden passage inside Egypts Great Pyramid.
  4. US announces $400 million in new arms aid to Ukraine.


My Thoughts...

  1. I still can’t believe Putin thinks he can win the war in Ukraine. He has been defeated in so many areas of the country.
  2. The trial for Alex Burdaugh was impelling. Alex tried to lie his way out of conviction when he testified, but the Jury wasn’t having it. They convicted him in less than three hours.
  3. Still many new finds in the pyramids in Egypt. Most interesting.


Speaking of God…

  1. So many people expect God to take care of everything for them without asking. We need to tell God what we need.
  2. It seems hard to think the world is going in the right direction. Wars, floods, earthquakes, etc. With all that happening, it may be better to think about the end times, and not worry where the world is going.
  3. I can’t tell you how many times God has blessed me. The latest one is that my son had to have hip replacement surgery. It was a tough one. He had bone on bone, bone spurs, and arthritis in his hip all at once. It was a huge success. Thank you God.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Finland is Building a 200 Mile Fence For Security Reasons.

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Current news…

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot blames election loss on Racism and Gender.


Putin will likely leave office with a bullet in his back.


Finland is building a 200 mile fence on the Russian border amid fears of security.


Trump’s 2024 nomination is ensured from knowing who will run against him.


Speaking of God…

  1. It is hard to believe, how this world is going in the wrong direction fast, but know that God is in charge. He will decide what happens next.
  2. It is hard to believe, that we as Christians need to reach out and tell others the good news. But it is true.
  3. The hard to believe, That God so loved the world He let His only Son die, but He did just for you and I.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up.


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Spending Time With Family Should be a Priority in Lives.

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I had a wonderful weekend with my family. It was at the Oregon Coast. My fie Charlotte, my three children and their spouses, two grandchildren, and my children’s mother were there. Lots of talking and laughing. It was very refreshing, and needed.


Current news…

UFO’s are become a problem with our military airspace. Our pilots have almost crashed into them.


Russia has just one tank factory only making 20 tanks a month. They will run out soon.


Bryan Kohberger could face a firing squad if convicted for the four murders he is accused of.


Poll find Trump beating Biden, but Desantis and Haley losing.


Clash of the Kims as tyrant Jong-un’s wife and sister are having a power struggle with him.


Daily Thoughts…

  1. Russia is on the losing end of the war, and don’t get the idea of giving up. I predict and assassination of Putin.
  2. The weather in pretty unpredictable here in Oregon. Woke up this morning with three inches of snow on the ground. More snow coming.


Important thoughts…

  1. When you whine a lot, people stop listening.
  2. Reaching out to others helps them and you as well.
  3. We need to be more tolerant towards other peole.


Speaking about God…

  1. Had a Zoom meeting this morning and it was 8 Christian brothers. It was powerful and meaningful. We prayed for each other, and for many people we know.
  2. When we can’t wait for God’s answers, He may have you wait longer.
  3. Never feel God isn’t there for you. He is by your side 24/7.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Ukraine Has Stood Fast. Be Proud of Their Heroics.

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Current news…

  1. Ukraine marks a year at war today.
  2. Idaho murder house to be destroyed by University.
  3. Don Lemon drops even further in his ratings.
  4. Russia has changed its plan to take over Ukraine, with the goal now to exhaust the country rather than conquer new territory.
  5. Heartbroken dogs wait on track track after family left them behind.



  1. Don Lemon should pack it up and move on. He has terrorized his fellow hosts and ranted many times in anger.
  2. So glad they are destroying the house where the Idaho murders took place. Who would want to live there after that happened.
  3. Ukraine has stood fast, and I am so proud of their heroics, and determination.
  4. Russia is realizing that their attempt to defeat Ukraine will not work. Now they are trying to exhaust them rather than to try to conquer new areas. Good luck with that Putin. They are much to strong to give in to you.
  5. The last news article breaks my heart. I am an animal lover. How could anyone leave their pet behind.


Speaking about God…

  1. God so loved the world that He sent His only Son to earth to die for us.
  2. All things work to the good of those who believe.
  3. God can create miracles. Just ask.
  4. God is by your side 24/7.
  5. Heaven is worth striving for.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Our Country’s Going the Wrong Direction. Need a U-turn.

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Current news…

  1. President Biden gave a report on the shooting down of several UFO’s. I was more confused after he got done.
  2. Russia thinks they are winning the war, but far from it. They have lost over 140,000 soldiers, (So far)
  3. The Southern Border has become a disaster area. Thousand of illegal immigrants crossing the border every day. Four border guards have committed suicide.

Daily rants…

1.Why does it take so long to shoot down a Chinese balloon. The balloon went all the way across our country and close to many military bases. What is wrong with this picture?

2. President Biden is trying to tell us that inflation is slowing down. Check your grocery bill. Eggs are up 74%. Many other items are as well.

3. There is just way too much crime in our country. The DA’s are getting very leinute with the criminals. They get arrested and are out the same day.

Important thoughts…

  1. A loser sees a problem for every answer.
  2. A winner sees a green by every sand trap.
  3. A loser see two or three sand traps near every green.
  4. The winner always has a program.
  5. A loser always has an excuse.

Be a winner.

Speaking about God…

  1. God has no future. He is always there.
  2. God has no potential. He is almighty.
  3. God has no surprises. He knows everything.
  4. You are here , because God willed it.
  5. God alone is the creator.
  6. He alone is worthy of our praise. You are made in the image of God.


I hope this new format meets your approval. Let me know in the comment section below. Suggest other ideas you would like to see.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Outline of New Format for Daily Signs of Hope

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I told you on Friday that I was going to change the format This is the first post using the new format. It certainly not the final change. I will be doing changes during the next few posts, so hang on.

Here is what I envision for the future:

  1. Current news…right off of the headlines,
  2. Daily thoughts…this is where I can gripe and complain.
  3. Important thoughts…This will be thoughts I have written down that I think you will like.
  4. Speaking about God…this will be an ongoing thing.


This will be a short post today, because I am organizing what I want to post first for my next post on Wednesday.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Format Change Coming for This Signs of Hope Blog

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I have come to the decision that I am going to change the format of my blog. It may be slow and steady, or a may do a complete change with one post. Come back Monday and check what I am doing.

Today will be the last one of the format I have been using for 13 years.


I have some quick thoughts on God:

  1. God has no future. He’s already there.
  2. God has no potential. He’s almighty.
  3. God has no surprises. He knows everything.


Have you ever wondered if God loves you? It sometimes seems like He has a muffler on His ears.

The truth is that God has His timing, and we have ours. We want everything yesterday not next week. God knows no time. He is eternal. He will answer your prayers in His time.

It also may not be the answer that you want, because God knows what is best for you even though it may not fit what you was thinking. Realize that what He comes up with is the path you need take.


I want to apologize for not posting as often as I should on this blog. I have been diagnosed with arthritis in my hips, and it is very difficult to sit for very long while I am doing my posts.

I will do my very best to continue sending you Signs of Hope.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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It Matters What We Focus on in Our Daily Lives

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Yes, it does matter what we focus on in our lives. Too many of us are hostage to our cell phones. We spend hours looking at junk. We get addicted.


That may make us feel somewhat comfortable, but in the end it is destructive.

  1. We need to feel uncomfortable to really feel comfortable.
  2. Worshipping God makes us comfortable.
  3. Worship is a response.
  4. We need to focus on Jesus. He has all the comfort we need.
  5. Worship is the recognition of true value.


If you want to be uncomfortable, become a Christian. 🙂 Being a Christian is not for sissies. You will be persecuted. There will be hard days, with many storms.

That is why we need to dedicate our lives to God. He is a warrior to help us fight off negative things in our lives. He knows our storms, and he will calm them.


Be strong and fight all your storms with God at you side. He will win the battle for you.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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4 Ways to Face Days in a Not so Friendly World.

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There have been many things that are happening that are pulling us all down like a huge magnate. Inflation, war in Ukraine, high crime rates, our southern border, gas prices. All this seems to be on the shoulders of our current president.


In reality it is something that probably would have happened no matter who the president is. Of course some of the things can be avoided, and I wish the president could see that.


Still struggling with arthritis in my right hip. I am taking Tylenol Arthritis pills t but there is still some pain there. I will see a specialist, soon to see if there is something they can do that isn’t surgery. I am told that I am too old for any kind of surgery.


How is your day going. Do you often wish you could just stay in bed all day? I certainly have been there.

Life is not a beautiful rose garden. There are too many thorns that can hurt us.

Lost relationships, overpowering bills to pay, lost job, depression. What can we do to overcome all of this:

  1. One day at a time.
  2. Face the storms, and you will become stronger.
  3. Never, ever, give up!
  4. Pray to God for His help.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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