A place to find Hope

Category: COVID-19 (Page 2 of 3)

Storms Come Storms Go, But God is There for You

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We got hit by a surprise snow storm that lasted three days. We were in lockdown. 7 inches of snow isn’t much,but there are far too many people who don’t know how to drive in snow.

I got a lot done around the house, so I wasn’t too upset. What did happen however, was that I couldn’t go anywhere, because my wife needed to drive my four wheel drive vehicle.

I had too much free time, so a I read. Best thing that could have happen to me. I love to read, and it was very soothing.


Have you had sudden storms in your life? Car broke down. Your child is sick. The end of your money came before before the end of the month. The pandemic has hit your friends and family.


What we all need to do is pray. Pray for God’s intervention. He knows our needs and all we have to do is ask. Why should we have to ask? I see it as God is our heavenly Father and wouldn’t you ask you earthly father for help if you needed it?Of course we would.


There will be storms ahead, and we need to be strong and face them with God’s help. Never give in to the darkside. Be strong.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Do Not Have to Fear Anything, But God

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I am going to be on a rant today. There are so many things I do not like:

  1. I do no t like the pandemic.
  2. I d not like the bickering and shouting in congress.
  3. I do not like the so called authority figures trying to tell parents what to do with their children in school.
  4. I do not like how our government is running things.
  5. I do not like, not liking things!

I have to realize, and I have said this almost every post, GOD IS IN CHARGE!!

His answer to all of my do nots, is “I am taking care of it.”

So just how much power does God really have?…

The Stars haven’t always been there. God created them. The earth hasn’t always been there, God created it. The universe is vast, and unending. He created it.

Just think how much power it took to do all of that.

So, if you fear facing the day. If you would rather stay under the covers all day. If the fear is just too much for you. You do not have to fear anything, but God.

As long as we believe in God and Jesus, nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God. (Romans 8:38-39.)

Stand strong and never give into the dark side.



You are never alone.

You are never fosaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, everm give up!


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What is Wrong With the World We Live in?

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It is a nice sunny day today. It will be the last of some sun for a week or two. We had a great summer here, except it got over a hundred degress six times.


I often wonder how things got to the way it is in our world right now. Pandemic going crazy, politicians attacking each other verbally, and continuous rioting in the big cities.

What is wrong with this picture?

Lots of, not so much fun, things happening. I have decided to be thankful for everything, because it is part of God’s plan. It is hard to accept some things that are happening, but God is working on it.

What to do if you are battling the situation:

  1. Take big breaths when you are getting stressed.
  2. There will be storms come, but they will pass.
  3. Never give in to the darkside, who would love for you to that.
  4. Read the bible for God’s promises. The book is loaded with them.
  5. Go for long walks(if it is sunny,) and release all the negative thoughts in your head.
  6. Keep on keeping on.


I have my granddaughter visiting me today. She is only ten years old, but her wisdom is amazing. She teaches me many things about life. She doesn’t allow things to get to her. I need to be more like her.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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So Many Storms Come, Pray for God’s Help

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It is the last sunny day for a few days. Heavy rain is coming, and we are glad for it. Has been a very dry summer, and we have had 100’s of wildfires.

This shows that sometimes storms are wanted.


But! Do we like storms in our own lives? I think not! Storms could be lost jobs, lost loved ones, lost sanity, and much more.

The pandemic is causing most of the storms in our lives. So sad to lose a loved ones to this horrible virus. There is nothing anyone can say that makes up for that loss.

How do we fight back to survive?

  1. God is our fortress during our troubling times.
  2. He is always there for us during the bad times and the good times.
  3. We need to cling to His robe and pray for His protection from the storms.
  4. Never, ever, think you are alone in this world.
  5. Be strong and reach out to others who are suffering.


That last thought is something I really try to do. I find that when someone is hurting, my idea is to console them. It makes them feel better, and it does me as well.


So, if you are struggling with too many storms in your life, know that God loves you and He knows what is happening to you. Reach out to Him and He will give you peace.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Struggle to Have Hope During Our Storms

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I am having a problem writing this blog, because of my growing pessimistic view is getting larger.

I told my wife about my difficulties and she looked at me and said, “You have to have hope!”

That snapped me out of it, and I am ready to give out hope:

Helping those around you spreads hope.

Often things we worry about never happen.

Prayer helps you through any storms you may have.

Everyone needs to be loved.


I went grocery shopping today, and I was amazed of how many people refuse to wear masks. I saw a couple, and the wife had a mask on, but her husband did not.

He looked like he wanted someone to challenge him. I just felt he had that right, but he was endangering others around him and himself.

Over 90% of the new cases of COVID have not had the vaccine. That is staggering. People who refuse to get the vaccine are dying by the thousands.

The hope we need to find here is that people will see the huge amount of unvaccinated people dying and go ahead and get their shots.


Have you had some down time in your life lately? Do you fear getting out because of the virus?

Cling to the robe of God, and He will walk you through any storm you are having. He will be with you 24/7. He is the poster child for hope.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Awful Things Are Happening to the People of Afghanistan

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Sorry that I haven’t posted for a while. Busy time getting ready for our vacation, and when we got to the house we rented, there was no Wi Fi until yesterday.

I am enjoying the great weather in Central, Oregon called, Sun River. Lots to do and see. Haven’t had a moment to breathe until this morning. The rest went swimming. I am alone, and it is wonderful for now.


I a so saddened by the events in Kabul, Afghanistan. People dying, and women and children, captured with horrible futures for them.

I also saw this morning that the Taliban have captured 229 Christians, and they will all be put to death. There is nothing that can be done. They will die as martyrs.


I am very angry with the response from our President. He seems almost like he wants to ignore what is going on there. There doesn’t seem to be any plan to get Americans out. He is spending more time fighting with the Republicans over COVID-19.


I am sorry for starting out so negative, but I feel people need to know. I rely on God to help me through all of this. He has big shoulders for me to cry on.

How about you? Are you depressed with the happenings in Afghanistan? I totally agree.

The only power we have is to pray for God to intervein. Pray for His mercy for all the people of Afghanistan. God loves all people, including the Afghans.

To make yourself feel better, read the bible. Find verses that soothe your soul. Dig deeply in the love of Jesus



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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The Shortest Verse in the Bible, “Fear Not!” Spoken by Jesus

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I have had a busy day. Went to Physical Therapy this morning. I have been working on my two blogs this afternoon, and then I have a doctor’s appointment at 3:30pm. No rest for the wicked they say.

I have had the blessing to be somehow connected with a SFC soldier that is in Kabul, Afghanistan. She is in dire straits. They city is surrounded with Taliban. They figure the city will fall win the next 30 days.

Can’t find out why she is still there, but I am praying what they get her our soon. If the city falls, she will probably big harms way. The Taliban have no mercy. I will keep you posted how things are going for her.


With all the horrible things that are happening around us, it is difficult to face the day. The pandemic is much worse now that when it started. Many people dying. I am repeating this, but I think it needs to be shared again.

In two of the bigger cities in the United States, there are many deaths, and in one city, 95% of those who died were unvaccinated. In the other city it was 94%.
A clear picture that we should ALL get vaccinated. If not, you most likely could die.

My post so far hasn’t been too cheery, but I thought I needed to share some important things.


Have you found that your day isn’t very cheery either? Does the day seem long and the storms seem to be coming in your life?

FEAR NOT! That is the shortest verse in the Bible spoken by Jesus, and He means it.

He is there to see you though those storms that are coming. He will hold you hand, and protect you.

I pray to Him every day to help me to be more like Him. I tell Him, “You are the most loving, caring, and compassionate man I know. Please guide me, show me, and let me know how I can be more like you.”

I pray that each and every night. Please know that he listens to your cries for help.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We All Face Storms in Our Lives, Some More Than Others

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I went to physical therapy today. I was hurting because of a back injury I had the week before in therapy. Katie, my therapist, felt very badly that I had hurt my back, and altered her training to help with my back. She is really good and I think, with her help, I will be Ok.


We are now told, here in Oregon, that we do not have to wear masks if we have had both of our shots. What a relief that is. What bothers me is the thousands of people that refuse to get their shots. They must feel they will live forever.

I had two close friends and one family member come down with COVID-19, so I know it is real.


I was thinking the other day of so many things that seems to be going wrong with my body. POOR ME!!

I have had so many surgeries, I have to be careful drinking water because it may flow all over the carpet from all the incisions. 🙂

The people at the hospital know me by my first name!! 🙂

What I do to keep my sanity is realize that there are people who are worse off than I am. I hurt for all the people who are confined to a wheelchair. I feel compassion for those who have Alzheimer’s. Those who are blind, I reach out to in love

There are many more that are suffering more than me. I am very blessed by God to be where I am right now.


How about you? Does it seem like you have been picked to be the one to suffer more than others? Does it seem unfair to be sick and weak so much?

You certainly are not alone. Not only have I been there, but millions of other people have as well.


During this time of heavy storms, thank God for that. Those who suffer are blessed by God more than any other person on earth. He knows your pain. He knows what you are going through. Lean on Him and He will carry you through all your storms.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Getting Relaxed With our Masks. Big Increase in Illnesses

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Thoughts of the day

I have felt that I had a wall around me and no one cared.

Isn’t it funny how we look for the silver lining and find rust? We are looking in the wrong place. We need to check our hearts.

When you are talking and walking, do it with wisdom and grace.

Why god? Why jesus? Why not?

Treat a person as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat a person as if he will become what he could and should be.

We need a tent mentality, not a castle mentality.

The darkness will not prevail.

The battle belongs to you Lord. I am not strong enough.

When you fight your battle, it may look like you are surrounded, but you are surrounded by God.

Don’t be the cause of your trials..


Have you ever gone to a restaurant and ordered something only to see it was too small? You still left hungry.

With God you have a full portion of His love everyday. You will never hunger for more.


We are still battling a pandemic, and people are getting too loose with their masks. They think the terrible times are over. Of course there is a tremendous up swing of new cases because of it.

We have to be patient and wear our masks. It will save so many lives.


How are you doing? Are you OK with the way our world is going right now? Maybe you don’t like what is happening. Maybe you wish things could be better. Well, you certainly ar enot alone. All of us would like that.

What we all need to do is to have God form a fortress for us to keep us safe. He is always there. He will give you comfort and peace.



You are not alone.

You are not forsaken.

You are not unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Never Take on, This Not so Friendly World, Alone

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I have two blogs to write on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Today I got through with my first bog, and decided to go outside to see how my wife was doing on her yard work. MISTAKE!

That was an hour and a half ago, and I just got back.

Love that Lady!


President Biden said this morning that there have been over 200 million first time virus shots given. That is good news. It is rolling in the right direction.


This day has been interesting. The weather is beautiful and the temperature is supposed to get up to 75. However, by Friday there is a whole week of rain and lower temperatures coming.


Is your world like that? Do you have good days and then bad days? You certainly are not alone.

There is so much to face. Lost job. You got the COVID-19 virus. Lost relationship. Lost loved one.

That is called storms in our lives. Heavy and violent storms. It is hard, at best, to face them, but if we rely on God, we will be able to see the end of the storms.

He is always there by your side. He doesn’t stop the storms, but he guides you through them.

Never take on the dark side alone. It is just too overwhelming. Pray for God’s help, and ask Him to be your fortress.

Be strong and know that God will never forsake you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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