A place to find Hope

Category: evil

How Do We Battle the Forces of Evil in Our World?

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How do we battle the forces of evil in our world? What can we do to fight back?


Things I have learned the way to battle in this not so friendly world:

  1. We have to have the right relationship with God.
  2. We have to have the right thinking.
  3. We have to have the right moral behavior for God’s glory.
  4. We need the kind of belief that leads to the right behavior.
  5. We need to keep ourselves in the love of God.
  6. We need to remain under the influence of God’s love through obedience.
  7. We need to remain steadfast through all of this.


That is my list. What would your list be like? Do you want to have God on your side helping you, or do you think like many people do? They think they can face the world alone.

That would be very difficult if not impossible. In my opinion life without God is a dead end.

Think about what you are doing. Is it the right thing? Do you wish you didn’t have so many storms in your life? God is the answer. He will be with you during the storms. He will guide you in your life, and make it better.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Temptation isn’t a Sin, It’s an Opportunity to do Right

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I was reading in the Bible about the temptatons that Jesus faced with Satan. It was for forty days and nights. I can’t imagine that!

Jesus was hit by the Trifect: alone, tired and hungry.

Satan is the most prolific liar ever. Replace his lies with the truth of God’s Word.

Jesus has taken care of all of our sins in one moment. The moment He died on the cross.

Jesus succeeds where we fail, but on our own we will fail where Jesus has already succeeded.

As we wait for the return of Jesus, Satan can have minor victories in our lives, but he will not have the ultimante victory.

Remember: Our soul needs fuel. You can either learn from the Word, or from the world.


Never let Satan put you up on his wall like a trophy. Fight the darkside with all your heart and pray for God’s help to do it.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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People Are Broken, Distraced, and Weary From Life

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Satan is getting desparate, because he knows his time is short, and he wants to sabotage your efforts to serve the Lord.

The truth is, the closer we become with Jesus, the more intense our spiritual battles will be. We must be aware of Satan’s schemes.

It is God’s will that everyone will come closer to Jesus than to Satan. But Satan will do everything he can to distract you from following Him.

We need to let God establish our priorites.

Love God-Serve God

If we truly love God we will serve wherever we need to, for example:

  1. Your spouse…God has directed us to love and serve our spouses.
  2. Single? Serve your family and friends. Don’t let anybody distract you.

Knowing the truth doesn’t strengthen you, doing the truth does.

Whoever does the will of God will abide forever.

Don’t do what ever your are doing for yourself. Do it for others.

Back to Satan.. he wants you to feel awful about yourself. He wants to deceive us so we will disobey God. If he succeeds you are on his trophy wall.

To fight all of this we need God’s armor.

When we are attacked by Satan we need let the love of Jesus control us.

We don’t give into fear. We don’t look for the paths of least risistance. We follow Jesus weherever He leads us.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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I Need to Check Out of This Evil Hotel Called Earth

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What a fun time we are having right now. The Pandemic is not letting up. The rioting is still going on. The wild fires are wilder than ever.

It is almost like we are on spin cycle in our own washing machines!! It is crazy, and we are holding on for dear life.

That reminds me of a story about my mother.

When she was a teenager she was out riding her horse. The horse stepped in a yellow jackets nest and the horse got stung several times. The horse started running and was out of control. My mother just held on for dear lfe. The horse was running back to the farm. When they got there he calmed down.

Is your life on spin cycle? Are you out of control like my mother’s horse was?

This is the time we have to listen to God. He says, “Be still and know I am God.”

A good example of relying on God happened in the wild fires near me in Oregon.

A man was trapped, and the fires were burning all around him. He got a plastic chair and sat it in a river he was near and waited it out. He was saved by praying and God gave Him the answer.

I am sure that many of you are screaming, “Stop and let me out of this house. “(earth)

It can be very frustrating.


With all of this going on we may be thinking, “Why am I here?”

Let me make this clear to you. God created you in His own image. Why would He do that? It is becasue He loves you and considers you His child. He has plans for you. He may have not showed you His plan yet, but be patient. God is on His own timing not yours.


Here is a little side note that I thought of yesterday while I was watching the online broadcast of my church.

I would love to have been at the tomb when Jesus came out! Wouldn’t that Have been a glorious moment?



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!

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