A place to find Hope

Category: facing storms of life, (Page 4 of 4)

Are Fathers Really Needed to be in Children’s Lives

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With Father’s Day just around the corner, I got to thinking how important a fathers are.

The questions are coming up more often about the need of fathers in a home. The leading newspapers in the world are questioning that. The New York Times, and many others challenge the need for fathers in the home.

I didn’t have a father in my life. He was in my home town and never saw me much.

What did I miss?

A boy needs his father to be an example for him. A boy needs a dad to tell him, “Way to go champ.” A boy needs his father to have someone to talk about boy things.

The majority of the hardened criminals in the penitentiaries didn’t have a father.


How about a little girl?

They need to know how to choose a man. Girls without a father in the home tend to more sexually active in an earlier age.

In both girls and boys need a sense of security and love.


So how do we help these children?

There are uncles, grandfathers, even friends, who need to step up to the plate and help these children.

In my teaching career the amount of broken homes kept growing every year, until over half of my students only had one parent.

So in reality, I became father to them. They would cling, and want to be near me during class time. I had to discourage this as much as I could, but I did a lot of hugging.


How is your home going?

Are you divorced? Are you the only parent in your home?

I really understand. I was divorced once myself. However, I did everything in my power to love my children, and spend as much time with them as I could.

I have remarried and my children love her very much. They call her their second mom.


Don’t let the past decide your future. Yes, you have so much work ahead of you, but you can do it!!

How? God is there to be your guiding light. Also, use Jesus as an example of how you should act and respond.

It won’t be easy, but who is more important in your life than your own children?



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Exercise Can Change Life in a Very Positive Way

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I am going to rant a little today. I have seen some shocking things happening from our National Leadership.

I read an article that stated that a marine was going to handed over to a foreign country so they can try him for attempting to help a citizen defect to the U. S.

This is a death sentence!

I think this Marine should be considered a hero not a criminal. Our president, once again, is turning his back n the military. Write your congressman to stop this death sentence.


Sorry for the rant, but I am a veteran, and this Marine is my brother in arms.


I have been going to physical therapy for a while now to help me with my balance. The young lady that is helping me is doing wonders for me. I am already feeling better, and gaing my balance back.

This is happening to prepare me for a trip to Hawaii the end of August and the first week of September. So excited to be going there. I love Hawaii.


Have you had times that you wish you could be doing better with your health?Have you lost a few steps here and there?

You certainly are not alone. Many people seem to slow down as they get older.

So what can we do the fight back.

  1. Exercise…I diffidently diced that when I started therapy. The change is awesome for me.. Much stronger and more agile.
  2. Park far away from wherever you stop to shop or visit. You will be surprised how just that one little adjustment will give you more strength.
  3. Don’t take the elevator. Walk those stairs.
  4. Ride bikes, or go on walks. Lots to see as you are doing this.


Trust me I am not your health expert. Just some thoughts on getting back the body you want.


How are you days going? Are they long and tedious? Do you struggle to make it through them?

Time to lean on God. He has big shoulders, and loves you.

Allow God to do a change in your life for the better. He can do that in a moment.

Drop those burdens for relief from God.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Clean Up Your Sinful Cobwebs and Make Them Spiritual

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Every year I go outside and clean the cobwebs from my eaves, and porch. This year I looked at them later and the cobwebs were all back. I didn’t kill the source which was the spiders.

I related that to our own lives.

We allow cobwebs to form in our lives. They overcome us and we are lost. We try to clear them up only to see them came back. We didn’t kill the source. The source is sin.

Sin can control us to the point that we want to give up. We are trapped in the web struggling and can’t break free.

How do we get out of there?

  1. We identify the lies/sins we have been living with.
  2. Confess the lies to God.
  3. We reject the lies.
  4. We replace the lies with God’s truth.

Think about that the next time you are cleaning cobwebs out of your eaves.


I have been wondering what will happen in the near future to our world. there are wars going on. There is rioting everywhere. The murder rates are sky high in the big city. Portland, Oregon was up a staggering 200%.

This is, of course, is caused by the defunding the police actions. There are policemen and women who are quitting the force because of zero support from the mayors of these cities. BTW.. All of these big cities have democratic mayors.


We need to become battle warriors for God. Not physical battles, but spiritual battles. We need to pray for our country. We need to come together in our churches, and pray as a group. Powerful prayers can move mountains.

Seems so simple, but it is powerful.


How is your world spinning? Going too fast?

Always remember that God is with you on your every step. He will protect you from the evil around you. He loves you. He created you in His own image. You are His son/daughter.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Don’t need to Worry Because God is There For Us.

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Went to see my hearing aid doctor this morning. I asked her to help me write a letter to the VA about my hearing loss. She said I have to go through proper channels and then she will help.

I already went through several channels. What I need is another letter in support that I lost some of my hearing while deployed to Korea.

I will NOT give up! You shouldn’t either if you are a veteran struggling with the VA to get compensation.


It has been hard to get back to normal; whatever that is. I think we are setting up a new normal. I don’t expect anyone will ever want to shake hands again.

What a world changing event we are taking part in right now. People dying all around the world. India being the worst spot.

Have you been struggling with the new normal? Do you face big obstacles every day because of the limited things you can do?

I certainly hear you. Days seem long and slow. Nowhere to go. Nothing to do, and frustration facing us wherever we do go.


David had nowhere to go. He was isolated. He had to live in caves to stay alive. He was facing much of what we are facing today. Stay away from danger and hide.

David persevered however, and eventually became the king of Israel. He overcome all the danger and near death experiences, and prevailed.


You and I can do that too. We can persevere and overcome all the darkness we are facing right now.

How did David make it? He relied on God to protect Him and give him comfort.

Too simplistic? Not all all. God is always there. He will protect us , and comfort us just like He did David.

He loved David and called him, a man after His own heart.

He will do that for you too. Pray for His comfort and protection right now. He listens and answers prayer.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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We All Face Storms in Our Lives, Some More Than Others

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I went to physical therapy today. I was hurting because of a back injury I had the week before in therapy. Katie, my therapist, felt very badly that I had hurt my back, and altered her training to help with my back. She is really good and I think, with her help, I will be Ok.


We are now told, here in Oregon, that we do not have to wear masks if we have had both of our shots. What a relief that is. What bothers me is the thousands of people that refuse to get their shots. They must feel they will live forever.

I had two close friends and one family member come down with COVID-19, so I know it is real.


I was thinking the other day of so many things that seems to be going wrong with my body. POOR ME!!

I have had so many surgeries, I have to be careful drinking water because it may flow all over the carpet from all the incisions. 🙂

The people at the hospital know me by my first name!! 🙂

What I do to keep my sanity is realize that there are people who are worse off than I am. I hurt for all the people who are confined to a wheelchair. I feel compassion for those who have Alzheimer’s. Those who are blind, I reach out to in love

There are many more that are suffering more than me. I am very blessed by God to be where I am right now.


How about you? Does it seem like you have been picked to be the one to suffer more than others? Does it seem unfair to be sick and weak so much?

You certainly are not alone. Not only have I been there, but millions of other people have as well.


During this time of heavy storms, thank God for that. Those who suffer are blessed by God more than any other person on earth. He knows your pain. He knows what you are going through. Lean on Him and He will carry you through all your storms.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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