A place to find Hope

Category: far left democrats

Our Country is Divided, Need to Find Ways to Unite

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Things are getting dicey in our country. There is an even divide in our country of far left liberals, and far right conservatives. This is causing strive to our country. Some say there may even be a civil war.

It is sad to see so many people angry and steadfast in their political beliefs. We must understand that we are ONE country and should do everything to unify.

Suggestions??? Comments below.


I have been having health issues lately. I mean I have been seeing doctors almost every day. Not fun, but I am strong in believing God will take care of me. He knows my aliments, He knows my needs. He loves me, and will be there for me.


How about you? Are you battling ailments daily? Do you wonder if God cares? Of course He does. he made you in His own image. The cows aren’t in His image. The birds are not in his image. Only you are.

Be faithful and He will protect you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up.


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Woke Cancel Culture, and Critical Race Theory Are Spreading Fast

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Had a progress test today at physical therapy. I improved in all areas except one and that was almost the same. That’s the good news. The bad news is I am not sure how much longer I can use the PT. You have to be referred, and I haven’t been referred in a while.


I’m making a huge prediction here right now. This is way off the subject, but I am picking Oregon State University football to win tomorrow against Stanford. If they lose you can pick on me.


I looked up several phrases that I didn’t understand. Now you will know as well.

  1. Woke cancel culture—Kicked out of Social Media.
  2. Critical race therory—against black people.

Neither one of those are on my bucket list to do. Very discriminating.

Why are these phrases even around? They are used so much, the Webster’s dictionary added them as new words.

Well, I did research on this as well.:

The origin of both of those phrases come from the far left. That explains a lot to me. I certainly am not far left, but I can see why they make up these fake phrases to try to plow down our rights.


How are you feeling about your rights today? Do you think they are slipping away?

To me, there is only one way to stay sane in this invironment. Only go by what it tells you in the Bible. There is nothing but truth in it. It speaks to all the left’s retoric.

Do not be overcome with their fake news, and scare tactics. Only go with what God is telling you and you will stand strong.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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God’s Taking Charge of Our Country in a Positive Way

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Things are heating up in our world. The pandemic is still raising its ugly head. The school boards are trying to control the parents. Congress men and women are fighting tooth and nails. Shocking revelation in Virginia this week.


We have to be very careful who we elect for school boards across this country. They are all slowly going far left. They want to control the teachers and the parents.

A father came to protest his daughter being raped in the women’s bathroom, by a transdresser. They transfered the perp to another school and he did it there too. The school board ignored the father’s plea for justice to be and they even arrested the poor man for disrupting their meeting.


Got to change! In the future we should all go to the panel discussions are held for candidates running for a school board. We need to ask very directed questions to them them to make sure we are getting who is best for our children.


Even the government seems to be lying, and sending out false reports. The Pentagon announced today that they were wrong about the estimate of how many Amercians were stranted in Afghanistan. They had been sending out reports forever that there were only 400-500 people still there. Today they admitted there were over 140,000!


Who can we trust? Who can we turn to for the truth. Of course, it is God. He is the truth, and the truth will set you free.


God is working! In Virginia the voters shocked the whole world by voting in three republicans to the statwide posts. The Governor, Attorney General, and the LT Governor. They also flipped their house of Represenatives to republican. This state was won by Biden by 15% points in the presidential election.


I think God is turning the corner on all of this nonsense. By the mid term elections next year there will a huge reversal in the national, House and Senate.

My famous thought, GOD IS IN CHARGE is overflowing now. He will do what he feels is best for our country.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all..never, ever, give up!


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The Far Left Democrats Are Attacking the Churches of America

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The faster I go the further behind I get.

Sound familiar? Have you tried hard to keep up with the rat race, and you seem to be falling behind?

You certainly are not alone.

Millions of people try to keep up.

The rat races should only be for rats. You and I do not need to try to be on top, and running ahead. It is too stressful and often we fail.

Here is my two cents worth…

  1. You never may reach the top of the mountain. However, there are wonderful places to stop along the way.
  2. So you win the race race. Then what??
  3. You can highly successful and still not be in the rat race.
  4. Rats never know where they are going. They just walk in circles, and get in trouble a lot.

Don’t be part of the rat race.


I saw that the churches are being attacked by the far left. They are trying to restrict many of the programs churches have.

Do not let them do this. Write your congressman and woman. Tell them to not restrict your freedoms in this way.


Everyday I pray for our country, our governments, both national and local. I pray that when they make decisions that it helps the people and not necessarily themselves.

I voted for a different person for president, but I still pray for our current president every day as well.


How are you doing? Need some prayer as well? I understand. I pray every day for you. Never let bad things overcome you. Be strong and let God guide you.



You never are alone.

You never are forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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