A place to find Hope

Category: fight back (Page 1 of 2)

Our Country’s Going the Wrong Direction. Need a U-turn.

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Current news…

  1. President Biden gave a report on the shooting down of several UFO’s. I was more confused after he got done.
  2. Russia thinks they are winning the war, but far from it. They have lost over 140,000 soldiers, (So far)
  3. The Southern Border has become a disaster area. Thousand of illegal immigrants crossing the border every day. Four border guards have committed suicide.

Daily rants…

1.Why does it take so long to shoot down a Chinese balloon. The balloon went all the way across our country and close to many military bases. What is wrong with this picture?

2. President Biden is trying to tell us that inflation is slowing down. Check your grocery bill. Eggs are up 74%. Many other items are as well.

3. There is just way too much crime in our country. The DA’s are getting very leinute with the criminals. They get arrested and are out the same day.

Important thoughts…

  1. A loser sees a problem for every answer.
  2. A winner sees a green by every sand trap.
  3. A loser see two or three sand traps near every green.
  4. The winner always has a program.
  5. A loser always has an excuse.

Be a winner.

Speaking about God…

  1. God has no future. He is always there.
  2. God has no potential. He is almighty.
  3. God has no surprises. He knows everything.
  4. You are here , because God willed it.
  5. God alone is the creator.
  6. He alone is worthy of our praise. You are made in the image of God.


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You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Wars and Rumors of Wars Can Cause Anxiety to Skyrocket.

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My take on the Ukraine war.

Russia has lost over 9,000 soldiers in this war. Russian Convoys are stranded because they are out of gas. Tanks are stuck in the mud. Warriors from many other nations are volunteering to help fight with the Ukrainians. Many Russian soldiers are giving up, because they are hungry, and didn’t want to fight in this war.

One Ukrainian pilot personally shot down 6 Russian airplanes.


Please understand that because of the mass numbers of Russian military, (138,000) it looks hopeless for the Ukrainian people.

They need our prayers.


I am not feeling all that well today. My back has erupted, and I seem exhausted even after I thought I had a good nights sleep.

Have you had one of those kind of days yourself? Has the turmoil of our world caused your anxiety to skyrocket? I certainly hear you.

I try to remain positive around people. People I talk to need to hear positive things. Smile at them. It is contagious, and you will probably make their day.

God hears our prayers, so pray without ceasing. Pray for protection. Pray for peace. Pray our government will make good choices. They are many other things to pray for, so make up your own list.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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How Do We Battle the Forces of Evil in Our World?

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How do we battle the forces of evil in our world? What can we do to fight back?


Things I have learned the way to battle in this not so friendly world:

  1. We have to have the right relationship with God.
  2. We have to have the right thinking.
  3. We have to have the right moral behavior for God’s glory.
  4. We need the kind of belief that leads to the right behavior.
  5. We need to keep ourselves in the love of God.
  6. We need to remain under the influence of God’s love through obedience.
  7. We need to remain steadfast through all of this.


That is my list. What would your list be like? Do you want to have God on your side helping you, or do you think like many people do? They think they can face the world alone.

That would be very difficult if not impossible. In my opinion life without God is a dead end.

Think about what you are doing. Is it the right thing? Do you wish you didn’t have so many storms in your life? God is the answer. He will be with you during the storms. He will guide you in your life, and make it better.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Sometimes When We Try to Defend Ourselves We Get in Trouble

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I have found that I often get into more trouble when I fight back. Sometimes we are so quick to defend ourselves we don’t stop to consider how those who are attacking us are seeing things.

If what they say true, then we have to have a listening spirit not an angry spirit.


In the Bible they tried to attack Jesus. They tried to make him angry. It didn’t work. He loved everyone, and treated them with respect. He went all they way to the cross loving people and died for us.


Take inventory of the past where you were attacked. Was it justified? Did you react with anger yourself?

We need to stop and “Count to ten,” when we are being attacked and let it settle in first. Then, with a clear head we can react in the proper manner. I never meant to say you should NEVER fight back. If you are right and it is the right idea, make your stand, because you are on the right side.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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Temptation isn’t a Sin, It’s an Opportunity to do Right

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I was reading in the Bible about the temptatons that Jesus faced with Satan. It was for forty days and nights. I can’t imagine that!

Jesus was hit by the Trifect: alone, tired and hungry.

Satan is the most prolific liar ever. Replace his lies with the truth of God’s Word.

Jesus has taken care of all of our sins in one moment. The moment He died on the cross.

Jesus succeeds where we fail, but on our own we will fail where Jesus has already succeeded.

As we wait for the return of Jesus, Satan can have minor victories in our lives, but he will not have the ultimante victory.

Remember: Our soul needs fuel. You can either learn from the Word, or from the world.


Never let Satan put you up on his wall like a trophy. Fight the darkside with all your heart and pray for God’s help to do it.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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People Are Broken, Distraced, and Weary From Life

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Satan is getting desparate, because he knows his time is short, and he wants to sabotage your efforts to serve the Lord.

The truth is, the closer we become with Jesus, the more intense our spiritual battles will be. We must be aware of Satan’s schemes.

It is God’s will that everyone will come closer to Jesus than to Satan. But Satan will do everything he can to distract you from following Him.

We need to let God establish our priorites.

Love God-Serve God

If we truly love God we will serve wherever we need to, for example:

  1. Your spouse…God has directed us to love and serve our spouses.
  2. Single? Serve your family and friends. Don’t let anybody distract you.

Knowing the truth doesn’t strengthen you, doing the truth does.

Whoever does the will of God will abide forever.

Don’t do what ever your are doing for yourself. Do it for others.

Back to Satan.. he wants you to feel awful about yourself. He wants to deceive us so we will disobey God. If he succeeds you are on his trophy wall.

To fight all of this we need God’s armor.

When we are attacked by Satan we need let the love of Jesus control us.

We don’t give into fear. We don’t look for the paths of least risistance. We follow Jesus weherever He leads us.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Challenging Times and Fear Often Equal Dispair

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We are very challenged in our world today. There is fear and discourgement all around us, but we do not need to feel defeated.

The first things to understand is that following Jesus attracts oposition.

People have equated blessings almost exclusively in terms of material and comfort.

There is a spiritual battle taking place and it is intense. It is going to be more intense.

The battle begins with the self serving politicians. They are doing destructive things that you have to face.

They wreak havoc within the ranks such as the pandemic, and making the church suffer.

This is all happening becasue of fear.

How do we fight back?

It starts at home. Love those closest to you. Bring your children up with love. You are not only parents of your children, you are also their spiritual guardians.

Is this easy? No! It is a battle.

If they struggle. Pray, pray, and keep praying!

In our day and age there are three things we need to have in our live:



Be prepared


Why Pray?

  1. Prayer keeps our focus on God, and not our enemies.
  2. Prayer spurs us into action in the face of oposition.
  3. Never think of prayer as always get relief. It may get worse after you pray. God is in charge though.
  4. Pray without ceasing. God loves to converse with you.

BTW… You are not alone. God will fight for you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Time for Prayer Warriors to Pray Without Ceasing

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It is time for prayer warriors to step up to the plate and hit a home run.

We can’t let the world control us. That is exactly what has been happening in the last few months. The government is dictating to us as to what we should do. That is called Socialism.

It has me boiling. I am not one to complain too much, but my rights are disappearing.

We need to stand and be recognized. Many feel the same way, but they just go with the flow hoping things will somehow get better.

We need to be strong and pray to God for help. He knows what is going on, and He wants His children to cry out to Him. He does answer prayer so we need to send our petitions to him and seek help.


How are you dealing with the situation in our world? Does everything seem fine to you, or can you see the darkness coming. Come towards the light of Jesus, and leave the darkness.

As a group if we all send fervent prayers, God will listen and answer our prayers.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Top Five Ways to Survive in a Not so Friendly World

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I had my usual Physical therapy today. Went pretty smoothly. Getting stronger each visit.


The governor of my state of Oregon announced today that we are going back to mandating masks for indoor events. The new Delta virus is causing havoc everywhere. We are back to where we were over a year ago.

Here are some scary statistics. Two of the biggest cities in our nation have had a tremendous increase of deaths from the virus. In one of the cities 95% of the deaths were not vaccinated. In the other city it was 94%. Pretty clear facts that shows everyone needs to get their shots now.


I don’t know about you, but I am struggling with all the turmoil that is going on all around us. Fake news, rioting, racism, lying by politicians, bad decisions by congress, and a president that doesn’t even know how many people live in our country.

I sat down and tried to figure out how I could face all of this mess. Here is what I came up with:

  1. Time to wear blinders like horses do. Only look straight ahead to the future.
  2. Only believe facts. not fairy tales.
  3. Do not blame people around you for problems, look in the mirror.
  4. Reach out to help those who are confused and depressed.
  5. Rely on your family and friends to see you through the storms.


If you are overcome with all the turmoil. Make you own list of survival ideas. Live by them every day.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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You don’t Need to Lose the Battle With Satan

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I have been having many questions growing in my brain lately. I tried to find some answers.

Satan is working full time trying to convince you that God isn’t important. He would love it if you believed his lies.

I looked in the Bible for answers to him:

  1. The Lord is my safety, security, and protection.
  2. He will hear your voice, and your prayers will reach his ears.
  3. God is for me not against me, like Satan is.
  4. God shows up when you need him.
  5. He is my stronghold in time of trouble.
  6. He rescued me. He is rescuing me. He will rescue me.
  7. God’s way is perfect.


With all that on my side of the line who can be against me. NO ONE!!


Have you been having a battle with Satan? Do you feel you are losing the fight against him?

Never let the darkside overcome you! Fight back with God by your side.

Be strong! Be faithful. Persevere.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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