A place to find Hope

Category: God is near (Page 19 of 20)

Vaccines Are Being Given. Be Patient and Your Time Will Come

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Had a very interesting day and I was blessed much beyond what I deserve.

They are now doing vaccine shots for the COVID-19 virus. They had a list of who gets the shot and when. I was a ways down the list. My wife and I decided we would attempt to get one anyway. They have a huge vaccination center at our State Fairgrounds.

We went a different route to get there faster. That was a very wise choice. (God directed us) The lines of cars to get into the grounds was at least a mile long coming towards us, but our line was very short.

The light changed to green, but the the traffic from the other way attempted to keep turning in. My wife became a race track driver at that time and forced her way ahead of a car that had no business trying to cut us off. Of course that person gave a friendly salute with her hand. 🙂

The line from there was tremendous. About another mile long, but we were moving forward pretty fast.

W got to the correct parking lot, and saw people scurrying towards the building where the shots were being given out.

I knew a wouldn’t be able to move fast, so I used my walker to guide me. That turned out to be a blessing from God.

We got to the end of the line, and I sat down on my walker exhausted. We were very slowly moving up when a Private First Class National Guards man came up and told us to follow him. We went through a side door. He talked to the directing nurse and she waved us through.

The PFC took us to a side room that was set up for handicapped people. Only those who were struggling could go in that area.

We were in there 20 minutes, and was done. We had to wait one half hour in an area to make sure we didn’t have any reactions.

We got there at 8:00am and was done at 9:04am. We saw the same people who was in line when we came up to the building still waiting to get in.


So what does this mean:

If I hadn’t decided to use the walker I have still been there waiting my turn. I think God pocked me and said take the walker.

I decided? God, decided that I needed to wear a hat in case it was chilly. The hat I wore was a military hat for the Army.

The PFC was able to see the hat through all the people and came out to help me.

+ A side note is that the vaccine center closed two hours after we were done, because they switched to only giving care givers the shots. Another blessing from God.


God was completely in charge yesterday and I thank Him for His guidance and love.


We have no side effects from the shot. Another blessing from God.

How are you doing? Have the burdens of this world been weighting you down like a huge magnate? You certainly are not alone. There is wide spread chaos throughout the world. (The end times?)

Be strong. Face the storm, and cling to God’s promises. He loves you. He made you in His image, and God never makes mistakes. He has a plan for you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Does God Really Keep All of His Promises to us?

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I am reading about all the suspended accounts on Twitter and Facebook. It is really sounding like “Big brother,” is saying only write what I like.

The people are furious and moving on to other social networks. I do not blame them for one second. This is sounding more like a few controlling many.

I am on Facebook and Twitter. I haven’t said anything “awful” enough to be banned yet. I try to be positive as much as I can, but there are times when a person posts something that I can’t let slide.


Have you had broken promises invade your heart? Those you expected to happen and then they didn’t? We have all had that embrace us and knock us down.

I got to thinking about that. I has someone ask me, “Does God really keep His promises. So I did some digging in the Bible and one glaring example happened to be Abraham.

First let me give some back history on Abraham. He wasn’t a follower of God. As a matter of fact his whole family worshipped other gods. He was a pagan. We see this happen through out the Bible where God selects someone who wasn’t always a wonderful person:




OK…I digress.


Abraham wasn’t a bright star on God’s list at the time, but God chose Him to populate the world.

Then you see that God made Abraham wait, and wait, and wait, Before he could have his first son born from his wife. She was 90 when Isaac was born!!!

Abraham kept challenging God to follow through with his promises. God kept telling him it isn’t time yet.

Even after Isaac was born God tested Abraham by telling him to sacrifice Isaac. God of course stopped Abraham by provided a lamb for the sacrifice.

God kept telling Abraham he would keep His promises. He was just doing His promises on His time and not Abraham’s time.


Do you wonder if God will keep His promises to you? Of course He will. It is just like Abraham. It will be on God’s timing not yours.

I trust God to guide me through this not so friendly world. He knows what is best for me. He cares for me and will do what I need. We just have to be patient.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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We Must Remain Strong in This Not so Friendly World

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What happened on Wednesday was horrific. I was ashamed I was an American when I sat and watched rioters break into our National Capital, and even to the house and senate floor.

I 100% condemn their efforts. Nothing was accomplished, and other countries were appalled at what was going on.

This type of terror has to stop and stop now.


It is hard for me to do the things I need to do to stay strong and healthy. I try to work out twice a week, but it is getting more difficult.

I did a doctor’s appointment, I also did some shopping today, and that got my step count up. Mostly though I am grounded, because of health issues.

I will have to come with some “In house,” exercises. Will share what I came up with in a future post.


I was able to watch my home church online last Sunday. I wrote down three notes that mean a lot to me.

Our relationship with God can thrive regardless of what is going on around us.

We should listen, trust and obey, as far as our walk with God.

The Pastor asked this question: Do you stand out as a righteous person?


Each of those statements hit me between the eyes. Not in pain, but reality. The first statement was so very reassuring. We all need to remember that God is with us through the good and bad of our lives.

The second statement woke me up big time. We should always listen, trust and obey God, because He knows what is best for us.

The last statement, I am still working on each day. We should all strive to be righteous people.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Being a Senior Citizen Has Good Points and Bad Points

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It has been a rocky start to 2021 for me. I was helping my wife put some boxes up on a shelve in our storage closet. I slipped off of the ladder and feel onto the vacuum cleaner.

I thought I only had a smashed finger that will cause the nail to fall off eventually. However, I woke up the next morning with pain on my upper leg, and on the left side of my upper back. I took clothes off to checked.

I was shocked to see a huge eight inch by two inch bruise running done my leg, and then found a deep bruise on the left side of my upper back.

The pain followed closely behind. I had a very bad day. Not enough to go to the ER, and taking Tylenol seemed to keep me feeling OK.

I decided I am grounded from any type of ladder, and my wife agreed. I apparently hit her with my feet and gave her a big bruise on her arm, plus something big landed on her foot causing much pain. We both grounded ourselves. My son lives close and he can do those kind of chores for us.

It is a huge sign of old age. I can’t do many things I could ten years ago. It hurts me to tell my wife I can’t do something.


Have you been there? Is the daily chores seem to be getting harder to do? I use to think being called a senior citizen was a good thing. Not so sure now.

I have, since my fall, come up with some thoughts on how to slow down gracefully:

Only plan things that will not need physical help.

Try to help yourself, by exercising even if it only walking. I try to do that now at least twice a week.

Do not be ashamed to ask for help. I called my son and he said he will be there when ever I need him. He is such a caring person.

Do not climb ANYWHERE. Ladders can ruin your life.


I just started working on my third book called, Signs of Hope for Seniors: The Alligators that Chase us.

It will cover getting older with grace and dignity. The Alligators are:





Losing a loved one

And a few more I haven’t come up with yet.

I will let you know the progress I make with this.


My second book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life, is ready to be published. I am close to choosing the right publisher.

I have worked on this book for over three years. There was much research, and many calls for interviews of soldiers.

I have found that many veterans are excited about this book and I need to get it going so they can have it.


How are you doing? We have a new beginning, and new hope in 2021. Forget the past and move on to new challenges.

God has planned a new path for you in 2021. Be open to His calling.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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It’s Time to Set Goals for 2021 Choose Wisely

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It is now 2021. 2020 is gone. It is in the past. Let’s move on. Enjoy the new beginning. Enjoy the new hope.


Today is a big day for football fans. You could watch bowl games all day. I have picked my favorite to win it all. Clemson has a tremendous quarterback, and they look pretty good.


What is your goals for the new year? I suggest you do not do resolutions. They are too easy to break. You goals should be realistic and reachable.


Here is my goals for 2021:

Finish my new book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

I have been spending over three years on this book. So much research and phone calling. I want this to be just what our military needs to win their inner battles.

If you want to know about the book, go to www.dougbolton.com. I have been sharing excerpts there.


The next goal is to be healthy. I have been having issues, and I am tired of being tired. Need to find the ways to be stronger, and healthier.


Then I want to be able to go where ever I want, when ever I want to. This pandemic has caused me to be on lock down since last March.


Of course, I want to be closer to God. He is my heavenly Father. I need to read the Bible more. Pray more, and do more to glorify His name.


I have many more goals in my head, but they can be added as I finish some of the others. Do not over load your goals.


How about you? Have you thought of the new year and what you have for goals? Make a list right now. Most important goals first. Put them up somewhere to remind you to be doing them.


God has plans for you. He will reveal those to you when He feels it is the right time. Listen to Him. Do not ignore His instructions. He wants the best for you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Say Good Bye 2020 and Hello to 2021 That Will Give Us Hope

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Now that the vaccine is out, and many are getting the shots, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

When each of us actually get the shot is another story. According to my situation with several health issues, I just may be near the top. We will see.


We have had a horrendous 2020!

There were the wild fires. There is still the pandemic. Rioting is still going on in some places. Crime is sky rocketing. Other than that we had a great year! 🙁

It will be my pleasure to say good-bye to 2020 in two days. 2021 can only be up. It is a new beginning. It gives us new hope.


I forgot that we still aren’t completely sure who our next president will be. There are law suits pending at the Supreme Court. What is right will prevail. I am also so glad that the actual campaign is over. Such hatred, lies and rioting, came passing our way.


Here is what I think each of us should do in the new year. These are not New Year’s resolutions. They are just suggestions:

  1. Forget the past it is already gone.
  2. Look forward to the new beginning.
  3. Plan to have a great year.
  4. Put away your hatred, and bitterness.
  5. Go on a better direction if you feel lost.
  6. Pray!
  7. Know God is with you for your every breath.
  8. PRAY!!


I have recovered from the holidays. Just New Years Eve to go, and my life with be on cruise control. (At least that sounds good.)

How about you? Have you been pulled down like a huge magnate? Has each hour seemed like a month? Is the path that you are on getting too rough?

Lean on God. He has huge shoulders, and loves you very much. You aren’t just anybody. You are God’s child. He made you in His own image. You are important, because God doesn’t make mistakes.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Was Your Merry Christmas Really Bah Humbug??

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My apologies for not posting for a few days. Christmas took up all my spare time.

It has been quite a ride. Coming into last week, I was in a hum bug mood. I couldn’t get the Christmas spirit going. I was having my pity party that no one wanted to come to.

Then things started to happen.

Christmas Eve came and it was just my wife and I alone. Except that we did a Zoom gathering. ALL of my family was on one screen. Three of my children and their spouses. Nine grandchildren, and a partridge in a pear tree.

We all opened our presents while the others watched. We did gift baskets this years so that we didn’t have to buy so many presents. It was wonderful. Each basket had goodies galore. Wine, bakery goods, nuts, and many other wonderful stuff. The bakery goods were hand made by the way. I have gained six pounds just since Christmas Eve!!

Then we went on and had a very small gathering of my wife’s sister, brother-in-law, their daughter and her husband. We exchanged gifts, and I made out like a bandit. I got a logo mask from my alma mater at Oregon State University. Yah! A great puzzle of different dogs. (I love dogs!)

We had homemade snacks.

Then yesterday afternoon we connected again on Zoom with some close friends we have known for over forty years. One couple was from Cannon Beach, Oregon, and a lady friend from Jacksonville, FL. Each of them also had their children on Zoom with them. It was so much fun. Remembering things from the past and catching up.

We were on for over an hour there. Too many memories.


Why am I sharing my boring times this holiday? It is because I needed it to happen to get me out of my funk. I was so deep in despair that I couldn’t see the forest through the trees.


How about you? Did you have a nice Christmas? Were you able to connect with family like I did?

If you didn’t, do not fear. You aren’t alone. We all have your back. There is always that rainbow to remind us what is most important. God is with us. He is in charge.

We all need to cheer up. A new dawning is coming. A new year is coming for us to start over. We can forget 2020 in a few days and move on.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Must Always Remember What the Christmas Season is For

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Just two more days until Christmas. Are you ready? Did you buy all the presents you wanted?

If you did, time to stop and think about the season is really about. It is nice to get presents, but that isn’t what Christmas is about. It is nice to see loved ones, but that isn’t what Christmas is about. It is nice to donate to our favorite nonprofits this time of year, but that isn’t what Christmas is all about.


Christmas is about a little baby being born, that changed the world. It is about Jesus Christ laying in a manger is smiling at the wise men. He is our biggest gift ever.


Back to my poor me stories. Today one of my grandsons stopped by so we could give him his present. We all had our masks on, and talked for a few minutes and then he was gone. I hadn’t seen him in months! I will so miss all my family not being here in person, but we are doing a Zoom gathering tomorrow night. Just not the same though. I am a hugger. How can you how hug someone on a screen?


The vaccine is finally flowing. I know it will take a while to get to me, but I saw on the news that people with my health risks will next after the first responders. That will be great.

One thing that caused my blood to rise greatly was the fact that our governor had the prisoners in the prisons of our state to get their shots before even the assisted living people. The inmates complained that they can not social distance, so the governor felt pity for them. I am a very compassionate man, but this is a real stretch.


We must ALWAYS remember that God is with us. He is with you when you are sad, and He is with you when you are happy. Let Him guide you through this awful storm we are all facing. He wants to best for His children.



You are not alone.

You are not forsaken.

You are not unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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Three things to Do to Cope in This Not so Friendly World

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Another Monday! Like the lyrics says, “Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.” It is raining and it is Monday. Any Questions?

Actually I am doing fine. There is nothing about Mondays that should be any different since I am retired. Every day is a Saturday for me.


Now we have to wait and see what the world has in store for us today. Should be very interesting with all the clamor going on around us. The pandemic, the unknown out come of the election in the United States, and of course, the ever popular rioting.


I have taken all of those on with incredible courage and valor. Let’s look at each one.

The pandemic is the hardest one for me.

I have been on lock down since March. I have some health issues that the virus would love to attack. But why should I pout and scream?

Jesus, was going through an awful lot more than I can even grasp in His life time. He never pouted or screamed. He kept loving the people no matter what.

The election outcome is not known yet.

“When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn.” Another lyrics that is a very sad song. This election years has been a nightmare from the beginning until now. Constant attacks on our president from the Democrats. Then the election it self seems tainted. What should we do?

Always remember, God is in Charge! He will allow the right person to be elected. It may not be who you or I really wanted, but God knows what is best for us.

The rioting has started up again.

In Portland, Oregon rioters attacked the homes of the council that voted to not defund the police. This is beyond wrong. They aren’t rioting because no justice, they are rioting to bring our country down. What should we do?

Stand very strong against violent rioting. God knows what is going on, and He has a plan. We just have to be patient, and let Him do the right thing.


Through all of this turmoil, how are you doing? Do you have problems coping?

Pray for God to guide you each and every day. Take His hand and hold on tight. He loves you, and will not have you face anything that you can not handle.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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Satan is Having a Party at Our Expense Right Now. Fight Back!

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It is getting to the boiling point for me. I am so tired of the problems we have to face in our country.

We still don’t know who our next president will be. The COVID-19 virus is growing faster every day. The rioting has started up again.

Any one of these problems could bring a good person down to their knees.

So…Let’s get on our knees!

We need to pray more now than ever:

  1. Pray for our government both national and local.
  2. Pray for your family to be safe from the virus and any rioting.
  3. Pray for strength through this storm.
  4. Pray for you friends, who may be suffering.
  5. Pray the the election in our country will end, and done the right way.

I have a much longer list. Make your own list and start being a prayer warrior.


I am finding that all of the stress can cause problems as well.

I have been struggling lately, because I have been on lock down for nine months. There is no end in sight.

So how do I keep, keeping on?

  1. I always remember God is by my side.
  2. There is nothing thrown at me that God can not handle.
  3. I have been much closer to my family, even though it is through Zoom type programs. It isn’t even close to being together where you can hug each other, but very important.
  4. I have found that when I reach out to help others in the same boat. They are grateful, and so am I. A win, win!
  5. Perseverance should be your main word. Through perseverance you can take on anything.
  6. Yes, the storms come, but we need to face it head on and fight back.


So how are you doing?

Are you having many of the same issues? Does the world seem overwhelming to you right now.?

You certainly not alone. There are thousands of followers here that are walking the same path with you.


Be strong!!

Satan is having a party right now. He is very happy with what is going on. We need to tell him to hit the road, and concentrate on God.

Pray everyday for guidance from God. He hears your pleas. Remember, He answers on His timetable, not ours. Be patient.



You are never alone.

You are never fosaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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