A place to find Hope

Category: God’s way (Page 2 of 2)

How Do We Reach Out to Others?

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I had a wonderful lunch with a neighbor today. We have become good friends and we are planning to meet often for lunch.


Do you even know who your neighbors are? Have you tried to get to know them? I have the luxury of seeing the mailbox from my window where everyone comes to get their mail. When I see them come I go out to greet tem. There is a friendly exchange and we go on our way.

Why do I do that? Because it is an easy way to learn about your neighbors. We had an area meeting of all the homeowners in my neighborhood, and the one thing that was said is that people like meeting people at the mailbox. I started that.

I am not telling you of this to brag. I just find it as a way to keep up with everyone around me.


God wants us to mingle with others and share our stories. He wants us to share our beliefs. I have found that sharing has opened many doors for me to witness. It isn’t something I force on anyone. It just comes up in a conversation.


Do an inventory of how your reach out to others. Do you need to improve? Do you not like mixing with others to talk?

Pray for God’s guidence on how to do that. He will help you in your conversations through the Holy Spirit.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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How Do We Find Perfect Words to Describe God?

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Have you ever paused in a sentence grasping to finding the perfect word to say to someone? We all have.

The Psalmist says God is my rock. I John 1:5 says God is light.


Even Jesus had some different names.

Jesus is the lion of Judah. Jesus is the lamb of God.


Let me ask you fathers how you fit into the following:

  1. A good father loves his children.
  2. A good father protects his children.
  3. A good father teaches his children.
  4. A good father is a figure of strength and direction.
  5. A good father disciplines his children.

Lacking in some of those thoughts? God doesn’t. He fits them all perfectly. The above describes God.

God is all knowing:

  1. God knows when you sit down.
  2. God knows your thoughts before you say them.
  3. God is acquainted with all of you ways.
  4. God even knows what you are going to say before you say it.


Actually it is a little nerve racking that He knows even each of the hairs on our heads. There is no place to hide. Even as Christians we are being observed by God.

We all have failed and come short of the glory of God. We know we aren’t perfect. Only Jesus was perfect.

BUT! If we are saved. We are always saved! We just need to ask for God’s forgiveness when we fail.

Pray everyday day to seek God’s strength to help you be strong each day.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Mother’s Day is a Very Special Day for Everyone.

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Yesterday was Mother’s Day and I had a house full of mothers and their children. It was a special day. We took many pictures. I didn’t get into any because I wasn’t a mother. 🙂


Did you have a good Mothers’ Day? I took time to honor my mother who past away several years ago. It brought back many memories to my group.

Mothers are the backbone of any family. There are crucial to keeping things afloat.


If you are a mother, you are a special person. Never feel you do not matter. Be strong and know that you are loved by many.

If you are struggling with being a mother and wondering if you are important, know that God loves you. He created you in His won image and will see you through the storms of life.


Never let the darkside overcome you. Go to the light of Jesus.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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I Didn’t Know That Botox Can Wipe Out Physical Pain

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Going to have Botox done in a couple of hours. No, not for beauty, but for a tremor in my left hand. They can now use Botox to calm your tremors to where there isn’t much happening.


Have you needed some special type of treatment to help you survive? Have you had doctors or even friends suggest many things you can do and none of them work?

This is happening to many people these days.

I suggest you pray about this is it is happening to you. God listens and He cares. He can perform miracles for even the smallest thing.

If Jesus can heal everyone for any affliction they have, you know that it can done for you too.

Don’t be shy. Cry out to God and he will take action. It may not be the solution you were looking for, but God knows what is best for each of us.


Suffering is a part of life. Some have more suffering than others. I see so many people I wish I could help in some way to ease their pain, but God knows everything that is going on and deals with suffering.

So, be strong and face the storms of life. God will guide you through them.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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If Pain and Suffering Comes Knocking at Your Door, Turn to God.

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I tore a muscle in my chest. My doctor said that because of my age, it will take much longer to heal. Lovely!

I am living with the pain, and taking Tylenol. It seems to help a little.


Have you had sudden things happen to you caused you physical and mental pain?

There are many of us like that.

I have some thoughts on how to face the world with this happening to us:

  1. Pain only last for a while, and then it is gone.
  2. Suffering is a part of a Christians life. I am not saying we should suffer as a Christian, but God knows we are suffering and He is writing it down in our book.
  3. Use your pain to help others who are suffering. Helping others helps you with your pain.


The situation in Ukraine is pulling me down like a huge magnate. If I was able, I would be going there to help the people fight.

Many civilians are dying from direct bombing of their homes. This is not an accident. Many are Christians or Jews. Sounds like WWII all over again. Putin has been called the new Hitler and rightfully so.

Please pray daily for peace and protection for all the suffering Ukrainians.

We also need to pray for our own country. We are at a pivotal spot. New decisions by the supreme court can change our country.


If you are battling depression and anxiety from everything that is happening, be strong in knowing God is with you if you are a Christian. He knows your situation. He knows your pains. Pray for His promises, and love.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Where Do We Find Our Hope to Survive?

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We often forget where we find hope in this not so friendly world. Here are some ideas about hope:

  1. Our hope is a command from God.
  2. Our hope is a certainty through God.
  3. Our hope is full when we learn what God has done for us.
  4. Our hope is full when we live to be like God.


You have heard of the old commercial that says, “I want to be like Mike.” The Nike commercial for Michael Jorden’s tennis shoes? Well, we Need to think, “I want to be like God.”

Be imitators of God!


Angels are not made in the image of God. Animals are not made in the image of God. Only you are are made in the image of God. That is how much He loves us.

To find out more about this we need to focus on the Bible. It is full of God’s love for us.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Some Say it is Bad to Be Rich. Really?

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I was reading the Bible the other day and had a big awakening. I read Mark Chapter 10. It told about being rich and how that can hard on you. Being rich hard? I had a hard time accepting that until I read the whole chapter.

This chapter is about rich ruler who comes up to Jesus and asks him what He needs to do to be a follower. Jesus told him, “Sell everything you have and give it to the poor and then follow me.”

The ruler looked very sad because he felt he was doing all right things in the eyes of God. Jesus told him different.

Later Jesus said in Mark 10:25 “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of god.”

I came up with some thoughts from this.

  1. We need to give away the things that’s blocking Jesus’ way.
  2. Give away barriers like that new boat, car house; give to the poor.
  3. The one thing you lack is everything you need, and that is Jesus.


I also thought, “The cross before me and the world behind me.” Which way should I go?

I should follow Jesus and leave the world behind me. We are only here for a short while, and the rest is eternity. Eternity can be with the Lord, or with the dark one. Which one do you choose?



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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6 Ways to Cope in This Not So Friendly World

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I am going to concentrate on you and I today and not the rest of the world. There is just too much turmoil to deal with out there.

Why do we get sucked into fear? Why have we allowed negative thoughts to enter our minds?

This is something we need to deal with. We need to look at the days in a different way.


Here is what I am trying to do to cope in this not so friendly world:

  1. You have heard that we need to live one day at a time. Well, in this day and age we have to live one minute at a time.
  2. Stop watching the worldly news.
  3. Concentrate on your family and friends.
  4. Go for long walks, and do not think of anything negative. You will come home refreshed.
  5. Read positive books. The Bible is a good start.
  6. Never say, “There was nothing I could do.” There is always something you could do.


Of course, we always need to lean on God for His help. He is there for us wherever we are and even knows the hairs on our head. Lean on Him for strength.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Ukraine Needs Our Prayers and Love to Sustain Them

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It has been very frightening for the people of Ukraine. They have a huge Army trying to defeat them. So far they are hanging tough, but there are thousands of Russian military heading for the capital.


It is easy to sit here in the United States and think, I feel badly for them, but I am safe here. We should never forget them. There are thousands of Christians there that will severely be persecuted and killed.


Pray for God’s intervention. Pray that He will protect the people of Ukraine. We may have to defend our own country some day.


How is your world turning? Do you want it to stop so you can get off? This hotel called earth, is become very hostile and sad. Many would want to check out.


Rest on the love of God. He knows what is happening. He knows our fears. The shortest verse in the Bible says, “Fear not!”

Don’t let the dark side overcome you with fear. God is in charge. We just have to be faithful and abide in Him.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Man’s Way Leads to a Hopeless End-God’s Way Leads to Endless Hope

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We are in the middle of putting together a Living Will and Trust. It is extremely complicated, and has many things you have to do to make it valid. We are charging ahead however, because we know how important it is to our family.


Here is another excerpt from my first book, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in the Unfriendly World, that won a national award.


Man’s Way Leads to a Hopeless
End—God’s Way Leads to
Endless Hope

Chapter 5
A greedy man stirs up dissension, but he who trusts in the LORD
will prosper. He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in
wisdom is safe.
—Proverbs 28:25–26

THERE ARE TIMES when I think I am doing fine and do not
need to worry about tomorrow. I will be strong against the
sin that I may face. Every time I feel that way, I fall flat on
my face, and I let Satan creep in inch by inch. You give Satan an
inch, and he will become the ruler. (Another great bumper sticker!)
God has a plan for me, and I need to understand that He already
had my life planned before I was even born. A plan was begun for
mankind before God put the first breath into Adam. God knows
my every move. Wherever I go, He will be there with me.
I sent a saying to my son when he was stationed in Iraq. It said,
“I know your name, and I will be with you wherever you go.” That
is true for everyone. He knows your name. He is wherever you go.
God cares for you.
And God even cares for “little people.” What I mean by little
people are the people who come into your church—the ones youcharity store,
don’t want to sit next to because they need a bath. They need help
because they don’t know where their next meal is coming from.
They are the hungry. Their clothes look like they came from a
charity store.
Let me make sure you understand! God always hears and loves
those who seek Him—little people or not. He doesn’t care what
they wear. He doesn’t care if they smell. He does care that they are
hungry. He does care that they need love—just like you do.
I realize that to love these people you are going out on a limb,
taking a risk. They could take advantage of you. They may want to
steal the church offering. But you should embrace them as people
of worth and welcome them into your church. God cares about
them—and you need to as well.
Speaking of taking a risk: Don’t you take a risk when you let
your daughter go to her first dance alone? Don’t you take a risk
when you give the car keys to your son for the first time? You worry
about them, but you love them enough to let them stretch their
wings a little. They are a little person in your eyes yet. They are
still your little girl or boy, but you trust them enough to let them
enjoy increasing independence.
Our heavenly Father takes a risk with His children every day.
He lets us stretch our wings. He trusts us to do the right things.
We don’t always do the right things, but God loves us just the same
as you would still love your children if they didn’t make the right
We often try to make decisions without God’s help. But as the
bumper sticker says, “Man’s way leads to a hopeless end.”
Try to remember the risk takers from the Bible. Think of David
and his slingshot, Mary washing Jesus’ feet, Abraham raising his
knife to kill his son. They took the risk, but they relied on God to
help them. They had a heavenly Parent to trust them and protect
them. He let them stretch their wings because, “God’s way leads
to endless hope.”

Stay with God’s way, and the narrow path you walk will lead to
endless hope. The wider path leads to destruction, disappointment,
shame and despair. You may stretch your wings if you wish, but
stay the course that God has in mind for you, and you will receive
the fi nal reward—the eternal love of your heavenly Parent.
And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love.
Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.

—1 John 4:16
Further Adventures
Man’s way does lead to a hopeless end. We have all been there.
You think everything is going great and that you don’t need God
to help you during that time. Like clockwork, something knocks
you to your knees, and you are praying (crying) to God to help
you through it.
Let me suggest an alternative: Pray without ceasing! Let God
know every day about your day. If it was a good day, thank Him for
it. If it was a bad day, ask for His loving care. It is so easy to get in
touch with God. It is a much better way to communicate than any
electronic invention man has come up with. It is similar to e-mail,
except you would call it knee mail.

Something to Ponder
Isn’t it funny that if God is for us, no one can be against


I will share more excerpts in the future so keep coming back to check them out. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on “Subscribe.” When you do all future post will come directly to your inbox.


Are you struggling in this not so friendly world? You aren’t alone. Many people struggle with what is happening in our world today.

FEAR NOT!! God is with you. He knows all your troubles. He knows what is best for you. Let Him guide you for the rest of your life.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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