A place to find Hope

Category: Bible (Page 3 of 5)

Words From the Bible We May Not Know or Understand

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I thought I would change things up a little bit. Today we are going to learn the definitions of many words in the Bible we may not know or understand.

  1. Amen: “this is true.”
  2. Apostle: Accredited messenger who has been sent in service of another.
  3. Grace: Mercy; clemency; pardon.
  4. Disciples: Followers of Christ.
  5. Bible: The collection of sacred writings of the Christian religion. comprising the Old and New Testaments.
  6. Advent: An Arrival that has been awaited.
  7. Antediluvian: Relating to the period before the Biblical flood.
  8. Atonement: The act of making amends for sin or wrong doing.
  9. Baptism: A sacrament signifying spiritual cleansing and rebirth.
  10. Betrothed: Pledged to be married.
  11. Brethren: The lay members of a male religious order.
  12. Cherub: An angel portrayed as a winged child.
  13. Epiphany: An inspiration of divine manifestation.
  14. Exodus: A journey by a group to escape from a hostile environment.
  15. Fallible: Wanting in moral strength or will.
  16. Forbearance: a delay in enforcing rights or claims or privileges
  17. Idolatry: The worship of objects or images as Gods.
  18. Messiah: Any expected deliverer.
  19. Omnipresent: Existing everywhere at once.
  20. Prodigal: reckless and wasteful.
  21. Prophecy: A prediction uttered under divine inspiration.
  22. Scapegoat: Someone who is punished for the errors of others.
  23. Tribulation: A annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event.
  24. Wrath: Intense anger.


Now that you have a headache from learning so much, How are you doing? Do you live each day with prayers to God? Are you distracted by all the turmoil around you?

Stay strong in the knowledge that God is there for you. He will listen to those prayers I mentioned above. He will answer them in His own way.

Do not give into the darkside who wants you to turn away from God. The dark side is Satan. He would love to have you up on his trophy wall.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all..never, ever, give up!


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Why Do We Pray? Does it Really Work?

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We are told by our leaders in the church that we must pray. We must seek help from God. However, does it really work? God says yes. Matthew 18:20 says, “For where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them?

God hears our prayers, and He answers them in His own way. It says also in the Bible, to pray without ceasing. We should be talking to God every day.

Prayer unleashes God’s power. It changes us, and it changes the way we look at circumstances.

When we pray it resets the heart, and eliminates the horrible sounds around us.

How the world would change, if we all prayed as if we believed the prayers would all be answered.

Instead of criticizing, we should pray. Instead of protesting, we should pray.


Take inventory on your prayer life. There is the need for prayer more than ever. Take time each day to pray for:

  1. Our country.
  2. Our national and local governments.
  3. For you own family.

If we ALL prayed every day, what a difference it would make in the world around us.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…..never, ever, give up!


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I’m Not Part of This World. I’m Just Here Temporarily

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I’m off to the Oregon Coast today. The weather may be good as well.

There seems to be an uproar coming from the military itselt on the vaccination mandate. The Navy has said they will not force their people to get the shot, and one state National Guard General has said the same thing.

My feelings may be different from others, because I am an at risk person. I got my shots and I am hoping for the best.

I feel people have the right to choose, but remember your choices many affect, or should I say, infect others.


I have come to the conclusion that I am not part of this world. I am just here temporarily. I do not agree with so much of what is happening around me, that I feel like an alien in my own country.

Have you been feeling that? Do you think the world is rolling too fast, and leaving you behind?

I certainly hear you. There are many of us like that.


I have found that I am stronger when I read the Bible. It is full of hope and comfort. God reminds me that He is with me through my storms.


Turn to the book of truth. The Bible. Much of what is said there is a wonderful guide for life.


Never let the dark side overcome you. Know that God is with you to fight the evil one. Let Him take your burdens and pray for His protection.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Woke Cancel Culture, and Critical Race Theory Are Spreading Fast

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Had a progress test today at physical therapy. I improved in all areas except one and that was almost the same. That’s the good news. The bad news is I am not sure how much longer I can use the PT. You have to be referred, and I haven’t been referred in a while.


I’m making a huge prediction here right now. This is way off the subject, but I am picking Oregon State University football to win tomorrow against Stanford. If they lose you can pick on me.


I looked up several phrases that I didn’t understand. Now you will know as well.

  1. Woke cancel culture—Kicked out of Social Media.
  2. Critical race therory—against black people.

Neither one of those are on my bucket list to do. Very discriminating.

Why are these phrases even around? They are used so much, the Webster’s dictionary added them as new words.

Well, I did research on this as well.:

The origin of both of those phrases come from the far left. That explains a lot to me. I certainly am not far left, but I can see why they make up these fake phrases to try to plow down our rights.


How are you feeling about your rights today? Do you think they are slipping away?

To me, there is only one way to stay sane in this invironment. Only go by what it tells you in the Bible. There is nothing but truth in it. It speaks to all the left’s retoric.

Do not be overcome with their fake news, and scare tactics. Only go with what God is telling you and you will stand strong.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Do Not Have to Fear Anything, But God

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I am going to be on a rant today. There are so many things I do not like:

  1. I do no t like the pandemic.
  2. I d not like the bickering and shouting in congress.
  3. I do not like the so called authority figures trying to tell parents what to do with their children in school.
  4. I do not like how our government is running things.
  5. I do not like, not liking things!

I have to realize, and I have said this almost every post, GOD IS IN CHARGE!!

His answer to all of my do nots, is “I am taking care of it.”

So just how much power does God really have?…

The Stars haven’t always been there. God created them. The earth hasn’t always been there, God created it. The universe is vast, and unending. He created it.

Just think how much power it took to do all of that.

So, if you fear facing the day. If you would rather stay under the covers all day. If the fear is just too much for you. You do not have to fear anything, but God.

As long as we believe in God and Jesus, nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God. (Romans 8:38-39.)

Stand strong and never give into the dark side.



You are never alone.

You are never fosaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, everm give up!


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Temptation isn’t a Sin, It’s an Opportunity to do Right

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I was reading in the Bible about the temptatons that Jesus faced with Satan. It was for forty days and nights. I can’t imagine that!

Jesus was hit by the Trifect: alone, tired and hungry.

Satan is the most prolific liar ever. Replace his lies with the truth of God’s Word.

Jesus has taken care of all of our sins in one moment. The moment He died on the cross.

Jesus succeeds where we fail, but on our own we will fail where Jesus has already succeeded.

As we wait for the return of Jesus, Satan can have minor victories in our lives, but he will not have the ultimante victory.

Remember: Our soul needs fuel. You can either learn from the Word, or from the world.


Never let Satan put you up on his wall like a trophy. Fight the darkside with all your heart and pray for God’s help to do it.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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What is Wrong With the World We Live in?

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It is a nice sunny day today. It will be the last of some sun for a week or two. We had a great summer here, except it got over a hundred degress six times.


I often wonder how things got to the way it is in our world right now. Pandemic going crazy, politicians attacking each other verbally, and continuous rioting in the big cities.

What is wrong with this picture?

Lots of, not so much fun, things happening. I have decided to be thankful for everything, because it is part of God’s plan. It is hard to accept some things that are happening, but God is working on it.

What to do if you are battling the situation:

  1. Take big breaths when you are getting stressed.
  2. There will be storms come, but they will pass.
  3. Never give in to the darkside, who would love for you to that.
  4. Read the bible for God’s promises. The book is loaded with them.
  5. Go for long walks(if it is sunny,) and release all the negative thoughts in your head.
  6. Keep on keeping on.


I have my granddaughter visiting me today. She is only ten years old, but her wisdom is amazing. She teaches me many things about life. She doesn’t allow things to get to her. I need to be more like her.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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In a Hopeless World We Find Hope in God

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So much sadness in our country right now. Thirteen young soldiers died on Thursday, and it could have been avoided.

It grieves as much as losing on of my own family, since I m a veteran.

What hope do we have when all of this is going on?

First a definition of the word hope;

“The anticipation of a future that is better than the present.”

Hope is my main thrusted on this site. I try to share hope in every one of my posts.

Cutting to the chase…

It is God’s past faithfulness that motivates hope for the future.

Reminder… Without God it is hopeless. I couldn’t survive without Him.

Remember that God walks us through the darkness in our lives. He hears our soft cries for help.

Laminations 3: 24 says… “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore I have hope in him.”

There is another verse in Laminations that describes God:


He has mercies

He is faithful

His love never ceases.


If you are feeling hopelessness creeping into your life, cling to God’s robe and seek His protection. He listens to you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Awful Things Are Happening to the People of Afghanistan

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Sorry that I haven’t posted for a while. Busy time getting ready for our vacation, and when we got to the house we rented, there was no Wi Fi until yesterday.

I am enjoying the great weather in Central, Oregon called, Sun River. Lots to do and see. Haven’t had a moment to breathe until this morning. The rest went swimming. I am alone, and it is wonderful for now.


I a so saddened by the events in Kabul, Afghanistan. People dying, and women and children, captured with horrible futures for them.

I also saw this morning that the Taliban have captured 229 Christians, and they will all be put to death. There is nothing that can be done. They will die as martyrs.


I am very angry with the response from our President. He seems almost like he wants to ignore what is going on there. There doesn’t seem to be any plan to get Americans out. He is spending more time fighting with the Republicans over COVID-19.


I am sorry for starting out so negative, but I feel people need to know. I rely on God to help me through all of this. He has big shoulders for me to cry on.

How about you? Are you depressed with the happenings in Afghanistan? I totally agree.

The only power we have is to pray for God to intervein. Pray for His mercy for all the people of Afghanistan. God loves all people, including the Afghans.

To make yourself feel better, read the bible. Find verses that soothe your soul. Dig deeply in the love of Jesus



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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The Shortest Verse in the Bible, “Fear Not!” Spoken by Jesus

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I have had a busy day. Went to Physical Therapy this morning. I have been working on my two blogs this afternoon, and then I have a doctor’s appointment at 3:30pm. No rest for the wicked they say.

I have had the blessing to be somehow connected with a SFC soldier that is in Kabul, Afghanistan. She is in dire straits. They city is surrounded with Taliban. They figure the city will fall win the next 30 days.

Can’t find out why she is still there, but I am praying what they get her our soon. If the city falls, she will probably big harms way. The Taliban have no mercy. I will keep you posted how things are going for her.


With all the horrible things that are happening around us, it is difficult to face the day. The pandemic is much worse now that when it started. Many people dying. I am repeating this, but I think it needs to be shared again.

In two of the bigger cities in the United States, there are many deaths, and in one city, 95% of those who died were unvaccinated. In the other city it was 94%.
A clear picture that we should ALL get vaccinated. If not, you most likely could die.

My post so far hasn’t been too cheery, but I thought I needed to share some important things.


Have you found that your day isn’t very cheery either? Does the day seem long and the storms seem to be coming in your life?

FEAR NOT! That is the shortest verse in the Bible spoken by Jesus, and He means it.

He is there to see you though those storms that are coming. He will hold you hand, and protect you.

I pray to Him every day to help me to be more like Him. I tell Him, “You are the most loving, caring, and compassionate man I know. Please guide me, show me, and let me know how I can be more like you.”

I pray that each and every night. Please know that he listens to your cries for help.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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