A place to find Hope

Category: Going to church (Page 2 of 2)

Some Are Saying That The Christian Church is Collapsing

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In an earlier post, I commented on the struggles that the churches are having. Less people coming. Turning their backs on the church. Many think this is because of the pandemic. Many were on lock down, and just lost the habit of going every Sunday.


A true Christian would not accept those reasons. A friend told me, “If you have nothing to do with the church, then you have nothing to do with Jesus.” If you trust Jesus you are a member of a church.

Contrary to what people think, the power of the church is more powerful than anything else on earth.

I was on lock down for over a year because of the pandemic. I was “At Church,” every Sunday anyway. It is called online church.

It has been a true blessing for me. It is like I am sitting in my favorite pew, and listening.

Since my church is online, I invite you to come back and enjoy Sunday, with lots of singing, and worship.


I am there in the chat section to answer any questions the online people may have, plus throwing in encouraging thoughts from time to time. I will even pray with you.


Has it been a while since you have been to church? The above link will you back in the groove. I guarantee you will be blessed, and will have found your own church home.


Be sure to say hello when you see the name Doug in the chats.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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The Far Left Democrats Are Attacking the Churches of America

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The faster I go the further behind I get.

Sound familiar? Have you tried hard to keep up with the rat race, and you seem to be falling behind?

You certainly are not alone.

Millions of people try to keep up.

The rat races should only be for rats. You and I do not need to try to be on top, and running ahead. It is too stressful and often we fail.

Here is my two cents worth…

  1. You never may reach the top of the mountain. However, there are wonderful places to stop along the way.
  2. So you win the race race. Then what??
  3. You can highly successful and still not be in the rat race.
  4. Rats never know where they are going. They just walk in circles, and get in trouble a lot.

Don’t be part of the rat race.


I saw that the churches are being attacked by the far left. They are trying to restrict many of the programs churches have.

Do not let them do this. Write your congressman and woman. Tell them to not restrict your freedoms in this way.


Everyday I pray for our country, our governments, both national and local. I pray that when they make decisions that it helps the people and not necessarily themselves.

I voted for a different person for president, but I still pray for our current president every day as well.


How are you doing? Need some prayer as well? I understand. I pray every day for you. Never let bad things overcome you. Be strong and let God guide you.



You never are alone.

You never are forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Our Educational System is Brainwashing Our Children to the Dark Side


It has come to mind that our higher education schools have taken a huge turn to the dark side.

I read that a student received an “F”grade because he wrote a paper that disagreed with the professors thoughts on Christianity.

Another time a professor verbally attacked a student for verbally doing the same thing.

This is widespread. Most colleges and universities have leaned to the liberal, not religion school.

Students are brainwashed from the first day of class.


I graduated from Oregon State University way back in 1973. There weren’t too many professors who pushed their own philosophies. I do remember one who hinted at that and the whole class let him know they weren’t interested.

Today, not many students stand up for what they believe. They fear repercussions.


I tell any high school graduate getting ready to go to college, to do their own thinking. They don’t have to disagree with their professors, but they can walk the right path on their own.


I have been watching the news. (I know, bad idea!) I see more and more that the media is leaning towards completely change our country into a socialist country.

More often than not, they say it is what is best for our country. Free college. Continue abortion and even expand it. Close all pipelines. The new “Green Deal.”

It goes on and on. They even want to get rid of cows because they omit gas to pollute.


Back to basics my friends.

We need to read the Bible and adhere to it teachings. We can’t listen to man. Humans are corrupt, and are thinking about themselves and not others.

Everyday I pray that the national and local governments will make decisions that benefit the people and not themselves. Not happened yet.

We have to have good governments for our children, and their children. We need to turn this earth around and start going into the right direction.


How do we do this?

  1. It starts in your own home. Instill into your own children what you know is right, and then they will spread it to their own families. I have done this with my children, and I am so proud to say that all my children and their spouses are Christians, and so are all of their children.
  2. Lead by example. Try to teach, “Monkey see and monkey do,” attitude. When they watch you, are you giving off the right message?
  3. Try to have your family go to church every Sunday. I know that just going to church does not make you a Christian, but I have found that mixing with other Christians at least once a week, does wonders for me. I gain strength that lasts me for the week.


What path are you walking? Does it lead you to the light, or is it a dead end. Take an inventory of your life, and see if you need to do same changes. Pray to God for guidance.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Often Get Angry and say Something we Regret

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Just got home from an all day trip to the Oregon Coast. It is a trip that wears me down quickly. Two hours riding in a car each way. Then we went shopping at Costco. and that did me in pretty good. Could hardly walk when I got home and unloaded the car. I also took out the garbage.


Enough whining from me. I have been sporadic on doing my posts, because of still recuperating from my surgery. It has taken forever to get even close to 100%

Hey wait…I am whining again…sorry!!


My church service online from last Sunday was excellent. I am going to share some thoughts from that service.

The theme was “Don’t get caught up in the moment.”

We sometimes are easily upset and even angry with someone, and say things we later wish we hadn’t said.

I know I have been there. However, I am a guy that realizes my mistake and goes back to the person and apologize. There have been some of those times when they wouldn’t accept my apology,

At that point we need to move on and not dwell on the problem. If we do the other person has won.

We need to realize that we can get swept up in the currents of anger, jealousy, envy, hatred, etc. All those will lead to us drowning in the current.

Don’t drown in your own self pity. I used to have some great pity parties, but no one ever came.


Often because of the misunderstandings and hurts, we feel powerless, we lose hope. God gives hope to the hopeless. He makes the impossible possible. He brings power to the powerless, and life to that which was dead.

So face each day with hope, and don’t get caught up in the moment.


Another thing learned from church lasy Sunday:

  1. Let God take the glory. I have really concentrated on saying God did this and that for me. It wasn’t me it was His graciousness.
  2. Never add of subtract from God’s word. So many so called Christians take out of context what they want from a verse in the Bible to fit their own personal beliefs and not Gods.


How is the world flowing for you? Is it a little overwhelming? Do the days drag on, because you are lost and in mental pain?

Turn to God. He has the world’s biggest shoulders. I can’t imagine trying to face this planet without Him in my life.

Pray to Him about your hurts, and pains. Ask Him to relieve your guilt. Ask Him to give you peace, and love.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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Do We Really Need to Go to Church to be Christians?

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It’s Monday, and I am suppose to dread the thought of it, but I am retired and every day is like Saturday to me. I put in my time, and now I am enjoying every day.


Things are still in a turmoil in our country.

The rioting has spread. The pandemic is at a all time high, and we STILL do not know who our next president will be.

It is hard, at best, to be optimistic during this time. I am stubborn and will not let the dark side put out my light of hope, who is Jesus.

He is with each of us every day, 24/7. Never wavering. Never forsaking, never turning his back on us.

That gives me tremendous comfort. When I am down and depressed, He is there to take my hand and give me hope.


I was told by someone that they don’t go to church.

I asked why? They said they are a Christian, but don’t feel they need to meet every week with other Christians. They feel they can make it on their own.

Dr. Phil might ask, “How is that working for you?”

I can not separate myself from the church. Right now I can only be at church through an online set-up, But I am refreshed and ready to take on another week.

Just being there, hearing the songs, and listening to my pastor reassuring me, makes the whole world different to me.


Another thing I have been doing is talking to God every day.

I thank His Son for dying for me on the cross, and then I got through my list of family and friends I pray for. I even pray for our national and local governments.

I do this every day. I love my family and friends, and I love my country. I seek God’s wisdom to guide us all through the storms.

Things don’t seem to be going the way we would like it, but God is in charge and He never makes mistakes.


How are you doing?

Is there a lot of turmoil in your life as well? Do you wonder what is going to happen to you in the future?

There is millions of people with you in the same boat. Many are clinging on for dear life. Some are ready to give up. The suicide rate is sky rocketing during these times.


Don’t let the world dictate to you what you should fear. Jesus said, “Fear not.” He will be there for you during the good times and the bad times.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….Never, ever, give up!


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