A place to find Hope

Category: have the right thinking\ (Page 2 of 6)

December Has The Shortest Light of the Year, But then it’s January.

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Still struggling. the physical therapy I did on Wednesday threw me for a loop. Very sore muscles the next day. Yesterday, I tried to walk on a tread mill, and I could do 10 minutes. I was very disappointed, but then I realized that I did 10 minutes, which is better than zero.


You have to think of things in a positive was.

  1. Instead of we lost, what did you learn from the experience?
  2. It is better to have loved and lost than to never have been loved at all.
  3. December 21st will be the shortest, darkest, light of the year, but on the 22nd it starts getting lighter longer.
  4. If you ever fail, wake up and try again.


I am sure you can add to the list. Do that today.


Have you had some dark days like it during December? Fear not! There is hope at the end of the tunnel. Just keep going, and things will change. Storms come, but they go away.

By the way…God is with you every step you take. He will guide through the rough paths you have to walk. He will never cause you to face something you can’t handle.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken,

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Pain and Suffering Seems Something we All Face.

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We want to avoid suffering, but it happens. We want to make sure the suffering is not because of sin.

We need to submit to God to help us with our suffering and pain. What do we need to do to be submissive?

  1. Feelings.
  2. Desires.
  3. Trust.


Jesus submitted to the Father. He went through terrible pain and suffering. Because He did, Jesus is our substitute for pain and suffering.


I was thinking about my TV remote the other day. What Power!! I can get rid of channels I don’t like and turn to the ones I do like. However, we must remember that God is our remote of life. We are not our own remote for life. God pushes the buttons, not us.


Some thoughts:

  1. Do not return evil with evil.
  2. Overcome evil with God.
  3. Entrust yourself to God.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up.


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Winter’s Coming With Rain and Storms. Similar to Life.

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Winter is on its way. The days are colder and the rain has returned. That gives us some relief from the heat, but realize that come April you will be crying for summer to come again.


That is what it seems to be for life. Always changing from stormy to sunny, and back to stormy again.

We have trials that pull us down like huge magnates. We struggle, and fight back.

It seems like we are in a war, and we are losing the battle.


Now that I have totally depressed you, let’s talk about our God who is there for us 24/7.

He knows what we are going through. He knows our hurts and disappointments. He will never forsake you or abandon you.

We just need to reach out to Him in prayer, and He will be there helping us through our storms.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Being a Parent is a Full Time Job Full of Adventures.

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I have been thinking of my two sons, and son-in-law lately. We spent a weekend at my son’s house in Roseburg, Oregon. It was not a fishing trip like we usually plan, but a just sit around watching college football and enjoying each other.

It reminded me of what a most important thing it is to be a father. It brought up some thoughts in my head:

  1. Parents should make it easy for their children to obey.
  2. We shouldn’t frustrate our children.
  3. Don’t do something to make them angry.
  4. We frustrate our children when we are harsh and unreasonable.
  5. We need to guide rather than block our children.
  6. The power you have over your children is for their development, not for your convenience.
  7. Sometimes parenting brings you almost to your end.


I know, “Easy for you to say!” However, if you truly love your children you can make this happen.

Realize that you can mold their future, and not push them into the muck and mire.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Many People Have a Hard Time with Authority, and Submitting

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I missed posting on Monday. My apologizes. Bad hair day.

I can say this is true for almost all of us, we resist authority, and find it hard to submit to others.

We want to choose what is right and what is wrong ourselves. We try to run our own lives without God. We hold off God ourselves. Here are some ideas to overcome that:

  1. We need to re-think our priorities.
  2. We can’t make our own rules. Our own rules can’t handle it.
  3. Be consistent.
  4. Don’t be one way way all week, and then Godly on Sundays.
  5. What we really are before God, is how we should act when no one is looking. ___________________________________________________________________________________

Humility is the key to righteousness. We need to humble ourselves before God and obey Him. We need to acknowledge that He is our authority, and submit to Him.

When we follow God we are free from sin, and free to earn righteousness.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Quotes Wakes us to Things we Need to Work on

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Today I am going to share some quotes I have picked up over the years for you to ponder:

  1. What do I do if a problem comes to me? Nothing! I need to go to God and pray.
  2. Do I think more about myself, or do I think more about God?
  3. God has abundant blessings for us, but the power of Satan is against us.
  4. How much Time do I spend reading God’s Word. Not nearly enough.
  5. A tea cup sitting along a coast line can be filled with water when a wave comes in. But just think how much water there in the ocean. That is how much love God has for us.
  6. Flee the bad things, and seek the righteous ones.
  7. Not everyone in your church is pleasant.
  8. How has God worked in unseen ways in me? What work has He prepared me for?
  9. We need to reach out to those with afflictions to show them ways to rid themselves from them.
  10. What work does God want me to do? What excuses do I use to not do them?
  11. I love my children and my grandchildren, but they are loved much more by God.
  12. There are billions of ways to be wrong, but only one way to be right.
  13. God does not make robots, but we become robots because we program our minds to walk down the path that heads away from God.
  14. We need to set a day aside to worship God through prayers, devotions, and reading the Bible.
  15. God is everywhere. You can be with God when you fish, travel, lie in bed, but to worship Him we should be in His Holy House to worship Him with others.
  16. Pagans can be very religious, but not follow the true God.
  17. There is no such things as a metaphor about same sex marriage from Genesis to Revelations.
  18. In the olden times one goat is sacrificed, and the other is the “Scape Goat,” who is released into the desert.
  19. Satan loves to nip away at us until we are beaten down, and our faith is fading way.
  20. Every person has an assignment from God.


I hope you gathered some knowledge from this. I will be sharing more in the future.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Normal is not Coming Back, but Jesus is Coming Back

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A friend saw the title of this post on a T-shirt. I think I want one.

My Pastor started a new series this Sunday called, the end times. I thought, this could depressing. I was totally wrong.

The end times will end up being a wonderful time if you are a Christian. Think on this:

Everyone who believes will be pulled up into heaven all at once during the rapture. There will be no pain or agony during this moment.

Grace came to you through Jesus dying on the cross. It will come again during the rapture.


If you are not sure if you will be sent during the rapture, do the following:

  1. Repent. Ask God to forgive you.
  2. Return to fellowship at your church, there is so much support for you there.
  3. Remember…no matter how old you are, God is not through with you yet.


Jesus came in as the lamb and he will come back as a lion.


Never think you are beyond being accepted during the rapture. God loves you as you are. Just confess your sins and enjoy the ride.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Never Let Age Stop You From Reaching Your Dreams

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Being an author has been a thrill for me. My first book received a national award from the Reader’s Favorite Awards.

I am now working on my second book called, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the trenches of Life. It is almost finished and will come out by Christmas.


Sounds peachy keen right? Well, I have found that it is hard work and stressful. Not that I don’t enjoy writing. I love it, but there are other things I have to do like sell the book. I have been self publishing, which means it is all up to me to the marketing, promotions, signings, etc.

I am 83 years old and now am wondering if I have the stamina to go on with the big push for my second book.


Here is my feelings on that:

  1. Your never too old to start something.
  2. Use your age to be a expert on things people want to know about.
  3. Take time to do what ever project you are working on. Rushing has been bad news for me.
  4. Enjoy what you are doing. Don’t do it thinking you have to do it.


The most important thing to remember is that God is with you. He knows about your dreams. He knows what you are capable of. He will guide you down your path, or He will stop you if He thinks it is too much for you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Never Stop Trying. Never Stop Believing. Never Give Up

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Do you ever get tired of the daily frustrations? I sure do. Wouldn’t life be great if we could wear rose colored glasses?

It seems like we face more walls than clear paths. Everything seems to be a struggle.

Now that I have torn you down terribly, let me share how I make it through each day to fight all of the above:

  1. Never let day get to you. Each day has it ups and down. Go with the flow.
  2. Go for walks every day. That seems to clear my mind, and gives me fresh air.
  3. Sit down and read a book. The Bible is a good one to read.
  4. Remember, God is with you always. He walks with you on your walks. He speaks to you through the Bible. He guides you on your paths.


I try to be upbeat all the time. Yes, it is hard sometimes, but when you are always upbeat it rubs off on others.

It is much easier to smile than to try to have a frown all day.


Face your storms head on. Never back down.


The thought for the day.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Take the im Off Impossible and Everything is Possible

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I can truthfully say that I am over COVID. I can say I am 95% better. I just have bouts with fatigue now and then.

It was a huge struggle. It took almost the whole month of July to get over it.


My last post I talked about bitterness. How it can ruin our lives. Well, I have some thoughts on other demons that can destroy us. Let’s compare them to what we should be like:

  1. Bitterness-happiness
  2. angry-joyful
  3. Sad-thankful
  4. disappointed-glad
  5. bad self image-love yourself
  6. Lost-found


This list can go on and you can add to it if you want. But, you can see we have choices in our lives. We can either self-destruct or give praises.

Which choice to see for yourself above?

If you can’t choice the second choice on all of them, take inventory and see why. Ask God to help you through your storms and hurts. He is there for you 24/7.


Another thought for today:

Take the im off of impossible and everything is possible.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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