A place to find Hope

Category: love (Page 2 of 9)

How Do We Find Freedom in This Not so friendly World?

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There are many things that take away our freedoms:



losses of family



+There are many more than this but I think you get the message.


A simplistic, quick answer would be God.

He will soothe your pain. He will be there for you when you are discouraged. He will cry with you when you lose a loved one. He shows you that failure is a door opening for something else.

Most of all, He will forgive your sins.


What do we say to God to get His help?

Pray for personal guidence. Ask for His love to see you through your storms. Pray for personal protection.

The sin part is a little harder. We know when we have wronged. We know we have failed God.

This begs the question…Am I too much of a sinner to be forgiven by God? We are tempted everyday to sin. Satan loves to cause havoc in our lives. He is tempting you 24/7.

There is a beautiful verse in I Corinthians 10:13. that gives you peace and comfort.

” No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide a way of escape so that you will endure it.”

So soothing for me, and I hope it is for you as well.


We know God will always forgive us if we ask Him.

Here is an assignment for you to think about:

How do I Make God’s thoughts my thoughts?



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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The Far Left Democrats Are Attacking the Churches of America

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The faster I go the further behind I get.

Sound familiar? Have you tried hard to keep up with the rat race, and you seem to be falling behind?

You certainly are not alone.

Millions of people try to keep up.

The rat races should only be for rats. You and I do not need to try to be on top, and running ahead. It is too stressful and often we fail.

Here is my two cents worth…

  1. You never may reach the top of the mountain. However, there are wonderful places to stop along the way.
  2. So you win the race race. Then what??
  3. You can highly successful and still not be in the rat race.
  4. Rats never know where they are going. They just walk in circles, and get in trouble a lot.

Don’t be part of the rat race.


I saw that the churches are being attacked by the far left. They are trying to restrict many of the programs churches have.

Do not let them do this. Write your congressman and woman. Tell them to not restrict your freedoms in this way.


Everyday I pray for our country, our governments, both national and local. I pray that when they make decisions that it helps the people and not necessarily themselves.

I voted for a different person for president, but I still pray for our current president every day as well.


How are you doing? Need some prayer as well? I understand. I pray every day for you. Never let bad things overcome you. Be strong and let God guide you.



You never are alone.

You never are forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Envy or Love, which one would you choose?

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There seems to be a growing trend of people who hate others because they are successful, and they aren’t as successful.

People see the new car, new boat, and new home, and want it.

This is all called envy.


Envy: A feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another’s advantages, success, or possessions.

Have you ever seen a person that you know was a devout Christian, but then did a nose dive?

This is happening all over the world.

I want what they have!


Envy is a resentment fueled by the success of others, and the sick belief that their triumphs or blessings is in someway diminishing you.

Envy is resentment with great loss.


So how do we avoid envy? What can we eliminate to assure we don’t get caught in that trap?

One reason we envy is because of our own inner pressure. We struggle to try to keep up with the Joneses.

Pressure is never an excuse to disobey God’s word.


Contentment is a good way to go. Be happy with what you have and enjoy your day.

I realize this is very simplistic, but life should be simple. We do not need to allow envy to overcome us into hatred.

God provides for us and that is all we need to know. He has a plan for you no matter what your current status is. He loves you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never ever, give up!


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Getting Relaxed With our Masks. Big Increase in Illnesses

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Thoughts of the day

I have felt that I had a wall around me and no one cared.

Isn’t it funny how we look for the silver lining and find rust? We are looking in the wrong place. We need to check our hearts.

When you are talking and walking, do it with wisdom and grace.

Why god? Why jesus? Why not?

Treat a person as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat a person as if he will become what he could and should be.

We need a tent mentality, not a castle mentality.

The darkness will not prevail.

The battle belongs to you Lord. I am not strong enough.

When you fight your battle, it may look like you are surrounded, but you are surrounded by God.

Don’t be the cause of your trials..


Have you ever gone to a restaurant and ordered something only to see it was too small? You still left hungry.

With God you have a full portion of His love everyday. You will never hunger for more.


We are still battling a pandemic, and people are getting too loose with their masks. They think the terrible times are over. Of course there is a tremendous up swing of new cases because of it.

We have to be patient and wear our masks. It will save so many lives.


How are you doing? Are you OK with the way our world is going right now? Maybe you don’t like what is happening. Maybe you wish things could be better. Well, you certainly ar enot alone. All of us would like that.

What we all need to do is to have God form a fortress for us to keep us safe. He is always there. He will give you comfort and peace.



You are not alone.

You are not forsaken.

You are not unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Need God to Protect us During the Turmoil We Face.

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President Biden has decided to pull the troops out of Afghanistan on September 11th, 2021. That would be the 20th anniversary of the Twin Towers attack.

Now the people are in an uproar. They wanted the troops brought home, but now they fear the Taliban will take over the country quickly.


I am a spot in my life where I am not sure if we should send troops to every country that is having problems.

Biden is in a lose, lose situation, and I feel for him on this situation.


The Air Force just let in a white supremacist that a Google search could have caught, I wrote in an article on Tuesday. Airman 1st Class Shawn Michael McCaffrey has a long history with white supremacist groups, and he even ran a podcast where he and his racist, homophobic pals pilloried Jews, people of color, Muslims and many other groups, including the military. The Air Force is now investigating the case.



“I want to get back to doing normal things” was the main reason Army Staff Sgt. Anthony Johnson flipped from COVID-19 vaccine skeptic to vaccine recipient, writes Army reporter Haley Britzky. Like many other soldiers, seeing his commander take the shot helped Johnson change his mind. Learning more statistics about the vaccine, wanting to protect their loved ones and believing the Army wouldn’t provide a harmful vaccine to its troops also helped, Haley found out after chatting with soldiers.


Up date on my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military:In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

Going through the book one more time for typo’s, and then I will be contacting the publisher. Getting exciting for me and I hope you are getting excited as well.


How are you holding up in this world of turmoil? Is the world spinning too fast?

Yes, we often allow turmoil in our life. It is because we feel weak and cant fight back.

Always remember that God is on your side. With him there who can be against you. No one!

Be strong and cling to God’s robe. He knows who you are and He knows what He needs to do to protect you.

Never, ever give in to the dark side. Keep fighting back with God helping you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Don’t Think Life is Without Hope. God is There

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It is a beautiful day outside. No clouds and a high of 65 coming.

With that happening I should be feeling good and happy and I am. Not that I’m feeling perfect. It is because God has given me another day.


Now that I have brightened your day, let me get some bed feelings out of my head.

President Biden has announced his new gun laws program. It will cut many patriots hearts out. He wants to get rid of many types of guns, and tighten the rules. We will see how the public accepts that.


This reminds me of something a friend told me. He mentioned that he felt that life was without hope.

I told him that God uses some of our darkest moments as our doorway to hope. I also told him to listen to God. If He talks to you there is have hope.


I am going to update you again about my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

I cleaned up my veteran interviews and I am pretty excited of how they turned out. I have four WWII veteran interviews that are breathtaking. Every one of them were near death experiences.

I am adding a second appendix. It will list all the good military books that are out there. I have read many of them, and they are outstanding and truthful.

Keep coming back to get more updates.


Have your days turned dark on you? Do it seem that storms are coming? Fear not! Storms come but they go away. Remember, God is there for you during all your storms.

Never let the darkside overcome you. Seek the light.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Losing Loved Ones Can be Very Hard to Overcome

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Things are looking better for me right now. The pneumonia has gone away and I am getting my strength back.


I am very concerned on how our country is being lead. President Biden fell on his way into a plane this last week. It wasn’t a slip It was a complete fall. I pray for him daily. I am pretty sure he will not complete his term as president, and Vice president Kamala Harris will become the president.

Some of the presidents new policies are costing the people deeply. His closing of the pipelines has gas prices skyrocketing. Many people are out of work because of the closings.


A dear friend of mine died suddenly a couple days ago. Totally unexpected. His wife is grieving, and we are too.

Have you ever lost a loved one? It seems to put a halt on many things for the family involved.

An empty chair; no one to talk to, or hug. This takes a long time to get over. I know I have lost a loved one.

What can we do to overcome this sudden storm?

  1. Know that your loved one is no longer in pain and is resting.
  2. Be thankful for the years they were with you.
  3. Don’t try to erase the memories. They are vital to help heal.
  4. Lean on other family. This is the time they want to help you the most.
  5. Connect with close friends. They can be your lifeline.


Through all the storms we face, God is with us. He knows what we are going through. He knows your pain. He knows because He sent His only son to die for us.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Whining to God Doesn’t Put You on the Right Path

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Have been battling pneumonia since Tuesday. On a antibiotic prescription routine. Have one day left for that. Getting better, but it seems slow.


Another day another dollar. That was the saying when I was a child. They really meant it. A dollar a day was the wage back then. The amazing things about all of this is that I never felt poor. My single parent mother made sure my brother and I had, food to eat. A roof over our head, and even had a dime to go see a movie on Saturdays. We were happy.


It pains me to hear about the “terrible” conditions people feel they have to go through these days. “Can’t buy the boat I wanted! Never able to drive the car I really want. Can’t give all my children I-Phones.” PLEASE!

Buckle up and face the day people. Things aren’t even close to being bad right now as far as material things. Be happy with what you have.


I sound whiny today. Sorry about that. There really are bad things we do have to face:

The pandemic, rioting, fake media, illnesses, and threats of war.

The only suggestion I have is to depend on God to see you through all of this mess. He knows what is going on, and in my opinion, we shouldn’t question His ideas. He knows what is best for you , and it may not be what you want. However, in the long run you will look back and realize that what He did for you was the right choice.

Never succumb to the earthly muck and mire. Stand strong and keep moving forward. Pray for guidence from God and He will show you the way.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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The Paths Many Take, Only Lead to a Dead End

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As we walk the paths of life, there are areas that are dark and dangerous. They are very hard to maneuver around. So we trod along facing the dark.

I have heard far too much from news, (which I shouldn’t even be watching) that it is time for culture change, The one I heard yesterday was we can’t call our parents mommy or daddy anymore. There is a gender confusion for some. REALLY??

There are far too many, so called, leaders who have fallen off the path of reality. They are rushing fast towards socialism. We need to wake up and fight back.


Our president has been embarrassed many times while trying to give a speech. He loses where he is at in his speech. He forgets very important people who are right behind him on the stage,

This is beyond alarming. Rumors have it that he won’t last a year, and Kamala Harris will take over. Not a step up in my opinion.

I want you to know that I pray for our country every day. I may not agree with the leadership, but I pray that they will make good decisions, that help the people and not just themselves.


How do we withstand the onslaught of ideas that may not be good for our country:

  1. Call and send notes to your congressmen and suggest ideas.
  2. Do not listen to the fake media. They are spreading very big lies about just about everything.
  3. Talk to your children and show them ways that are right, because they are getting liberal ideas shoved down their throats. Especially secondary education.


Now that I have ranted and raved, let’s concentrate on what is right and follow that path.

God has a plan, and He is in charge. It may be a little confusing right now what He is doing, But He knows what is best for us. We just need to keep praying and seeing where all of this is going.

Moses went to the mountain to see God, but we need to know that God is in the Valleys as well.

I often wonder What I would be if it wasn’t for God. God will never fail us. He is just a prayer away.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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Our Educational System is Brainwashing Our Children to the Dark Side


It has come to mind that our higher education schools have taken a huge turn to the dark side.

I read that a student received an “F”grade because he wrote a paper that disagreed with the professors thoughts on Christianity.

Another time a professor verbally attacked a student for verbally doing the same thing.

This is widespread. Most colleges and universities have leaned to the liberal, not religion school.

Students are brainwashed from the first day of class.


I graduated from Oregon State University way back in 1973. There weren’t too many professors who pushed their own philosophies. I do remember one who hinted at that and the whole class let him know they weren’t interested.

Today, not many students stand up for what they believe. They fear repercussions.


I tell any high school graduate getting ready to go to college, to do their own thinking. They don’t have to disagree with their professors, but they can walk the right path on their own.


I have been watching the news. (I know, bad idea!) I see more and more that the media is leaning towards completely change our country into a socialist country.

More often than not, they say it is what is best for our country. Free college. Continue abortion and even expand it. Close all pipelines. The new “Green Deal.”

It goes on and on. They even want to get rid of cows because they omit gas to pollute.


Back to basics my friends.

We need to read the Bible and adhere to it teachings. We can’t listen to man. Humans are corrupt, and are thinking about themselves and not others.

Everyday I pray that the national and local governments will make decisions that benefit the people and not themselves. Not happened yet.

We have to have good governments for our children, and their children. We need to turn this earth around and start going into the right direction.


How do we do this?

  1. It starts in your own home. Instill into your own children what you know is right, and then they will spread it to their own families. I have done this with my children, and I am so proud to say that all my children and their spouses are Christians, and so are all of their children.
  2. Lead by example. Try to teach, “Monkey see and monkey do,” attitude. When they watch you, are you giving off the right message?
  3. Try to have your family go to church every Sunday. I know that just going to church does not make you a Christian, but I have found that mixing with other Christians at least once a week, does wonders for me. I gain strength that lasts me for the week.


What path are you walking? Does it lead you to the light, or is it a dead end. Take an inventory of your life, and see if you need to do same changes. Pray to God for guidance.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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