A place to find Hope

Category: negative feelings (Page 2 of 3)

The Paths Many Take, Only Lead to a Dead End

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As we walk the paths of life, there are areas that are dark and dangerous. They are very hard to maneuver around. So we trod along facing the dark.

I have heard far too much from news, (which I shouldn’t even be watching) that it is time for culture change, The one I heard yesterday was we can’t call our parents mommy or daddy anymore. There is a gender confusion for some. REALLY??

There are far too many, so called, leaders who have fallen off the path of reality. They are rushing fast towards socialism. We need to wake up and fight back.


Our president has been embarrassed many times while trying to give a speech. He loses where he is at in his speech. He forgets very important people who are right behind him on the stage,

This is beyond alarming. Rumors have it that he won’t last a year, and Kamala Harris will take over. Not a step up in my opinion.

I want you to know that I pray for our country every day. I may not agree with the leadership, but I pray that they will make good decisions, that help the people and not just themselves.


How do we withstand the onslaught of ideas that may not be good for our country:

  1. Call and send notes to your congressmen and suggest ideas.
  2. Do not listen to the fake media. They are spreading very big lies about just about everything.
  3. Talk to your children and show them ways that are right, because they are getting liberal ideas shoved down their throats. Especially secondary education.


Now that I have ranted and raved, let’s concentrate on what is right and follow that path.

God has a plan, and He is in charge. It may be a little confusing right now what He is doing, But He knows what is best for us. We just need to keep praying and seeing where all of this is going.

Moses went to the mountain to see God, but we need to know that God is in the Valleys as well.

I often wonder What I would be if it wasn’t for God. God will never fail us. He is just a prayer away.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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We Often Get Angry and say Something we Regret

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Just got home from an all day trip to the Oregon Coast. It is a trip that wears me down quickly. Two hours riding in a car each way. Then we went shopping at Costco. and that did me in pretty good. Could hardly walk when I got home and unloaded the car. I also took out the garbage.


Enough whining from me. I have been sporadic on doing my posts, because of still recuperating from my surgery. It has taken forever to get even close to 100%

Hey wait…I am whining again…sorry!!


My church service online from last Sunday was excellent. I am going to share some thoughts from that service.

The theme was “Don’t get caught up in the moment.”

We sometimes are easily upset and even angry with someone, and say things we later wish we hadn’t said.

I know I have been there. However, I am a guy that realizes my mistake and goes back to the person and apologize. There have been some of those times when they wouldn’t accept my apology,

At that point we need to move on and not dwell on the problem. If we do the other person has won.

We need to realize that we can get swept up in the currents of anger, jealousy, envy, hatred, etc. All those will lead to us drowning in the current.

Don’t drown in your own self pity. I used to have some great pity parties, but no one ever came.


Often because of the misunderstandings and hurts, we feel powerless, we lose hope. God gives hope to the hopeless. He makes the impossible possible. He brings power to the powerless, and life to that which was dead.

So face each day with hope, and don’t get caught up in the moment.


Another thing learned from church lasy Sunday:

  1. Let God take the glory. I have really concentrated on saying God did this and that for me. It wasn’t me it was His graciousness.
  2. Never add of subtract from God’s word. So many so called Christians take out of context what they want from a verse in the Bible to fit their own personal beliefs and not Gods.


How is the world flowing for you? Is it a little overwhelming? Do the days drag on, because you are lost and in mental pain?

Turn to God. He has the world’s biggest shoulders. I can’t imagine trying to face this planet without Him in my life.

Pray to Him about your hurts, and pains. Ask Him to relieve your guilt. Ask Him to give you peace, and love.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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How Sad it Seems Our Country is Going the Wrong Direction.

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What a wild week last week. I had surgery done on Friday. It was to replace a battery in my defibrillator. Went well, but the recover is going slow. That is why I didn’t have a Friday post.

I had wonderful nurses taking care of me. There were three of them in my room at one time. They were very caring and attentive.

This is always important when you are about to go to the operating room.

The staff in the operating room were all men. They also were funny and attentive. This seems to be the routine to calm down a patient. Worked for me.


The vaccine shots are going well. There are many more people that are able to get the first shot. It is now down to 70+. My wife and I have both of our shots, and wondering what happens next. I am sure I am not able to hug yet. That is one of my trademarks.


The climate of our country is at an all time low. Lots of fighting verbally. I am saddened on how our country seems to be going in the wrong direction. There needs to be something happen to change the course.

I got an idea….how about God? Very creative don’t you think? God can calm the waters. He can move mountains. I think if everyone let Him be in charge there would be a tremendous change in the whole world.

No matter what we do, God is still in charge. He knows what we need and when we need it, so we just need to pray and be patient.


If you are struggling with what is happening in our world today. You certainly are not alone. Be strong and cling to God’s robe. He will guide you through the muck and mire of life.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!_


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The Furious Weather We Are Having Causes Much Pain and Destruction

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What a scary few days we have had here lately. It’s called freezing rain! I feel that freezing rain is one of the most destructive weather situations you can face.

There was an inch of frozen rain on the ground and trees. The ground was a problem, but the real danger was the trees. They couldn’t take the weight of the ice.

There were trees that broke in half everywhere. Right across the street from me, there is still a tree on the roof of the house. The crews are totally swamped right now.

Next door to them is another tree that lost a massive limb that completely blocked the driveway.

You do not think of the ramifications of a storm like this until you have no electricity. That is devastating. You can’t cook. You can’t use your electric toothbrush, or electric razor.

You can’t use the toaster to even make toast.

There was no heat as well. That was very hard on us. We had to sit in front of the natural gas fireplace wrapped in blankets. We threw extra blankets on our bed at night.

We had to eat out of a cooler that was in the garage. BTW… the garage door wouldn’t open either.

This went on for 48 hours.

We have survived, and the electricity and heat is back. We have a friend staying with us that doesn’t have any electricity or heat. We are so glad we can help her.


How are you doing this winter? Have you had severe weather like we have had?

I pray that everything is going in the right direction for you now. This is the time to lean on God. He knows what is happening. He knows what you are going through. Pray for His protection, and calmness.


God didn’t promise us a rose garden, and of course there are those thorns. He will not make you face anything you can’t handle. He is a loving God, and wants the very best for you.

Stay strong in this not so friendly world. Don’t let the dark side overcome you. I realize that our country is close to chaos right now. Many wrong things are happening. Cling to the promises that God has for us and survive.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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How do We Handle Someone Who Hates Us and is Very Hurtful?

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I am feeling much better today. The side effects of the COVID-19 shot are gone. So many people still haven’t even received their first shot. They need to increase the amount of the shots, and move quickly.


I had a “run in,” with a Facebook guy today. He was very bitter with life, so I took it on myself to try to cheer him up. He wasn’t very receptive.

He was despondent over the fact that I had the nerve to post these words,

” Have you been in an outhouse all of your life? Want to live in a penthouse? Let God be the throne of your life. He will raise you up out of the muck and mire and build a mansion for you.”

His reply,

I’ve heard that many times before. But I always end up in another outhouse. Can you please get god to explain why he’s not giving me what you keep promising?’

My reply,

“The mansion is in Heaven. Our time on earth for a short time. Enjoy it.”

His reply,

*Very graphic from here on. He became very bitter and attacked me verbally.

“Well, that doesn’t do me any good until I’m &%*#@! dead.

My reply,

“Sorry you feel that way. Hope everything works well for you.”

His reply,

“You are not sorry! You are just another con artist with nothing realistic to say. Everyone should just cry now and do some more dope. Get yourself an emotion meter and stick it up your &%$#! Then wait for God to unplug you.”

His last reply,

“Listen dummy when I say goodbye it doesn’t require any response.

My heart cried out to him. He is in a very dark place, and has allowed this world to overcome him. The only way to free himself from his world is to turn to Jesus.


This type of person is all too common in our world today. They flounder around; not knowing where they are going, and are lost and struggling.

There needs to be people near him to love him and let him know there is hope. He thinks there is no where to go, and yet it is staring him in the face.

Does God love someone like this? Of course He does. He loves everyone. God doesn’t go checking how good or bad you are, God still loves you.

This man who attacked me, needs to find hope and love, I am asking for you to pray for him. I will not give you his name even though I know it. Pray and God will know who you mean.


How are you doing? Are you drowning in the muck and mire and, can’t see a way out?

God picked me up from the muck and mire, and got me on the right path. He can do that for you too.

Do not let the dark side overcome you like it has for this Facebook person. Seek the light of Jesus. He will guide you on your path.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Need to Still be Careful Even Though the End is in Sight for the COVID Virus.

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Two days ago I got my second COVID vaccine. It seemed like it was going OK after the shot, Then yesterday, I starting feeling some of the side effects they predicted. I had slight headache, nausea, and shortness of breath. They weren’t severe and I am feeling better today.

I was able to get my vaccine so soon, because I have many underlying problems, mostly with the heart.

I am not sure what happens now. I am just going to keep wearing my mask until they tell me is OK to stop.


Tomorrow is Super Bowl Sunday. I hope people are very careful and not have big parties. I usually do every year, but not this year. Next year I will have the mother of all Super Bowl parties!!

Things are not changing much. We all still should to be wearing masks, and be distancing ourselves.


I was almost going to have a pity party, but couldn’t come with a valid excuse. I am feeling OK. None of my family has come down with the virus. Life is not pounding on me right now. So why the silly “poor me” attitude?

I have found it is far too common to easily fall into the trap of depression. We need to fight back by thinking about good things and push the bad things out of our thoughts.


How are you doing? Is the earth rotating too fast for you. Does it feel like you are being weighed down by a huge magnate?

Well, then you need God to come to your aide. Lean on Him for your concerns. He is willing to listen to your pleas, and He answers our prayers. Not on the timeline we may want, but His timeline.

Don’t let the dark side overcome you. Seek the light of Jesus.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Tired of The Storms Coming Your Way? Ask God For Help

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It will be a very busy month for me. Because of health issues, I have six doctor’s appointments this month. All dealing with the heart.

The main is a procedure to replace my defibrillator. They will be putting a new generator in. It shocked me when they said that. I asked, “You are putting a generator in my chest?” The girl laughed and said, “No. That is just what they call batteries now for your situation.”

OK…I can “live,” with that.


In my last post I told you that I will be getting my second COVID shot on Thursday. We plan to be there early, because they have run out a few times. My appointment is at 10:45am so that should be Ok.

So I wondered…What then, do I still need to wear a mask? Am I immuned to the virus?

The right answer is to keep wearing the mask until this all clears up. Don’t want to take any chances.


Things are getting dicey in Washington D.C. There are congressmen carrying guns onto the floor of the House. Even people are wanting the Republicans to be eliminated. Yes, I mean gone. The bitterness and fighting, is causing havoc in our country.


So what can we do about all this?

I say this every time…PRAY! Every day I pray for our country. Not praying for one thing or another, but for the nation as a whole.

Try to keep calm and not get caught up in the frenzy. You have enough problems with the pandemic to have to worry about other things.

Lean on God. He has big shoulders. He will not allow anything to happen to you that you cannot handle.

Reach out to your family and friends and give them comfort. It helps them, and you will feel good yourself.


This old guy is getting weary of the storms I keep facing. They come in droves. Like I said I have six doctor’s appointments just this month. Each of them is to help me be healthier, so I shouldn’t complain.

How about you? Is it getting a little overwhelming right now. Is the world pulling you down like a huge magnate?

Stand strong and face the storms. Know that God is there with you holding your hand. He will protect you. He made you in His own image, and He doesn’t make mistakes. He has a plan for you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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How Do We React to Someone Who Had done something Wrong to Us?

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Well…The inauguration is over and there was very little problems. That is a very good sign at the moment. However, we have to ask, “What is next?”

Such a divided nation. Split right down the middle. This causes lots of turmoil, and hardships. We have to let God be in charge, and hope He will get our country to where He wants it.


What would you do? Coming face-to-face with someone who has caused you so much pain, how would you act? What would you decide in that moment? And maybe the more important question is to discover, is why?

We find an example of this type of situation in the Bible. The story of Joseph.

Genesis 50…

2 This is the account of Jacob and his family. When Joseph was seventeen years
old, he often tended his father’s flocks. He worked for his half brothers, the sons
of his father’s wives Bilhah and Zilpah. But Joseph reported to his father some of
the bad things his brothers were doing.
3 Jacob loved Joseph more than any of his other children because Joseph had been born to him in his old age. So one day Jacob had a special gift made for Joseph—a beautiful robe. 4 But his brothers hated Joseph because their father loved him more than the rest of them. They couldn’t say a kind word to him.

1) Joseph was sold into slavery by his own brothers, who decided to profit off of him, rather than kill him.
2) Thrown into prison, after being falsely accused of attempted rape because he refused to sleep with his master’s wife. 3) For two years, alone and forgotten in prison by the man he witnessed to. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a rough life. For anyone, this would give them ample reasons to turn to anything but God—to give themselves over to bitterness and anger—to turn inward—to turn to self-pity—or have a legitimate cry for JUSTICE and VENGEANCE! ALL THAT TIME IN PRISON TO STEW OVER THE WRONGS THAT HAD BEEN DONE!


Well, here is what happened next…

The brothers had come to Egypt because their families were starving and were asking for mercy. They didn’t recognize Joseph and bowed down before him seeking help. Then Joseph broke down and started weeping. He said,

3 “I am Joseph!” he said to his brothers. “Is my father still alive?” But his brothers
were speechless! They were stunned to realize that Joseph was standing there in
front of them. 4 “Please, come closer,” he said to them. So they came closer. And
he said again, “I am Joseph, your brother, whom you sold into slavery in
Egypt. 5 But don’t be upset, and don’t be angry with yourselves for selling me to
this place. It was God who sent me here ahead of you to preserve your lives. 6 This
famine that has ravaged the land for two years will last five more years, and there
will be neither plowing nor harvesting. 7 God has sent me ahead of you to keep
you and your families alive and to preserve many survivors. 8 So it was God who
sent me here, not you! And he is the one who made me an adviser to Pharaoh—the
manager of his entire palace and the governor of all Egypt.


So how would you have handled this? What would you have done?

Can you forgive someone that had done so much wrong to you? Will you forget the past and open your arms to this person, or persons?


I have to admit it would be very hard for me, but I would do it. We must think of Jesus hanging on the cross and had the complete right to be angry, bitter, and want revenge, but He said, Father, forgive them for the do not know what they are doing.

He was being killed and He ask God to forgive them!!

With that always stuck in my mind, I overcome any bitterness I may have and forgive.


Think about this in the future. Think, what would Jesus do?


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Must Remain Strong in This Not so Friendly World

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What happened on Wednesday was horrific. I was ashamed I was an American when I sat and watched rioters break into our National Capital, and even to the house and senate floor.

I 100% condemn their efforts. Nothing was accomplished, and other countries were appalled at what was going on.

This type of terror has to stop and stop now.


It is hard for me to do the things I need to do to stay strong and healthy. I try to work out twice a week, but it is getting more difficult.

I did a doctor’s appointment, I also did some shopping today, and that got my step count up. Mostly though I am grounded, because of health issues.

I will have to come with some “In house,” exercises. Will share what I came up with in a future post.


I was able to watch my home church online last Sunday. I wrote down three notes that mean a lot to me.

Our relationship with God can thrive regardless of what is going on around us.

We should listen, trust and obey, as far as our walk with God.

The Pastor asked this question: Do you stand out as a righteous person?


Each of those statements hit me between the eyes. Not in pain, but reality. The first statement was so very reassuring. We all need to remember that God is with us through the good and bad of our lives.

The second statement woke me up big time. We should always listen, trust and obey God, because He knows what is best for us.

The last statement, I am still working on each day. We should all strive to be righteous people.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Remember, the Darkness Can Not Overcome the Light

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Darkness seems to be spreading through out our world. The pandemic has raised its ugly head even more.

We have enough on our plate to have to worry about getting the virus. It is Christmas time and people should be doing Christmas shopping and yet, they stay at home and do it online. It is another form of a lock down.

I have been on lock down since March. I have health issues and the virus would do me in if I got it.


So what do we do? Should we give in to the darkness?

Of course not!! There is always light, and darkness can not overcome it.

I am referring to the light of Jesus. He is always there showing us the way through the darkness. If you fear what is ahead, Jesus said, ” Fear not for I am with you.”


I have gone through some horrific times in my life, and every time I came out at the other end, because of the light ahead.

I also need to remember that if I reject the light, there is not alternative, but to face darkness.

Do not give in to the darkness. Look for the light.


Yes, we face many mountains in our lives. They seem too high and mighty. However, God is mightier than any mountain. He can move them for you.

Some people make mountains out of mole hills. They over react and start saying, “The sky is falling!” Never listen to them. You know God is there for you, and with him on your side who can be against you?


If you for some reason feel inferior to others. Stop! God created you in His own image. He made everyone equal. He doesn’t make anything that is bad. He doesn’t make mistakes.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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