A place to find Hope

Category: negative feelings (Page 3 of 3)

Do We Really Need to Go to Church to be Christians?

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It’s Monday, and I am suppose to dread the thought of it, but I am retired and every day is like Saturday to me. I put in my time, and now I am enjoying every day.


Things are still in a turmoil in our country.

The rioting has spread. The pandemic is at a all time high, and we STILL do not know who our next president will be.

It is hard, at best, to be optimistic during this time. I am stubborn and will not let the dark side put out my light of hope, who is Jesus.

He is with each of us every day, 24/7. Never wavering. Never forsaking, never turning his back on us.

That gives me tremendous comfort. When I am down and depressed, He is there to take my hand and give me hope.


I was told by someone that they don’t go to church.

I asked why? They said they are a Christian, but don’t feel they need to meet every week with other Christians. They feel they can make it on their own.

Dr. Phil might ask, “How is that working for you?”

I can not separate myself from the church. Right now I can only be at church through an online set-up, But I am refreshed and ready to take on another week.

Just being there, hearing the songs, and listening to my pastor reassuring me, makes the whole world different to me.


Another thing I have been doing is talking to God every day.

I thank His Son for dying for me on the cross, and then I got through my list of family and friends I pray for. I even pray for our national and local governments.

I do this every day. I love my family and friends, and I love my country. I seek God’s wisdom to guide us all through the storms.

Things don’t seem to be going the way we would like it, but God is in charge and He never makes mistakes.


How are you doing?

Is there a lot of turmoil in your life as well? Do you wonder what is going to happen to you in the future?

There is millions of people with you in the same boat. Many are clinging on for dear life. Some are ready to give up. The suicide rate is sky rocketing during these times.


Don’t let the world dictate to you what you should fear. Jesus said, “Fear not.” He will be there for you during the good times and the bad times.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….Never, ever, give up!


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Be Strong and Don’t Go Through Life Alone

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Have you ever felt alone? I mean like you ae stranded on an island by yourself?

I have some times that has happened to me:

  1. When I was eighteen, I enlisted into the military. I had never been out of my home state. In basic I had two buddies that I had enlisted with and they gave me comfort. But then we were trained and all three of us were deployed to Korea. Still OK until we got there and found out that we were being sent to three different bases. I then learned what loneliness was. It was just me and a whole company of guys I had never met before. Then the alone feeling was overpowering. This eighteen year kid was in a foreign land, and didn’t know anyone. I felt lost. I felt I wanted to be back home with my family.
  2. Much later in my life I felt alone again. It was overwhelming. I couldn’t even tell my wife why I felt alone. It kept growing on me until I was ready to give up. I was driving my Ford Explorer one day, and it all came up all at once. I began sobbing. I couldn’t see where I was going. I turned into a high school parking lot and drove way in the back of it where no one could see. I had actually considered checking of this hotel called earth. That is when I yelled, “God I can’t take this any more!” Then I felt different. I felt the fear got away. I felt fresh air. It seemed like coming out of a coma. It was like God was saying, “It’s about time you came back to me. Now let me carry you the rest of the way.”

There are other times I have felt alone, but each time now I remember one thing...I AM NOT ALONE! God is with me every step of the way. I could tell you what happened after each time I felt alone. I even wrote an award winning book about it called, Signs of Hope, Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.

There are only one place to get the book if you want it. It is close to a second printing, and there are only about ten copies left. I have those ten copies, and you can only get one by going to www.dougbolton.com and click on books. This way you get an autographed copy directly from me.

I digress.


Being alone and isolated is our enemy.

We feel we can take on the world on our own. As a result, we distance ourselves from those who know us the best, We come incased in ourselves to push away others.

Remember this… Living the Christian life is not a “me,” thing, it is a “we” thing.

We need someone in our life to hold us accountable. We need a mentor to keep us on the right path.


In my case it is my own son Greg.

He has grown up to be a real Godly leader. I turn to him whenever I feel sad, depressed, or even alone. He is a no nonsense guy who tells it like it is, and that is exactly what I need.

We have to realize that we can not live for Christ if we are not connected. My son keeps me connected.


Before you chose your mentor You have to expect the following things to happen:

  1. Transparency: You must be willing to be see as you really are. Many of us of afraid to let anyone knw how we are deep down. We are afraid of rejection.
  2. Choice: You must be willing to change. No one can force you into anything.
  3. Confidentially: Everything you share never goes any further than the two of you.
  4. Commitment: Both of you must agree to a higher standard. The person across the table from you must have a deep desire to see you succeed.
  5. Confrontation: You can’t go easy on each other. Accountability requires confronting the reality of the truth. Face the truth and accept the challenge.
  6. Compass: This is is most important thought. The Word of God must serve as your compass to guide you the rest of your life.


“Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” proverbs 27:17


So if you feel isolated, find someone to help you. You need them to have a sounding board for you. Be strong!



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…..never, ever, give up!


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Don’t Let Doomsday Thoughts Overcome you

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What a rare mood I’m in…..It’s almost like I have been trampled, disappointed, lost, and in mental pain.

How’s that for a lead in sentence?

It is hard, at best, to find very many positive things in our world these days.

I feel like I have bring run through the wringer a few times.

That reminds me of the old washing machine my mother had in her basement. There was a wringer on it to help squeezer the water out of your clothes. I always feared I would get my arm stuck in it.

I am sounding pretty negative here, when I am suppose to be sharing hope. I love the word hope, It is my favorite four letter word.


Where can we find hope?

  1. There is hope when the sun comes up each day.
  2. There is hope when your child takes their first steps.
  3. There is hope when you get that job you wanted.
  4. There is hope when you accomplish something people thought you couldn’t.
  5. There is hope in our grandchildren.

I could gone on for several pages with hope. Hope is the key word in our lives.


Now that I have picked myself up off the floor of despair, I feel like all the negativity is gone.

This is what I need to do every day. I need to think of the positive things in my life. My wife. My children. All my friends.


I suggest you try this approach yourself. Every day sit down and think about all the great things that are happening in your life. You don’t need to write them down. Just sit and clear your mind of negative things for the day.

God is with you every step of your day, and while you sleep at night. He loves you and will protect you through all the turmoil we are seeing.

Never give in the the darkness of fear, and panic. There is a light ahead, and is our Lord Jesus Christ.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…Never, ever, give up!


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