A place to find Hope

Category: never forsake you (Page 1 of 3)

God Feeds the Sparrows. He Will Feed You Too

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“One day older and deeper in debt.” Those lyrics from a country western song fits perfectly in our world today.

  1. Inflation is running wild.
  2. Gas prices are soaring.
  3. Food prices are skyrocketing.
  4. The pandemic is causing many to look for ways to pay for it.


How can we survive in this kind of world?

The simple answer is that God even feeds the little sparrows. Don’t you think He will take care of us?

In my early days of marriage we were so poor that we had to turn the oven on to help heat the house. We were not sure we was going to make it until the next paycheck.

Somehow money kept coming in that we didn’t expect. It paid the bills, and kept us fed.


God is there for you. He knows your problems. He knows you are struggling. Never feel you have been abandoned by God. He will never forsake you or turn hIs back on you.


Never let the darkside convince you that all is lost. Look to the light of Jesus. Pray for protection from poverty, and worries.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Lord, I Believe, Help my Unbelief (Mark 9:24.)

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It is a great day, because I have no negative thoughts floating around in my head.


Can God perform miracles? Of course we know He can, but do we really believe that?

It is hard to believe in some things, but we need to believe. There is a verse in the Bible that says, “I believe, help my unbelief.”(Mark 9:24)

The whole chapter is about a man whose son was taken over by demons. The boy would have convulsions, and foam at the mouth. He did this from his birth.

The father cried out to Jesus to save his son because the disciples could not. That made Jesus very upset and He said, “O unbelieving generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I put up with you?: (Mark 9:19)

He was talking to His disciples who couldn’t chase the demon away.

Jesus had the father bring his son to Him and he healed the boy right there.


We need to expect miracles. God can perform many miracles. We need to pray without ceasing that He will do it for our loved ones or ourselves.

He is just a prayer away. He wants to hear from you. Lean on His promises and talk to Him in earnest.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Mary Did You Know?

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I sat and thought about Mary, mother of Jesus. What a task she was asked to do.

Most scholars think she was between 12-14 years old. They allowed men to have very young wives.

Mary met Joseph and they traveled together.

Suddenly, Mary was pregnant. She was only engaged and not married. I wonder what Joseph thought. “Should I quietly leave mary?” An angel came to him and said, “Fear not!” Mary will conceive the child of God.” Joseph understood, and stayed with Mary.

Mary was very scared and asked why she was chosen. Another angel came to her and told her, ” You will be the mother of God’s son. Call Him Jesus.”

So they went to Bethlehem and gave birth to Jesus. They had to stay in a dirty barn with many animals in it. Mary wrapped Jesus in swaddling clothes.


This is where I really started wondering when I read this in the Bible. What did Mary know about this little child of hers? I found a song that covers it real well, and I am going to share it with you:


Mary Did You Know?

Words by Mark Lowry

Mary, did you know that your baby boy would one day walk on water?

Mary, did you know your baby boy would save our sons and daughters?

Mary, did you know that your baby boy has come to make new; this child that you delivered will soon deliver you?

Mary, did you know that you baby boy will give sight to a blind man?

Mary, did you know that your baby boy would calm a storm with His hand?

Mary, did you know that your baby boy has walked where angels trod?

Mary, did you know that when you kiss your little baby boy, you are kissing the face of God?

Mary, did you know that your baby boy is Lord of all creation?

Mary, did you know that your baby boy will rule all the nations?

Mary, did you know that your baby boy was Heaven’s perfect lamb?

Mary, did you know that the sleeping child you are holding is the great, the Great I Am?


That cleared everything up for me. Jesus is the son of God, and Mary is His mother.

Be blessed knowing that Jesus has the perfect CHRISTmas present for you. Eternal life.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Why Do We Pray? Does it Really Work?

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We are told by our leaders in the church that we must pray. We must seek help from God. However, does it really work? God says yes. Matthew 18:20 says, “For where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them?

God hears our prayers, and He answers them in His own way. It says also in the Bible, to pray without ceasing. We should be talking to God every day.

Prayer unleashes God’s power. It changes us, and it changes the way we look at circumstances.

When we pray it resets the heart, and eliminates the horrible sounds around us.

How the world would change, if we all prayed as if we believed the prayers would all be answered.

Instead of criticizing, we should pray. Instead of protesting, we should pray.


Take inventory on your prayer life. There is the need for prayer more than ever. Take time each day to pray for:

  1. Our country.
  2. Our national and local governments.
  3. For you own family.

If we ALL prayed every day, what a difference it would make in the world around us.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…..never, ever, give up!


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What is Wrong With the World We Live in?

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It is a nice sunny day today. It will be the last of some sun for a week or two. We had a great summer here, except it got over a hundred degress six times.


I often wonder how things got to the way it is in our world right now. Pandemic going crazy, politicians attacking each other verbally, and continuous rioting in the big cities.

What is wrong with this picture?

Lots of, not so much fun, things happening. I have decided to be thankful for everything, because it is part of God’s plan. It is hard to accept some things that are happening, but God is working on it.

What to do if you are battling the situation:

  1. Take big breaths when you are getting stressed.
  2. There will be storms come, but they will pass.
  3. Never give in to the darkside, who would love for you to that.
  4. Read the bible for God’s promises. The book is loaded with them.
  5. Go for long walks(if it is sunny,) and release all the negative thoughts in your head.
  6. Keep on keeping on.


I have my granddaughter visiting me today. She is only ten years old, but her wisdom is amazing. She teaches me many things about life. She doesn’t allow things to get to her. I need to be more like her.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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With the Way the World is, Why Are We Here?

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Americans are still trapped in Afghanistan. Thousands are coming across our southern border. The pandemic is more powerful than ever.

With all of this happening, why are we here anyway?

It is true that our faith is being challenged more each day. It is hard to be a positive Christian. What good are we?

We all have a purpose designed by God.

It doesn’t matter what you do, God wants you doing it.

The education problems we are having today with the teaching of racism, etc, what good can a teacher do? I am a retired teacher, and I know that if you are a teacher you are very importnat in God’s eyes. He wants you there to nuture, and show compassion for those children. They are with you more than they are with their parents. You could have great influence with them. Thank God He placed you there.

How about a hair dresser. They are at the prime spot, becasue so many clients come and unload on the haidresser while they are getting cut their hair done. You can talk to them to console them and give them hope. Thank God he Placed you there.

How about parents, and grandparents? They are vital to the proper growing up of the children as well. Raise the child in a way that pleases God.


Never wonder why you are here. No matter what you do, use it to give others hope. Use it to show you care, and that you are loving and compassionate. This is a perfect way to get through to the people who are depressed, and wavering.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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So Many Storms Come, Pray for God’s Help

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It is the last sunny day for a few days. Heavy rain is coming, and we are glad for it. Has been a very dry summer, and we have had 100’s of wildfires.

This shows that sometimes storms are wanted.


But! Do we like storms in our own lives? I think not! Storms could be lost jobs, lost loved ones, lost sanity, and much more.

The pandemic is causing most of the storms in our lives. So sad to lose a loved ones to this horrible virus. There is nothing anyone can say that makes up for that loss.

How do we fight back to survive?

  1. God is our fortress during our troubling times.
  2. He is always there for us during the bad times and the good times.
  3. We need to cling to His robe and pray for His protection from the storms.
  4. Never, ever, think you are alone in this world.
  5. Be strong and reach out to others who are suffering.


That last thought is something I really try to do. I find that when someone is hurting, my idea is to console them. It makes them feel better, and it does me as well.


So, if you are struggling with too many storms in your life, know that God loves you and He knows what is happening to you. Reach out to Him and He will give you peace.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Is Your Life Just One Big Storm After Another?

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In the book of Job from the Bible is a story of sadness, anger, tragedy, and death. Sound familiar?

God allowed Satan to do what ever he wanted to Job, but kill him. Job lost family, crops, cattle, friends, and many other things. He was tested to the max.

The outcome? Job never wavered. He stayed steadfast in loyalty to God.

I wonder what we would do if all that happened to one of us? We are in a time when many tragedies, and sadness are all around us.

There are so many reason to give up and die.

However, faith sees us through the worst of times. By the way… faith is not always wonderful. Our faith will be tested just like what happened to Job. We will think God has left us, and yet we know He is there for us 24/7.

Know that Satan never gives up. He will keep telling us that God doesn’t love us. He will cause many tragedies to come into our lives. Satan is doing exactly what he was doing to job.

Will we be loyal to God through all of it?


Question God. Ask Him why so many things are going wrong for you. Jesus did that on the cross, “Why have you forsaken me?’ God listens and answers.

Never waver and stay true to God. Everything will be much better if you do.



You are never alone.

You are never fosaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Being Gracious to Those Around us Should be a Priority

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I can’t help but grieve for the Gold Star families that saw the 13 heroes come from the war in Afghanistan.

They were very upset and furious as to how the things turn out with evacuations. It shouldn’t have happened that way.


Got a pleasant surprise yesterday in the mail from a friend. We received a box from Harry and David’s full of goodies. I am eating the popcorn now as I type. She is a very gracious lady and friend.

This is what we need more of in our world. Gracious people who are reaching out to others. What a difference that would make.

God is very gracious as well. He sent His only Son down to earth to take care of all of our sins. we have eternal life, by God’s graciousness.


Have you been gracious to those around you? Have you made a phone call to that friend who lost their spouse recently? Have you help volunteer for a worth while charity? Do you reach out to your own loved ones, often?

Think about that. Do you need to take an inventory of your life to see if you are gracious enough?

Try to concentrate about reach out to everyone around you. The world would be a different place if we all did.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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The Shortest Verse in the Bible, “Fear Not!” Spoken by Jesus

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I have had a busy day. Went to Physical Therapy this morning. I have been working on my two blogs this afternoon, and then I have a doctor’s appointment at 3:30pm. No rest for the wicked they say.

I have had the blessing to be somehow connected with a SFC soldier that is in Kabul, Afghanistan. She is in dire straits. They city is surrounded with Taliban. They figure the city will fall win the next 30 days.

Can’t find out why she is still there, but I am praying what they get her our soon. If the city falls, she will probably big harms way. The Taliban have no mercy. I will keep you posted how things are going for her.


With all the horrible things that are happening around us, it is difficult to face the day. The pandemic is much worse now that when it started. Many people dying. I am repeating this, but I think it needs to be shared again.

In two of the bigger cities in the United States, there are many deaths, and in one city, 95% of those who died were unvaccinated. In the other city it was 94%.
A clear picture that we should ALL get vaccinated. If not, you most likely could die.

My post so far hasn’t been too cheery, but I thought I needed to share some important things.


Have you found that your day isn’t very cheery either? Does the day seem long and the storms seem to be coming in your life?

FEAR NOT! That is the shortest verse in the Bible spoken by Jesus, and He means it.

He is there to see you though those storms that are coming. He will hold you hand, and protect you.

I pray to Him every day to help me to be more like Him. I tell Him, “You are the most loving, caring, and compassionate man I know. Please guide me, show me, and let me know how I can be more like you.”

I pray that each and every night. Please know that he listens to your cries for help.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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