A place to find Hope

Category: overcome darkness (Page 3 of 4)

Don’t be a Father Doing Drugs and Alcohol. Monkey See Monkey Do


I heard the story about King David from the Bible and his son, Asbolum. It is a story about a father not paying attention to his son, and the son plotting against him to try to be the king.

Where was David was the question. Why didn’t he see what was going on and correct his son?

This made me think that our lives as fathers. Since Father’s Day is coming up a good discussion would be, where are we with our children?

Satan can be a huge detriment when it comes to being fathers. He will say, you can stay and have beers with the guys after a round of gold, instead of being home and playing with the kids.

He lets people hear what they want to hear. “It’s OK to forget your family and have fun.”

What I came up with is a guide for father s as to how they can be a good father:

  1. Love the mother of your children.
  2. Let your children hear you pray for them.
  3. Bring your children to church.
  4. Get home from work on time to be with family.
  5. Do not work when off work.
  6. Spend the majority of your free time with family.
  7. Play with your kids often.
  8. Say, “I love you,” every day.
  9. Put yourself on “time out,” when you are angry.
  10. Quickly admit to your mistakes and say, “I’m sorry.”


Here are some shocking results of a survey held recently:

  1. 22% of adults stopped going to church since the pandemic started.
  2. 50% of millennials have stopped going to church.
  3. Podcasts and Tik Tok, lead people away from the church.


How do we guard our hearts from Satan?

  1. A serious pursuit of holiness.
  2. A serious pursuit of worship.


So where do you stand in all of this? Do you go to the bar and forget about your family? Remember…Monkey see and monkey do. Your children will end up bars too.

Do you do drugs and alcohol too much? Monkey see monkey do.

Do you play golf every chance you can to get away your family? Monkey see monkey do.

Don’t be that kind of father. Put your family first, and love them with all your heart.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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Death Has Ways of Pulling us Down Like huge Magnate

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I was posting on my other blog this morning at www.dougbolton.com, and I realized that I have lost close friends not only in the military, but in life as well.

The two in the military were in peacetime. My best buddy, who had signed up with me to go into the military, died of some kind of crude while in Korea.

The second buddy died right in my own platoon, also in Korea, He suffocated in a honey bucket. A honey bucket is where to locals put their human waste for fertilizer.

These two deaths were extremely hard on me.


When I got out. I went back to college to be a teacher. I got a job in Albany, Oregon.

I lost three students during my career there.

The first one was a car accident. The boy had taken his mom’s car without permission and went on a joy ride. He was only 14 and had no license. As he was driving, he hit same loose gravel and went off the road. He was killed instantly.

The second student died right in front of me in the school. He had a massive brain injury. The last thing he said was, “I can’t see.”

The last one was suicide. He was a troubled kid, who kept getting into fights. I am guessing he didn’t like where he was in life, and ended it all.

So, I lost five people who I cared very much for. This doesn’t even include my own family members who have passed away.


Have you been there? Have you lost friends and family?

You certainly are not alone. Many of us have had to face that.

How do I keep going after all the death I have seen?

  1. I thank God for each and every day I have on this earth.
  2. I love all of my family to the max.
  3. I keep in touch with old friends to see how they are doing. It cheers them up and I cheers me up as well.
  4. I pray for God’s protection which gives me peace and comfort.


Never let the dark side overcome you into thinking the world is lost. Be strong and know God is with you. He can overcome any fears you may have. He will give you peace and comfort through the toughest of storms.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.


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I was Suicidal Until God was With me.

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I told you yesterday that I had my first physical therapy for getting better balance. Well, something I had to do during the therapy injured my back. Now I am a lame duck. I will have to heal before I can go back.


One of the things we most fear is that we are alone on this world. We feel isolated, and lost. We do not know where to go for help.

David in the Old Testament felt that way. He was suppose to be king, but Saul had other ideas. Saul was trying to find David and kill him. David ran and hid. He lived in caves, for fear he would be found and killed.

What a terrible existence.


Have you been lost and fearful? Have you felt there was nowhere to turn to?

You certainly are not alone. Many of us have felt that fear of being alone. We have felt there was nowhere to turn to.

Let me share some thoughts that I think will give you hope and comfort.

  1. God is near in times of need. He can take care of all your worries and fears.
  2. God is sufficient in the times of need. He is capable of handling all your burdens.
  3. You need to be saying, God is mine in my time of greatest need.


Never think you are alone. Never think God has forsaken you. He loves you and wants the best for you. You are His child.

I was alone and lost in the year 2001. I was ready to end my life. Then I realized that God was right there with me. That gave me peace and comfort. I made it through that day, and I am here today talking to you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Need God to Protect us During the Turmoil We Face.

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President Biden has decided to pull the troops out of Afghanistan on September 11th, 2021. That would be the 20th anniversary of the Twin Towers attack.

Now the people are in an uproar. They wanted the troops brought home, but now they fear the Taliban will take over the country quickly.


I am a spot in my life where I am not sure if we should send troops to every country that is having problems.

Biden is in a lose, lose situation, and I feel for him on this situation.


The Air Force just let in a white supremacist that a Google search could have caught, I wrote in an article on Tuesday. Airman 1st Class Shawn Michael McCaffrey has a long history with white supremacist groups, and he even ran a podcast where he and his racist, homophobic pals pilloried Jews, people of color, Muslims and many other groups, including the military. The Air Force is now investigating the case.



“I want to get back to doing normal things” was the main reason Army Staff Sgt. Anthony Johnson flipped from COVID-19 vaccine skeptic to vaccine recipient, writes Army reporter Haley Britzky. Like many other soldiers, seeing his commander take the shot helped Johnson change his mind. Learning more statistics about the vaccine, wanting to protect their loved ones and believing the Army wouldn’t provide a harmful vaccine to its troops also helped, Haley found out after chatting with soldiers.


Up date on my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military:In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

Going through the book one more time for typo’s, and then I will be contacting the publisher. Getting exciting for me and I hope you are getting excited as well.


How are you holding up in this world of turmoil? Is the world spinning too fast?

Yes, we often allow turmoil in our life. It is because we feel weak and cant fight back.

Always remember that God is on your side. With him there who can be against you. No one!

Be strong and cling to God’s robe. He knows who you are and He knows what He needs to do to protect you.

Never, ever give in to the dark side. Keep fighting back with God helping you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Don’t Think Life is Without Hope. God is There

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It is a beautiful day outside. No clouds and a high of 65 coming.

With that happening I should be feeling good and happy and I am. Not that I’m feeling perfect. It is because God has given me another day.


Now that I have brightened your day, let me get some bed feelings out of my head.

President Biden has announced his new gun laws program. It will cut many patriots hearts out. He wants to get rid of many types of guns, and tighten the rules. We will see how the public accepts that.


This reminds me of something a friend told me. He mentioned that he felt that life was without hope.

I told him that God uses some of our darkest moments as our doorway to hope. I also told him to listen to God. If He talks to you there is have hope.


I am going to update you again about my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

I cleaned up my veteran interviews and I am pretty excited of how they turned out. I have four WWII veteran interviews that are breathtaking. Every one of them were near death experiences.

I am adding a second appendix. It will list all the good military books that are out there. I have read many of them, and they are outstanding and truthful.

Keep coming back to get more updates.


Have your days turned dark on you? Do it seem that storms are coming? Fear not! Storms come but they go away. Remember, God is there for you during all your storms.

Never let the darkside overcome you. Seek the light.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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There Are Dark Days When We need to Lean on God

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Had a wonderful Easter

All my children were there. Lots of good food. Lots of laughter and story telling about each other. No masks, and lots of hugging.


We Must not Forget

those brothers and sisters in the military who had to spend Easter out in the cold, with not much good to eat. They are sacrificing their time to keep us free.


President Biden

is quickly turning both parties against him. His policies are causing havoc. He made the Major League Offices move the All Star Game away from Atlanta, because of the new legislation the state had put in place. It was strict rules on voting, and Biden didn’t like it.

He seems to be creating his own demise.


Here is an update for my new book coming out called, Signs of Hope for the Military; in and Out of the Trenches of Life.

Just a few more interviews to clear up.

I am going to add a second appendix. It will all the great military books there are.

Then it will be off the to publisher. I have one picked out and they will do a wonderful job.

I hope to have it out by Fall.


Did you have a great Easter? Maybe it was not so good. You couldn’t be with family. You didn’t have enough money to put a gathering together. There was sickness in your family.

All those darken our skies. They question comes up, “Why would God allow all this to happen to me? “

I do not look at it that way. God knows each of us. He will not cause calamity to come on us. It happens, and He is there to pull us through the storms.


Never listen to the voices that say, “God doesn’t care!”That is Satan talking. Leave the dark side where he lives, and embrace the light.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Being Ill Can Pull You Down Like a Huge Magnet

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I had an interesting night last night. Many of you may have already done this. I went to a sleep center to spend the night. They are testing to see if I get enough oxygen when I am breathing.

I got there at 8:00pm. The tech lady, told me it would be a short wait because there were other patients waiting. Well, two hours later I get my turn to prepare.

They put every type of wire they could invent on your body. On your head, stomach, and legs. Glad I could not see myself in a mirror. 🙂

I woke up this morning at 6:00am and they sent me home. I won’t know the results until I meet with the doctor.


It is let off steam time for me. Our president said yesterday in a quote. “I refuse to meet the deadline of May 1st to pull out all of troops from Afghanistan.” He doesn’t seem to care about our troops.

President Trump had all of that arranged and now it has disappeared.


Do you often feel overwhelmed when health issues come knocking at your door. I know I do. I have heart problems; hearing loss; bad back, and several other ailments.

It seems that at least once every week, I have a doctor’s appointment. The week of April 4th-10th I have a huge 5 appointments.


If you have similar problems, I certainly hear you. I know it isn’t easy to have so many thorns in your side. It not only is painful, but stressful.

So, how can we overcome all the negative part of life, like health.:

  1. God didn’t promises us a rose garden, and of course there are those pesky torns.
  2. God never has us face more than we can handle. Lean on Him for your strength.
  3. I use my ailments to be a witness to others. I share with them that I do not care to have the ailments, but God has chosen me to calm other people because if it.

Never let ailments, or attacks from the dark side overcome you. With God on your side who can be against you? NO ONE!

Be strong and face the storms head on. By doing this you are a very positive example to those around you who are suffering as well.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Our Educational System is Brainwashing Our Children to the Dark Side


It has come to mind that our higher education schools have taken a huge turn to the dark side.

I read that a student received an “F”grade because he wrote a paper that disagreed with the professors thoughts on Christianity.

Another time a professor verbally attacked a student for verbally doing the same thing.

This is widespread. Most colleges and universities have leaned to the liberal, not religion school.

Students are brainwashed from the first day of class.


I graduated from Oregon State University way back in 1973. There weren’t too many professors who pushed their own philosophies. I do remember one who hinted at that and the whole class let him know they weren’t interested.

Today, not many students stand up for what they believe. They fear repercussions.


I tell any high school graduate getting ready to go to college, to do their own thinking. They don’t have to disagree with their professors, but they can walk the right path on their own.


I have been watching the news. (I know, bad idea!) I see more and more that the media is leaning towards completely change our country into a socialist country.

More often than not, they say it is what is best for our country. Free college. Continue abortion and even expand it. Close all pipelines. The new “Green Deal.”

It goes on and on. They even want to get rid of cows because they omit gas to pollute.


Back to basics my friends.

We need to read the Bible and adhere to it teachings. We can’t listen to man. Humans are corrupt, and are thinking about themselves and not others.

Everyday I pray that the national and local governments will make decisions that benefit the people and not themselves. Not happened yet.

We have to have good governments for our children, and their children. We need to turn this earth around and start going into the right direction.


How do we do this?

  1. It starts in your own home. Instill into your own children what you know is right, and then they will spread it to their own families. I have done this with my children, and I am so proud to say that all my children and their spouses are Christians, and so are all of their children.
  2. Lead by example. Try to teach, “Monkey see and monkey do,” attitude. When they watch you, are you giving off the right message?
  3. Try to have your family go to church every Sunday. I know that just going to church does not make you a Christian, but I have found that mixing with other Christians at least once a week, does wonders for me. I gain strength that lasts me for the week.


What path are you walking? Does it lead you to the light, or is it a dead end. Take an inventory of your life, and see if you need to do same changes. Pray to God for guidance.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Perseverance, Love, and Hope, Are Three Very Powerful Words

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Well it has been a week today since my surgery for replacing the generator on my defibrillator. Things seem to finally getting better. The pain is still there, but not as intense as in the past. I see my cardiologist later today. She will check the surgery area, and recommend some things to make my life more comfortable and easy.


I have been following the path of “perseverance,” on Mars. Absolutely amazing. There are many interesting things to see that I hope NASA explores.

I truly think that NASA will find ways for people to actually live there. Not for me though. I love my spot where I am at. 🙂

The name of the rover is my number one most favorite long word. Perseverance is my middle name. I have been many health issues through the years and I am still fighting. Two of them were near death experience.

A doctor was amazed how well I made it through a very serious quadruple bypass surgery. I also had an infection in my spine that was spreading rapidly, but due to excellent work by another doctor, I survived.

She said I really know how to persevere. Hench, my new nickname.


I have two short words that are tied for my favorite words, Hope, and Love. The two best four letter words on the planet.

Hope is the theme of this site. I have been doing this blog since 2009. I have made the blog the place to come to for finding hope and my other favorite word, love.

Jesus said love conquers all. I believe that is true. If the whole world believed that what a different world we would be in.

Have you been using these three words in your daily life? Do you persevere through the storms you face? Are love and hope you number one priority?

If that doesn’t seem possible right now, pray for guidance on how to achieve each of them. God is there and He listens.

Never give in to the dark side of life. Push hard towards the light. There is the right path to do that. With God’s help you will find it.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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How do We Handle Someone Who Hates Us and is Very Hurtful?

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I am feeling much better today. The side effects of the COVID-19 shot are gone. So many people still haven’t even received their first shot. They need to increase the amount of the shots, and move quickly.


I had a “run in,” with a Facebook guy today. He was very bitter with life, so I took it on myself to try to cheer him up. He wasn’t very receptive.

He was despondent over the fact that I had the nerve to post these words,

” Have you been in an outhouse all of your life? Want to live in a penthouse? Let God be the throne of your life. He will raise you up out of the muck and mire and build a mansion for you.”

His reply,

I’ve heard that many times before. But I always end up in another outhouse. Can you please get god to explain why he’s not giving me what you keep promising?’

My reply,

“The mansion is in Heaven. Our time on earth for a short time. Enjoy it.”

His reply,

*Very graphic from here on. He became very bitter and attacked me verbally.

“Well, that doesn’t do me any good until I’m &%*#@! dead.

My reply,

“Sorry you feel that way. Hope everything works well for you.”

His reply,

“You are not sorry! You are just another con artist with nothing realistic to say. Everyone should just cry now and do some more dope. Get yourself an emotion meter and stick it up your &%$#! Then wait for God to unplug you.”

His last reply,

“Listen dummy when I say goodbye it doesn’t require any response.

My heart cried out to him. He is in a very dark place, and has allowed this world to overcome him. The only way to free himself from his world is to turn to Jesus.


This type of person is all too common in our world today. They flounder around; not knowing where they are going, and are lost and struggling.

There needs to be people near him to love him and let him know there is hope. He thinks there is no where to go, and yet it is staring him in the face.

Does God love someone like this? Of course He does. He loves everyone. God doesn’t go checking how good or bad you are, God still loves you.

This man who attacked me, needs to find hope and love, I am asking for you to pray for him. I will not give you his name even though I know it. Pray and God will know who you mean.


How are you doing? Are you drowning in the muck and mire and, can’t see a way out?

God picked me up from the muck and mire, and got me on the right path. He can do that for you too.

Do not let the dark side overcome you like it has for this Facebook person. Seek the light of Jesus. He will guide you on your path.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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