A place to find Hope

Category: reaching out (Page 1 of 4)

We Say “Why Me”, When we Get Afflictions. Reach Out to God.

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Got some bad news this morning. My beautiful wife has COVID. She is not well. Prayers would be appreciated.


Been following the war in Ukraine Is Putin deranged? YES! He is fighting a losing war. He has been defeated in several areas of Ukraine, and yet he still is letting Russian men die.

He needs to disappear. Any way we make that happen would be fine.

The counteroffensive is going well. Time for Putin to grow up and negotiate.


I have come up with a new plan for my bad hip. My primary doctor referred me to a pain maintenance clinic. If they can somehow help me with the pain, I will pass on the surgery. I will keep you posted.


Have you been struggling with an affliction. I feel our pain. It is easy to ask WHY ME!! God has allowed your pain, and you are not sure if you like at all.

Cry out to God to give you peace and relieve the pain. He listens to you even when you are angry. I am using my affliction to reach out to others who are suffering.

Maybe you should try doing the same.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Spending Time With Family Should be a Priority in Lives.

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I had a wonderful weekend with my family. It was at the Oregon Coast. My fie Charlotte, my three children and their spouses, two grandchildren, and my children’s mother were there. Lots of talking and laughing. It was very refreshing, and needed.


Current news…

UFO’s are become a problem with our military airspace. Our pilots have almost crashed into them.


Russia has just one tank factory only making 20 tanks a month. They will run out soon.


Bryan Kohberger could face a firing squad if convicted for the four murders he is accused of.


Poll find Trump beating Biden, but Desantis and Haley losing.


Clash of the Kims as tyrant Jong-un’s wife and sister are having a power struggle with him.


Daily Thoughts…

  1. Russia is on the losing end of the war, and don’t get the idea of giving up. I predict and assassination of Putin.
  2. The weather in pretty unpredictable here in Oregon. Woke up this morning with three inches of snow on the ground. More snow coming.


Important thoughts…

  1. When you whine a lot, people stop listening.
  2. Reaching out to others helps them and you as well.
  3. We need to be more tolerant towards other peole.


Speaking about God…

  1. Had a Zoom meeting this morning and it was 8 Christian brothers. It was powerful and meaningful. We prayed for each other, and for many people we know.
  2. When we can’t wait for God’s answers, He may have you wait longer.
  3. Never feel God isn’t there for you. He is by your side 24/7.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Get Excited When the Weekend Comes. Are You Too Stressed to Enjoy it?

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Today is my 301’st blog post. I was much higher at one time but my computer went out on me and I lost everything. I had to start over.

Today is Friday, which means that tomorrow is the weekend. Whoopi for those who are still working, but for us retired folks it is just another day.

I remember the excitement of an upcoming weekend. Enjoying my time with my wife and children. Doing fun things.


With the stressful times we have now, just how much time do you have with your family on the weekends? It is pretty hectic most of the time.


Here is what I would do if I was still working:

  1. Put family first. They are far more important than anything else.
  2. Don’t feel guilty if you don’t get something done that you wanted to get done. It will still be there tomorrow.
  3. Always reach out to your family and be positive for them every day.


How about your spiritual life. Do you done things one way during the week and another way for church?

We all need to be consistent and worship with other Christians. I know it is sometimes hard to submit to God, and realize He is your authority. He is a very loving God, and when you obey Him He takes very good care of you. He made you on His own image.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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5 Ways to Reach Out and Help Others Who Are Suffering

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Sorry I missed Wednesday. Not feeling all that well right now.

I have made a list of things I need to follow through on offering spiritual sacrifices:

  1. Worship.
  2. Pray.
  3. Encourage.
  4. Comfort.
  5. Proclaim.

Each of those are a priority for those who want to reach out to help those who are suffering, and need help for themselves.

A. Worship-Hebrews 13:15

B. Prayer-I Thessalonians 5:5:16-18

C. Sharing-Hebrews Philippians 2:1

D. Encouraging-Hebrews 3:13

E. Comfort-2Corinthians 1:3-6

F. Proclaim- I Peter 2:9


  1. Worship-Therefore, let us continually offer a sacrifice of praise.
  2. Prayer-Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances.
  3. Sharing-Command them to do good, to be good in reach deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.
  4. Encouraging-But encourage one another daily.
  5. Comfort-Trust that you have not failed the test.
  6. Proclaim-Praise Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Reach Out to your Neighbors, They Can be good Support

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Had a nice lunch with my neighbor across the street yesterday. He is new to the neighborhood, and I wanted to get to know him. I found out he was a Christian, and an author like me. We shared stories about our families, and I felt like I had found a new close friend.


Do you know all your neighbors? Have to tried to get to know them? Yes, you have your own families to seek to see a lot, but what about your neighbors?

Here is what I have found that works in reaching out to neighbors:

  1. Take a real effort to get to know all your neighbors.
  2. Call them just to say hello.
  3. Email them often.
  4. And my favorite…meet them at the community mail box.

I can see the mail box out my window, and when I see someone getting their mail I haven’t talked to in a while I go out to talk to them. Easy Peasy. I hear back from some of them stating it is good to talk to me, and they look forward to getting their mail, because of it.


Start your own crusade to reach out to your neighbors. You will put a smile on their face, and you will feel good about it as well.


Are you struggling through your days? Do you feel you would want to stay in bed all day instead of getting up? Well, I have been there with you.

I look forward each day to be talking to God, and thanking Him for the new day He has given me. It gives me strength, and calmness.

Don’t let this unfriendly world pull you down like a huge magnet. Look to the light of Jesus, and walk away from the darkness.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Great Faith is Believing We Are Not Worthy

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You look at that title and go WHAT? If I am not worthy, how can I have good faith? Read on.

Jesus had just finished His sermon on the mount. It was grueling and long. He was very tired. As He was heading away, a Centurion came up to Him and begged him to help his servant who was very ill and about to die.

This doesn’t sound like a true Centurion. They were ruthless. They found joy in torturing people. They killed many.

Jesus stopped to listen. He then said, “I will come and heal you servant.” The Centurion told Him. “I am not worthy of you to come to my home. Just say it and he will be healed.”

Jesus was astounded by this man’s faith. He told every one about him. A man had such strong faith that He knew that Jesus was capable to just saying his servant was healed that it would happen.

The Centurion thought he was not worthy and yet he had great faith.


More thought on great faith…

  1. Great faith looks beyond ourselves to help others.
  2. Great faith asks for less.


Do you have great faith? Do you know Jesus can do anything in your life? Be strong and rely on Him to walk with you and guide you through this not so friendly world.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Who is Your One For You to Reach Out to?

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In the Bible it tells us about the importance of one. Jesus had two parables to describe this:

  1. There was a shepherd tending his flock. He counted them and there was suppose to be 100. He found one was missing. He left the 99 to search for that one lost sheep. When he found the sheep, he rejoiced because he saved that one sheep from the wolves, and other animals.
  2. There was a woman who lost one of her coins. She left to rest of the money to search for that one coin. When she found it she rejoiced and let everyone know she had found it.


What I have learned from this is that I need to seek the ones who are lost and tell them at the good word of God. While we are doing this we are to seek the one-Jesus Christ.


I heard the lyrics from a song that said, “I’ll never know how much it cost to see my sin on that cross.” Very profound and direct.


So, who can you reach out to? Who is that one? It could be that neighbor who feels lost and depressed. It could be the man seeking money at the corner. It could be a member of your own family.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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If You Want Freedom, You Need the Truth From God

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It takes a lot of work to get where you are going. So many walls to climb over, but when you do, you are close to freedom. Knowing the truth also leads you to freedom.

Freedom is not doing whatever you want. You can’t choose to rob a bank, steal a car, kill someone. freedom is doing what we ought to be doing. Reaching out to others. Helping someone who is struggling. Being a good friend.

Sin is our main struggle. To find freedom, get rid of sin. Turn to the truth.

So what is truth?

God is the truth, and the truth will set you free.

It will also set you free from eternal death. Freedom comes from the supreme sacrifice that Jesus did on the cross.

Never try to get freedom in this world without the Lord.

If you are struggling with if you are free. Read the Bible it is full of hope, and shows ways to have true freedom.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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So Many Storms Come, Pray for God’s Help

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It is the last sunny day for a few days. Heavy rain is coming, and we are glad for it. Has been a very dry summer, and we have had 100’s of wildfires.

This shows that sometimes storms are wanted.


But! Do we like storms in our own lives? I think not! Storms could be lost jobs, lost loved ones, lost sanity, and much more.

The pandemic is causing most of the storms in our lives. So sad to lose a loved ones to this horrible virus. There is nothing anyone can say that makes up for that loss.

How do we fight back to survive?

  1. God is our fortress during our troubling times.
  2. He is always there for us during the bad times and the good times.
  3. We need to cling to His robe and pray for His protection from the storms.
  4. Never, ever, think you are alone in this world.
  5. Be strong and reach out to others who are suffering.


That last thought is something I really try to do. I find that when someone is hurting, my idea is to console them. It makes them feel better, and it does me as well.


So, if you are struggling with too many storms in your life, know that God loves you and He knows what is happening to you. Reach out to Him and He will give you peace.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Top Five Ways to Survive in a Not so Friendly World

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I had my usual Physical therapy today. Went pretty smoothly. Getting stronger each visit.


The governor of my state of Oregon announced today that we are going back to mandating masks for indoor events. The new Delta virus is causing havoc everywhere. We are back to where we were over a year ago.

Here are some scary statistics. Two of the biggest cities in our nation have had a tremendous increase of deaths from the virus. In one of the cities 95% of the deaths were not vaccinated. In the other city it was 94%. Pretty clear facts that shows everyone needs to get their shots now.


I don’t know about you, but I am struggling with all the turmoil that is going on all around us. Fake news, rioting, racism, lying by politicians, bad decisions by congress, and a president that doesn’t even know how many people live in our country.

I sat down and tried to figure out how I could face all of this mess. Here is what I came up with:

  1. Time to wear blinders like horses do. Only look straight ahead to the future.
  2. Only believe facts. not fairy tales.
  3. Do not blame people around you for problems, look in the mirror.
  4. Reach out to help those who are confused and depressed.
  5. Rely on your family and friends to see you through the storms.


If you are overcome with all the turmoil. Make you own list of survival ideas. Live by them every day.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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