A place to find Hope

Category: reaching out to those who are suffering (Page 1 of 2)

99% of What We Worry About Never Happens. Give the rest to God.

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The title of my blog is “Daily signs of hope,” I want to share some things that share hope.


  1. Every storm has an ending.
  2. Even the worst days are better than no days.
  3. Be thankful for your family.
  4. Get rid of the negative thoughts in your head, and replace them with positive thoughts.
  5. Reach out to help others. It makes them, and you, feel better.
  6. Go for long walks, even in the rain. It clears out all the garbage in your head.
  7. Call someone to brighten their day.
  8. Walk the walk and talk the talk.
  9. 99% of what we worry about never happens. Give the rest to God.
  10. Always know that God is with you 24/7. Call on Him to protect you.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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If You Need Help, Ask For it Now.

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Being a veteran I am overcome with shame to find out that 1.5 million veterans do not have enough food to eat. I know they were taught to be tough in the military, but they need to seek help anyway.


Have you had times when you needed something , but was too proud to ask for help?

There are many of you out there doing that. It is not shameful to seek help. Allow your friends and neighbors to help you.


God will also provide for you if you ask. He wants you to be strong and healthy. He is just a prayer away.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Feel For the People in Maui, Hawaii. Did Our President Turn His Back?

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Thinking of the people in Maui. It is so sad the losses they have occurred. Many deaths and rising. Homes lost.

There is a dire need for all of us to pray for them at this time.


The even sadder thing is the response for our president. When he was asked his thoughts on it, he said, “No comment.” Really? The people are suffering, and he said no comment?

This made me very angry. I have been to Maui, and the people there are great people like you and I. A comment like that tears them down, not build them up.


Have you had people turn their back on you? Did you feel the hurt? If So what can we do to help with the sadness?


  1. Don’t let anyone degrade you. They seem to have their won problems.
  2. Do not strike back. They will be the winner in that situation.
  3. I know this may be awkward, but pray for that person. They have deep problems.
  4. The most important thing to remember is that God loves you very much.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Worshipping by Faith is Recognizing God for Who He is.

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When we look at the story of Abel from Genesis 4, we can see what it looks like to worship by faith. Worship is the recognition of God for who He is, what He has done and what we are trusting Him to do in the future.

Sometimes worship is private meditation. Other times it can be a celebration. But it is always done in recognition that He alone deserves our worship because He is the only true God. Worship was established in the early chapters of Genesis as we see Abel bringing “the firstlings of his flock” to offer to God. He is viewed as a righteous man in Hebrews 11 because he gave God the best that he had. He gave to God first, honoring God’s person and position.

If you want meaning in your life, then you are going to have to learn to worship by faith. That means that you aren’t just seeking after feelings when you worship. You don’t have to feel like you want to praise Him in order to lift up your voice in worship. Truth be told, we all sometimes don’t feel much emotion in our worship. That’s okay. We do it because we need to do it. We need to worship . . . and, Scripture tells us, God seeks worshipers.

So, let’s worship by faith. Don’t make your feelings the engine. Keep them as the caboose. They’re still attached to the train, but they don’t run the show. Worshiping by faith is an investment of your time, not merely a spending of it. And good investments always pay good dividends.


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Many Things Cause Pain. We need to Reach out.

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It seems that many of us suffer much from, an affliction, lost loved ones, or broken relationships.

All of these cause much pain in our lives.


How we handle these are what define our character. We can say “poor me,” Or be an encouragement for others. I always say, it is better to have a smile than have a frown. It is much harder work to frown.


Use that principle in your life. Don’t be a whiner, but be a friend that helps others.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Say “Why Me”, When we Get Afflictions. Reach Out to God.

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Got some bad news this morning. My beautiful wife has COVID. She is not well. Prayers would be appreciated.


Been following the war in Ukraine Is Putin deranged? YES! He is fighting a losing war. He has been defeated in several areas of Ukraine, and yet he still is letting Russian men die.

He needs to disappear. Any way we make that happen would be fine.

The counteroffensive is going well. Time for Putin to grow up and negotiate.


I have come up with a new plan for my bad hip. My primary doctor referred me to a pain maintenance clinic. If they can somehow help me with the pain, I will pass on the surgery. I will keep you posted.


Have you been struggling with an affliction. I feel our pain. It is easy to ask WHY ME!! God has allowed your pain, and you are not sure if you like at all.

Cry out to God to give you peace and relieve the pain. He listens to you even when you are angry. I am using my affliction to reach out to others who are suffering.

Maybe you should try doing the same.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Spending Time With Family Should be a Priority in Lives.

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I had a wonderful weekend with my family. It was at the Oregon Coast. My fie Charlotte, my three children and their spouses, two grandchildren, and my children’s mother were there. Lots of talking and laughing. It was very refreshing, and needed.


Current news…

UFO’s are become a problem with our military airspace. Our pilots have almost crashed into them.


Russia has just one tank factory only making 20 tanks a month. They will run out soon.


Bryan Kohberger could face a firing squad if convicted for the four murders he is accused of.


Poll find Trump beating Biden, but Desantis and Haley losing.


Clash of the Kims as tyrant Jong-un’s wife and sister are having a power struggle with him.


Daily Thoughts…

  1. Russia is on the losing end of the war, and don’t get the idea of giving up. I predict and assassination of Putin.
  2. The weather in pretty unpredictable here in Oregon. Woke up this morning with three inches of snow on the ground. More snow coming.


Important thoughts…

  1. When you whine a lot, people stop listening.
  2. Reaching out to others helps them and you as well.
  3. We need to be more tolerant towards other peole.


Speaking about God…

  1. Had a Zoom meeting this morning and it was 8 Christian brothers. It was powerful and meaningful. We prayed for each other, and for many people we know.
  2. When we can’t wait for God’s answers, He may have you wait longer.
  3. Never feel God isn’t there for you. He is by your side 24/7.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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5 Ways to Survive in This Not So Friendly World

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Finally found out what was happening with my hip. Ex-rays shows that I have arthritis. I trying to decide if that is a bad thing or a good thing. I was told I may need surgery for a bad hip.

I have meds to help with the pain, so I guess I will be Ok.


Where does it say we need to agree to all the mess we are going through? I am tired of the excuses our government is giving us for the high inflation, disaster at the southern border, high crimes rates, etc.

They are trying to tell me that it is OK to pay $50.00 to fill my car up with gas. It is not oK!


I have solutions to almost everything above, but I am sure it would fall on deaf ears.

So what do we do to survive in this not so friendly world?


  1. Take one day at a time. Jesus said, “Do not worry about tomorrow it has enough worries on it own.”
  2. Read the Bible every day! It has all the comfort and truth you need.
  3. Face the storms of life head on. After all with God on your side, who can be against you?
  4. Help others who are struggling. It helps them and you too.
  5. Pray for God’s protection.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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The Date December 7th, 1941 Changed life for Americans.

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On December 7th, 1941 The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, and killed several thousands of Americans. I was only two years old at the time, so I didn’t really know what was going on.

Three of my uncles, fought in WWII and two of them received Purple Hearts. Their heroics helped stop the war and our freedom.

I enlisted in 1959 in the Army. I did it to honor my uncles who fought ahead of me. Each of them was a hero to me.

I am proud to have served my country, and I would do it again if I could.


It is getting close to the most important holiday of the year. It is Christmas. The word Christmas means the mass for Christ. During this hectic time many people have completely forgotten the true meaning of Christmas. Christ seems to have disappeared out of their lives during this holiday.

Jesus was born on Christmas day. he became the savior for the world. He paid the supreme price by dying for each of us on the cross. That means you too. Jesus doesn’t hand pick His favorites. He loves ALL of us no matter what our beliefs are.

All we have to do is invite Him into out hearts and we are Christians. You become His child.


I mentioned before that this time of year is very hectic. Do not let the stress of the holiday pull you down like a huge magnate. Keep being positive, and share your joy with others, who are suffering.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Reaching out May Help You Find Old Friends, or Make New Ones.

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I had a pleasant experience yesterday. I went with my son to a meeting he was conducting. He was the MC. He did a wonderful job of leading the meeting. I was back behind everyone trying to stay out of the way. Then one of the members asked who I was. My son said, “He is my dad.”

Then a lady shouted, “He was my fourth grade teacher.” I couldn’t believe it. I met with her afterwards and found out she was indeed one of my fourth grade students.

I met with her during the summer and tutored her. She told me that because of me helping her she became and outstanding student.


Have you had a wonderful experience like this? Why not? Have you reached out to those around you to see if they are someone from your past?

It could be a neighbor. It could be a person ahead of you in a grocery line. It could be at a restaurant.


Reaching out has many benefits. You may find someone you hadn’t seen in years. Even if it isn’t someone you didn’t know, You have made a new connection.

If someone looks familiar, ask.


Put a smile on God’s face and meet new people.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up.


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