A place to find Hope

Category: remain strong (Page 6 of 17)

The Stressful World We Live in, Can Overwhelm You

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It is one of those days. I am being overwhelmed with aches and pains. My right hip hurts. My right foot hurts. My back is really bad. Struggling to keep my balance. Other than that I am doing fine.


It has been very hectic and stressful around our home the last two weeks. We had to move everything out of the kitchen, and the den. Then they put in new flooring in the kitchen area, and a new carpet in the den. Looks beautiful. BUT! Then we had to put all the furniture back! Still doing that, but it is all coming back together.


Have you had disruptions come into your life? Were they hectic, and stressful? It seems to happen in all of our lives. What can we do to face all of this?

  1. All things will change.
  2. Each day is a new day.
  3. Face your storms head on.
  4. God for long walks to relieve all stress.
  5. Try to block out all negative thoughts in your head.


Of course the most important thing to remember is that God is with you 24/7. He there when the stress hits. He is there when the darkness comes. He is there when you most need Him.

Always depend on God. He loves you and wants the best for you. Know He has many promises for you. Pray for His protection and love.


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You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Need to Find Ways To Relax and Regroup

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I am at the Oregon coast. Spending a few days to try to relax. It’s working. Beautiful sunsets, and great restaurants.


It seems to me That this country I going in the wrong direction. Everything is off from where it should be, High inflation, gas, groceries, restaurant prices. Then there is the border crises, the war in Ukraine, and it goes on and on.


I know, it seems like I am whining, but I love my country. I am a veteran who served, and want what is best for our country. That isn’t happening right now.


I must be active, and share my dislike for what is going on. I need to write my congressmen and women. Never sit on your couch and allow the waves to come in over your head.


Always be strong in your beliefs. Honor God, because as we all know, He is in charge. Pray for His wisdom in your life. Seek His promises. It seems He is allowing too much pain, but in reality He has a plan for us, and we must be patient and wait.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Never Let Age Stop You From Reaching Your Dreams

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Being an author has been a thrill for me. My first book received a national award from the Reader’s Favorite Awards.

I am now working on my second book called, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the trenches of Life. It is almost finished and will come out by Christmas.


Sounds peachy keen right? Well, I have found that it is hard work and stressful. Not that I don’t enjoy writing. I love it, but there are other things I have to do like sell the book. I have been self publishing, which means it is all up to me to the marketing, promotions, signings, etc.

I am 83 years old and now am wondering if I have the stamina to go on with the big push for my second book.


Here is my feelings on that:

  1. Your never too old to start something.
  2. Use your age to be a expert on things people want to know about.
  3. Take time to do what ever project you are working on. Rushing has been bad news for me.
  4. Enjoy what you are doing. Don’t do it thinking you have to do it.


The most important thing to remember is that God is with you. He knows about your dreams. He knows what you are capable of. He will guide you down your path, or He will stop you if He thinks it is too much for you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Be Strong Through the Overwhelming Storms of Your Life

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I lost a couple of battles, but won the war. I am now clear of COVID-19.

I had some scars from it. I was told that I have lost hearing in my left ear. The doctor thinks it may come out of that though.

I had a horrible iron reading from a blood test I took. The high is not supposed to be over 300, mine is 752. That could cause huge damage to my liver. I did an ultra sound yesterday and I am OK for now.

Some wonderful news is that I had A-fib for years, but I had testing this week and the girl said I was back in regular beat since July 24th.

The COVID virus can cause some serious side effects, but can help you on occasion.


Have you had some struggles with you health? Have you had a doctor tell you some bad news?

There are many people like that.

So what can we do to counter attack all of this?

  1. 99% of what we worry about never happens. Give the rest to God.
  2. Be strong and help others who are going through the same things.
  3. Know that God is with you 24/7.
  4. Persevere through the storms of life.


I know it can be hard at times. I have been there, but your strong example to others will go a long way in their lives.

Be the helper.

Be the supporter.

Be the calmer.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Don’t Talk About Sin, But Maybe We Should

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Yes, we do not talk about sin. It is hard to tell someone they are sinning. It is hard to hear from someone that you are sinning.


However, we need to confront those who have wavered. We are all tempted. So is a temptation a sin? No, only if you give into the temptation. Jesus, was tempted.

Share with others that you think need help, and be ready to bear your own sins.

God gives us the power and confidence to face others who are sinning. God also wakes us up to others who tell us we are sinning.

Three things we need to remember:

  1. We should always walk in the spirit.
  2. We are accountable to each other.
  3. We are accountable to God.

Go and sin no more is what Jesus told the woman. Hear Him speak to you in the same way.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Never Stop Trying. Never Stop Believing. Never Give Up

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Do you ever get tired of the daily frustrations? I sure do. Wouldn’t life be great if we could wear rose colored glasses?

It seems like we face more walls than clear paths. Everything seems to be a struggle.

Now that I have torn you down terribly, let me share how I make it through each day to fight all of the above:

  1. Never let day get to you. Each day has it ups and down. Go with the flow.
  2. Go for walks every day. That seems to clear my mind, and gives me fresh air.
  3. Sit down and read a book. The Bible is a good one to read.
  4. Remember, God is with you always. He walks with you on your walks. He speaks to you through the Bible. He guides you on your paths.


I try to be upbeat all the time. Yes, it is hard sometimes, but when you are always upbeat it rubs off on others.

It is much easier to smile than to try to have a frown all day.


Face your storms head on. Never back down.


The thought for the day.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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COVID-19 is Attacking People, but Remember God Will Help You

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It is time to whine again. I bet you love it. LOL

I got the COVID-19 virus on July3rd. I battled with it, and came out of it OK, But then I was hit with Post COVID-19! I am still feeling the affects of that today. All the symptoms are gone except for the severe exhaustion, and weakness.

I get up in the morning feeling somewhat good, and by the afternoon I am wiped out.

There have been some serious happenings because of the virus. I seemed to have lost hearing out of my left ear. I went to a ENT, and he said that I did. He said the virus caused it. He also thinks that maybe he can get my hearing back with treatment. We will see there.

Then I had some blood tests and my iron count was out of sight. The normal high is 306. My blood test showed 766. That’s more than double the highest allowed. I see my primary doctor in an hour to see what we can do for that.


Have you had some serious health issues attack you? Do you wonder why you are getting so many ailments? I certainly hear you.


We all have to understand that we are not alone. God is with us every step of the way. He cares for us and He is just a prayer away. We need to ask for His protection, and to give us hope.

We shouldn’t give into the the darkside. Look for the light of Jesus, and give all your worries over to Him.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Never Forget God During Your Stormy Days

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It has been quite a ride for me the last four weeks. I got COVID on July 3rd, and now I am just at the tail end of Post COVID.

I am down to battling severe fatigue. I get up in the morning and feel pretty good, but by noon, I am exhausted. I see my primary doctor on Friday.


I am repeating a section of a previous post to remind me to stay the course with God.

Remembering God

  1. The way to remember is to keep God’s ways.
  2. The way to remember is to walk on God’s paths.
  3. The way to remember is by not giving any opportunities to forget.
  4. The most important way to remember is by humble surrender.

Humility isn’t thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.

C. S. Lewis


I sometimes take God for granted. I know He is there, and I don’t need to bother Him of my needs. That is just the opposite of what God wants. He want us to talk to Him every day.

I now talk to Him every day. I thank Him for his love. I thank Him for His protection. I ask Him to protect my family, and give me ways to serve Him

Doing this every day lets me feel safe and loved.


How is your world turning? Do you have days where you wish you could stay in bed and forget everything else? I have been there.

Always face the storms. Never let the darkside steer you away. God is always with you and will guide your paths. He loves you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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What is Freedom, and How do we Find it?

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I have been missing for almost two weeks. On July 3rd, I came with the COVID virus. It was tough for three days and then I started doing better. Then on July 12th my family left for Hawaii. It was very hard for me, because I had to use a walker, and some of the walks were pretty hard on me.


Freedom is something we all want to have, but what is freedom?

Dictionary.com says:

  1. The state of being free, or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint.
  2. Exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.

It is clear that we want all of that.

Do you feel like you have full freedom? We won’t have true freedom until we let God guide us on our paths.

We all have the power to do what we ought to through God.

Something that is difficult to understand for some is that the Holy Spirit is inside you once you accept the Lord. With the Holy Spirit in us, we can fight off the darkside. God’s love shines when all else fails.

We need to know that sometimes God allows pain and suffering in us. He doesn’t cause it, He allows it and Helps us through it.

Think of each of us as wine. In the crushing and pressing we are made into new wine.


Never let Satan overcome you. Let the Holy Spirit guide you through the storms.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We All Want What We Want, and We Want it Now

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Feeling a little blue today. I want things to happen and everything is very slow. It happens to all of us. We want something yesterday, not a week from now.

I need to relax and know that God has a plan that is on His schedule not mine.


Have you been there? Do you want something now, but it isn’t happening? You certainly are not alone. I can hear the people saying, I want a new car! That boat should be mine! I want a new home! The list goes on and on.

You know what stops me in my tracks? I think of the people of Ukraine who just want peace, and return to normal without anyone else dying.


So simple and much needed. Why can’t people just get along instead of fighting for more power?


Remember…never give in to the darkside! Time heals all wants and wounds. You will get what you need to survive. That is all we should be asking for.


Be a leader in helping others who are fighting depression, because they feel they want more and don’t have it. Share with them that God has a plan for them and it may take time.


God be with you and give you peace. May His light shine upon you.



You are not alone.

You are not forsaken.

You are not unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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