A place to find Hope

Category: sadness

It’s Hard to Be Positive in Our World Today.

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It is hard to be positive in our world today. Inflation, wars, high gas prices, Southern Border, and much more. All of this is hitting us every day.


People need to come up with ideas, and thoughts to fight back. There is no need to have an negative attitude no matter what is happening. It causes too much stress.

We need to get in the trenches and go to war with all of this. (I am A veteran. ) 🙂

Here are some thoughts and ideas to try:

  1. Do not spend all day watching the depressing news. It is hard anymore to find anything but depressing news.
  2. Go for long walks and forget about the world. I have done this and come have back refreshed.
  3. Call friends to let free your frustrations. They will comfort you.
  4. Read the Bible. The truth and much love is there.


If your are reading this and still feel down, remember God is there for you 24/7. He knows your hurts. He loves you and He will help you. Just ask Him. (Prayer)



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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It’s Hard to Have Pain and No Way to Stop It.

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I have been battling sadness the last few weeks. I have gotten a report that I have a hernia, and the surgeon I met said he won’t do it because of my age and medical condition.

I am seeking a second opinion to see if I can still have the surgery. However, I am feeling very bad that I have to live with the pain, and stop some exercising I was doing.

The doctor prescribed a device for me to wear the rest of my life, that is suppose to “push,” the hernia back into it place. I do not want to wear a device the rest of my life.


Have you struggled with you health like I am doing now? I completely understand the boat you are in. I am on it with you.

I am working hard to be positive throughout all of this. Here are some things I have been leaning on to help me with that:

  1. I need to be thankful that it is only hernia, and try to stop the pity parties. That doesn’t go well with my children.
  2. I need to know that God will provide the answer to all of this.
  3. I need to pray often, and without ceasing for strength.
  4. I need to still go on walks to keep some semblance of strength.


Why don’t you make your own list of ways to plow through your walls you are facing? It made me feel good by doing these for you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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It is So Hard to Lose a Loved One

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It was so very sad to hear that a Navy Seal Officer was killed while training. My prayers go out to his family.

I have been there. I have lost several dear people in my life. My mother and father have passed. One of my brother-in-laws has passed. A friend, who was a groomsman at my wedding has passed.

I lost four students I had while teaching. I was very close to each of them. One was a suicide, which struck my heart even more.


We may ask why God has taken them away from us. I can’t give you a good answer except that God is in charge, and He chooses when we go to meet him in heaven. The loss is hard, at best, to accept, but we must carry on in this earth. We are only here a short time compared to the eternity we will be living in heaven.


Be strong. Stay the course and enjoy each day God has given you. You will see all those you lost again in heaven.


Never be angry at God for His choices. Praise Him; love Him: and obey Him. He loves you more than you can ever know.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Idolatry is Causing Many to Turn Away From God

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In our world of sadness and chaos we wonder what we need to do to survive in this not so friendly world. I heard a powerful message at church yesterday about idolatry.

When we think of it, many of the dictators of this world live off of idolatry.

Think about the Taliban in Afghanistan. They have only one thing on their minds, and that is people worship them or they die.


The Bible has a story about a city that turned to idols instead of God. God punished them by destroying the whole city. There was nothing left there but dried bones.

The people who lived through this cried for help, and God said they need to repent to receive His grace.

Here is a definition of idolatry:

It takes place when we exchange God’s self revelations and replace them with our own ideas of who we think God is or should be.

The essence of idolatry is thinking thoughts about God that is unworthy of Him.


Have our bones dried up because we worship idols like, cell phones, TV, our new car, or boat?

Take inventory of your live and see if you have placed something in front of God that you idolize.

Some thoughts:

God can be trusted.

God’s promises are sure.

God loves you just the way you are.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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The War is Over, but the Suffering Will Last Forever

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I am still saddened by the results of the withdraw from Afghanistan. Needless death and destruction. People left stranded and fearing for their lives.

I was in contact with a SFC Army soldier in Afghanistan, and she was very frightened. She felt she would die soon. Thank God she made it out.

Yes the war is over, but the scars will last forever.


This is certainly not a very friendly world right now. There are sad things happening all over. The pandemic is back and worse than ever. It never left. The unrest amongst the people is very high. Our president doesn’t seem to know what planet he is on.

What does our future hold for us?


It will a rough and bumpy road we must travel, but we have need to remember that God is in charge. Yes, it is hard to believe that He would allow all of this turmoil in our lives, but He has a plan and we need to be silent and know He is God.


I am in the same boat as you are . I am fearful for the future, but I have to sit back and wait on the Lord. He will rescue me and give me peace. He is my fortress. He is my salvation. He is my redeemer. Without Him I am totally lost.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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In a Hopeless World We Find Hope in God

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So much sadness in our country right now. Thirteen young soldiers died on Thursday, and it could have been avoided.

It grieves as much as losing on of my own family, since I m a veteran.

What hope do we have when all of this is going on?

First a definition of the word hope;

“The anticipation of a future that is better than the present.”

Hope is my main thrusted on this site. I try to share hope in every one of my posts.

Cutting to the chase…

It is God’s past faithfulness that motivates hope for the future.

Reminder… Without God it is hopeless. I couldn’t survive without Him.

Remember that God walks us through the darkness in our lives. He hears our soft cries for help.

Laminations 3: 24 says… “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore I have hope in him.”

There is another verse in Laminations that describes God:


He has mercies

He is faithful

His love never ceases.


If you are feeling hopelessness creeping into your life, cling to God’s robe and seek His protection. He listens to you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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