A place to find Hope

Category: Satan

What is the Devils Favorite Question to Ask?

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“How much will you lose if you follow Jesus?” That’s the devil’s favorite question; he has successfully used it more than any other to lead billions to hell.

The Bible clearly warns that there will be loss in following Jesus. However, it also teaches that there are compensating gains. So, in addition to counting the cost, we must also count the profit. Yes, there are expenses, but there’s also income.


What is faith?

What do we mean when we talk about faith? We use the word a lot, but it’s a concept that many of us have found hard to grasp. Hebrews 11:1 defines it well: “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”

What this tells us is that faith is based on content. It isn’t just about vague feelings. Nor is it a question of how much faith you have. It’s about what you are trusting in and how that is reflected by your actions—by the movement of your feet. Faith is acting like God is telling the truth. It’s acting like it is so even when it’s not so in order that it might be so simply because God said so.

Faith is substantial, but faith deals with what you cannot yet see. If you put seeing before faith then it isn’t really faith at all. Faith is anticipating what you are looking forward to. Faith is about expectation, and the biblical word for that is hope. When you and I learn to expect big things from God and move in sync with Him through obedience (which is the essence of faith), then we will see more of God in our everyday circumstances. We will have more hope.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up.


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I’m Tired of Going Round and Round on Earth

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It’s Friday and it is my rant day:

  1. I am very tired of the pandemic.
  2. I am very tired of how this country is divided.
  3. I am very upset with what is going on in Ukraine.
  4. I am very shocked how fast inflation and gas prices are rising.
  5. This is just my short list, but I don’t want to sound like I am inviting you to my pity party.


It is hard, at best, to face the world we live in today. We need to find ways to block out all the negative things that are happening:

  1. Don’t believe half of the news you are hearing.
  2. Seek the truth.
  3. Speak your frustrations to your congressmen.
  4. Put on those horse blinders to only see straight ahead.
  5. Read the bible for comfort. It is full of it.
  6. Go on walks without any negative thoughts in your head.
  7. Call someone to cheer them up. It goes both ways.

I try to abide with the above list for my own sanity. Try it yourself.

Let me know some of your own ways to face the day, in the comment section below.


If your world is spinning too fast for you, pray for protection from God.

Don’t let the darkside overcome you. Satan would love to put you on his trophy wall.

God is in charge and He cares for each of us. Be strong through Him.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Have Nothing At All to Fear, But Fear Itself

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You have heard of lions, tigers, and bears, oh my! Well, what about threat of war, pandemic, and gouging prices increases, Oh My! I may want to choose the first choice.

This may not be a fun time to be alive in this world. So many things to cause fear. Fear is our worst enemy right now.


So what in the world can we do?

  1. Do not worry about tomorrow. Today has enough worries to handle.
  2. Worry is the darkroom where negatives are developed.
  3. Know that God is always there by your side to help you through the storms of life.
  4. Be strong for others and it will rub off on you.
  5. God will never you put you into anything you can not handle. That is Satan’s job.


Are you overwhelmed with the fear of the unknown? Does each day seem to be too much for you?


That is the shortest verse in the Bible. It also is the strongest in my opinion. Never give in the the dark side of Satan. He would love you put you up on his wall as a trophy.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Depression Can Lead to a Very Dreadful Life

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Some people seem to take God for granted. They go through life blindly thinking they can take on the world alone. Dr. Phil would say, “How is that working for you?”

I was like that once. I didn’t even go to church. There were sports on Sundays I didn’t want to miss.

I got a wake up call from God in 2001. It was March 31st to be exact. I was sitting in my Ford Explorer in a high school parking lot, ready to end my life. I had been struggling with depression, and it was overcoming me.

I finally cried out, God! I can’t take this anymore! There was a sudden calmness around me. I relaxed and ponder what had just happened.

It was like God was saying, “It’s about time you came back to me. Now let me lead you the rest of the way.”

My life changed that day. That day was the first day of the rest of my life.


I have learned a lot since then.

  1. God is the Father of the fatherless. I was without a father because of divorce. I felt alone and my self image was shot.
  2. God is the defender of widows. There is nothing worse than to lose a loved one. God is there to comfort you during those times.
  3. God senses the loneliness in families. Seems odd to think you are lonely in your own home, but it can happen and is devastating.


Another thing I learned is that a is my job is to be a leader in my home. Not a dictator that rules the nest with anger. Satan would love for men to claim authority over their family. This only leads to turmoil and sadness.


Take an inventory of your choices in life. Do you need an overhaul? Is happiness a word you do not understand?

Turn to God. He loves you. He made you in His own image. That means you are His child.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Temptation isn’t a Sin, It’s an Opportunity to do Right

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I was reading in the Bible about the temptatons that Jesus faced with Satan. It was for forty days and nights. I can’t imagine that!

Jesus was hit by the Trifect: alone, tired and hungry.

Satan is the most prolific liar ever. Replace his lies with the truth of God’s Word.

Jesus has taken care of all of our sins in one moment. The moment He died on the cross.

Jesus succeeds where we fail, but on our own we will fail where Jesus has already succeeded.

As we wait for the return of Jesus, Satan can have minor victories in our lives, but he will not have the ultimante victory.

Remember: Our soul needs fuel. You can either learn from the Word, or from the world.


Never let Satan put you up on his wall like a trophy. Fight the darkside with all your heart and pray for God’s help to do it.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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People Are Broken, Distraced, and Weary From Life

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Satan is getting desparate, because he knows his time is short, and he wants to sabotage your efforts to serve the Lord.

The truth is, the closer we become with Jesus, the more intense our spiritual battles will be. We must be aware of Satan’s schemes.

It is God’s will that everyone will come closer to Jesus than to Satan. But Satan will do everything he can to distract you from following Him.

We need to let God establish our priorites.

Love God-Serve God

If we truly love God we will serve wherever we need to, for example:

  1. Your spouse…God has directed us to love and serve our spouses.
  2. Single? Serve your family and friends. Don’t let anybody distract you.

Knowing the truth doesn’t strengthen you, doing the truth does.

Whoever does the will of God will abide forever.

Don’t do what ever your are doing for yourself. Do it for others.

Back to Satan.. he wants you to feel awful about yourself. He wants to deceive us so we will disobey God. If he succeeds you are on his trophy wall.

To fight all of this we need God’s armor.

When we are attacked by Satan we need let the love of Jesus control us.

We don’t give into fear. We don’t look for the paths of least risistance. We follow Jesus weherever He leads us.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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You don’t Need to Lose the Battle With Satan

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I have been having many questions growing in my brain lately. I tried to find some answers.

Satan is working full time trying to convince you that God isn’t important. He would love it if you believed his lies.

I looked in the Bible for answers to him:

  1. The Lord is my safety, security, and protection.
  2. He will hear your voice, and your prayers will reach his ears.
  3. God is for me not against me, like Satan is.
  4. God shows up when you need him.
  5. He is my stronghold in time of trouble.
  6. He rescued me. He is rescuing me. He will rescue me.
  7. God’s way is perfect.


With all that on my side of the line who can be against me. NO ONE!!


Have you been having a battle with Satan? Do you feel you are losing the fight against him?

Never let the darkside overcome you! Fight back with God by your side.

Be strong! Be faithful. Persevere.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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There Are Dark Days When We need to Lean on God

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Had a wonderful Easter

All my children were there. Lots of good food. Lots of laughter and story telling about each other. No masks, and lots of hugging.


We Must not Forget

those brothers and sisters in the military who had to spend Easter out in the cold, with not much good to eat. They are sacrificing their time to keep us free.


President Biden

is quickly turning both parties against him. His policies are causing havoc. He made the Major League Offices move the All Star Game away from Atlanta, because of the new legislation the state had put in place. It was strict rules on voting, and Biden didn’t like it.

He seems to be creating his own demise.


Here is an update for my new book coming out called, Signs of Hope for the Military; in and Out of the Trenches of Life.

Just a few more interviews to clear up.

I am going to add a second appendix. It will all the great military books there are.

Then it will be off the to publisher. I have one picked out and they will do a wonderful job.

I hope to have it out by Fall.


Did you have a great Easter? Maybe it was not so good. You couldn’t be with family. You didn’t have enough money to put a gathering together. There was sickness in your family.

All those darken our skies. They question comes up, “Why would God allow all this to happen to me? “

I do not look at it that way. God knows each of us. He will not cause calamity to come on us. It happens, and He is there to pull us through the storms.


Never listen to the voices that say, “God doesn’t care!”That is Satan talking. Leave the dark side where he lives, and embrace the light.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Satan is Having a Party at Our Expense Right Now. Fight Back!

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It is getting to the boiling point for me. I am so tired of the problems we have to face in our country.

We still don’t know who our next president will be. The COVID-19 virus is growing faster every day. The rioting has started up again.

Any one of these problems could bring a good person down to their knees.

So…Let’s get on our knees!

We need to pray more now than ever:

  1. Pray for our government both national and local.
  2. Pray for your family to be safe from the virus and any rioting.
  3. Pray for strength through this storm.
  4. Pray for you friends, who may be suffering.
  5. Pray the the election in our country will end, and done the right way.

I have a much longer list. Make your own list and start being a prayer warrior.


I am finding that all of the stress can cause problems as well.

I have been struggling lately, because I have been on lock down for nine months. There is no end in sight.

So how do I keep, keeping on?

  1. I always remember God is by my side.
  2. There is nothing thrown at me that God can not handle.
  3. I have been much closer to my family, even though it is through Zoom type programs. It isn’t even close to being together where you can hug each other, but very important.
  4. I have found that when I reach out to help others in the same boat. They are grateful, and so am I. A win, win!
  5. Perseverance should be your main word. Through perseverance you can take on anything.
  6. Yes, the storms come, but we need to face it head on and fight back.


So how are you doing?

Are you having many of the same issues? Does the world seem overwhelming to you right now.?

You certainly not alone. There are thousands of followers here that are walking the same path with you.


Be strong!!

Satan is having a party right now. He is very happy with what is going on. We need to tell him to hit the road, and concentrate on God.

Pray everyday for guidance from God. He hears your pleas. Remember, He answers on His timetable, not ours. Be patient.



You are never alone.

You are never fosaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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