A place to find Hope

Category: storms come (Page 2 of 4)

It is Frustrating to See What’s Happening in Afghanistan

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Another stressful day. We were supposed to go to Hawaii on Sunday. We saw a statement by the governor of Hawaii saying he would refer people not come, because of the tremendous increase in the virus there.

Our dream trip has disappeared even though we checked with people on the Island, and they felt that if we wore masks plus did our social distancing we should be OK.

However, I have too many underlining problems, and could be a sitting duck if I go. So tonight we will cancel the trip. We will try again soon.

I am of course upset about not going, but I have to be cautious. We will find a time when it is better and still enjoy it.


I am so frustrated with the happenings in Afghanistan. There are many Americans still stranded, and thousands of Afghans.

I can not accept the procedure that our government is doing. They seem to be running scared leaving many people to die behind.

Pray that not one American, or service man will be left behind, and that any people from Afghanistan that wants to be saved, will be.


Do you have loved ones in Afghanistan? Please comment in the comment section below, so I can concentrate and pray for them. Your comments are not seen by anyone but me.


We can always thank God that He is there for us during this troubling time. He wants all our troops to be safe. He wants their loved ones to be reassured.

He will be by your side no matter what storms come you way.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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It is Hard to be Positive in This Not so Friendly World

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More updates from Afghanistan.

Horrible reports are coming in. The most aggreges one is that a woman who was cooking for the Taliban was burned alive because she didn’t cook the way they wanted her to.

Many more horrible stories coming in I will not share, because of the graphic scenes it may cause.

I try to think on as many positives things as I can. I think we need to lighten up the dark side a little.

I had to miss two weeks of church while on vacation, last week. It was very hard to do that. I need to keep hearing about the good things God is doing for us.


Here are some good things God does for us.

  1. He loves us unconditionally.
  2. He protects us from the dark side.
  3. His Son died so that we may have eternal life.
  4. When storms come, He is there holding our hand and helping us through them.


Have you had some storms come into your life? has it been a rough road for you?

FEAR NOT! The shortest verse in the Bible comes from Jesus Himself. He is there with us 24/7.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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The Shortest Verse in the Bible, “Fear Not!” Spoken by Jesus

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I have had a busy day. Went to Physical Therapy this morning. I have been working on my two blogs this afternoon, and then I have a doctor’s appointment at 3:30pm. No rest for the wicked they say.

I have had the blessing to be somehow connected with a SFC soldier that is in Kabul, Afghanistan. She is in dire straits. They city is surrounded with Taliban. They figure the city will fall win the next 30 days.

Can’t find out why she is still there, but I am praying what they get her our soon. If the city falls, she will probably big harms way. The Taliban have no mercy. I will keep you posted how things are going for her.


With all the horrible things that are happening around us, it is difficult to face the day. The pandemic is much worse now that when it started. Many people dying. I am repeating this, but I think it needs to be shared again.

In two of the bigger cities in the United States, there are many deaths, and in one city, 95% of those who died were unvaccinated. In the other city it was 94%.
A clear picture that we should ALL get vaccinated. If not, you most likely could die.

My post so far hasn’t been too cheery, but I thought I needed to share some important things.


Have you found that your day isn’t very cheery either? Does the day seem long and the storms seem to be coming in your life?

FEAR NOT! That is the shortest verse in the Bible spoken by Jesus, and He means it.

He is there to see you though those storms that are coming. He will hold you hand, and protect you.

I pray to Him every day to help me to be more like Him. I tell Him, “You are the most loving, caring, and compassionate man I know. Please guide me, show me, and let me know how I can be more like you.”

I pray that each and every night. Please know that he listens to your cries for help.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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What Can We Do to Survive the World we Live in?

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“Another day, another dollar.” That was the saying when I was a kid. Many people only made a dollar a day. Now you can hardly survive when you are making $15.00 an hour. Times change and so does the cost of living.

I missed my post on Wednesday. My apologizes. Just a bad hair day for me. I actually am felling better today. A new med is helping me a great deal with my shortness of breath.

To be able to breath better has changed not only my health, but my mental state.


I have thought of many things that are important to me:

  1. Being with family.
  2. Having coffee with some buddies.
  3. Writing emails to those who need company.
  4. Fishing with my boys.
  5. Enjoying each day God has given me.
  6. Spending time with my bride.
  7. Sitting on my deck listening and seeing the birds.
  8. Going on walks.
  9. Reading.
  10. Reaching out to help others.

I bet you could have a list that is even longer than mine, and it will make more sense to you. Try it.


I keep seeing how our country is going quickly in the wrong direction. Inflation is out of control. Gas prices are soaring. The pandemic is coming back in full force. People are angry and pushing back.

I wonder what we can do to survive this bad trend:

  1. Remember, God is in charge.
  2. All things work for the good of those who believe in God.
  3. God will never give you something that is too hard to handle. It is not Him doing it if it happens.
  4. Never feel you are unworthy of love. That is one of the most disheartening things that happen to us.
  5. Take each day, one at a time.


How are you doing through the turmoil we are facing these days? Is it hard to get up in the morning to face the world?

God loves you! He made you in His own image. He wants the best for you. Lean on Him through prayer and He will guide you through the muck and mire of life.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Forget the Bad Days Concentrate on the Good Days

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I am pretty sure you guys are tired of hearing about my physical issues, but I had two tests in the last two days and they were both great. So we are back to the beginning still trying to figure out why I have such a shortness of breath. I see my primary doctor next week. I will see where we go from here.


President Biden still doesn’t have any plan for getting the Afghanistan interpreters out of harms way.

They will certainly be slaughtered once we leave. Just put them all in planes and bring them to the United States. They served us well.


I have been so frustrated with the way our country is moving these days. Christians are getting the bad wrap. More people hate us than ever before. I wonder why that is happening?


So how are you doing? Do you worry about each day and what it may be for you? Are the days hard to face?

I certainly hear you. I have been struggling myself.

I have tried to cling to the promises that God has given us. He will not forsaken us. He will not allow us that have more problems than we can handle.

He is our fortress against the darkness. Go towards the light of Jesus.

I can do all things through Christ!!!



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all… never, ever, give up!


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You Are Right or You Are Wrong, Who Decides?

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Society seems to have a standard as to what is right and what is wrong. When I was young there weren’t too many high standards set by society. Now, however, people condemn you if you don’t rise to their standards.

Deciding if you are right or wrong is set by our peers.

Righteousness and justice are not to be separated.

The justice that people push today are not righteous or justice. It is not even love and kindness.

In a perfect world there is no race, gender, all equal. We have drifted far away from that.

+there is only one spot we can find justice. It is when we truly seek God.

We should hate evil and love good.

+ Justice is based on a clear distinction between good and evil.

+True love comes from above.

Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever flowing stream.


What I have been sharing is about justice. I see justice going in the wrong direction very fast in our world. People who should be punished for what they do haven’t even been arrested. (Rioters)

The defunded police are over whelmed and can only handle the worst of crime.


This seems a little overwhelming right? It is for me anyway. I know that I have to hang on to God’s robe very tightly, or I may be pulled down into the muck and mire. He is our fortress against evil. Turn to him with your prayers and fears.

He listens to every prayer. Be strong with him by your side.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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The Darkness Seems to be Growing in Our World

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Some thoughts I have been having the last few days:

  1. Bad thoughts lead to things you wish you hadn’t done.
  2. Everyone needs compassion.

Thoughts about God and Jesus:

  1. You are my hiding place.
  2. I am strong in your love.
  3. He was and is to be.
  4. He is the author of salvation.
  5. The freedom we have in Christ will never fade away.
  6. My God is the God that provides.
  7. Anchor your life with His word.
  8. Look forward to the future God is bringing us. `


Some people act good on the outside, but have nothing on the inside. There are far too many people like that. People need to be transparent, and share their true selves.


There seems to be a spreading darkness covering our world. The darkside is having too many victories. I feel it, and want to face it like all Christians should. We need to put on our heavenly armor and fight back.

God will be there with us, and give us strength and courage.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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You don’t Need to Lose the Battle With Satan

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I have been having many questions growing in my brain lately. I tried to find some answers.

Satan is working full time trying to convince you that God isn’t important. He would love it if you believed his lies.

I looked in the Bible for answers to him:

  1. The Lord is my safety, security, and protection.
  2. He will hear your voice, and your prayers will reach his ears.
  3. God is for me not against me, like Satan is.
  4. God shows up when you need him.
  5. He is my stronghold in time of trouble.
  6. He rescued me. He is rescuing me. He will rescue me.
  7. God’s way is perfect.


With all that on my side of the line who can be against me. NO ONE!!


Have you been having a battle with Satan? Do you feel you are losing the fight against him?

Never let the darkside overcome you! Fight back with God by your side.

Be strong! Be faithful. Persevere.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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There is No Try in Life. Just Do It

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I had a appointment with my physical therapist today.

I was struggling through one of her exercises, and I said to her, “I will try to do this.” Her answer….”There is no try. Do it!” I did.

Yes she is pushing me hard. Yes, I am struggling, but if I don’t TRY harder I will not reach my goal.


Have you been faced with storms that seem to be winning? Do you struggle daily?

Guess what? There are millions of people just like you and I that are strugging.

So how can we separate ourselves from the others?

  1. Remember there is no TRY in life. We have to face what is coming and fight hard.
  2. If you fall, get backup and fight some more.
  3. Never let the dark side dictate to you how you are going to do in life.
  4. Let God give you the strength to do much more than just TRY.



you are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Everything Looks Great. What Could go Wrong? Everything!

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We are off to the Oregon Coast. Beautiful day, and tons of God’s beauty to see. What could go wrong??


When I think about that I realize that many things could go wrong. We do not live in a perfect world:

  1. The Pandemic.
  2. Rioting.
  3. Storms that are hitting many states.
  4. Drought for the whole West Coast.
  5. This leads to many wildfires. (Already having one in Oregon.)

This is a short list and I am sure you could add many more.


So, how do we face each day when so many bad things are coming our way?

  1. Face the storms of life.
  2. All storms end.
  3. God is there during your storms.
  4. Turn all your fears over to God.


So simplistic yet so true. God has the power to build a fortress for you to protect you from evil and everyday hazards.

Never try to take on this world alone. Pray for God to give you the armor you need to survive.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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