A place to find Hope

Category: struggling (Page 2 of 7)

What Can We Do to Survive the World we Live in?

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“Another day, another dollar.” That was the saying when I was a kid. Many people only made a dollar a day. Now you can hardly survive when you are making $15.00 an hour. Times change and so does the cost of living.

I missed my post on Wednesday. My apologizes. Just a bad hair day for me. I actually am felling better today. A new med is helping me a great deal with my shortness of breath.

To be able to breath better has changed not only my health, but my mental state.


I have thought of many things that are important to me:

  1. Being with family.
  2. Having coffee with some buddies.
  3. Writing emails to those who need company.
  4. Fishing with my boys.
  5. Enjoying each day God has given me.
  6. Spending time with my bride.
  7. Sitting on my deck listening and seeing the birds.
  8. Going on walks.
  9. Reading.
  10. Reaching out to help others.

I bet you could have a list that is even longer than mine, and it will make more sense to you. Try it.


I keep seeing how our country is going quickly in the wrong direction. Inflation is out of control. Gas prices are soaring. The pandemic is coming back in full force. People are angry and pushing back.

I wonder what we can do to survive this bad trend:

  1. Remember, God is in charge.
  2. All things work for the good of those who believe in God.
  3. God will never give you something that is too hard to handle. It is not Him doing it if it happens.
  4. Never feel you are unworthy of love. That is one of the most disheartening things that happen to us.
  5. Take each day, one at a time.


How are you doing through the turmoil we are facing these days? Is it hard to get up in the morning to face the world?

God loves you! He made you in His own image. He wants the best for you. Lean on Him through prayer and He will guide you through the muck and mire of life.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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The Darkness Seems to be Growing in Our World

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Some thoughts I have been having the last few days:

  1. Bad thoughts lead to things you wish you hadn’t done.
  2. Everyone needs compassion.

Thoughts about God and Jesus:

  1. You are my hiding place.
  2. I am strong in your love.
  3. He was and is to be.
  4. He is the author of salvation.
  5. The freedom we have in Christ will never fade away.
  6. My God is the God that provides.
  7. Anchor your life with His word.
  8. Look forward to the future God is bringing us. `


Some people act good on the outside, but have nothing on the inside. There are far too many people like that. People need to be transparent, and share their true selves.


There seems to be a spreading darkness covering our world. The darkside is having too many victories. I feel it, and want to face it like all Christians should. We need to put on our heavenly armor and fight back.

God will be there with us, and give us strength and courage.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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Pain and Agony Comes Knocking at our Door too Often

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I had a nightmarsh day yesterday. I had my normal workout at cardiac rehab and came home very tired.

I thought I was going to be OK for the rest of the night when my wife decided we need to buy a storage shed for our backyard. We went to Home depot and didn’t find what we wanted. I must have covered every inch of that store because I was exhausted.

We then went to Lowes and found what we wanted. It was a storage shed in a box that had to be assembled. (Yippie!)

I was so far gone by the time we got home that I got very upset when my wife said we needed to put the box in the backyard. That box weighed 65 pounds! I tried to get it out of the car and immediately dropped it to the pavement.

We decided to drag to to the back yard. By the time we got where we wanted it I was almost in tears from the pain, and frustration.

I was in terrible pain so I showered and went to bed. I took Tylenol but was awake for several hours because of the pain.


When I woke up this morning I was still in agony, and had to cancel my PT appointment. I am just now starting to feel better with the help of Tylenol.


Have you ever had a day where everything seemed to come crashing down on you? Was it a lost job, or a lost loved one?

These kind of sudden tragedies take a toll on us. We wonder why it is happening to us.

We must always remember that God is always near. He knows our pain and frustrations. He will pull us out of the muck and more and give us hope.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Life Can be Very Straining, But God is There

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It has been an interesting week for me. I go to physical therapy twice a week, and today my therapist did a mid term test on me. It was excruciating. She had me get up and sit back down as many times as I could in a minute. No help from your hands. I was worn out at the end, but she told I blew away my first test. YES!

Then she had me try to stoop down and pick up things on the floor. This is one of my tough problems. I was able to pick up what she had on the floor for me.

Then she took me outside and had me walk back and forth in a given area, and go back and forth as many times as I could in two minutes. I greatly improved in that as well.

Then she had me do a gruelling two minutes test on a stationary bicycle with the tension very high. I suffered through this test and she called it a day. She said she was very pleased with my progress.


Have you been through grueling tests in life? Were they almost unbearable? Look at it this way. God is testing you. It may not be your midterms, but he is testing to see if your are faithful. He is testing to see if you are strong spiritually. He wants the best for you, and He feels He needs to prepare you for what live has for you.

Don’t get angry when things are hard. Just work hard to overcome them with God’s help.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Exercise Can Change Life in a Very Positive Way

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I am going to rant a little today. I have seen some shocking things happening from our National Leadership.

I read an article that stated that a marine was going to handed over to a foreign country so they can try him for attempting to help a citizen defect to the U. S.

This is a death sentence!

I think this Marine should be considered a hero not a criminal. Our president, once again, is turning his back n the military. Write your congressman to stop this death sentence.


Sorry for the rant, but I am a veteran, and this Marine is my brother in arms.


I have been going to physical therapy for a while now to help me with my balance. The young lady that is helping me is doing wonders for me. I am already feeling better, and gaing my balance back.

This is happening to prepare me for a trip to Hawaii the end of August and the first week of September. So excited to be going there. I love Hawaii.


Have you had times that you wish you could be doing better with your health?Have you lost a few steps here and there?

You certainly are not alone. Many people seem to slow down as they get older.

So what can we do the fight back.

  1. Exercise…I diffidently diced that when I started therapy. The change is awesome for me.. Much stronger and more agile.
  2. Park far away from wherever you stop to shop or visit. You will be surprised how just that one little adjustment will give you more strength.
  3. Don’t take the elevator. Walk those stairs.
  4. Ride bikes, or go on walks. Lots to see as you are doing this.


Trust me I am not your health expert. Just some thoughts on getting back the body you want.


How are you days going? Are they long and tedious? Do you struggle to make it through them?

Time to lean on God. He has big shoulders, and loves you.

Allow God to do a change in your life for the better. He can do that in a moment.

Drop those burdens for relief from God.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Don’t need to Worry Because God is There For Us.

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Went to see my hearing aid doctor this morning. I asked her to help me write a letter to the VA about my hearing loss. She said I have to go through proper channels and then she will help.

I already went through several channels. What I need is another letter in support that I lost some of my hearing while deployed to Korea.

I will NOT give up! You shouldn’t either if you are a veteran struggling with the VA to get compensation.


It has been hard to get back to normal; whatever that is. I think we are setting up a new normal. I don’t expect anyone will ever want to shake hands again.

What a world changing event we are taking part in right now. People dying all around the world. India being the worst spot.

Have you been struggling with the new normal? Do you face big obstacles every day because of the limited things you can do?

I certainly hear you. Days seem long and slow. Nowhere to go. Nothing to do, and frustration facing us wherever we do go.


David had nowhere to go. He was isolated. He had to live in caves to stay alive. He was facing much of what we are facing today. Stay away from danger and hide.

David persevered however, and eventually became the king of Israel. He overcome all the danger and near death experiences, and prevailed.


You and I can do that too. We can persevere and overcome all the darkness we are facing right now.

How did David make it? He relied on God to protect Him and give him comfort.

Too simplistic? Not all all. God is always there. He will protect us , and comfort us just like He did David.

He loved David and called him, a man after His own heart.

He will do that for you too. Pray for His comfort and protection right now. He listens and answers prayer.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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I was Suicidal Until God was With me.

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I told you yesterday that I had my first physical therapy for getting better balance. Well, something I had to do during the therapy injured my back. Now I am a lame duck. I will have to heal before I can go back.


One of the things we most fear is that we are alone on this world. We feel isolated, and lost. We do not know where to go for help.

David in the Old Testament felt that way. He was suppose to be king, but Saul had other ideas. Saul was trying to find David and kill him. David ran and hid. He lived in caves, for fear he would be found and killed.

What a terrible existence.


Have you been lost and fearful? Have you felt there was nowhere to turn to?

You certainly are not alone. Many of us have felt that fear of being alone. We have felt there was nowhere to turn to.

Let me share some thoughts that I think will give you hope and comfort.

  1. God is near in times of need. He can take care of all your worries and fears.
  2. God is sufficient in the times of need. He is capable of handling all your burdens.
  3. You need to be saying, God is mine in my time of greatest need.


Never think you are alone. Never think God has forsaken you. He loves you and wants the best for you. You are His child.

I was alone and lost in the year 2001. I was ready to end my life. Then I realized that God was right there with me. That gave me peace and comfort. I made it through that day, and I am here today talking to you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Getting Relaxed With our Masks. Big Increase in Illnesses

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Thoughts of the day

I have felt that I had a wall around me and no one cared.

Isn’t it funny how we look for the silver lining and find rust? We are looking in the wrong place. We need to check our hearts.

When you are talking and walking, do it with wisdom and grace.

Why god? Why jesus? Why not?

Treat a person as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat a person as if he will become what he could and should be.

We need a tent mentality, not a castle mentality.

The darkness will not prevail.

The battle belongs to you Lord. I am not strong enough.

When you fight your battle, it may look like you are surrounded, but you are surrounded by God.

Don’t be the cause of your trials..


Have you ever gone to a restaurant and ordered something only to see it was too small? You still left hungry.

With God you have a full portion of His love everyday. You will never hunger for more.


We are still battling a pandemic, and people are getting too loose with their masks. They think the terrible times are over. Of course there is a tremendous up swing of new cases because of it.

We have to be patient and wear our masks. It will save so many lives.


How are you doing? Are you OK with the way our world is going right now? Maybe you don’t like what is happening. Maybe you wish things could be better. Well, you certainly ar enot alone. All of us would like that.

What we all need to do is to have God form a fortress for us to keep us safe. He is always there. He will give you comfort and peace.



You are not alone.

You are not forsaken.

You are not unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Need to Hold on Tight During Turmoils of Today

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It is pretty rough for me right now. I have serious shortness of breath problems. Can’t even walk across a room. Going to have a nuclear stress test on Thursday, and go over the results with my cardiologist the next day. Hopefully we will come up with something.


I have been blessed by being asked to be a host on our online church services. That means I watch the service at home, and react to questions followers there may have.

On my very first assignment a man asked for prayer. I connected with him. He didn’t respond to anything I said, but I prayed for him on the screen anyway. I will follow up to see if he responded later yesterday.

+He did not, but I know the seed is planted.


Things seem to be running fast in the wrong direction in our country and all over the world. The liberal wing is pressing hard to cause an upheaval in our nation. They want to change laws. They want to slow down the building of the wall at the border.

The list goes on and on. We just have to pray for guidance during these troubling times.


It is hard, at best, to cope with life, when we have the pandemic, and many other problems in our lives. I just cling to the robe of God, and pray for help.

We need to stop looking at things with our rose colored glasses. The real world can be dark and dreary. We can remain strong with the help of our Heavenly Father.


Have you been running from the dark side? Have you feared what is ahead for you? I certainly hear you. I have my days of doubt, and discouragement.

The ace up my sleeve is God. He is with me wherever I go. He guides me through the muck and mire.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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The Paths Many Take, Only Lead to a Dead End

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As we walk the paths of life, there are areas that are dark and dangerous. They are very hard to maneuver around. So we trod along facing the dark.

I have heard far too much from news, (which I shouldn’t even be watching) that it is time for culture change, The one I heard yesterday was we can’t call our parents mommy or daddy anymore. There is a gender confusion for some. REALLY??

There are far too many, so called, leaders who have fallen off the path of reality. They are rushing fast towards socialism. We need to wake up and fight back.


Our president has been embarrassed many times while trying to give a speech. He loses where he is at in his speech. He forgets very important people who are right behind him on the stage,

This is beyond alarming. Rumors have it that he won’t last a year, and Kamala Harris will take over. Not a step up in my opinion.

I want you to know that I pray for our country every day. I may not agree with the leadership, but I pray that they will make good decisions, that help the people and not just themselves.


How do we withstand the onslaught of ideas that may not be good for our country:

  1. Call and send notes to your congressmen and suggest ideas.
  2. Do not listen to the fake media. They are spreading very big lies about just about everything.
  3. Talk to your children and show them ways that are right, because they are getting liberal ideas shoved down their throats. Especially secondary education.


Now that I have ranted and raved, let’s concentrate on what is right and follow that path.

God has a plan, and He is in charge. It may be a little confusing right now what He is doing, But He knows what is best for us. We just need to keep praying and seeing where all of this is going.

Moses went to the mountain to see God, but we need to know that God is in the Valleys as well.

I often wonder What I would be if it wasn’t for God. God will never fail us. He is just a prayer away.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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