A place to find Hope

Category: Thank God for each day (Page 9 of 12)

Why Do We Pray? Does it Really Work?

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We are told by our leaders in the church that we must pray. We must seek help from God. However, does it really work? God says yes. Matthew 18:20 says, “For where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them?

God hears our prayers, and He answers them in His own way. It says also in the Bible, to pray without ceasing. We should be talking to God every day.

Prayer unleashes God’s power. It changes us, and it changes the way we look at circumstances.

When we pray it resets the heart, and eliminates the horrible sounds around us.

How the world would change, if we all prayed as if we believed the prayers would all be answered.

Instead of criticizing, we should pray. Instead of protesting, we should pray.


Take inventory on your prayer life. There is the need for prayer more than ever. Take time each day to pray for:

  1. Our country.
  2. Our national and local governments.
  3. For you own family.

If we ALL prayed every day, what a difference it would make in the world around us.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…..never, ever, give up!


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People Are Broken, Distraced, and Weary From Life

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Satan is getting desparate, because he knows his time is short, and he wants to sabotage your efforts to serve the Lord.

The truth is, the closer we become with Jesus, the more intense our spiritual battles will be. We must be aware of Satan’s schemes.

It is God’s will that everyone will come closer to Jesus than to Satan. But Satan will do everything he can to distract you from following Him.

We need to let God establish our priorites.

Love God-Serve God

If we truly love God we will serve wherever we need to, for example:

  1. Your spouse…God has directed us to love and serve our spouses.
  2. Single? Serve your family and friends. Don’t let anybody distract you.

Knowing the truth doesn’t strengthen you, doing the truth does.

Whoever does the will of God will abide forever.

Don’t do what ever your are doing for yourself. Do it for others.

Back to Satan.. he wants you to feel awful about yourself. He wants to deceive us so we will disobey God. If he succeeds you are on his trophy wall.

To fight all of this we need God’s armor.

When we are attacked by Satan we need let the love of Jesus control us.

We don’t give into fear. We don’t look for the paths of least risistance. We follow Jesus weherever He leads us.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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What is Wrong With the World We Live in?

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It is a nice sunny day today. It will be the last of some sun for a week or two. We had a great summer here, except it got over a hundred degress six times.


I often wonder how things got to the way it is in our world right now. Pandemic going crazy, politicians attacking each other verbally, and continuous rioting in the big cities.

What is wrong with this picture?

Lots of, not so much fun, things happening. I have decided to be thankful for everything, because it is part of God’s plan. It is hard to accept some things that are happening, but God is working on it.

What to do if you are battling the situation:

  1. Take big breaths when you are getting stressed.
  2. There will be storms come, but they will pass.
  3. Never give in to the darkside, who would love for you to that.
  4. Read the bible for God’s promises. The book is loaded with them.
  5. Go for long walks(if it is sunny,) and release all the negative thoughts in your head.
  6. Keep on keeping on.


I have my granddaughter visiting me today. She is only ten years old, but her wisdom is amazing. She teaches me many things about life. She doesn’t allow things to get to her. I need to be more like her.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Christians are Being Perecuted for Sticking With Their Beliefs

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I can’t help but cry a river for you right now. I am so sad of the way our country is going. The southern border is wide open. The pandemic is worse than ever. Our military is getting trashed by the far left. (I say that, because I am a veteran.)

It is very hard to postive in our world these days. Even the churches are being attacked.

Our Pastor shared with us that, so called, Americans are trying to close down the churches. They want them to pay outlandish taxes. They want to stop having prayer in schools. They want any reference to God taken down from billboards, etc.

What do they fear? Is being a Christain a sin? Of course not. We are children of God, and He is in charge.

We never have to feel ashamned in what we believe. We never have to agree to let people disrupted our Christain values.

We, as Chrisians, need to be strong, and stand up to the attacks. We need to put on the armor of God and be like Christian soldiers.


How is your life going? Do you feel persecuted for what you believe? Stand bold and strong in your beliefs. That is what is right in God’s eyes. He will reward you for doing that.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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With the Way the World is, Why Are We Here?

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Americans are still trapped in Afghanistan. Thousands are coming across our southern border. The pandemic is more powerful than ever.

With all of this happening, why are we here anyway?

It is true that our faith is being challenged more each day. It is hard to be a positive Christian. What good are we?

We all have a purpose designed by God.

It doesn’t matter what you do, God wants you doing it.

The education problems we are having today with the teaching of racism, etc, what good can a teacher do? I am a retired teacher, and I know that if you are a teacher you are very importnat in God’s eyes. He wants you there to nuture, and show compassion for those children. They are with you more than they are with their parents. You could have great influence with them. Thank God He placed you there.

How about a hair dresser. They are at the prime spot, becasue so many clients come and unload on the haidresser while they are getting cut their hair done. You can talk to them to console them and give them hope. Thank God he Placed you there.

How about parents, and grandparents? They are vital to the proper growing up of the children as well. Raise the child in a way that pleases God.


Never wonder why you are here. No matter what you do, use it to give others hope. Use it to show you care, and that you are loving and compassionate. This is a perfect way to get through to the people who are depressed, and wavering.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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When Life gives You Lemons, Make lemonade

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It has been over week since I last posted. Sorry about that. I went with my two sons, and son-in-law fishing last Friday through Sunday. Then doctor’s appointments, and a trip to the coast wiped out the other two days I should have posted.


Speaking of the fishing trip……..

We went to Diamond Lake, Oregon. It is absolutely my favorite place to go fishing. Beautiful mountains on both sides of the lake, and great fishing. We caught 28 trout in two hours the last time we had been there.

Well, we got to the lake on Friday night. The lake was quiet and beautiful. We ate dinner and did a lot of laughing to telling stories of yester years.

Then it cam Saturday. We rented a very comfortable looking pontoon boat that was big enough for several people.

However, as we went to get the boat it started raining. I mean real hard rain. We decided to go out on the lake anyway and try to fish.

That lasted 45 minutes only. Only one bite, and soaked down to our under ware.

We went back to our cabin and that was it for the whole weekend. It rained hard all the rest of the day Saturday. It did let up towards evening, but then the wind came and turned the lake into solid whitecaps.

So our whole weekend of fishing was for 45 minutes of drenching rain.


Has that happened to you? Have you had plans for something and then have it disrupted with something that caused you to have to cancel it?

You certainly aren’t alone. The storms come into our life often, like it did on our fishing trip.


We need to face the storms and make something good happen from them. In our case at the lake we had a wonderful time in the cabin watching football, eating great food, and joking a lot. It turned out to be a blessing for me to be with my two sons, and son-in-law. We were much closer by the end of the week.


This is what you need to do as well. Make storms into special times, by adjusting to it. Let God provide you with a wonderful substitute like it did for my family.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Struggle to Have Hope During Our Storms

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I am having a problem writing this blog, because of my growing pessimistic view is getting larger.

I told my wife about my difficulties and she looked at me and said, “You have to have hope!”

That snapped me out of it, and I am ready to give out hope:

Helping those around you spreads hope.

Often things we worry about never happen.

Prayer helps you through any storms you may have.

Everyone needs to be loved.


I went grocery shopping today, and I was amazed of how many people refuse to wear masks. I saw a couple, and the wife had a mask on, but her husband did not.

He looked like he wanted someone to challenge him. I just felt he had that right, but he was endangering others around him and himself.

Over 90% of the new cases of COVID have not had the vaccine. That is staggering. People who refuse to get the vaccine are dying by the thousands.

The hope we need to find here is that people will see the huge amount of unvaccinated people dying and go ahead and get their shots.


Have you had some down time in your life lately? Do you fear getting out because of the virus?

Cling to the robe of God, and He will walk you through any storm you are having. He will be with you 24/7. He is the poster child for hope.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Idolatry is Causing Many to Turn Away From God

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In our world of sadness and chaos we wonder what we need to do to survive in this not so friendly world. I heard a powerful message at church yesterday about idolatry.

When we think of it, many of the dictators of this world live off of idolatry.

Think about the Taliban in Afghanistan. They have only one thing on their minds, and that is people worship them or they die.


The Bible has a story about a city that turned to idols instead of God. God punished them by destroying the whole city. There was nothing left there but dried bones.

The people who lived through this cried for help, and God said they need to repent to receive His grace.

Here is a definition of idolatry:

It takes place when we exchange God’s self revelations and replace them with our own ideas of who we think God is or should be.

The essence of idolatry is thinking thoughts about God that is unworthy of Him.


Have our bones dried up because we worship idols like, cell phones, TV, our new car, or boat?

Take inventory of your live and see if you have placed something in front of God that you idolize.

Some thoughts:

God can be trusted.

God’s promises are sure.

God loves you just the way you are.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Being Gracious to Those Around us Should be a Priority

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I can’t help but grieve for the Gold Star families that saw the 13 heroes come from the war in Afghanistan.

They were very upset and furious as to how the things turn out with evacuations. It shouldn’t have happened that way.


Got a pleasant surprise yesterday in the mail from a friend. We received a box from Harry and David’s full of goodies. I am eating the popcorn now as I type. She is a very gracious lady and friend.

This is what we need more of in our world. Gracious people who are reaching out to others. What a difference that would make.

God is very gracious as well. He sent His only Son down to earth to take care of all of our sins. we have eternal life, by God’s graciousness.


Have you been gracious to those around you? Have you made a phone call to that friend who lost their spouse recently? Have you help volunteer for a worth while charity? Do you reach out to your own loved ones, often?

Think about that. Do you need to take an inventory of your life to see if you are gracious enough?

Try to concentrate about reach out to everyone around you. The world would be a different place if we all did.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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The War is Over, but the Suffering Will Last Forever

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I am still saddened by the results of the withdraw from Afghanistan. Needless death and destruction. People left stranded and fearing for their lives.

I was in contact with a SFC Army soldier in Afghanistan, and she was very frightened. She felt she would die soon. Thank God she made it out.

Yes the war is over, but the scars will last forever.


This is certainly not a very friendly world right now. There are sad things happening all over. The pandemic is back and worse than ever. It never left. The unrest amongst the people is very high. Our president doesn’t seem to know what planet he is on.

What does our future hold for us?


It will a rough and bumpy road we must travel, but we have need to remember that God is in charge. Yes, it is hard to believe that He would allow all of this turmoil in our lives, but He has a plan and we need to be silent and know He is God.


I am in the same boat as you are . I am fearful for the future, but I have to sit back and wait on the Lord. He will rescue me and give me peace. He is my fortress. He is my salvation. He is my redeemer. Without Him I am totally lost.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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