A place to find Hope

Category: the turmoil we face (Page 1 of 3)

It’s Hard to Be Positive in Our World Today.

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It is hard to be positive in our world today. Inflation, wars, high gas prices, Southern Border, and much more. All of this is hitting us every day.


People need to come up with ideas, and thoughts to fight back. There is no need to have an negative attitude no matter what is happening. It causes too much stress.

We need to get in the trenches and go to war with all of this. (I am A veteran. ) 🙂

Here are some thoughts and ideas to try:

  1. Do not spend all day watching the depressing news. It is hard anymore to find anything but depressing news.
  2. Go for long walks and forget about the world. I have done this and come have back refreshed.
  3. Call friends to let free your frustrations. They will comfort you.
  4. Read the Bible. The truth and much love is there.


If your are reading this and still feel down, remember God is there for you 24/7. He knows your hurts. He loves you and He will help you. Just ask Him. (Prayer)



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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You will have tribulations. So Cling to God’s Promises.

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We have so much turmoil in our lives these Days. Nothing we can’t handle right? Maybe!

We live by not seeing, but trusting and hearing.


  • Things happening in our world today are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
  • Light Affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond any comparison.
  • We all have hope, joy, and faith.

You will have tribulations in this world.

  1. Our trials are temporary.
  2. God will protect, confirm, strengthen, and establish us.
  3. Our trials refines us.


Where do pain and suffering come from?

  • Some comes from our own decisions.
  • Some comes from living in a fallen world.
  • Some comes from the discipline from God who loves us.
  • All this is the ultimate strengthening of faith.


Cling to all of the promises of God. Be Strong and resist the darkside.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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6 Ways to Cope in This Not So Friendly World

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I am going to concentrate on you and I today and not the rest of the world. There is just too much turmoil to deal with out there.

Why do we get sucked into fear? Why have we allowed negative thoughts to enter our minds?

This is something we need to deal with. We need to look at the days in a different way.


Here is what I am trying to do to cope in this not so friendly world:

  1. You have heard that we need to live one day at a time. Well, in this day and age we have to live one minute at a time.
  2. Stop watching the worldly news.
  3. Concentrate on your family and friends.
  4. Go for long walks, and do not think of anything negative. You will come home refreshed.
  5. Read positive books. The Bible is a good start.
  6. Never say, “There was nothing I could do.” There is always something you could do.


Of course, we always need to lean on God for His help. He is there for us wherever we are and even knows the hairs on our head. Lean on Him for strength.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Wars and Rumors of Wars Are Frightening, in the End, We Win.

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What a world we live in! Wars and rumors of wars. A pandemic taking many lives. A severely divided country, and much more. God has it all planned, and all the worrying we can muster will not change that.


I would rather take care of those around me. I have reached an age that is getting difficult, but I will not waver until my last breath!


The war in Ukraine is devastating, and horrific. However, what it has done is united many countries together. This is the most unity we have had in years and years.

This could be God’s plan for us. The Bible refers to the great enemy of Gog. Today that would be Russia. According to that same Bible they will be destroyed.

Worrying should not be in our lives. Things will be amazingly wonderful in the end. The shortest verse in the Bible is, FEAR NOT!

Cling to God’s promises and be strong!



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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The War in Ukraine Opened Our Eyes to How Thankful We’re Americans

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It is not Veteran’s Day, but with the war going on in Ukraine I would like to share this with you:

Freedom is not Free

  1. It’s the veteran not the journalist who gave us freedom of the press.
  2. It’s the veteran not the poet who gave us freedom of speech.
  3. It’s the veteran not the campus organizer who gave us freedom the demonstrate.
  4. Veterans are those who salute the flag.
  5. Veterans are those who serve beneath the flag.
  6. Veterans are those who have coffins draped with the flag.


Yes, Ukraine is thousands of miles away, but when I see that Putin has bombed hospitals, especially a children’s hospital and a maternity hospital, I honor those soldiers there who are fighting back, and they will not give up.

We need to pray without ceasing for them.


How is your world turning? Do you want to stop it and get off? Has all the turmoil around you caught up with you?

There are many of us in the same boat.


We must never forget, and I repeat this a lot, GOD IS IN CHARGE!

He knows what is going on, and a I assure you He is not happy at all with Putin. But because He is such a loving God He allows people to make decisions that can horrific.

We need to cling to His promises, and cling to hope. He is watching over you and I.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all...never, ever, give up!


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Depression Can Lead to a Very Dreadful Life

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Some people seem to take God for granted. They go through life blindly thinking they can take on the world alone. Dr. Phil would say, “How is that working for you?”

I was like that once. I didn’t even go to church. There were sports on Sundays I didn’t want to miss.

I got a wake up call from God in 2001. It was March 31st to be exact. I was sitting in my Ford Explorer in a high school parking lot, ready to end my life. I had been struggling with depression, and it was overcoming me.

I finally cried out, God! I can’t take this anymore! There was a sudden calmness around me. I relaxed and ponder what had just happened.

It was like God was saying, “It’s about time you came back to me. Now let me lead you the rest of the way.”

My life changed that day. That day was the first day of the rest of my life.


I have learned a lot since then.

  1. God is the Father of the fatherless. I was without a father because of divorce. I felt alone and my self image was shot.
  2. God is the defender of widows. There is nothing worse than to lose a loved one. God is there to comfort you during those times.
  3. God senses the loneliness in families. Seems odd to think you are lonely in your own home, but it can happen and is devastating.


Another thing I learned is that a is my job is to be a leader in my home. Not a dictator that rules the nest with anger. Satan would love for men to claim authority over their family. This only leads to turmoil and sadness.


Take an inventory of your choices in life. Do you need an overhaul? Is happiness a word you do not understand?

Turn to God. He loves you. He made you in His own image. That means you are His child.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Challenging Times and Fear Often Equal Dispair

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We are very challenged in our world today. There is fear and discourgement all around us, but we do not need to feel defeated.

The first things to understand is that following Jesus attracts oposition.

People have equated blessings almost exclusively in terms of material and comfort.

There is a spiritual battle taking place and it is intense. It is going to be more intense.

The battle begins with the self serving politicians. They are doing destructive things that you have to face.

They wreak havoc within the ranks such as the pandemic, and making the church suffer.

This is all happening becasue of fear.

How do we fight back?

It starts at home. Love those closest to you. Bring your children up with love. You are not only parents of your children, you are also their spiritual guardians.

Is this easy? No! It is a battle.

If they struggle. Pray, pray, and keep praying!

In our day and age there are three things we need to have in our live:



Be prepared


Why Pray?

  1. Prayer keeps our focus on God, and not our enemies.
  2. Prayer spurs us into action in the face of oposition.
  3. Never think of prayer as always get relief. It may get worse after you pray. God is in charge though.
  4. Pray without ceasing. God loves to converse with you.

BTW… You are not alone. God will fight for you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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With the Way the World is, Why Are We Here?

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Americans are still trapped in Afghanistan. Thousands are coming across our southern border. The pandemic is more powerful than ever.

With all of this happening, why are we here anyway?

It is true that our faith is being challenged more each day. It is hard to be a positive Christian. What good are we?

We all have a purpose designed by God.

It doesn’t matter what you do, God wants you doing it.

The education problems we are having today with the teaching of racism, etc, what good can a teacher do? I am a retired teacher, and I know that if you are a teacher you are very importnat in God’s eyes. He wants you there to nuture, and show compassion for those children. They are with you more than they are with their parents. You could have great influence with them. Thank God He placed you there.

How about a hair dresser. They are at the prime spot, becasue so many clients come and unload on the haidresser while they are getting cut their hair done. You can talk to them to console them and give them hope. Thank God he Placed you there.

How about parents, and grandparents? They are vital to the proper growing up of the children as well. Raise the child in a way that pleases God.


Never wonder why you are here. No matter what you do, use it to give others hope. Use it to show you care, and that you are loving and compassionate. This is a perfect way to get through to the people who are depressed, and wavering.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Is Your Life Just One Big Storm After Another?

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In the book of Job from the Bible is a story of sadness, anger, tragedy, and death. Sound familiar?

God allowed Satan to do what ever he wanted to Job, but kill him. Job lost family, crops, cattle, friends, and many other things. He was tested to the max.

The outcome? Job never wavered. He stayed steadfast in loyalty to God.

I wonder what we would do if all that happened to one of us? We are in a time when many tragedies, and sadness are all around us.

There are so many reason to give up and die.

However, faith sees us through the worst of times. By the way… faith is not always wonderful. Our faith will be tested just like what happened to Job. We will think God has left us, and yet we know He is there for us 24/7.

Know that Satan never gives up. He will keep telling us that God doesn’t love us. He will cause many tragedies to come into our lives. Satan is doing exactly what he was doing to job.

Will we be loyal to God through all of it?


Question God. Ask Him why so many things are going wrong for you. Jesus did that on the cross, “Why have you forsaken me?’ God listens and answers.

Never waver and stay true to God. Everything will be much better if you do.



You are never alone.

You are never fosaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Satan Wants You to Slip and be a Trophy on His Wall

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Just can’t get my mind off of how our country seems to be going down the tube. Lack of leadership. Other countries taking advantage of our weaknesses. I keep reminding myself that God is in Charge. I finding hope in that.


As far as I know there are still hundreds of Christians trapped behind enemy lines in Afghanistan. Please prayer for them, and the hundreds of Americans who are there as well.


I have been taking inventory on my well being everyday. I can be easily distracted and fall into the darkside. So many wrong things going on these days. What I have decided is that I need to be searching for the light, and forget the darkness.


How is you your world turning? Out of control? Do you fall for all the media lies? So many news articles are fake news.

Here is what I suggest to help you AND me:

  1. Never believe all that your hear.
  2. Fact check everything.
  3. Get reliable sources.
  4. Cling to the robe of God.

That last one is the most important. God will hold your hand and lead you in the right direction. He loves, and He made you in His own image.

Never fall for Satan’s lies. He would to have you as his trophy on his wall.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…..never, ever, give up!


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