A place to find Hope

Category: truth from God (Page 4 of 6)

Be Strong Through the Overwhelming Storms of Your Life

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I lost a couple of battles, but won the war. I am now clear of COVID-19.

I had some scars from it. I was told that I have lost hearing in my left ear. The doctor thinks it may come out of that though.

I had a horrible iron reading from a blood test I took. The high is not supposed to be over 300, mine is 752. That could cause huge damage to my liver. I did an ultra sound yesterday and I am OK for now.

Some wonderful news is that I had A-fib for years, but I had testing this week and the girl said I was back in regular beat since July 24th.

The COVID virus can cause some serious side effects, but can help you on occasion.


Have you had some struggles with you health? Have you had a doctor tell you some bad news?

There are many people like that.

So what can we do to counter attack all of this?

  1. 99% of what we worry about never happens. Give the rest to God.
  2. Be strong and help others who are going through the same things.
  3. Know that God is with you 24/7.
  4. Persevere through the storms of life.


I know it can be hard at times. I have been there, but your strong example to others will go a long way in their lives.

Be the helper.

Be the supporter.

Be the calmer.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Don’t Talk About Sin, But Maybe We Should

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Yes, we do not talk about sin. It is hard to tell someone they are sinning. It is hard to hear from someone that you are sinning.


However, we need to confront those who have wavered. We are all tempted. So is a temptation a sin? No, only if you give into the temptation. Jesus, was tempted.

Share with others that you think need help, and be ready to bear your own sins.

God gives us the power and confidence to face others who are sinning. God also wakes us up to others who tell us we are sinning.

Three things we need to remember:

  1. We should always walk in the spirit.
  2. We are accountable to each other.
  3. We are accountable to God.

Go and sin no more is what Jesus told the woman. Hear Him speak to you in the same way.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Take Care of Yourself During the Tremendously Heat

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I am slowly getting my strength back from a bout with COVID. It has been a battle, but the last of the symptoms seem to be going away.


The temperature has been sky rocketing the last few days. It was 101 yesterday, and it will be 99 today. Not a good day to run a race. At the moment our AC is working great and that is a relief.


What has your days been like? Are you also sweltering in the heat? Most of the country is.

I wonder what we can do during this time of overwhelming heat.

  1. Drink lots of liquid. This is a very high time for getting dehydrated.
  2. Wear loose and light clothing. Let the air penetrate your clothing.
  3. Stay inside as much as possible. If you have to go somewhere, make sure there is air-conditioning where you are going.


I have also been struggling weakness in my legs. I have to use a walker now to get around. It isn’t fun, but I like the security I have when I try to walk. Do you also have some things you are struggling with? Do you need help? You certainly not alone.


If you need help ask for it. Do not hide your discomfort. People would love to help you that love you.

Remember that God is with you 24/7. He loves you and made you in His own image. He would do that for no reason. He wants what is best for you. Pray for His protection and love and He will deliver it to you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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I Won the War With COVID, and Hoping Everyone Else is Doing Well

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I have had quiet a ride the last week. I was hit hard with COVID. I seem to have won the battle. I see my doctor today to verify that. I am very sure that if I hadn’t taken my shots I would be gone now.


Have you had similar things happen to you? Have you been hit with a sudden illness? You certainly are not alone. Over a million people have died from COVID. Doesn’t seem to be any let up insight.


We need to rely on God. We need to cling to His promises. He is in charge and He will take care of us if we ask.


Humility isn’t thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.

C.S. Lewis

Pretty much shows us the right path to walk.


Many people feel the world owes them something. What follows is a list of what many people strive for when they have pride.

Manifestations of Pride (appear one at a time)

  • A lack of gratitude in general (2 Chronicles 32:25).
  • Being irritated when people don’t see your gifts, your abilities, or your importance. (1 Corinthians 4:7)
  • Being consumed with what others think (Galatians 1:10)
  • A lack of service (Galatians 5:13, Ephesians 2:10)
  • Being disrespectful to authorities (1 Peter 2:13-17)
  • Not having close relationships (Proverbs 18:1-2, Hebrews 10:24-25). Self-sufficient, don’t need other people.

Do you relate to anything on this lists? If so, do a check on what you need to do to escape this trap.



You are not alone.

You are not forsaken.

You are not unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Getting Older Certainly Is Not For Sissies. Cling to God.

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I am having a bad hair day. I fell yesterday and the second day aches and pains are here visiting me. It was at my niece’s house and didn’t see that her living room was a step down to get into it. I hit my grand nephew’s stroller and landed directly on my right knee. It scraped up my knee, but today it is hurting on the inside of knee in the bones as well.


Have you had some falls? Do you have aches and pains from everyday efforts? You certainly are not alone. For people my age, (82) falling is not an uncommon thing. I am now living with a cane.


Do not let this drag you down like a huge magnate. We will always have aches and pains.

I could say, “Buck up and quite whining,” But I feel for you. Getting older is not for sissies.


Here is my list to cling to during my aches and pains:

  1. Remember the pain that Jesus had to go through for us. Our pain is nothing compared to that.
  2. I use my ailments to reach out to others. It helps them, and makes me feel good.
  3. Never let the darkside control your thinking. It is easy to be depressed all the time if you let that happen.


I know that if you cling to God’s promises the pain won’t feel as bad. He is there for you. He knows your aches and pains. Pray for His protection, and comfort. He listens.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Pain and Suffering Are a Part of Life. How you Handle it is Important.

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I am off to the Oregon Coast today. Weather says it will be nice. Looking forward to it.


I have been wondering when all my pain will go away. I have had so many different ailments and hurts it is hard to be positive all the time. I still manage to do that.


How do I keep that attitude?

  1. All pain will cease when I am heaven.
  2. Jesus suffered much more than I can ever imagine.
  3. Suffering builds character.
  4. Suffering can be used to reach out to others who are suffering.


I realize that what I am saying may be a little over reaching my abilities. However God has sustained me so far. He knows my pains. He knows my needs. He knows what is best for me. So I cling to his promises, and you should too.


If you are suffering, I am so sorry, but try to use your suffering to help others. Try to seek God’s help through prayer. he will hear your pleas.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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A Little Child Provided Enough Food for 5,000 People.

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Today is Memorial Day. A day where we honor those who gave their all to protect our country. It is fitting to say thank you to every veteran also you see today and in the future. I am a veteran myself and am proud I could serve.


I am going to do some rambling today. First I want to talk about Jesus feeding 5,000 people with one basket of fish and bread. He said, “We need to feed all of these people, who has food to share? Well, with 5,000 people there you know many had food with them to feed their children or themselves. None one stepped up.

Finally a little boy came up with a basket of two fish and a loaf of bread and said, “This is all I have Lord, but maybe it will help.” Jesus smiled at him and he started feeding all the people out of that one little basket. He kept reaching in and pulling out fish and bread.

The faith of a little child. We all need that.


Now I am going to really shift gears and share some things I have learned from reading the Bible. These are negative words found in the Bible and their meaning:

1.Deceit-The act of lying or cheating.

2. Malice- Wishing harm on someone else.

3. Hypocrisy- A person who pretend to be different or better than he really is.

4. Envy- A feeling of wanting what someone else has.

5. Slander- A false statement or statements made to hurt ones reputation.


General thoughts

  1. Read God’s Word.
  2. Ask..What do I need to get rid of?
  3. Who can I share with about God?
  4. Families are valuable.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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God Feeds the Sparrows. He Will Feed You Too

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“One day older and deeper in debt.” Those lyrics from a country western song fits perfectly in our world today.

  1. Inflation is running wild.
  2. Gas prices are soaring.
  3. Food prices are skyrocketing.
  4. The pandemic is causing many to look for ways to pay for it.


How can we survive in this kind of world?

The simple answer is that God even feeds the little sparrows. Don’t you think He will take care of us?

In my early days of marriage we were so poor that we had to turn the oven on to help heat the house. We were not sure we was going to make it until the next paycheck.

Somehow money kept coming in that we didn’t expect. It paid the bills, and kept us fed.


God is there for you. He knows your problems. He knows you are struggling. Never feel you have been abandoned by God. He will never forsake you or turn hIs back on you.


Never let the darkside convince you that all is lost. Look to the light of Jesus. Pray for protection from poverty, and worries.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Pray For God’s Help When Sickness Comes Into Your Life

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My wife just got home, and she is sick. Prayers would be nice.


Have you had sickness in your family lately? Did it worry you alot lot like I am worrying right now.

My wife has too many of the bad symptoms for the virus. I made her lay down, and I have the test kit to check to see if she has it.


God just reminded me that 99% of what we worry about never happens. He wants me to turn my worries over to Him.

I have a chapter in my first book called, “Worry is the dark room where negatives are developed.” That is so fitting for me right now.

I need to be calm and trust God to care for my wife. He knows what is going on and I need to turn her situation over to Him.


Never think God doesn’t want to listen. He just needs us to reach out to Him for help and He will be there for us.


My thoughts are…pray always, and without ceasing. Paul tells us that.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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How Do We Find Perfect Words to Describe God?

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Have you ever paused in a sentence grasping to finding the perfect word to say to someone? We all have.

The Psalmist says God is my rock. I John 1:5 says God is light.


Even Jesus had some different names.

Jesus is the lion of Judah. Jesus is the lamb of God.


Let me ask you fathers how you fit into the following:

  1. A good father loves his children.
  2. A good father protects his children.
  3. A good father teaches his children.
  4. A good father is a figure of strength and direction.
  5. A good father disciplines his children.

Lacking in some of those thoughts? God doesn’t. He fits them all perfectly. The above describes God.

God is all knowing:

  1. God knows when you sit down.
  2. God knows your thoughts before you say them.
  3. God is acquainted with all of you ways.
  4. God even knows what you are going to say before you say it.


Actually it is a little nerve racking that He knows even each of the hairs on our heads. There is no place to hide. Even as Christians we are being observed by God.

We all have failed and come short of the glory of God. We know we aren’t perfect. Only Jesus was perfect.

BUT! If we are saved. We are always saved! We just need to ask for God’s forgiveness when we fail.

Pray everyday day to seek God’s strength to help you be strong each day.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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