A place to find Hope

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Praying to God Makes Your Path Easier

I am steadily improving each day with my back injury. As a matter of fact I had an appointment with a PT guy yesterday; We discussed how I was doing and what I was doing and he said, “You are doing great. Go home and keep it up.”

God is Good to me. He has been with me every day guiding my path. I would be lost without Him.


Have you been struggling lately? Did you have some illness, or injury attack you? This is what I have by my computer to help me through each day:

  1. Pray
  2. Pray
  3. Pray
  4. Repeat

Another wall hanger by my computer says:

  1. Each day you are never alone. God is with you 24/7.
  2. Take a big breath and pray.
  3. Know that the storms end.
  4. 99% of what we worry about never happens. Turn the rest over to God.
  5. Read the Bible every day. Lots of love and understanding there.
  6. Help someone today. You make them smile and you do too.
  7. Give your troubles over to God. He has big shoulders.


Stay strong and have God help you through each day.

99% of What We Worry About Never Happens. Give the rest to God.

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The title of my blog is “Daily signs of hope,” I want to share some things that share hope.


  1. Every storm has an ending.
  2. Even the worst days are better than no days.
  3. Be thankful for your family.
  4. Get rid of the negative thoughts in your head, and replace them with positive thoughts.
  5. Reach out to help others. It makes them, and you, feel better.
  6. Go for long walks, even in the rain. It clears out all the garbage in your head.
  7. Call someone to brighten their day.
  8. Walk the walk and talk the talk.
  9. 99% of what we worry about never happens. Give the rest to God.
  10. Always know that God is with you 24/7. Call on Him to protect you.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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What is a Good Foundation to Use in Life?

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We all know we need a good foundation in our lives. The Bible talks about building a house on sand. It will get destroyed. It also says building a house on Rock is what we all should do.

What about you? What is your foundation?

A good foundation is stable, solid, fixed, predictable.


The best foundation is trusting God. He can provide all your needs. He can hold you hand during your trials. If you have sinned, God is the only one who can bear the weight.


Think of what you have for a foundation. Is it strong enough to carry you through this world. Do you need to reevaluate your foundation?



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Are you a “Fair Weather” Christian? Be a Strong-Witness.

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Are you a “fair weather,’ Christian. A fair weather Christian is one who only calls on God when there is panic. The rest of the time everything is great so why need God?

When we call on God there is no busy tone. We get directly to him every time.

However, we often have a busy tone, because we are too busy to pray. Too busy to care.

There should be no busy tones from us!


We often act like a turtle. When there is a problem, we climb into our shell, and hide. We often do that when we should be witnessing to others.

Be brave and share the good news openly.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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There are dangerous and Fearful Times. What Should We do?

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As I look out the window here at Sun River, Oregon, I see crews cutting down trees near me. They are huge trees. It is amazing what they can do without too much danger.

Have you ever taken on some projects that were a little dangerous? Dis you fear for your life? Did it make you anxious?

We all face those kinds of days. What to do? How to handle it?


There are two ways to handle them.

  1. Panic, and scream for help.
  2. Pray for God’s help who is there 24/7 to protect you.

Which one would you choose?


The obvious choice for me is too always depend on God for my help. He has always been there for me during dangerous and fearful times.

I could give you a long list where He has helped me. Most was physical help through afflictions.


Don’t allow fearful events overcome you. Cling to God’s promises like, “I will not forsake you.” Never let the dark side overcome you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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It’s Hard to Be Positive in Our World Today.

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It is hard to be positive in our world today. Inflation, wars, high gas prices, Southern Border, and much more. All of this is hitting us every day.


People need to come up with ideas, and thoughts to fight back. There is no need to have an negative attitude no matter what is happening. It causes too much stress.

We need to get in the trenches and go to war with all of this. (I am A veteran. ) 🙂

Here are some thoughts and ideas to try:

  1. Do not spend all day watching the depressing news. It is hard anymore to find anything but depressing news.
  2. Go for long walks and forget about the world. I have done this and come have back refreshed.
  3. Call friends to let free your frustrations. They will comfort you.
  4. Read the Bible. The truth and much love is there.


If your are reading this and still feel down, remember God is there for you 24/7. He knows your hurts. He loves you and He will help you. Just ask Him. (Prayer)



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Spending Time With Family Should be a Priority in Lives.

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I had a wonderful weekend with my family. It was at the Oregon Coast. My fie Charlotte, my three children and their spouses, two grandchildren, and my children’s mother were there. Lots of talking and laughing. It was very refreshing, and needed.


Current news…

UFO’s are become a problem with our military airspace. Our pilots have almost crashed into them.


Russia has just one tank factory only making 20 tanks a month. They will run out soon.


Bryan Kohberger could face a firing squad if convicted for the four murders he is accused of.


Poll find Trump beating Biden, but Desantis and Haley losing.


Clash of the Kims as tyrant Jong-un’s wife and sister are having a power struggle with him.


Daily Thoughts…

  1. Russia is on the losing end of the war, and don’t get the idea of giving up. I predict and assassination of Putin.
  2. The weather in pretty unpredictable here in Oregon. Woke up this morning with three inches of snow on the ground. More snow coming.


Important thoughts…

  1. When you whine a lot, people stop listening.
  2. Reaching out to others helps them and you as well.
  3. We need to be more tolerant towards other peole.


Speaking about God…

  1. Had a Zoom meeting this morning and it was 8 Christian brothers. It was powerful and meaningful. We prayed for each other, and for many people we know.
  2. When we can’t wait for God’s answers, He may have you wait longer.
  3. Never feel God isn’t there for you. He is by your side 24/7.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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4 Ways to Face the Day During Your Storms.

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I had a wonderful time at my weekly coffee gathering today. There was a WWII Veteran there who is 98 years old. I had already interviewed him for my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

The interview is full of near death experiences, and the freeing of two concentration camps. One was full of Jews, and the other English soldiers.

It is a fantastic interview that is a must read when the book comes out.

I will keep you posted here as to the progress of the book. You can also go to www.dougbolton.com. That is now just a military site that has up to date military news, and side stories.


I have been having pity parties lately. My health is not all that good. I am struggling with weak legs, arthritis in my hip, and total lack of energy.

How do I face each day?

  1. I thank God for the day. He is the one that gives me my air in my lungs every day.
  2. I realize that getting old isn’t for sissies, and face my storms head on.
  3. I read the Bible. All the comfort I need is found there.
  4. I do not worry about tomorrow. Jesus says, tomorrow has enough worries on its own.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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If Pain and Suffering Comes Knocking at Your Door, Turn to God.

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I tore a muscle in my chest. My doctor said that because of my age, it will take much longer to heal. Lovely!

I am living with the pain, and taking Tylenol. It seems to help a little.


Have you had sudden things happen to you caused you physical and mental pain?

There are many of us like that.

I have some thoughts on how to face the world with this happening to us:

  1. Pain only last for a while, and then it is gone.
  2. Suffering is a part of a Christians life. I am not saying we should suffer as a Christian, but God knows we are suffering and He is writing it down in our book.
  3. Use your pain to help others who are suffering. Helping others helps you with your pain.


The situation in Ukraine is pulling me down like a huge magnate. If I was able, I would be going there to help the people fight.

Many civilians are dying from direct bombing of their homes. This is not an accident. Many are Christians or Jews. Sounds like WWII all over again. Putin has been called the new Hitler and rightfully so.

Please pray daily for peace and protection for all the suffering Ukrainians.

We also need to pray for our own country. We are at a pivotal spot. New decisions by the supreme court can change our country.


If you are battling depression and anxiety from everything that is happening, be strong in knowing God is with you if you are a Christian. He knows your situation. He knows your pains. Pray for His promises, and love.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Fighting Fire with Fire is not a Good Solution

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I was told by my cardiologist that I need to do a stress test. She is concerned about my serious shortness of breath. I will let you know the results.


I am weary of all the turmoil we face each day in this world.

There is far too many people who think it is best to attack someone physically, than to sit down and talk. It is like, “My way or the highway.”

No gray areas anymore. It is either black or white. No compromising, or giving in.

It seems we need an overhaul. We need to adjust our brain to accept people as they are, and not be angry if they do no agree with us.


I learned a few things while watching the online church service:

  1. I was reminded how shy I was in high school. A girl asked me to go the Sadie Hawkins day dance, and I made up an excuse on how I couldn’t make it. I hide from any possible conversations with girls that were not class related.
  2. Life is precious. Don’t do anything that numbs or weakens your resolve to protect it. There have been several million babies aborted since 1973.


What are some thoughts on how we could live in a better world?

  1. We do not have to give into people just to avoid conflict, but we do not need to get into a shouting match either. There are times when we just need to agree to disagree.
  2. Love conquers all! If we show love consistently people will not be so aggressive.
  3. Think about the other person. Is there underlying reasons they are so angry? Try to seek out what is bothering them.
  4. Never fight fire with fire. You do not have to be a softy, but also you need to know when to fold them. (Gambling term.)


Turn your worries over to God

If you are overwhelmed with people who seem to hate you, or give you too much trouble, turn them all over to God. Do not let them control you. He knows every hair on your head, and knows what is best for you. Praying to Him for help is very important.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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