A place to find Hope

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So many Problems Attack us All At Once

I had a great message online from my church on Sunday. I also was on a phone conference with a dynamic young man who is on fire for the Lord.

From the phone call I wrote down two of the quotes from Taylor Wilkens, area leader for FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes.)

  1. Everything can be chaos around us, but God will help us through the storm.
  2. There are so many bad reports coming from TV and newspapers, when will the good reports start coming in?

He is spot on, and we need to realize that. We are never alone in this world. God is always there for us through the good times, and the bad times.

We are overwhelmed with negative TV, and news in general. When is the last time you saw a feel good story? We need to be strong and block out all of the negativity.


Referring to the protesters, My Pastor said, “Fireworks are exciting. The start is good, but then it is just a pull of smoke.” This reminds me of all the protesters who think what they are doing is right, but in the end they are causing more harm than good.

My Pastor also said, ” You have a house that you have built. You worry about room sizes, where to put the windows, the paintings, etc. Did you think about the foundation? Most people don’t.” Our foundation is the Bible. We get all our guidance from it. If we live by the Bible, our foundation will be strong.


We were told that in reality we are just apprentices for God. We are still learned and growing. You never out grow being an apprentice. I am up in years and I am still learning much.


There is an abundance of fear in our world. We can help others with fear. Reach out to those around you. See how they are doing. Help them if they are struggling. It may be right in your own neighborhood.


We read the story about Peter wanting to get out of the boat and walk to Jesus. We need to get out of our boat and help others. What fear is holding you back from getting out of your boat? Ask yourself, “Why can’t I get out of my boat? Remember, God is not done with you yet. He needs you out of your boat. If we walk with Christ and not towards Him in the water, we are at the safest place to be. I realize that stepping out of a boat right now with all the storms around us is hard, at best, but we Have Good on our side. We win!!

Sorry for the many different topics here, but they were building up in my head, and I was getting a headache. :0



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never every give up!

This Pandemic is Causing Pain and Fear

With this Pandemic causing much pain and fear, we need to know that God is here for us.

The power of prayer comes to mind when I read that first sentence. We need to put out a plea to God to calm our spirit and help us keep strong.

My prayer last night was short, but very powerful:

“Thank you God, that you are good. Thank you for being with me during this chaos.”

This brings to mind about Biblical events where God was with someone and saw them through a storm.

Paul had every bad thing possible happen to him. Snake bites, ship wrecks, and of course he was put into prison. Did he curse God and become angry? No he didn’t. While in prison he converted several guards, and refused to have a pity party.

He knew God was with him and that he would do many great things in his paths ahead.

Did he have down times? Of course! Did he wish he could be freed to continue his mission? Yes. However, was he afraid? No. He knew God would take care of him, and see him through this storm.

Fear is a huge mean demon that over takes us far too often. It is said that 99% of what we worry about never happens, and we should turn the rest over to God. Make sense doesn’t it? God has huge shoulder, and will calm the storm.

What about this Pandemic in our lives right now?

Fear is rampant in the world today. People are hunkering down in their own homes, with no relief in sight. Some are becoming angry and wanting to be allowed to go back to work. They fear they will lose their homes and never recover.

Jesus said, “Fear not!” Only two words, but the most powerful two words in the Bible. He also said, ” I will be with you , and you will be with me.”

One thing we need to remember is to trust. Trust in God during this Pandemic makes the fear fade away.

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You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!

Why Can’t we Just be Content?

During our troubling times, we wonder what is ahead. What will happen next? Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?

This Pandemic knows no boundaries. This is world wide. Everyone is in a panic. Let’s talk about how to handle our fears. We have ways to accept our problems.

Why can’t we just be content?

Are you content with what is happening? I know I am not. Why is that? I have all I need. I have a wonderful family to support me. Life should be good. But….We are actually trained to not be satisfied. We haven’t learned when more is enough.

I once lived the life of trying to take one step higher, and one step further. I was a full member of the rat race.

Then a wonderful thing happened by “accident.” I was reading the Bible and came across this verse: “Be still and know I am God!” (Psalms 46:10.)

I realized that I didn’t need ANYTHING from this earth. This is just a temporary home. What is important to know is that When we ask, What do we have? ” The clear answer is , “All that we need.”

God provides all we need. He knows our needs. He knows what is good for us and what isn’t good for us. Why do we scramble to try to reach the top of mountain of success, when God provides everything?

Think one this…

I know it is very hard right now. I am climbing the walls! But when ever I get too worked up I go back to my verse, “Be still and know I am God.

Use the words below to help you make it through the day.


Your are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!

Now What Do I do???

It has been a long time since I last posted. I have many excuses, but you don’t want to come to my pity party.

We live in a very interesting time. Can’t go to my favorite restaurant. Can’t hug my children. Can’t go grocery shopping. (I am one of those special people who have underlining problems.)

The list could on much longer, but you all know what they are. We are basically locked down in our homes.

So what do we do now?

Here are some suggestions:

  1. Yes, you can watch TV all day.
  2. You can go on walks. My wife and I just got in from our walk. (Thought I was going to die, but now I am really glad it did it.)
  3. Get creative in your projects around the house. I have cleaned out to drawers that have been a mess for years. Very organized now.
  4. Call everyone you know to see how they are doing. You will put a smile on their face, which puts one on your face.
  5. Read a book. I feel that is what many are doing. Suggestion…The Bible. It is full of drama, happy endings, sad endings, and much hope. You will not find any other book so prefect for what we are going through right now.

I, of course saved the best for last. My Bible is my fortress, which is full of hope, praise, encouragement, faith, love, and much more.

Are you struggling with life right now? Do you feel depressed, and alone? You have many on that same boat with you.

Never let the dark side overcome you. Don’t fall for Satan’s lies that you are worthless.

God made you in His image. He loves you. He will protect you and guide you. Got doesn’t make mistakes. You are His child and He has a purpose for you.


You are never unloved.

You are never Alone.

You are not forsaken.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

Looking Back at the Holidays

The holidays are past, but I have had time to reflect and thought I would share some thoughts.

We should have joy around the holidays, but some don’t think so. They have to face their relatives.

From that I learned that we need to have a family mentality.

We need need to be related by faith, family, caring. If we do that and more, we are a family that is glorious.

Yes, we have some relatives that we have differences with. When they come to visit it seems like they know what buttons to push to make us angry.

How do we deal with that?

Even if there is a problem with one of the relatives, we need to know that they have needs just like we do. We need to calmly sit with them and seek out the problems and try to find ways to help.

This should cause a miracle. They will be glad someone cares, and they will look at you in a whole new way.

I Have learned to pray for them.

I am so angry sometimes that this is very hard. If I can just spend 30 seconds praying for them that would be a good start. Then stretch it out to 35 seconds, and so on. I realized the more I prayed for them the less I was angry. It should be like daily exercise. The more you pray the stronger you become.

Try this out and let me know how it goes. Show me other ways I can reach out to those I sometimes find unpleasant.


There is much happening causing me to roll fast on finishing my second book, “Signs of Hope for the Military: In an Out of the trenches of Life.” All I have left are a few interviews with veterans who have been in the trenches. Their stories will warm your heart. They will cause you to cry, and wanting to help them.

You can go to http://www.dougbolton.com to see the progress.

You should always remember:

You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

Top 10 Ways to Survive in 2020

I have been off the air for several months. I have many excuses, but none that I can say are valid!

Starting today I will be trying to post every day. You will have to be helping me by subscribing. If you do, all future posts will directly to your inbox.


My first post of the new year concentrates on the year ahead. What will it bring? What am I going to do to grow and improve.?

  1. Do not have any new year’s resolutions. This one of the most overrated acts a person can cling to. Just plan your goals and hit the street running.
  2. I need to find ways to reach out to those in need more than I did last year. People who need help are not hard to find. They are everywhere.
  3. Don’t expect everything to go smoothly. Life doesn’t seem to go that way. You may have some storms hit. Be ready for them and be strong.
  4. Be a good listener. Sometimes silence is very important. People want to share and not be judged.
  5. Don’t get caught up into today’s politics. We live in a very hostile environment right now. Don’t believe almost all you hear.
  6. Always make your family your top priority. They should always come first.
  7. Have a year where you are much closer to God. He is in charge, and He is watching over you.
  8. Try to have your health as a top priority. I am really concentrating on this one this year.
  9. Respectively disagree with those who oppose your views. Doesn’t have to be a shouting match.
  10. Live each day as if it is your last. ENJOY!

In Closing

I hope you have enjoyed the first post of 2020. I will be back tomorrow with more in depth thoughts and ramblings.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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