A place to find Hope

Category: Ways to Cope (Page 5 of 24)

Always Get a Second Opinion on Important Matters

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I had an appointment with a surgeon on Friday. We were going to discuss having surgery on a hernia I have. His take on it was that he doesn’t want to do the surgery because of my age, and medical issues.

He is having me get a device that I will have to wear for the rest of my life that will push the hernia back into place.

I was not happy with his decision and will ask for a second opinion.


Have you been told you can’t do something? Did it seem wrong for them to say that?

Never accept someone’s thoughts on what you can and can not do. Check with other people who may know more about what you are going through. Get you own second opinion.


I will start sharing excerpts from my first book, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, on Friday. Come back and check it out. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on Subscribe. When you do all future posts will come directly to your inbox.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Lord, I Believe, Help my Unbelief (Mark 9:24.)

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It is a great day, because I have no negative thoughts floating around in my head.


Can God perform miracles? Of course we know He can, but do we really believe that?

It is hard to believe in some things, but we need to believe. There is a verse in the Bible that says, “I believe, help my unbelief.”(Mark 9:24)

The whole chapter is about a man whose son was taken over by demons. The boy would have convulsions, and foam at the mouth. He did this from his birth.

The father cried out to Jesus to save his son because the disciples could not. That made Jesus very upset and He said, “O unbelieving generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I put up with you?: (Mark 9:19)

He was talking to His disciples who couldn’t chase the demon away.

Jesus had the father bring his son to Him and he healed the boy right there.


We need to expect miracles. God can perform many miracles. We need to pray without ceasing that He will do it for our loved ones or ourselves.

He is just a prayer away. He wants to hear from you. Lean on His promises and talk to Him in earnest.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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6 Ways to Cope in This Not So Friendly World

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I am going to concentrate on you and I today and not the rest of the world. There is just too much turmoil to deal with out there.

Why do we get sucked into fear? Why have we allowed negative thoughts to enter our minds?

This is something we need to deal with. We need to look at the days in a different way.


Here is what I am trying to do to cope in this not so friendly world:

  1. You have heard that we need to live one day at a time. Well, in this day and age we have to live one minute at a time.
  2. Stop watching the worldly news.
  3. Concentrate on your family and friends.
  4. Go for long walks, and do not think of anything negative. You will come home refreshed.
  5. Read positive books. The Bible is a good start.
  6. Never say, “There was nothing I could do.” There is always something you could do.


Of course, we always need to lean on God for His help. He is there for us wherever we are and even knows the hairs on our head. Lean on Him for strength.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Time to Mix Up a Cake of Comfort and Peace for survival

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Another day of turmoil in our world. The war in Ukraine, the pandemic, inflation, the southern border, etc.

It is hard to be positive in this day and age.


My recipe for happiness….

  1. Add in horse blinders for your eyes.
  2. Mix in ear plugs for your ears.
  3. Throw away the TV.
  4. Add sweetness.
  5. Top it off with love for others.

Mix all this together and you will survive.


Times certainly could be better, but we will overcome all of this with the love of God. He will comfort us, and love us. He made you in his own image, and that shows you are a son/daughter of God. Do not take that lightly. Turn to Him with prayers. Let him know you worries and fears. He hears you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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A Pregnant Woman and Her Unborn Son Was Killed in a Bombing in Ukraine

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The events in Ukraine are very frightening. Today I heard that a pregnant mother and her unborn child died, because Russia bombed the maternity hospital.

That is a war crime!!

Putin is a mad man who is very desperate. He has to win now because of the embarrassment of not winning his war yet. Desperate people do desperate things. We need to keep the Ukraine people in our prayers every day.


Mean while back in our own country, things at not well at all. Millions are crossing the southern border. The Dictators of four different countries to pushing hard, because they don’t think our leaders will do anything. Inflation is eating up all of our money, and at the gas pump we can hardly afford to drive.

What is wrong with this picture??


We as Christians, must unite in prayer. Pray without ceasing. I always say that God is in charge, because that is true. We need to send pleas to Him for protection of our nation, and the whole world.


On Wednesday, I will start sharing more excerpts from my published book, Signs of Hope; Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World. It is a very timely book that addresses our world as we know it today. It won a national award from the Reader’s Choice Awards.


Stand strong, and never let Satan overcome you. He would love to hang you on his trophy wall.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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The War in Ukraine Opened Our Eyes to How Thankful We’re Americans

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It is not Veteran’s Day, but with the war going on in Ukraine I would like to share this with you:

Freedom is not Free

  1. It’s the veteran not the journalist who gave us freedom of the press.
  2. It’s the veteran not the poet who gave us freedom of speech.
  3. It’s the veteran not the campus organizer who gave us freedom the demonstrate.
  4. Veterans are those who salute the flag.
  5. Veterans are those who serve beneath the flag.
  6. Veterans are those who have coffins draped with the flag.


Yes, Ukraine is thousands of miles away, but when I see that Putin has bombed hospitals, especially a children’s hospital and a maternity hospital, I honor those soldiers there who are fighting back, and they will not give up.

We need to pray without ceasing for them.


How is your world turning? Do you want to stop it and get off? Has all the turmoil around you caught up with you?

There are many of us in the same boat.


We must never forget, and I repeat this a lot, GOD IS IN CHARGE!

He knows what is going on, and a I assure you He is not happy at all with Putin. But because He is such a loving God He allows people to make decisions that can horrific.

We need to cling to His promises, and cling to hope. He is watching over you and I.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all...never, ever, give up!


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Great Faith is Believing We Are Not Worthy

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You look at that title and go WHAT? If I am not worthy, how can I have good faith? Read on.

Jesus had just finished His sermon on the mount. It was grueling and long. He was very tired. As He was heading away, a Centurion came up to Him and begged him to help his servant who was very ill and about to die.

This doesn’t sound like a true Centurion. They were ruthless. They found joy in torturing people. They killed many.

Jesus stopped to listen. He then said, “I will come and heal you servant.” The Centurion told Him. “I am not worthy of you to come to my home. Just say it and he will be healed.”

Jesus was astounded by this man’s faith. He told every one about him. A man had such strong faith that He knew that Jesus was capable to just saying his servant was healed that it would happen.

The Centurion thought he was not worthy and yet he had great faith.


More thought on great faith…

  1. Great faith looks beyond ourselves to help others.
  2. Great faith asks for less.


Do you have great faith? Do you know Jesus can do anything in your life? Be strong and rely on Him to walk with you and guide you through this not so friendly world.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Wars and Rumors of Wars Can Cause Anxiety to Skyrocket.

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My take on the Ukraine war.

Russia has lost over 9,000 soldiers in this war. Russian Convoys are stranded because they are out of gas. Tanks are stuck in the mud. Warriors from many other nations are volunteering to help fight with the Ukrainians. Many Russian soldiers are giving up, because they are hungry, and didn’t want to fight in this war.

One Ukrainian pilot personally shot down 6 Russian airplanes.


Please understand that because of the mass numbers of Russian military, (138,000) it looks hopeless for the Ukrainian people.

They need our prayers.


I am not feeling all that well today. My back has erupted, and I seem exhausted even after I thought I had a good nights sleep.

Have you had one of those kind of days yourself? Has the turmoil of our world caused your anxiety to skyrocket? I certainly hear you.

I try to remain positive around people. People I talk to need to hear positive things. Smile at them. It is contagious, and you will probably make their day.

God hears our prayers, so pray without ceasing. Pray for protection. Pray for peace. Pray our government will make good choices. They are many other things to pray for, so make up your own list.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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The Threat of War Has us Under Great Stress.

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We are on our way to the Oregon Coast. Not a cloud in the sky, but very, very, cold. It got down to 21 degrees last night.


I am bummed out. It looks like there is going to be a war in Europe and Ukraine. There is no reason for it to happen except for greed and power. We all need to pray for the area.

Have you had a lot of stress lately? Has the threat of war, the pandemic, inflation, a divided country, wore you down and made you weary?

You certainly are not alone! There are many of us in the same boat with you.


I may be repeating myself, but here is how I face the storms of life:

  1. Each day is a new day. Yesterday is going and tomorrow isn’t here yet. Just take care of today.
  2. There are some things we can’t control.
  3. There are people from the dark side that are trying to under mind our country. Ignore them! You and I know what is right.
  4. Bottom line...GOD IS IN CHARGE! He knows all the mess we are facing. He knows we are stressed. He still wants what is best for His people.
  5. Pray for His love and protection. Give all your stress to Him.


As you can see there is no excerpt today. I have been at the Oregon Coast today, and couldn’t add one, but come back on Friday and there will be one. Better yet… go to the top of this page and click on “Subscribe.” When you do all future posts will come directly to your inbox.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Worry is The Dark Room Where Negatives Develop in Our Lives

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I promised you an excerpt from my first book, which won a national award from the Reader’s Choice Awards. It is called, Signs of Hope: Ways to survive in a Unfriendly World.

Here it is…


Chapter 12

Worry Is the Dark Room Where Negatives Develop

Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.

James 1:12

I had a real dream the other night, and it was a western. It had me tossing and turning until the outcome unfolded.

The wonderful thing about dreams is that no matter how terrifying they are in the beginning, they almost always turn out for the good in the end. You notice that you never quite get caught by the monster that is chasing you. Isn’t it fun when you are flying and you can see everyone below you? I just flap my arms, and I fly. (OK, I know you’re thinking, This guy is crazy!)

How about the fact that you are the hero and you always save the day? Everything is wonderful. That is how life can be if you follow God. It doesn’t pay to worry, have anxiety and be full of fear. It doesn’t pay to be full of shame. It doesn’t pay one cent to be gossiping all the time. My dream is an example of that.

The characters:

The good guys: Matthew, Mark, John

Stranger on a white horse

The bad guys: Anxiety, Gossip, Shame, Death

Matthew, Mark, John and the Stranger—the four good guys—were riding on their horses through Sin City towards the Not OK Corral. Hiding from them were Anxiety, Gossip, Shame and Death—the four bad guys. They didn’t want the good guys to find them and stop the harm they were doing. They had control of all the people in the city and they wanted to keep control. Matthew, Mark and John were riding on brown horses because that was what they rode in those days. The Stranger was riding on a white horse.

The good guys were not gunslingers; they were Bible-slingers. The good guys got down off their horses and went searching for Anxiety, Gossip, Shame and Death.

Matthew found Anxiety leering around a corner trying to see where everyone was. Anxiety had a worried look on his face. He kept looking everywhere in fear—in back of him and in front of him. He didn’t know what to do.

Anxiety (aka worry) can be caused by a doctor’s appointment that holds the results of a blood test. It can be wondering if you can pay this month’s bills. It could be from a dispute you had with your wife. Whatever the case, from stage left comes Matthew, who says to Anxiety: “Don’t worry about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for what He has done” (taken from Philippians 4:6).

Anxiety felt like a ton of weight had been taken off his shoulders, and he left the Not OK Corral much happier. Anxiety was gone.

Mark was looking for Gossip. When he found him, Gossip was talking so fast Mark couldn’t understand him. Gossip said, “Did you see Clem at the Horse’s Breath Saloon? He said he would never take another drink, and I just saw him walk in there!”

Gossip can ruin a person’s life. Talking about someone behind their back can only spread hurt and can cause unwanted hardship.

Mark put his hand over Gossip’s mouth and said: “As charcoal to embers and as wood to fire, so is a quarrelsome man for kindling strife. The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to a man’s inmost parts” (Proverbs 26:21–22).

Gossip was dumbfounded and was unable to speak further. He went away with a swollen tongue and was gone. There was no more gossip.

John found Shame hiding in a closet because he was so ashamed of what he had done all his life. He didn’t want anyone to see him this way.

Shame is often the last fatal nail in the heart of a person who is hurting from something they did in the past. Turn anything you are ashamed of over to God, and He will wipe it out of His books.

John felt pity for him and said, “If you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name” (1 Peter 4:16).

Shame rose and came out of the closet. He was a different man. He felt self-worth. He felt he was loved. He wanted to learn more about God. After this, Shame was gone. There was no more shame.

Then the Stranger went right to where Death was, for He knew where everyone was, and what they were doing every second of the day.

Death was a hideous creature. He was caring a sword and had a look on his face that would melt anyone who looked into his eyes. He really was the leader of this gang. There was fire coming out of his ears, and he laughed a chilling laugh. (This is the part where I was tossing, and turning!) He said, “You may have calmed the rest of my gang, but you have no power over me. Everyone has to die, and I will wait until they come to me.”

Yes, death will happen to all of us, but if we are under God’s protective wing, we do not have to fear death. It is just a stepping stone to be with our heavenly Father. You can be assured that the angels are waiting for the moment you are ready to be with the Lord. It is like a parent anticipating a newborn. The angels will say, “Cool, here comes another one to be with us in heaven.”

The Stranger took off His cloak, and uncovered his head. It was Jesus. Jesus walked up to Death and said, “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” (1 Corinthians 15:55).

Death spun around in pain and, weaker but still standing, turned back toward Jesus.

Jesus said, talking to God: “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me” (from Psalm 23:4).

Death began to wither and fell to the ground. He had no more power over people any longer.

So there was no more anxiety, no more gossip, no more being ashamed, and most importantly, no more death.

God is the final power. He controls all things. We can stop worrying about anything. Worrying and fear does not gain us one more minute in a day—and it saps our strength. Turn your anxiety, gossiping, shame and the fear of death over to Him, and He will send them on their way.

The four horsemen got on their horses and headed to the next town to see what gangs might have settled there. As they rode into the sunset, they all sang praises to God and worshipped Him.

That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it.

To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory,

honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.

Romans 2:7

Further Adventures

Have you had one of those bad guys come into your life? Have you been faced with anxiety? Has someone said something about you to someone else that wasn’t true? Do you live in shame for past sins that you cannot get out of your mind? Have you lost a loved one? Always remember that God is always there. He knows what your anxiety is. He knows about the gossip that has been spread about you. He wants you to throw away your shame, like it was a broken toy.

And remember that death has no power if your loved one was a Christian. God is the final Word. He controls everything. Lean on Him through whatever trial you are going through. You will have some storms come into your life, but God is there to help calm them for you.

Something to Ponder

Isn’t it funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says?


There will more in the future. Keep coming back to check them out. Better yet… God to the top of this page and click on “Subscribe.” When you do all future posts will come directly to your inbox.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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