A place to find Hope

Category: Ways to Cope (Page 8 of 24)

Sometimes When We Try to Defend Ourselves We Get in Trouble

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I have found that I often get into more trouble when I fight back. Sometimes we are so quick to defend ourselves we don’t stop to consider how those who are attacking us are seeing things.

If what they say true, then we have to have a listening spirit not an angry spirit.


In the Bible they tried to attack Jesus. They tried to make him angry. It didn’t work. He loved everyone, and treated them with respect. He went all they way to the cross loving people and died for us.


Take inventory of the past where you were attacked. Was it justified? Did you react with anger yourself?

We need to stop and “Count to ten,” when we are being attacked and let it settle in first. Then, with a clear head we can react in the proper manner. I never meant to say you should NEVER fight back. If you are right and it is the right idea, make your stand, because you are on the right side.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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Old Age Ain’t For Sissies.

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Today, I am going to talk about aging. I am an expert! (80 something)

It is so hard once we reach the “golden,” years. Things slow down. Not just in the world, but in your body.

I try to walk as much as I can, but things aren’t going in my direction.

Yesterday, I decided to go on a short walk on my own street, which is a Cul-de-Sac. I did the first trip around, and headed for my second. I got about half way and suddenly realized I had rubbery legs for some reason.

It got worse quickly. I started wavering like a drunken sailor. I was afraid I was going to fall. I struggled big time to finish.

I made it back into the house and crashed at my desk. It took me a long time to recuperate.

What was going on?

I was getting older, and the tent I am living in was getting leaks!

This frightened me big time. Do I need to make funeral preparations?


I just need to accept that I can only do what I can do. I shouldn’t try to stretch my abilities beyond what I can do.

I am not going to stop walking, but I will start out at a shorter distance and work my way up to longer walks.


Do you have this same problem? Is age creeping up on you, and you are really feeling it? You certainly are not alone. The majority of humans on this earth are getting up in years.

I have been thinking hard laterly. (It is giving me a headache.)

Why am I fighting old age? I should embrace the days God is giving me.

I saw a great acronym the other day. Instead of TGIF, It should be TGIT Thank God it’s today. We need to thank God for every day He is giving us, and not worry about how things seem to be getting very tough for us to do.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Words From the Bible We May Not Know or Understand

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I thought I would change things up a little bit. Today we are going to learn the definitions of many words in the Bible we may not know or understand.

  1. Amen: “this is true.”
  2. Apostle: Accredited messenger who has been sent in service of another.
  3. Grace: Mercy; clemency; pardon.
  4. Disciples: Followers of Christ.
  5. Bible: The collection of sacred writings of the Christian religion. comprising the Old and New Testaments.
  6. Advent: An Arrival that has been awaited.
  7. Antediluvian: Relating to the period before the Biblical flood.
  8. Atonement: The act of making amends for sin or wrong doing.
  9. Baptism: A sacrament signifying spiritual cleansing and rebirth.
  10. Betrothed: Pledged to be married.
  11. Brethren: The lay members of a male religious order.
  12. Cherub: An angel portrayed as a winged child.
  13. Epiphany: An inspiration of divine manifestation.
  14. Exodus: A journey by a group to escape from a hostile environment.
  15. Fallible: Wanting in moral strength or will.
  16. Forbearance: a delay in enforcing rights or claims or privileges
  17. Idolatry: The worship of objects or images as Gods.
  18. Messiah: Any expected deliverer.
  19. Omnipresent: Existing everywhere at once.
  20. Prodigal: reckless and wasteful.
  21. Prophecy: A prediction uttered under divine inspiration.
  22. Scapegoat: Someone who is punished for the errors of others.
  23. Tribulation: A annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event.
  24. Wrath: Intense anger.


Now that you have a headache from learning so much, How are you doing? Do you live each day with prayers to God? Are you distracted by all the turmoil around you?

Stay strong in the knowledge that God is there for you. He will listen to those prayers I mentioned above. He will answer them in His own way.

Do not give into the darkside who wants you to turn away from God. The dark side is Satan. He would love to have you up on his trophy wall.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all..never, ever, give up!


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Don’t Fear Threats of Man, Rely On God For Comfort

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There are far too many threats in our country. People seem to be going crazy. A man drove his truck into a bunch of people walking in a parade. Killing five of them. WHY? He was caught and will spend the rest of his life in prison.

There are many incidents like this. It is spreading.

I am finding, and I am sure you are too, that the Christian life is not easy.


The word Sovereign means, in complete control. God is sovereign. Why?

  1. He is the creator of all things.
  2. God makes Himself known.
  3. God decides what happens in this world.
  4. We send all of our pleas to a sovereign God.


We need to let God use us, and we need to speak with boldness and courage. Will this get us persecuted? Yes, but it is God’s will.

We have our part to do, and God has His part.

I always talk to others about what God has done for me. I do not call them sinners, I just share my life.

One thing I have taken for granted all these years is the Holy Spirit. We all know of God and Jesus, but we forget the final part of the three. The Holy Spirit. When you are a Christian, the Holy Spirit dwells in you, and helps you through the storms. He helps you to say the right things when needed.

The Holy Spirit is God’s presence.


Cling to the hope of God and His love for you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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I’m Not Part of This World. I’m Just Here Temporarily

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I’m off to the Oregon Coast today. The weather may be good as well.

There seems to be an uproar coming from the military itselt on the vaccination mandate. The Navy has said they will not force their people to get the shot, and one state National Guard General has said the same thing.

My feelings may be different from others, because I am an at risk person. I got my shots and I am hoping for the best.

I feel people have the right to choose, but remember your choices many affect, or should I say, infect others.


I have come to the conclusion that I am not part of this world. I am just here temporarily. I do not agree with so much of what is happening around me, that I feel like an alien in my own country.

Have you been feeling that? Do you think the world is rolling too fast, and leaving you behind?

I certainly hear you. There are many of us like that.


I have found that I am stronger when I read the Bible. It is full of hope and comfort. God reminds me that He is with me through my storms.


Turn to the book of truth. The Bible. Much of what is said there is a wonderful guide for life.


Never let the dark side overcome you. Know that God is with you to fight the evil one. Let Him take your burdens and pray for His protection.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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There’re Times When You Need to Breathe Through Nose; Not Mouth.

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I have found through the years that closing my mouth and just listen to someone works out tremendousely. They get out everything they want to say, and you learn a lot about them.

It didn’t hurt me to “shut up.” It helped the other person a lot.

What a difference that would make in our world if everyone did that. There just may be there wouldn’t be anymore wars, murders, riots, etc.

This would be a huge step towards freedom as well. We woudn’t need to rationalize everything we say. There may not be an actual agreement, but both sides will be heard.

Sounds like a plan, but man can’t seem to survive with that idea. They need to control or else.


How is your world going? Do people scream at you, and do not allow you to try to explain your thoughts.

Be as calm as you can. Roll with the punches, and know that God is there with you.

God never allows anything to happen that you can not handle. He will protect you through your storms.

Be strong! Stand up for what you believe to be right. Never give in to the enemy.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever give up!


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Woke Cancel Culture, and Critical Race Theory Are Spreading Fast

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Had a progress test today at physical therapy. I improved in all areas except one and that was almost the same. That’s the good news. The bad news is I am not sure how much longer I can use the PT. You have to be referred, and I haven’t been referred in a while.


I’m making a huge prediction here right now. This is way off the subject, but I am picking Oregon State University football to win tomorrow against Stanford. If they lose you can pick on me.


I looked up several phrases that I didn’t understand. Now you will know as well.

  1. Woke cancel culture—Kicked out of Social Media.
  2. Critical race therory—against black people.

Neither one of those are on my bucket list to do. Very discriminating.

Why are these phrases even around? They are used so much, the Webster’s dictionary added them as new words.

Well, I did research on this as well.:

The origin of both of those phrases come from the far left. That explains a lot to me. I certainly am not far left, but I can see why they make up these fake phrases to try to plow down our rights.


How are you feeling about your rights today? Do you think they are slipping away?

To me, there is only one way to stay sane in this invironment. Only go by what it tells you in the Bible. There is nothing but truth in it. It speaks to all the left’s retoric.

Do not be overcome with their fake news, and scare tactics. Only go with what God is telling you and you will stand strong.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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If You Want Freedom, You Need the Truth From God

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It takes a lot of work to get where you are going. So many walls to climb over, but when you do, you are close to freedom. Knowing the truth also leads you to freedom.

Freedom is not doing whatever you want. You can’t choose to rob a bank, steal a car, kill someone. freedom is doing what we ought to be doing. Reaching out to others. Helping someone who is struggling. Being a good friend.

Sin is our main struggle. To find freedom, get rid of sin. Turn to the truth.

So what is truth?

God is the truth, and the truth will set you free.

It will also set you free from eternal death. Freedom comes from the supreme sacrifice that Jesus did on the cross.

Never try to get freedom in this world without the Lord.

If you are struggling with if you are free. Read the Bible it is full of hope, and shows ways to have true freedom.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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God’s Taking Charge of Our Country in a Positive Way

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Things are heating up in our world. The pandemic is still raising its ugly head. The school boards are trying to control the parents. Congress men and women are fighting tooth and nails. Shocking revelation in Virginia this week.


We have to be very careful who we elect for school boards across this country. They are all slowly going far left. They want to control the teachers and the parents.

A father came to protest his daughter being raped in the women’s bathroom, by a transdresser. They transfered the perp to another school and he did it there too. The school board ignored the father’s plea for justice to be and they even arrested the poor man for disrupting their meeting.


Got to change! In the future we should all go to the panel discussions are held for candidates running for a school board. We need to ask very directed questions to them them to make sure we are getting who is best for our children.


Even the government seems to be lying, and sending out false reports. The Pentagon announced today that they were wrong about the estimate of how many Amercians were stranted in Afghanistan. They had been sending out reports forever that there were only 400-500 people still there. Today they admitted there were over 140,000!


Who can we trust? Who can we turn to for the truth. Of course, it is God. He is the truth, and the truth will set you free.


God is working! In Virginia the voters shocked the whole world by voting in three republicans to the statwide posts. The Governor, Attorney General, and the LT Governor. They also flipped their house of Represenatives to republican. This state was won by Biden by 15% points in the presidential election.


I think God is turning the corner on all of this nonsense. By the mid term elections next year there will a huge reversal in the national, House and Senate.

My famous thought, GOD IS IN CHARGE is overflowing now. He will do what he feels is best for our country.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all..never, ever, give up!


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We Do Not Have to Fear Anything, But God

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I am going to be on a rant today. There are so many things I do not like:

  1. I do no t like the pandemic.
  2. I d not like the bickering and shouting in congress.
  3. I do not like the so called authority figures trying to tell parents what to do with their children in school.
  4. I do not like how our government is running things.
  5. I do not like, not liking things!

I have to realize, and I have said this almost every post, GOD IS IN CHARGE!!

His answer to all of my do nots, is “I am taking care of it.”

So just how much power does God really have?…

The Stars haven’t always been there. God created them. The earth hasn’t always been there, God created it. The universe is vast, and unending. He created it.

Just think how much power it took to do all of that.

So, if you fear facing the day. If you would rather stay under the covers all day. If the fear is just too much for you. You do not have to fear anything, but God.

As long as we believe in God and Jesus, nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God. (Romans 8:38-39.)

Stand strong and never give into the dark side.



You are never alone.

You are never fosaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, everm give up!


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