A place to find Hope

Category: we need Jesus (Page 1 of 5)

Life is Livable With God There With You

Below is a post I sent out in January. An update will be below it.

It has been a long haul. I have been in the hospital of six days. During the fourth day I had a near death experience. There was a nurse checking my vitals, and she left me in the middle. What I saw was she was watching the main monitors, especially my blood pressure. She left quickly, and came back with several doctors, and nurses.

It seems that my blood pressure was crashing. It went from a good 122/60 to 80/40. If it continued I would die. They kept watching it, and eventually it started coming back up. I wasn’t told what happening.

After six days in the hospital, I was sent to a rehab facility. I was there for 30 days, and finally came home.

I am slowly progressing. Being able to do this post is an example. I couldn’t have done this before, because I couldn’t be sitting that long in one spot.

I am now able to sit in my recliner as long as I need to now doing many things, even exercises.


I am now able to walk around my home with a walker. There are even times I take a few steps without it. I am progressing fairly fast now. As a matter of fact my wife and I are going for walk outside when it warms up a little. That is huge for me.


Have you had some terrifying accidents or illnesses strike you down like happened to me?

Here is what I have to say about that:

I would not even be able to exist right now if I didn’t have God by my side. He was there during my worst days to comfort me, and help me with the pain.

Never feel you are alone when something happens to you. God is there 24/7.


New post on Monday.

What is a Good Foundation to Use in Life?

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We all know we need a good foundation in our lives. The Bible talks about building a house on sand. It will get destroyed. It also says building a house on Rock is what we all should do.

What about you? What is your foundation?

A good foundation is stable, solid, fixed, predictable.


The best foundation is trusting God. He can provide all your needs. He can hold you hand during your trials. If you have sinned, God is the only one who can bear the weight.


Think of what you have for a foundation. Is it strong enough to carry you through this world. Do you need to reevaluate your foundation?



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Discouraged and Sad? Your Faith Will Overcome the Fear.

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The Bible says that when you are weak, then you are strong. Doesn’t sound right does it?

It is true though. When we, as Christians are down and out, we turn to God and He gives us strength.


  1. God doesn’t choose the few who are qualified, he Qualifies the the few that He chooses. (Peter, David, Paul)
  2. We need to grow completely dependent on God.
  3. Know that you have been called by God to do greatness.
  4. Truth faith will not happen without facts to go by.
  5. True faith takes us beyond mere facts to trust.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Jesus Said, “Blessed are those who Mourn, They Will be Comforted.

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Despair is not the end of the story in our lives. It is simply the occasion when our spiritual senses are awakened to behold new, life-giving dimensions of God’s presence. In Jesus’s words, “Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted.”

That seems hard to believe! You are comforted when you mourn?

Life is fragile and all too brief. According to the Psalmist, our lifetimes are a “mere breath.” We may perhaps live into our seventies or eighties “by reason of strength,” but our experience is generally full of “toil and trouble” (Ps. 39:5Ps. 90:10). Sometimes life leaves you weeping in the dark.

Then I imagined God saying: Keep pedaling, son, despite your fears. I know all the bumps in the road, and, although you falter and even wipe out, my grace encircles you to the end.


We have all faced times that we had to mourn. It is not a pleasant time.

The above message is telling us that God is saying “Keep pedaling.” Keep on keeping on.

God is with you 24/7. Even when we mourn. Pray to Him for strength through the tough times.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Got My Shots for COVID, and Still Got it.

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I got COVID for the second time. I have had all my shots. I recall my first vaccination. It was about two years ago. When I got to the site for the shot, there was a tremendous line. I stood in the line waiting my turn.

The a National Guard soldier came up to me and told me to follow him. He took me to a spot where I was next in line. I was honored to be chosen to do that.

Probably because I had on my Army hat, and was using a cane.


Funny how people forget their duties. There is a tremendous need for civilians to enlist into the military. There are shortages in all branches. We all need to serve our country in some form, and I can tell you that the military changed my life in a most positive way. Think about stepping up.


Never forget hat God is with you 24/7. He will protect you from harm. All you have to do is ask.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


A Short Post About Love, Because Love Conquers Everything.

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This post is about love. Love conquers all adversity.

Here are some thoughts on love from my Church service on Sunday:

  1. Lyrics from a song. “Your love is holding on and won’t let go.”
  2. The story about the good Samaritan: A man was attacked and beaten up badly on the road. The attackers left him for dead. A priest came by and saw the man. he went on the other side of the road and kept walking. A Levite came by and did the same thing. He kept going. Then a Samaritan came by and found pity for the man. He bandaged him up, and took him to an inn. He told the Inn keeper to take care of him and gave him money to do it. That is true love.
  3. When I am loving God with all my heart, I feel compassion for others.
  4. When I am loving God with all my heart, I care for the stranger, the outsider, even my enemy.
  5. Love your neighbor as yourself. Your neighbors can be anyone, anywhere, any time.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Outline of New Format for Daily Signs of Hope

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I told you on Friday that I was going to change the format This is the first post using the new format. It certainly not the final change. I will be doing changes during the next few posts, so hang on.

Here is what I envision for the future:

  1. Current news…right off of the headlines,
  2. Daily thoughts…this is where I can gripe and complain.
  3. Important thoughts…This will be thoughts I have written down that I think you will like.
  4. Speaking about God…this will be an ongoing thing.


This will be a short post today, because I am organizing what I want to post first for my next post on Wednesday.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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It Matters What We Focus on in Our Daily Lives

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Yes, it does matter what we focus on in our lives. Too many of us are hostage to our cell phones. We spend hours looking at junk. We get addicted.


That may make us feel somewhat comfortable, but in the end it is destructive.

  1. We need to feel uncomfortable to really feel comfortable.
  2. Worshipping God makes us comfortable.
  3. Worship is a response.
  4. We need to focus on Jesus. He has all the comfort we need.
  5. Worship is the recognition of true value.


If you want to be uncomfortable, become a Christian. 🙂 Being a Christian is not for sissies. You will be persecuted. There will be hard days, with many storms.

That is why we need to dedicate our lives to God. He is a warrior to help us fight off negative things in our lives. He knows our storms, and he will calm them.


Be strong and fight all your storms with God at you side. He will win the battle for you.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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4 Ways to Face Days in a Not so Friendly World.

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There have been many things that are happening that are pulling us all down like a huge magnate. Inflation, war in Ukraine, high crime rates, our southern border, gas prices. All this seems to be on the shoulders of our current president.


In reality it is something that probably would have happened no matter who the president is. Of course some of the things can be avoided, and I wish the president could see that.


Still struggling with arthritis in my right hip. I am taking Tylenol Arthritis pills t but there is still some pain there. I will see a specialist, soon to see if there is something they can do that isn’t surgery. I am told that I am too old for any kind of surgery.


How is your day going. Do you often wish you could just stay in bed all day? I certainly have been there.

Life is not a beautiful rose garden. There are too many thorns that can hurt us.

Lost relationships, overpowering bills to pay, lost job, depression. What can we do to overcome all of this:

  1. One day at a time.
  2. Face the storms, and you will become stronger.
  3. Never, ever, give up!
  4. Pray to God for His help.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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4 Ways to Face the Day During Your Storms.

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I had a wonderful time at my weekly coffee gathering today. There was a WWII Veteran there who is 98 years old. I had already interviewed him for my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

The interview is full of near death experiences, and the freeing of two concentration camps. One was full of Jews, and the other English soldiers.

It is a fantastic interview that is a must read when the book comes out.

I will keep you posted here as to the progress of the book. You can also go to www.dougbolton.com. That is now just a military site that has up to date military news, and side stories.


I have been having pity parties lately. My health is not all that good. I am struggling with weak legs, arthritis in my hip, and total lack of energy.

How do I face each day?

  1. I thank God for the day. He is the one that gives me my air in my lungs every day.
  2. I realize that getting old isn’t for sissies, and face my storms head on.
  3. I read the Bible. All the comfort I need is found there.
  4. I do not worry about tomorrow. Jesus says, tomorrow has enough worries on its own.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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