- February 2024
- January 2024
- October 2023
- September 2023
- August 2023
- July 2023
- June 2023
- May 2023
- April 2023
- March 2023
- February 2023
- January 2023
- December 2022
- November 2022
- October 2022
- September 2022
- August 2022
- July 2022
- June 2022
- May 2022
- April 2022
- March 2022
- February 2022
- January 2022
- December 2021
- November 2021
- October 2021
- September 2021
- August 2021
- July 2021
- June 2021
- May 2021
- April 2021
- March 2021
- February 2021
- January 2021
- December 2020
- November 2020
- October 2020
- September 2020
- August 2020
- July 2020
- June 2020
- May 2020
- February 2020
- January 2020
- April 2019
- March 2019
- December 2018
- November 2018
- October 2018
- February 2018
- January 2018
- December 2017
- November 2017
- October 2017
- September 2017
- a little child of faith
- Abel and Cain
- absolute words
- abused children
- aches and pains
- addiction
- adversity
- afflictions
- aging
- ain't for sissies
- alarming things happening
- anxiety
- are you listening?
- arson
- arthritis
- attack
- attacking the churches
- awful things are happening
- bad moments
- bad movements
- bad things happen
- basic training
- battling illnesses
- be careful
- be patient,
- be strong
- be thankful
- being a parent
- being a servant
- being betrayed
- being gracious
- being ill
- being impatient
- Bethlehem
- Bible
- Botox
- brainwashing
- burdens
- can be frightening
- cardiologist
- cause anxiety
- challenging times
- Change
- changed my life
- chest pains
- Christians
- Christmas season
- close friends
- closing in
- comfort and peace
- comtrol you
- concentrate
- congestive heart failure
- congress
- content
- contentment
- coping
- coping in this world
- corrupting the minds
- could have been avoided
- courage
- COVID-19
- critical race theory
- crucial times
- daily struggles
- dark day
- dark stools
- darkness
- darkside
- dead end
- dead man walking
- death
- depressing
- depression
- describing God
- devastating and painful
- dictators
- discouragement
- divorce
- do not fear anyone
- do not fear man
- do not worry
- does prayer really work?
- doing something wrong
- domestic violence
- Don't lose to Satan
- drag you down
- dragging us down
- drunkard
- during our storms.
- Easter
- elections
- endless hope
- envy or love
- everything goes wrong
- evil
- excercise
- excerpts
- exercise
- face the storms
- facing storms of life,
- failure
- faith
- fake news
- family is important
- far left democrats
- far right conservatives
- fear
- fear and dispair
- fear not
- fears
- feed 5,000
- fight back
- fight evil
- find freedom
- forgiveness
- friends
- frightening things happening
- frustation
- furious weather
- gastrologist
- get rid of sin
- getting older
- give us hope
- giving into authority
- God
- God decides what happens
- God is near
- god is speaking to you
- God is there for us
- God is there for you
- God is with you
- God loves to talk
- God makes Himself known
- God's promises
- God's way
- God's Word
- going round and round
- going through life alone
- Going to church
- golden years
- good and bad days
- good example
- good times and bad times
- grandchildren
- grow
- grueling times
- hard to be positive
- hard to overcome
- hate
- have the right moral behavior
- Have the right relationship
- have the right thinking\
- having pain
- He is the creator
- hear our pleas
- Heaven
- heavenly armor
- Heavenly Kingdom
- help my unbelief
- here temporarily
- holidays
- hope
- hope in God
- hope needed for life
- hopeless end
- horrific
- hospital
- how can we survive?
- how do we fight back?
- Humble
- idols
- increase in illnesses
- inflation
- Jesus
- Jill Biden
- Joe Biden
- juggling life
- Karens
- knee mails
- kowing the truth,
- lean on God
- let God help
- life changing event,
- life gives you lemons
- life is tough
- life straining
- Linda Clare
- lock down
- looting
- lose the battle
- lose to Satan
- losing a loved one
- lost job
- love
- love everyone
- love month
- making new friends
- many storms
- Maui
- military
- Military exercises
- Mother's Day
- move on
- murder,
- Murphy's Law
- National Guard
- need our prayers
- negative feelings
- negative thoughts
- negatives develop
- never forsake you
- new virus
- no trying just do it
- normal is not coming back
- not a friendly world
- not part of this world
- not so friendly world
- nothing to fear
- old age
- on a treadmill
- only fear God
- opened our eyes
- operated
- Oregon Coast
- out of control
- overcome darkness
- pain and agony,
- pain and destruction
- pain and suffering
- Pandemic
- panic
- path may be rough
- patience
- Pearl Harbor
- people are broken,
- people are weary
- persecuting Christians
- perseverance
- Political party
- polyps
- powerful words
- pray for God's help
- pray without ceasing
- precious
- pregnant woman
- president Biden
- President Trump
- pride
- promises
- Putin is a war criminal
- quotes
- racist
- rapture
- rat race
- reaching out
- reaching out to others
- reaching out to those who are suffering
- react,
- regret
- rely on God
- remain steadfast in our belief
- remain strong
- rethink your priorites
- rioting
- Riots
- roller coaster ride
- rough paths
- rumors of war
- Russia
- sadness
- sanctified
- Satan
- Satan wants you
- send our pleas to God
- senior citizen
- seniors
- set goals
- shame
- shortest verse in the Bible
- shortness of breath
- should be a priority
- sickness comes into your life
- sin
- sinful cobwebs
- slow down
- sparrows
- spiritual hunger
- spouses
- storms come
- storms come, stroms go
- stress
- stress of the holidays
- stressful week
- strong prayer
- struggling
- submitting
- subscribe
- suicidal
- suicide
- surprises
- survival
- survival
- survive
- survive the world
- swaddling clothes
- temptation is not a sin
- Thank God for each day
- thankful
- the Christmas rush
- The Devil
- the tent I'm living in
- the turmoil we face
- their beliefs
- things could go wrong
- think about it
- threat of war
- tired of storms,
- tomorrow may never come
- too old
- tremendous improvement, cardiologist
- trials
- tribulations
- trophy on a wall
- troubling times
- truth from God
- turmoil
- turn country around
- turning away from God
- Uncategorized
- upcoming book
- vaccination mandate
- vaccines
- Valentines Day
- very hurting,
- very stressful
- Veterans day
- war in Ukraine
- Ways to Cope
- we must endure
- we need Jesus
- we need to rethink our priorities
- we need to submit
- we shouldn't make our own rules
- we struggle
- we want it now
- what is Christmas about
- what is right and wrong,
- who can we trust?
- why are we here?
- why pray?
- wild fires
- winter's coming
- winter's comng
- wisdom
- without hope,
- words from the Bible
- world in turmoil
- worry and doubt
- worry is the dark room
- wrong direction
- wrong place at the wrong time
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