A place to find Hope

Tag: Afghanistan

God’s Taking Charge of Our Country in a Positive Way

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Things are heating up in our world. The pandemic is still raising its ugly head. The school boards are trying to control the parents. Congress men and women are fighting tooth and nails. Shocking revelation in Virginia this week.


We have to be very careful who we elect for school boards across this country. They are all slowly going far left. They want to control the teachers and the parents.

A father came to protest his daughter being raped in the women’s bathroom, by a transdresser. They transfered the perp to another school and he did it there too. The school board ignored the father’s plea for justice to be and they even arrested the poor man for disrupting their meeting.


Got to change! In the future we should all go to the panel discussions are held for candidates running for a school board. We need to ask very directed questions to them them to make sure we are getting who is best for our children.


Even the government seems to be lying, and sending out false reports. The Pentagon announced today that they were wrong about the estimate of how many Amercians were stranted in Afghanistan. They had been sending out reports forever that there were only 400-500 people still there. Today they admitted there were over 140,000!


Who can we trust? Who can we turn to for the truth. Of course, it is God. He is the truth, and the truth will set you free.


God is working! In Virginia the voters shocked the whole world by voting in three republicans to the statwide posts. The Governor, Attorney General, and the LT Governor. They also flipped their house of Represenatives to republican. This state was won by Biden by 15% points in the presidential election.


I think God is turning the corner on all of this nonsense. By the mid term elections next year there will a huge reversal in the national, House and Senate.

My famous thought, GOD IS IN CHARGE is overflowing now. He will do what he feels is best for our country.



You are never alone.

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You are never unloved.

And above all..never, ever, give up!


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With the Way the World is, Why Are We Here?

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Americans are still trapped in Afghanistan. Thousands are coming across our southern border. The pandemic is more powerful than ever.

With all of this happening, why are we here anyway?

It is true that our faith is being challenged more each day. It is hard to be a positive Christian. What good are we?

We all have a purpose designed by God.

It doesn’t matter what you do, God wants you doing it.

The education problems we are having today with the teaching of racism, etc, what good can a teacher do? I am a retired teacher, and I know that if you are a teacher you are very importnat in God’s eyes. He wants you there to nuture, and show compassion for those children. They are with you more than they are with their parents. You could have great influence with them. Thank God He placed you there.

How about a hair dresser. They are at the prime spot, becasue so many clients come and unload on the haidresser while they are getting cut their hair done. You can talk to them to console them and give them hope. Thank God he Placed you there.

How about parents, and grandparents? They are vital to the proper growing up of the children as well. Raise the child in a way that pleases God.


Never wonder why you are here. No matter what you do, use it to give others hope. Use it to show you care, and that you are loving and compassionate. This is a perfect way to get through to the people who are depressed, and wavering.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Idolatry is Causing Many to Turn Away From God

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In our world of sadness and chaos we wonder what we need to do to survive in this not so friendly world. I heard a powerful message at church yesterday about idolatry.

When we think of it, many of the dictators of this world live off of idolatry.

Think about the Taliban in Afghanistan. They have only one thing on their minds, and that is people worship them or they die.


The Bible has a story about a city that turned to idols instead of God. God punished them by destroying the whole city. There was nothing left there but dried bones.

The people who lived through this cried for help, and God said they need to repent to receive His grace.

Here is a definition of idolatry:

It takes place when we exchange God’s self revelations and replace them with our own ideas of who we think God is or should be.

The essence of idolatry is thinking thoughts about God that is unworthy of Him.


Have our bones dried up because we worship idols like, cell phones, TV, our new car, or boat?

Take inventory of your live and see if you have placed something in front of God that you idolize.

Some thoughts:

God can be trusted.

God’s promises are sure.

God loves you just the way you are.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Being Gracious to Those Around us Should be a Priority

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I can’t help but grieve for the Gold Star families that saw the 13 heroes come from the war in Afghanistan.

They were very upset and furious as to how the things turn out with evacuations. It shouldn’t have happened that way.


Got a pleasant surprise yesterday in the mail from a friend. We received a box from Harry and David’s full of goodies. I am eating the popcorn now as I type. She is a very gracious lady and friend.

This is what we need more of in our world. Gracious people who are reaching out to others. What a difference that would make.

God is very gracious as well. He sent His only Son down to earth to take care of all of our sins. we have eternal life, by God’s graciousness.


Have you been gracious to those around you? Have you made a phone call to that friend who lost their spouse recently? Have you help volunteer for a worth while charity? Do you reach out to your own loved ones, often?

Think about that. Do you need to take an inventory of your life to see if you are gracious enough?

Try to concentrate about reach out to everyone around you. The world would be a different place if we all did.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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The War is Over, but the Suffering Will Last Forever

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I am still saddened by the results of the withdraw from Afghanistan. Needless death and destruction. People left stranded and fearing for their lives.

I was in contact with a SFC Army soldier in Afghanistan, and she was very frightened. She felt she would die soon. Thank God she made it out.

Yes the war is over, but the scars will last forever.


This is certainly not a very friendly world right now. There are sad things happening all over. The pandemic is back and worse than ever. It never left. The unrest amongst the people is very high. Our president doesn’t seem to know what planet he is on.

What does our future hold for us?


It will a rough and bumpy road we must travel, but we have need to remember that God is in charge. Yes, it is hard to believe that He would allow all of this turmoil in our lives, but He has a plan and we need to be silent and know He is God.


I am in the same boat as you are . I am fearful for the future, but I have to sit back and wait on the Lord. He will rescue me and give me peace. He is my fortress. He is my salvation. He is my redeemer. Without Him I am totally lost.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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It is Frustrating to See What’s Happening in Afghanistan

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Another stressful day. We were supposed to go to Hawaii on Sunday. We saw a statement by the governor of Hawaii saying he would refer people not come, because of the tremendous increase in the virus there.

Our dream trip has disappeared even though we checked with people on the Island, and they felt that if we wore masks plus did our social distancing we should be OK.

However, I have too many underlining problems, and could be a sitting duck if I go. So tonight we will cancel the trip. We will try again soon.

I am of course upset about not going, but I have to be cautious. We will find a time when it is better and still enjoy it.


I am so frustrated with the happenings in Afghanistan. There are many Americans still stranded, and thousands of Afghans.

I can not accept the procedure that our government is doing. They seem to be running scared leaving many people to die behind.

Pray that not one American, or service man will be left behind, and that any people from Afghanistan that wants to be saved, will be.


Do you have loved ones in Afghanistan? Please comment in the comment section below, so I can concentrate and pray for them. Your comments are not seen by anyone but me.


We can always thank God that He is there for us during this troubling time. He wants all our troops to be safe. He wants their loved ones to be reassured.

He will be by your side no matter what storms come you way.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Forget the Bad Days Concentrate on the Good Days

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I am pretty sure you guys are tired of hearing about my physical issues, but I had two tests in the last two days and they were both great. So we are back to the beginning still trying to figure out why I have such a shortness of breath. I see my primary doctor next week. I will see where we go from here.


President Biden still doesn’t have any plan for getting the Afghanistan interpreters out of harms way.

They will certainly be slaughtered once we leave. Just put them all in planes and bring them to the United States. They served us well.


I have been so frustrated with the way our country is moving these days. Christians are getting the bad wrap. More people hate us than ever before. I wonder why that is happening?


So how are you doing? Do you worry about each day and what it may be for you? Are the days hard to face?

I certainly hear you. I have been struggling myself.

I have tried to cling to the promises that God has given us. He will not forsaken us. He will not allow us that have more problems than we can handle.

He is our fortress against the darkness. Go towards the light of Jesus.

I can do all things through Christ!!!



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all… never, ever, give up!


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We Need God to Protect us During the Turmoil We Face.

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President Biden has decided to pull the troops out of Afghanistan on September 11th, 2021. That would be the 20th anniversary of the Twin Towers attack.

Now the people are in an uproar. They wanted the troops brought home, but now they fear the Taliban will take over the country quickly.


I am a spot in my life where I am not sure if we should send troops to every country that is having problems.

Biden is in a lose, lose situation, and I feel for him on this situation.


The Air Force just let in a white supremacist that a Google search could have caught, I wrote in an article on Tuesday. Airman 1st Class Shawn Michael McCaffrey has a long history with white supremacist groups, and he even ran a podcast where he and his racist, homophobic pals pilloried Jews, people of color, Muslims and many other groups, including the military. The Air Force is now investigating the case.



“I want to get back to doing normal things” was the main reason Army Staff Sgt. Anthony Johnson flipped from COVID-19 vaccine skeptic to vaccine recipient, writes Army reporter Haley Britzky. Like many other soldiers, seeing his commander take the shot helped Johnson change his mind. Learning more statistics about the vaccine, wanting to protect their loved ones and believing the Army wouldn’t provide a harmful vaccine to its troops also helped, Haley found out after chatting with soldiers.


Up date on my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military:In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

Going through the book one more time for typo’s, and then I will be contacting the publisher. Getting exciting for me and I hope you are getting excited as well.


How are you holding up in this world of turmoil? Is the world spinning too fast?

Yes, we often allow turmoil in our life. It is because we feel weak and cant fight back.

Always remember that God is on your side. With him there who can be against you. No one!

Be strong and cling to God’s robe. He knows who you are and He knows what He needs to do to protect you.

Never, ever give in to the dark side. Keep fighting back with God helping you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Be Strong During all the Turmoil We Must Endure right Now

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Another beautiful day outside. Going to have to go on a walk to build my strength back up.

Whenever I think of walking, I think of our brothers and sisters in the military, who don’t dare go on a walk. They are hunkered down for fear of being shot. Never forget them.


I can’t list all the things I think our country is doing wrong right now. The list would be long. I pray for our president, because to be honest with you, I do not think he is even in charge.

The far left is dragging him down like a huge magnate.


I read an article where a second Lieutenant, in uniform, was dragged out of his car and pepper sprayed. The video doesn’t show him doing anything wrong. He told the officers he was afraid to get out of the car. Their answer… “You should be!”

He has sued the police department and I hope he wins.


We still have more National Guardsmen in the nation’s capital than there are in Afghanistan. That is appalling. What are they afraid of?


While in the military I found that the more you accept orders the less strain you will be in.

Some of the guys I knew tried to “buck,” the system, and it didn’t work out well for them.

The discipline I learned for the military has helped me in my civilian life.


Up date on my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

I have added another person to interview. I spoke to him while at the Oregon Coast. He has some funny ,and yet sad sharing to do and I know it will help other veterans.

Everything else is in the final stages of preparation.


How are you doing today? Is the world spinning too fast?

You are not alone! There are many people struggling right now.

No job, lost relationship, death of a loved one, the pandemic.

It goes on and on. It is hard not to drown in the muck and mire.



Even though it sometimes feels like there is no hope, God uses some of our darkest moments as our doorways to hope.

To know God’s voice is calling you is hope.


Things can affect your life, but it can not define your life.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Being Ill Can Pull You Down Like a Huge Magnet

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I had an interesting night last night. Many of you may have already done this. I went to a sleep center to spend the night. They are testing to see if I get enough oxygen when I am breathing.

I got there at 8:00pm. The tech lady, told me it would be a short wait because there were other patients waiting. Well, two hours later I get my turn to prepare.

They put every type of wire they could invent on your body. On your head, stomach, and legs. Glad I could not see myself in a mirror. 🙂

I woke up this morning at 6:00am and they sent me home. I won’t know the results until I meet with the doctor.


It is let off steam time for me. Our president said yesterday in a quote. “I refuse to meet the deadline of May 1st to pull out all of troops from Afghanistan.” He doesn’t seem to care about our troops.

President Trump had all of that arranged and now it has disappeared.


Do you often feel overwhelmed when health issues come knocking at your door. I know I do. I have heart problems; hearing loss; bad back, and several other ailments.

It seems that at least once every week, I have a doctor’s appointment. The week of April 4th-10th I have a huge 5 appointments.


If you have similar problems, I certainly hear you. I know it isn’t easy to have so many thorns in your side. It not only is painful, but stressful.

So, how can we overcome all the negative part of life, like health.:

  1. God didn’t promises us a rose garden, and of course there are those pesky torns.
  2. God never has us face more than we can handle. Lean on Him for your strength.
  3. I use my ailments to be a witness to others. I share with them that I do not care to have the ailments, but God has chosen me to calm other people because if it.

Never let ailments, or attacks from the dark side overcome you. With God on your side who can be against you? NO ONE!

Be strong and face the storms head on. By doing this you are a very positive example to those around you who are suffering as well.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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