A place to find Hope

Tag: attack

The Date December 7th, 1941 Changed life for Americans.

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On December 7th, 1941 The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, and killed several thousands of Americans. I was only two years old at the time, so I didn’t really know what was going on.

Three of my uncles, fought in WWII and two of them received Purple Hearts. Their heroics helped stop the war and our freedom.

I enlisted in 1959 in the Army. I did it to honor my uncles who fought ahead of me. Each of them was a hero to me.

I am proud to have served my country, and I would do it again if I could.


It is getting close to the most important holiday of the year. It is Christmas. The word Christmas means the mass for Christ. During this hectic time many people have completely forgotten the true meaning of Christmas. Christ seems to have disappeared out of their lives during this holiday.

Jesus was born on Christmas day. he became the savior for the world. He paid the supreme price by dying for each of us on the cross. That means you too. Jesus doesn’t hand pick His favorites. He loves ALL of us no matter what our beliefs are.

All we have to do is invite Him into out hearts and we are Christians. You become His child.


I mentioned before that this time of year is very hectic. Do not let the stress of the holiday pull you down like a huge magnate. Keep being positive, and share your joy with others, who are suffering.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Time to Make That Important List of What You are Thankful For

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Well, it is the day after Thanksgiving and I had a very unusual day yesterday. No family. No food cooked. Just my wife and I home alone,

Now that sounds pretty sad, but good things happened. My wife’s sister brought the turkey meal with all the fixings plus two desserts. That was the day before Thanksgiving.

On Thanksgiving. My son and his family brought another full turkey meal and two desserts.

We ate very well for being alone.

We were alone, because we are on lock down, thanks to the virus. I have several health issues that the virus would love to attack.

Later in the day our whole family did connect by Zoom. It certainly wasn’t the same as hugging or sitting together in one room, but we made it fun, and I was really refreshed because of it.


Too many homes are going through what we are here. Isolated parents, husbands, wives, children, etc.

I forced myself to sit down this morning and come up with the things I am thankful for. It was hard at first, because I wasn’t in a cherry mood.

Here are some from my list:

  1. I am thankful we have Thanksgiving. Many countries don’t have it.
  2. I am thankful for my family. ALL OF THEM!
  3. I am thankful that God has given me another day.
  4. I am thankful I am somewhat able to do pretty much anything.
  5. I am thankful that I made it through several major surgeries.
  6. I am thankful for my friends. They are a pillar of my strength.
  7. I am thankful that Jesus paid the ultimate price for me so I can have eternal life.
  8. I am thankful that many storms may come, but they end.
  9. I am thankful that I live in a country that is free.
  10. I am thankful that God gave me the skills to write,

I could go on. This also isn’t necessarily my top ten list.

After I wrote many things I am thankful for, my outlook on life totally changed. I am one very blessed man.

Very strongly suggest you make your list, and don’t stop at ten. Then keep it somewhere that you can look at it from time to time.


This going to be a pretty short post today. Sorry about that, but I have my son coming shortly and I want to be available for him 100%.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Three things to Do to Cope in This Not so Friendly World

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Another Monday! Like the lyrics says, “Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.” It is raining and it is Monday. Any Questions?

Actually I am doing fine. There is nothing about Mondays that should be any different since I am retired. Every day is a Saturday for me.


Now we have to wait and see what the world has in store for us today. Should be very interesting with all the clamor going on around us. The pandemic, the unknown out come of the election in the United States, and of course, the ever popular rioting.


I have taken all of those on with incredible courage and valor. Let’s look at each one.

The pandemic is the hardest one for me.

I have been on lock down since March. I have some health issues that the virus would love to attack. But why should I pout and scream?

Jesus, was going through an awful lot more than I can even grasp in His life time. He never pouted or screamed. He kept loving the people no matter what.

The election outcome is not known yet.

“When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn.” Another lyrics that is a very sad song. This election years has been a nightmare from the beginning until now. Constant attacks on our president from the Democrats. Then the election it self seems tainted. What should we do?

Always remember, God is in Charge! He will allow the right person to be elected. It may not be who you or I really wanted, but God knows what is best for us.

The rioting has started up again.

In Portland, Oregon rioters attacked the homes of the council that voted to not defund the police. This is beyond wrong. They aren’t rioting because no justice, they are rioting to bring our country down. What should we do?

Stand very strong against violent rioting. God knows what is going on, and He has a plan. We just have to be patient, and let Him do the right thing.


Through all of this turmoil, how are you doing? Do you have problems coping?

Pray for God to guide you each and every day. Take His hand and hold on tight. He loves you, and will not have you face anything that you can not handle.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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Let God Show You the Path so You can Face the World

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Had an interesting day yesterday. I had cataract surgery on my right eye. It went very smoothly and my eye is getting better by the minute. I am able to do this post today.

I had to miss my Wednesday post because of several reasons. Sorry about that.


While I was waiting to go in for surgery, I had the usual worrying moments. That is when I always hit back saying, God is in charge!!

The surgery was done so well, and I have not pain today at all.

Why do we get worked up over things that don’t really happen. In my first book I have a chapter called, “Worry is the Dark Room Where Negatives Develop.” That is so true and we can really worry ourselves to death.

I have had too many times when I wasted my time worrying. I have found that 99% of what we worry about never happens. Just give the rest to God.


I agree that there are many things that people worry about today. The pandemic, rioting, wild fires, the election, etc.

Each one of those can cause people to overheat. They try to face each day, but it sometimes gets too overwhelming. Panic comes and there are many problems with people rebelling, and attacking anything that represents the government. Even policemen are attacked. Several have died during the rioting.

My feelings on this are not panic, but determination to keep calm and face each day with positive thoughts. My children really have noticed that.

They look up to me for guidance. I certainly not an expert, but I share that God is with us, and He will never give us more than we can handle.


I certainly have reasons to complain! I am on a complete lock down. I have health issues, that my doctor says makes me a prime target for the virus. I will not survive if I get it.

What do I do?? I cling to God’s promises, and keep going forward directly into the storm.


How are you doing? Is the current status of our country overwhelming you? Do you want to stay in bed and not face the day?

I hear you, but you have to have courage and take on the world with God on your side. He is with you 24/7. He will guide you down the right path to safety.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…Never ever give up!


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There Are “Karens,” Out There Who are Racist

There is far too much anger floating around. I saw a Facebook page that shows a “Karen,” yelling racist words at two girls who were from Asia. The words were of course hurtful. The two girls took it, and kept walking.

I have no idea where they came up with the term “Karens,” I have friends who have that name. However, it is now a label, and you see far too much of them hurting people.

Makes me think of the Bible. In Luke: 25-37 we are told that Samaritans were hated by the Jews. People ignored them and were forbidden to associate with them.

Jesus told a parable about this.

A man was walking on a road back to his home. A thief attacked him and took all of his belongings. He left the person for dead on the road.

He laid there bleeding and dying. Along came a priest. When he saw the man he went to the other side of the road to pass him. Likewise a Levite also went to the other side of the road to avoid him. But a Samaritan came to where he was and had deep compassion. He fixed up his wounds and put him on his own animal. He took him to an Inn, and asked them to care for him. He said he would pay for anything they used to help him.

Jesus told his disciples to do like the Samaritan.

Which one are you of the three men do you fit into? Are you the Priest, Levite, or the Samaritan?

It is so easy to get angry. It happens to all of us. We probably wouldn’t attack someone and take all their belongings, but we do get overly angry at times.

I try to think about someone who may have made me angry. I have learned that love extends further than pride. We need to swallow our pride, and forgive people.

Who has the lord placed in your path to make you angry. Make a list right now. I have done that. It is sitting right next to me.

Thank of each one of them. What did they do to make you angry? Is it worth it to just go on like it didn’t happen?

I think not.

Love is not just love. It is love in action.

Using words like you are expendable, or you are worthless, should be in our vocabulary.

The sad part is that we seem to define ourselves by who we disagree with.

It is OK to disagree, but not to hate.



You are never alone.

You are never unloved.

You are never forsaken.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

We Need to Spread Love, Not Hate

How can we exist will all the turmoil going on around us? The Pandemic is growing fast again, with even other strands coming with it that are much more contagious.

We still have huge unrest in our country. Rioting, arson, tearing down statues, killings, Looting, and terror.

Where do we go for help? What can we do to overcome this?

We have a ugly new problem raising in our country. It is the “Karen’s,” that are causing it. They verbally attack black people with hateful words and even have pointed guns at them.

They have no concept of love. They only know hate.


What the world needs now is love, sweet love! Where do they get it?

Well… it is simple to figure out of you are a Christian. We are suppose to be the poster child’s for love, right? Unfortunately that is not completely true. There are people right in my home church who seem to love to degrade others.

I am very saddened by this. I can not understand how someone can hate so much. They must hate themselves.

What we need to do is put God first in our lives. We need to try to live a life like Jesus. He never sinned. He never was mean to anyone. He loved everyone.

Speaking of posters child’s. We should be a poster child that shows love to everyone. What a difference that would make in our world today.

If you are struggling with thinking about wrong things, take an inventory of your life, and see where it is coming from. Push the negatives out of your mind and feel it with love and understanding.

Love is not just a four letter word. It is the word that changes the world.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

So many Problems Attack us All At Once

I had a great message online from my church on Sunday. I also was on a phone conference with a dynamic young man who is on fire for the Lord.

From the phone call I wrote down two of the quotes from Taylor Wilkens, area leader for FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes.)

  1. Everything can be chaos around us, but God will help us through the storm.
  2. There are so many bad reports coming from TV and newspapers, when will the good reports start coming in?

He is spot on, and we need to realize that. We are never alone in this world. God is always there for us through the good times, and the bad times.

We are overwhelmed with negative TV, and news in general. When is the last time you saw a feel good story? We need to be strong and block out all of the negativity.


Referring to the protesters, My Pastor said, “Fireworks are exciting. The start is good, but then it is just a pull of smoke.” This reminds me of all the protesters who think what they are doing is right, but in the end they are causing more harm than good.

My Pastor also said, ” You have a house that you have built. You worry about room sizes, where to put the windows, the paintings, etc. Did you think about the foundation? Most people don’t.” Our foundation is the Bible. We get all our guidance from it. If we live by the Bible, our foundation will be strong.


We were told that in reality we are just apprentices for God. We are still learned and growing. You never out grow being an apprentice. I am up in years and I am still learning much.


There is an abundance of fear in our world. We can help others with fear. Reach out to those around you. See how they are doing. Help them if they are struggling. It may be right in your own neighborhood.


We read the story about Peter wanting to get out of the boat and walk to Jesus. We need to get out of our boat and help others. What fear is holding you back from getting out of your boat? Ask yourself, “Why can’t I get out of my boat? Remember, God is not done with you yet. He needs you out of your boat. If we walk with Christ and not towards Him in the water, we are at the safest place to be. I realize that stepping out of a boat right now with all the storms around us is hard, at best, but we Have Good on our side. We win!!

Sorry for the many different topics here, but they were building up in my head, and I was getting a headache. :0



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never every give up!

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