A place to find Hope

Tag: be calm

Pray For God’s Help When Sickness Comes Into Your Life

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My wife just got home, and she is sick. Prayers would be nice.


Have you had sickness in your family lately? Did it worry you alot lot like I am worrying right now.

My wife has too many of the bad symptoms for the virus. I made her lay down, and I have the test kit to check to see if she has it.


God just reminded me that 99% of what we worry about never happens. He wants me to turn my worries over to Him.

I have a chapter in my first book called, “Worry is the dark room where negatives are developed.” That is so fitting for me right now.

I need to be calm and trust God to care for my wife. He knows what is going on and I need to turn her situation over to Him.


Never think God doesn’t want to listen. He just needs us to reach out to Him for help and He will be there for us.


My thoughts are…pray always, and without ceasing. Paul tells us that.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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There’re Times When You Need to Breathe Through Nose; Not Mouth.

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I have found through the years that closing my mouth and just listen to someone works out tremendousely. They get out everything they want to say, and you learn a lot about them.

It didn’t hurt me to “shut up.” It helped the other person a lot.

What a difference that would make in our world if everyone did that. There just may be there wouldn’t be anymore wars, murders, riots, etc.

This would be a huge step towards freedom as well. We woudn’t need to rationalize everything we say. There may not be an actual agreement, but both sides will be heard.

Sounds like a plan, but man can’t seem to survive with that idea. They need to control or else.


How is your world going? Do people scream at you, and do not allow you to try to explain your thoughts.

Be as calm as you can. Roll with the punches, and know that God is there with you.

God never allows anything to happen that you can not handle. He will protect you through your storms.

Be strong! Stand up for what you believe to be right. Never give in to the enemy.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever give up!


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