A place to find Hope

Tag: be strong (Page 2 of 5)

I’m Tired of Going Round and Round on Earth

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It’s Friday and it is my rant day:

  1. I am very tired of the pandemic.
  2. I am very tired of how this country is divided.
  3. I am very upset with what is going on in Ukraine.
  4. I am very shocked how fast inflation and gas prices are rising.
  5. This is just my short list, but I don’t want to sound like I am inviting you to my pity party.


It is hard, at best, to face the world we live in today. We need to find ways to block out all the negative things that are happening:

  1. Don’t believe half of the news you are hearing.
  2. Seek the truth.
  3. Speak your frustrations to your congressmen.
  4. Put on those horse blinders to only see straight ahead.
  5. Read the bible for comfort. It is full of it.
  6. Go on walks without any negative thoughts in your head.
  7. Call someone to cheer them up. It goes both ways.

I try to abide with the above list for my own sanity. Try it yourself.

Let me know some of your own ways to face the day, in the comment section below.


If your world is spinning too fast for you, pray for protection from God.

Don’t let the darkside overcome you. Satan would love to put you on his trophy wall.

God is in charge and He cares for each of us. Be strong through Him.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Wars and Rumors of Wars Are Frightening, in the End, We Win.

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What a world we live in! Wars and rumors of wars. A pandemic taking many lives. A severely divided country, and much more. God has it all planned, and all the worrying we can muster will not change that.


I would rather take care of those around me. I have reached an age that is getting difficult, but I will not waver until my last breath!


The war in Ukraine is devastating, and horrific. However, what it has done is united many countries together. This is the most unity we have had in years and years.

This could be God’s plan for us. The Bible refers to the great enemy of Gog. Today that would be Russia. According to that same Bible they will be destroyed.

Worrying should not be in our lives. Things will be amazingly wonderful in the end. The shortest verse in the Bible is, FEAR NOT!

Cling to God’s promises and be strong!



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Have Nothing At All to Fear, But Fear Itself

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You have heard of lions, tigers, and bears, oh my! Well, what about threat of war, pandemic, and gouging prices increases, Oh My! I may want to choose the first choice.

This may not be a fun time to be alive in this world. So many things to cause fear. Fear is our worst enemy right now.


So what in the world can we do?

  1. Do not worry about tomorrow. Today has enough worries to handle.
  2. Worry is the darkroom where negatives are developed.
  3. Know that God is always there by your side to help you through the storms of life.
  4. Be strong for others and it will rub off on you.
  5. God will never you put you into anything you can not handle. That is Satan’s job.


Are you overwhelmed with the fear of the unknown? Does each day seem to be too much for you?


That is the shortest verse in the Bible. It also is the strongest in my opinion. Never give in the the dark side of Satan. He would love you put you up on his wall as a trophy.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Storms Come Storms Go, But God is There for You

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We got hit by a surprise snow storm that lasted three days. We were in lockdown. 7 inches of snow isn’t much,but there are far too many people who don’t know how to drive in snow.

I got a lot done around the house, so I wasn’t too upset. What did happen however, was that I couldn’t go anywhere, because my wife needed to drive my four wheel drive vehicle.

I had too much free time, so a I read. Best thing that could have happen to me. I love to read, and it was very soothing.


Have you had sudden storms in your life? Car broke down. Your child is sick. The end of your money came before before the end of the month. The pandemic has hit your friends and family.


What we all need to do is pray. Pray for God’s intervention. He knows our needs and all we have to do is ask. Why should we have to ask? I see it as God is our heavenly Father and wouldn’t you ask you earthly father for help if you needed it?Of course we would.


There will be storms ahead, and we need to be strong and face them with God’s help. Never give in to the darkside. Be strong.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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It is So Hard to Lose a Loved One

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It was so very sad to hear that a Navy Seal Officer was killed while training. My prayers go out to his family.

I have been there. I have lost several dear people in my life. My mother and father have passed. One of my brother-in-laws has passed. A friend, who was a groomsman at my wedding has passed.

I lost four students I had while teaching. I was very close to each of them. One was a suicide, which struck my heart even more.


We may ask why God has taken them away from us. I can’t give you a good answer except that God is in charge, and He chooses when we go to meet him in heaven. The loss is hard, at best, to accept, but we must carry on in this earth. We are only here a short time compared to the eternity we will be living in heaven.


Be strong. Stay the course and enjoy each day God has given you. You will see all those you lost again in heaven.


Never be angry at God for His choices. Praise Him; love Him: and obey Him. He loves you more than you can ever know.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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There’re Times When You Need to Breathe Through Nose; Not Mouth.

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I have found through the years that closing my mouth and just listen to someone works out tremendousely. They get out everything they want to say, and you learn a lot about them.

It didn’t hurt me to “shut up.” It helped the other person a lot.

What a difference that would make in our world if everyone did that. There just may be there wouldn’t be anymore wars, murders, riots, etc.

This would be a huge step towards freedom as well. We woudn’t need to rationalize everything we say. There may not be an actual agreement, but both sides will be heard.

Sounds like a plan, but man can’t seem to survive with that idea. They need to control or else.


How is your world going? Do people scream at you, and do not allow you to try to explain your thoughts.

Be as calm as you can. Roll with the punches, and know that God is there with you.

God never allows anything to happen that you can not handle. He will protect you through your storms.

Be strong! Stand up for what you believe to be right. Never give in to the enemy.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever give up!


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Christians are Being Perecuted for Sticking With Their Beliefs

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I can’t help but cry a river for you right now. I am so sad of the way our country is going. The southern border is wide open. The pandemic is worse than ever. Our military is getting trashed by the far left. (I say that, because I am a veteran.)

It is very hard to postive in our world these days. Even the churches are being attacked.

Our Pastor shared with us that, so called, Americans are trying to close down the churches. They want them to pay outlandish taxes. They want to stop having prayer in schools. They want any reference to God taken down from billboards, etc.

What do they fear? Is being a Christain a sin? Of course not. We are children of God, and He is in charge.

We never have to feel ashamned in what we believe. We never have to agree to let people disrupted our Christain values.

We, as Chrisians, need to be strong, and stand up to the attacks. We need to put on the armor of God and be like Christian soldiers.


How is your life going? Do you feel persecuted for what you believe? Stand bold and strong in your beliefs. That is what is right in God’s eyes. He will reward you for doing that.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Time for Prayer Warriors to Pray Without Ceasing

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It is time for prayer warriors to step up to the plate and hit a home run.

We can’t let the world control us. That is exactly what has been happening in the last few months. The government is dictating to us as to what we should do. That is called Socialism.

It has me boiling. I am not one to complain too much, but my rights are disappearing.

We need to stand and be recognized. Many feel the same way, but they just go with the flow hoping things will somehow get better.

We need to be strong and pray to God for help. He knows what is going on, and He wants His children to cry out to Him. He does answer prayer so we need to send our petitions to him and seek help.


How are you dealing with the situation in our world? Does everything seem fine to you, or can you see the darkness coming. Come towards the light of Jesus, and leave the darkness.

As a group if we all send fervent prayers, God will listen and answer our prayers.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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People Are Persecuting Christians for Their Beliefs

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Finally it has been announced that the Afghan interpreters will be lifted out of their country and brought to America. I hear there are some who did their applications wrong and may be stuck.

Got to save every last one of them They served us and were in harms way just like our soldiers.


President Biden wants 6 Trillion dollars to do his infrastructure work. Please be sure to read the bill when it is ready. Very little actually goes for infrastructure. There are many little things congressmen wanted for their home states.


I have had a pleasant day so far today. The weather is beautiful, and I am relaxing by doing this post for you.

My cardiologist prescribed a new medication for me to try to stop my shortness of breath. It is called, Entresto. I have been trying since July 12th and it seems to do working. Thank you Lord!!

I have less shortness of breath, and that makes a world of difference.


I am wondering what we as Christians have to do to be accepted by others. We do nothing wrong to them, and we even pray for them.

They still condemn us for our beliefs. They still persecute us.


Have you faced this?

The things I think of may help us fight back:

  1. Know that we are right in what we are doing.
  2. We are doing God’s plan.
  3. God knows what is happening to us, and will protect us.
  4. Never let the dark side convince you into thinking you are worthless, because God made you is His own image.
  5. Be strong and wear God’s armor.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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You Are Right or You Are Wrong, Who Decides?

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Society seems to have a standard as to what is right and what is wrong. When I was young there weren’t too many high standards set by society. Now, however, people condemn you if you don’t rise to their standards.

Deciding if you are right or wrong is set by our peers.

Righteousness and justice are not to be separated.

The justice that people push today are not righteous or justice. It is not even love and kindness.

In a perfect world there is no race, gender, all equal. We have drifted far away from that.

+there is only one spot we can find justice. It is when we truly seek God.

We should hate evil and love good.

+ Justice is based on a clear distinction between good and evil.

+True love comes from above.

Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever flowing stream.


What I have been sharing is about justice. I see justice going in the wrong direction very fast in our world. People who should be punished for what they do haven’t even been arrested. (Rioters)

The defunded police are over whelmed and can only handle the worst of crime.


This seems a little overwhelming right? It is for me anyway. I know that I have to hang on to God’s robe very tightly, or I may be pulled down into the muck and mire. He is our fortress against evil. Turn to him with your prayers and fears.

He listens to every prayer. Be strong with him by your side.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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