A place to find Hope

Tag: Christian men

It’s Easy to be Saved, But Can we be Sanctified?

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I was at a Christian Men’s Zoom call on Tuesday. It was very inspiring for me. Many things that were said gave me comfort and hope.

We can easily be saved, by the blood of Jesus, but can we be sanctified? That seemed to be the thoughts of all eight of us.

The dictionary says…….


  1. To make holy; set apart as holy; consecrate.
  2. To be purified and free from sin.

That seems to be a problem with many of those who can’t asked to be saved. They don’t think that can be purified from sin for what they have done in the past.

God wants you to come as you are, but god doesn’t want you to stay that way. In other words, what ever you have done does not close the door on you.

Remember the other two men who were crucified with Jesus. Both of them deserved what they were getting. However, one of them asked Jesus to save him. Jesus did and said, “Today you will be with me in paradise.”

A criminal was saved and sanctified all in one day.

One of the Zoom guys mentioned that people need to come and see; go and be. Meaning we need to accept Christ into our heart, and then tell others.

As a Christian we should never think we are retired.

  1. We still a lot to learn from God.
  2. We are still a parent to our children, and we need to always lead by example.


Are you thinking you are retired from the world? Do you feel you are done nurturing your children, family, and friends. God says otherwise. Never think you can sit back and let others save the world. God still has many plans for you no matter what your age is.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Being a Servant to Others Can Change the World

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It is another day of sitting here in my PJ’s and typing. I guess that is one plus to being on lock down.

The vaccine is on its way. It will take a while to get down the list of people, but it is available now. Stand strong and this will all be over in the next few months.


I learned through prayer that during this horrific time, the best we can do is be servants. Too simple, and yet the outcome is huge, if we all took this approach, what a difference there would be in this world.

What does it mean to be a servant? It doesn’t mean you are a slave for someone. It means you are reaching out and helping those around you who are hurting.

An example of this is right in my neighborhood and just two houses down from me in our cul-de-sac.

The husband and wife there have both come down with the virus. It had gotten pretty serious for the wife. She was sent to the hospital with double , Severely dehydrated, and failing kidneys.

It didn’t look good for her at all. I shared her problem with a breakfast of Christian men. There were ten of us. We all prayed for the family yesterday morning. This morning we got an update and the wife did a complete reversal. The doctors were dumbfounded. They didn’t think she would even recover. She will be coming home once she is stabilized.

Prayer is powerful!!

The men at the breakfast didn’t know who the people were, they still prayed for them. They were acting as servants for this couple.


Where can you be a servant?

Reaching out to those around you is a great start. You neighbors may be hurting. Give them a call and see how they are doing. Some may be ill. Some may be depressed. Check with your family as well. You call may put a smile on their face and give them hope.

Go volunteer at your local food bank. There are huge lines all over this country. They will be so thankful that you have come, and will place you where they need you the most to help out.

Set up prayer groups, and find out where prayer is needed. There are hundreds of people suffering right now. Pray without ceasing. God will hear you!

Come up with your own ideas on how to serve. You will feel that you are doing God’s work, and you will be helping people that need help.


When I think of being a servant, I can not compare my self to Jesus Christ. He came onto this earth to be a servant. Everything He did was to serve others.

If we could just try to use Him as an example in everything we do, miracles would happen.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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