A place to find Hope

Tag: churches

Clean Up Your Sinful Cobwebs and Make Them Spiritual

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Every year I go outside and clean the cobwebs from my eaves, and porch. This year I looked at them later and the cobwebs were all back. I didn’t kill the source which was the spiders.

I related that to our own lives.

We allow cobwebs to form in our lives. They overcome us and we are lost. We try to clear them up only to see them came back. We didn’t kill the source. The source is sin.

Sin can control us to the point that we want to give up. We are trapped in the web struggling and can’t break free.

How do we get out of there?

  1. We identify the lies/sins we have been living with.
  2. Confess the lies to God.
  3. We reject the lies.
  4. We replace the lies with God’s truth.

Think about that the next time you are cleaning cobwebs out of your eaves.


I have been wondering what will happen in the near future to our world. there are wars going on. There is rioting everywhere. The murder rates are sky high in the big city. Portland, Oregon was up a staggering 200%.

This is, of course, is caused by the defunding the police actions. There are policemen and women who are quitting the force because of zero support from the mayors of these cities. BTW.. All of these big cities have democratic mayors.


We need to become battle warriors for God. Not physical battles, but spiritual battles. We need to pray for our country. We need to come together in our churches, and pray as a group. Powerful prayers can move mountains.

Seems so simple, but it is powerful.


How is your world spinning? Going too fast?

Always remember that God is with you on your every step. He will protect you from the evil around you. He loves you. He created you in His own image. You are His son/daughter.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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The Far Left Democrats Are Attacking the Churches of America

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The faster I go the further behind I get.

Sound familiar? Have you tried hard to keep up with the rat race, and you seem to be falling behind?

You certainly are not alone.

Millions of people try to keep up.

The rat races should only be for rats. You and I do not need to try to be on top, and running ahead. It is too stressful and often we fail.

Here is my two cents worth…

  1. You never may reach the top of the mountain. However, there are wonderful places to stop along the way.
  2. So you win the race race. Then what??
  3. You can highly successful and still not be in the rat race.
  4. Rats never know where they are going. They just walk in circles, and get in trouble a lot.

Don’t be part of the rat race.


I saw that the churches are being attacked by the far left. They are trying to restrict many of the programs churches have.

Do not let them do this. Write your congressman and woman. Tell them to not restrict your freedoms in this way.


Everyday I pray for our country, our governments, both national and local. I pray that when they make decisions that it helps the people and not necessarily themselves.

I voted for a different person for president, but I still pray for our current president every day as well.


How are you doing? Need some prayer as well? I understand. I pray every day for you. Never let bad things overcome you. Be strong and let God guide you.



You never are alone.

You never are forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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God, hear Our Pleas for Help Because we’re in Turmoil!

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Things are still crashing all around us.

The pandemic is roaring like a lion. It is getting really bad in my state of Oregon. We are having over 1,000 new virus cases each day.

I saw what proved that point. I was going to just have a routine blood test. When I turned into the parking lot there must have been 100 cars lined up to have their test for the COVID-19 test. People are scared.

The whole state is close to a complete lock down. Doesn’t matter to me. I have been on lock down since March due to health problems.

Yes, I am climbing the walls, but I am being safe.


The rioting is coming back again.

One city decided to not pass a bill to defund the police, and the area went berserk. The rioters even attacked the homes of the councilmen who voted against defunding.

Be assured that this has nothing to do with what started all of this way back when people were protesting the killing of a poor black man. Now it is just plain anarchy, and they are trying to dismantle our government.


This is where sane people need to unite and pray for peace and understanding.

I am a member of a fairly new social network called, RallyPoint. It is just for military people only. I highly recommend it if you are a veteran. http://www.rallypoint. com

There, the veterans are getting on edge. They are tired of the turmoil that is going on. They are talking about a civil war.

Not a good choice, in my opinion. I am tried of the turmoil too, but that would like a picnic at the park compared to a civil war.


Here is what my plans are:

  1. Pray for our national and local leaders. They are not perfect, but they are much better than any other country’s leadership.
  2. Stand fast in your own beliefs. There is a movement against our churches. You can have groups gathering in certain numbers, but churches can not. What s wrong with this picture.
  3. I will support my local police and firefighters. They are heroes in my mind.
  4. I will pray for my family and friends. They are so many people affected with what is going on.

Prayer is a powerful force.

God hears our pleas. He will listen and answer. We, however, must always remember that he answers prayer on His timeline and not ours.



Face the upcoming storms head on. God is there with you every step of the way.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up


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