A place to find Hope

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There Needs to be Ways We Can Help Turning Our Country Around

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I have decided to do some changes to this site to make it more interesting. Let me know in the comment section below what you think.

_______________________________________________________________________________________OOur country is heading in the wrong direction. Inflation is sky high. Gas prices are terrible. Thousands of illegal immigrants are crossing our southern border. Corruption is running wild in our government. The crime rates are out of sight.

It is hard not to be depressed when this is happening. So what can we do to try to overcome all of this:

  1. Write to your congressmen and women. Let them know you aren’t happy on how things are going.
  2. Support positive causes. I will not list them here. Check them out.
  3. Teach your children what is right and wrong. This will change the world.
  4. Be strong in your beliefs.

How you are you holding up? Is all this turmoil overcoming you? It is reassuring to me that God is with me. The comfort I feel is beyond definition. I know He is watching over me, and guiding me down the right paths. He is my fortress, my tower of strength, and my protector.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up.


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5 Ways to Reach Out and Help Others Who Are Suffering

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Sorry I missed Wednesday. Not feeling all that well right now.

I have made a list of things I need to follow through on offering spiritual sacrifices:

  1. Worship.
  2. Pray.
  3. Encourage.
  4. Comfort.
  5. Proclaim.

Each of those are a priority for those who want to reach out to help those who are suffering, and need help for themselves.

A. Worship-Hebrews 13:15

B. Prayer-I Thessalonians 5:5:16-18

C. Sharing-Hebrews Philippians 2:1

D. Encouraging-Hebrews 3:13

E. Comfort-2Corinthians 1:3-6

F. Proclaim- I Peter 2:9


  1. Worship-Therefore, let us continually offer a sacrifice of praise.
  2. Prayer-Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances.
  3. Sharing-Command them to do good, to be good in reach deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.
  4. Encouraging-But encourage one another daily.
  5. Comfort-Trust that you have not failed the test.
  6. Proclaim-Praise Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Getting Older Certainly Is Not For Sissies. Cling to God.

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I am having a bad hair day. I fell yesterday and the second day aches and pains are here visiting me. It was at my niece’s house and didn’t see that her living room was a step down to get into it. I hit my grand nephew’s stroller and landed directly on my right knee. It scraped up my knee, but today it is hurting on the inside of knee in the bones as well.


Have you had some falls? Do you have aches and pains from everyday efforts? You certainly are not alone. For people my age, (82) falling is not an uncommon thing. I am now living with a cane.


Do not let this drag you down like a huge magnate. We will always have aches and pains.

I could say, “Buck up and quite whining,” But I feel for you. Getting older is not for sissies.


Here is my list to cling to during my aches and pains:

  1. Remember the pain that Jesus had to go through for us. Our pain is nothing compared to that.
  2. I use my ailments to reach out to others. It helps them, and makes me feel good.
  3. Never let the darkside control your thinking. It is easy to be depressed all the time if you let that happen.


I know that if you cling to God’s promises the pain won’t feel as bad. He is there for you. He knows your aches and pains. Pray for His protection, and comfort. He listens.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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I’m Tired of Going Round and Round on Earth

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It’s Friday and it is my rant day:

  1. I am very tired of the pandemic.
  2. I am very tired of how this country is divided.
  3. I am very upset with what is going on in Ukraine.
  4. I am very shocked how fast inflation and gas prices are rising.
  5. This is just my short list, but I don’t want to sound like I am inviting you to my pity party.


It is hard, at best, to face the world we live in today. We need to find ways to block out all the negative things that are happening:

  1. Don’t believe half of the news you are hearing.
  2. Seek the truth.
  3. Speak your frustrations to your congressmen.
  4. Put on those horse blinders to only see straight ahead.
  5. Read the bible for comfort. It is full of it.
  6. Go on walks without any negative thoughts in your head.
  7. Call someone to cheer them up. It goes both ways.

I try to abide with the above list for my own sanity. Try it yourself.

Let me know some of your own ways to face the day, in the comment section below.


If your world is spinning too fast for you, pray for protection from God.

Don’t let the darkside overcome you. Satan would love to put you on his trophy wall.

God is in charge and He cares for each of us. Be strong through Him.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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You Are Never Too Old to be a Parent. Be a Good Example

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I have seven grandchildren. They are all Christians. All my children and their spouses are Christians as well. Can I retire from the world and sit in my rocking chair?


You never stop being an example to others, no matter what your age may be. I am 81 years old, and feel I need to do much more than I did when I was a young dad. My family still looks to me for comfort and advice.

That is quite a responsibility.

As parent we need to nurture our children and raise them in the way God would want us to raise them. No, they don’t have to be perfect. You and I aren’t perfect. We just need to show them what is right and wrong, and keep reminding them of the important things in life.


I saw some frightening news the other day. It showed people beating up defenseless people just for the fun of it. It also showed cops being attacked until they were unconscious.

What is happening to our country? Why are we heading in this direction? It seems it is OK to strike anyone you want and then get away with it.

The world is changing, and I am afraid it is changing in a very wrong way.

What can we do to stop the raging river of hatred?

  1. It starts at home. Your/my job is to instill into our children that it is not OK to show racism to anyone.
  2. We have to be the great example for them, because Monkey see and Monkey do. Whatever you do they will do. You take drugs. They will take drugs. If you drink alcohol, they will drink alcohol.
  3. It is hard, at best, to be a parent, but this is what we have chosen to do and we need to do it well.


I was a teacher for 22 years. I loved my students, but some were a full load for me. It never failed…when I had parent conferences the parents of the trouble kids, were also trouble. They demand more. They expected special things for their children. They expect their child to excel in school.

I realize that most parents want these same goals, but the approach these parents used showed me why the children were they way they were.


How do you think you are doing as a parent? No matter what your age you are still a parent. Do your children respect you and love you, or do they try to avoid you?

Lean on God to find the right path to being a good parent. The perfect example of love is Jesus Christ. I pray every night for Him to guide me on how I could be more like Him.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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It’s Easy to be Saved, But Can we be Sanctified?

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I was at a Christian Men’s Zoom call on Tuesday. It was very inspiring for me. Many things that were said gave me comfort and hope.

We can easily be saved, by the blood of Jesus, but can we be sanctified? That seemed to be the thoughts of all eight of us.

The dictionary says…….


  1. To make holy; set apart as holy; consecrate.
  2. To be purified and free from sin.

That seems to be a problem with many of those who can’t asked to be saved. They don’t think that can be purified from sin for what they have done in the past.

God wants you to come as you are, but god doesn’t want you to stay that way. In other words, what ever you have done does not close the door on you.

Remember the other two men who were crucified with Jesus. Both of them deserved what they were getting. However, one of them asked Jesus to save him. Jesus did and said, “Today you will be with me in paradise.”

A criminal was saved and sanctified all in one day.

One of the Zoom guys mentioned that people need to come and see; go and be. Meaning we need to accept Christ into our heart, and then tell others.

As a Christian we should never think we are retired.

  1. We still a lot to learn from God.
  2. We are still a parent to our children, and we need to always lead by example.


Are you thinking you are retired from the world? Do you feel you are done nurturing your children, family, and friends. God says otherwise. Never think you can sit back and let others save the world. God still has many plans for you no matter what your age is.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Don’t need to Worry Because God is There For Us.

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Went to see my hearing aid doctor this morning. I asked her to help me write a letter to the VA about my hearing loss. She said I have to go through proper channels and then she will help.

I already went through several channels. What I need is another letter in support that I lost some of my hearing while deployed to Korea.

I will NOT give up! You shouldn’t either if you are a veteran struggling with the VA to get compensation.


It has been hard to get back to normal; whatever that is. I think we are setting up a new normal. I don’t expect anyone will ever want to shake hands again.

What a world changing event we are taking part in right now. People dying all around the world. India being the worst spot.

Have you been struggling with the new normal? Do you face big obstacles every day because of the limited things you can do?

I certainly hear you. Days seem long and slow. Nowhere to go. Nothing to do, and frustration facing us wherever we do go.


David had nowhere to go. He was isolated. He had to live in caves to stay alive. He was facing much of what we are facing today. Stay away from danger and hide.

David persevered however, and eventually became the king of Israel. He overcome all the danger and near death experiences, and prevailed.


You and I can do that too. We can persevere and overcome all the darkness we are facing right now.

How did David make it? He relied on God to protect Him and give him comfort.

Too simplistic? Not all all. God is always there. He will protect us , and comfort us just like He did David.

He loved David and called him, a man after His own heart.

He will do that for you too. Pray for His comfort and protection right now. He listens and answers prayer.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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Death Has Ways of Pulling us Down Like huge Magnate

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I was posting on my other blog this morning at www.dougbolton.com, and I realized that I have lost close friends not only in the military, but in life as well.

The two in the military were in peacetime. My best buddy, who had signed up with me to go into the military, died of some kind of crude while in Korea.

The second buddy died right in my own platoon, also in Korea, He suffocated in a honey bucket. A honey bucket is where to locals put their human waste for fertilizer.

These two deaths were extremely hard on me.


When I got out. I went back to college to be a teacher. I got a job in Albany, Oregon.

I lost three students during my career there.

The first one was a car accident. The boy had taken his mom’s car without permission and went on a joy ride. He was only 14 and had no license. As he was driving, he hit same loose gravel and went off the road. He was killed instantly.

The second student died right in front of me in the school. He had a massive brain injury. The last thing he said was, “I can’t see.”

The last one was suicide. He was a troubled kid, who kept getting into fights. I am guessing he didn’t like where he was in life, and ended it all.

So, I lost five people who I cared very much for. This doesn’t even include my own family members who have passed away.


Have you been there? Have you lost friends and family?

You certainly are not alone. Many of us have had to face that.

How do I keep going after all the death I have seen?

  1. I thank God for each and every day I have on this earth.
  2. I love all of my family to the max.
  3. I keep in touch with old friends to see how they are doing. It cheers them up and I cheers me up as well.
  4. I pray for God’s protection which gives me peace and comfort.


Never let the dark side overcome you into thinking the world is lost. Be strong and know God is with you. He can overcome any fears you may have. He will give you peace and comfort through the toughest of storms.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.


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I was Suicidal Until God was With me.

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I told you yesterday that I had my first physical therapy for getting better balance. Well, something I had to do during the therapy injured my back. Now I am a lame duck. I will have to heal before I can go back.


One of the things we most fear is that we are alone on this world. We feel isolated, and lost. We do not know where to go for help.

David in the Old Testament felt that way. He was suppose to be king, but Saul had other ideas. Saul was trying to find David and kill him. David ran and hid. He lived in caves, for fear he would be found and killed.

What a terrible existence.


Have you been lost and fearful? Have you felt there was nowhere to turn to?

You certainly are not alone. Many of us have felt that fear of being alone. We have felt there was nowhere to turn to.

Let me share some thoughts that I think will give you hope and comfort.

  1. God is near in times of need. He can take care of all your worries and fears.
  2. God is sufficient in the times of need. He is capable of handling all your burdens.
  3. You need to be saying, God is mine in my time of greatest need.


Never think you are alone. Never think God has forsaken you. He loves you and wants the best for you. You are His child.

I was alone and lost in the year 2001. I was ready to end my life. Then I realized that God was right there with me. That gave me peace and comfort. I made it through that day, and I am here today talking to you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Getting Relaxed With our Masks. Big Increase in Illnesses

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Thoughts of the day

I have felt that I had a wall around me and no one cared.

Isn’t it funny how we look for the silver lining and find rust? We are looking in the wrong place. We need to check our hearts.

When you are talking and walking, do it with wisdom and grace.

Why god? Why jesus? Why not?

Treat a person as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat a person as if he will become what he could and should be.

We need a tent mentality, not a castle mentality.

The darkness will not prevail.

The battle belongs to you Lord. I am not strong enough.

When you fight your battle, it may look like you are surrounded, but you are surrounded by God.

Don’t be the cause of your trials..


Have you ever gone to a restaurant and ordered something only to see it was too small? You still left hungry.

With God you have a full portion of His love everyday. You will never hunger for more.


We are still battling a pandemic, and people are getting too loose with their masks. They think the terrible times are over. Of course there is a tremendous up swing of new cases because of it.

We have to be patient and wear our masks. It will save so many lives.


How are you doing? Are you OK with the way our world is going right now? Maybe you don’t like what is happening. Maybe you wish things could be better. Well, you certainly ar enot alone. All of us would like that.

What we all need to do is to have God form a fortress for us to keep us safe. He is always there. He will give you comfort and peace.



You are not alone.

You are not forsaken.

You are not unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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