A place to find Hope

Tag: concentrate

6 Ways to Cope in This Not So Friendly World

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I am going to concentrate on you and I today and not the rest of the world. There is just too much turmoil to deal with out there.

Why do we get sucked into fear? Why have we allowed negative thoughts to enter our minds?

This is something we need to deal with. We need to look at the days in a different way.


Here is what I am trying to do to cope in this not so friendly world:

  1. You have heard that we need to live one day at a time. Well, in this day and age we have to live one minute at a time.
  2. Stop watching the worldly news.
  3. Concentrate on your family and friends.
  4. Go for long walks, and do not think of anything negative. You will come home refreshed.
  5. Read positive books. The Bible is a good start.
  6. Never say, “There was nothing I could do.” There is always something you could do.


Of course, we always need to lean on God for His help. He is there for us wherever we are and even knows the hairs on our head. Lean on Him for strength.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Being Gracious to Those Around us Should be a Priority

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I can’t help but grieve for the Gold Star families that saw the 13 heroes come from the war in Afghanistan.

They were very upset and furious as to how the things turn out with evacuations. It shouldn’t have happened that way.


Got a pleasant surprise yesterday in the mail from a friend. We received a box from Harry and David’s full of goodies. I am eating the popcorn now as I type. She is a very gracious lady and friend.

This is what we need more of in our world. Gracious people who are reaching out to others. What a difference that would make.

God is very gracious as well. He sent His only Son down to earth to take care of all of our sins. we have eternal life, by God’s graciousness.


Have you been gracious to those around you? Have you made a phone call to that friend who lost their spouse recently? Have you help volunteer for a worth while charity? Do you reach out to your own loved ones, often?

Think about that. Do you need to take an inventory of your life to see if you are gracious enough?

Try to concentrate about reach out to everyone around you. The world would be a different place if we all did.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Forget the Bad Days Concentrate on the Good Days

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I am pretty sure you guys are tired of hearing about my physical issues, but I had two tests in the last two days and they were both great. So we are back to the beginning still trying to figure out why I have such a shortness of breath. I see my primary doctor next week. I will see where we go from here.


President Biden still doesn’t have any plan for getting the Afghanistan interpreters out of harms way.

They will certainly be slaughtered once we leave. Just put them all in planes and bring them to the United States. They served us well.


I have been so frustrated with the way our country is moving these days. Christians are getting the bad wrap. More people hate us than ever before. I wonder why that is happening?


So how are you doing? Do you worry about each day and what it may be for you? Are the days hard to face?

I certainly hear you. I have been struggling myself.

I have tried to cling to the promises that God has given us. He will not forsaken us. He will not allow us that have more problems than we can handle.

He is our fortress against the darkness. Go towards the light of Jesus.

I can do all things through Christ!!!



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all… never, ever, give up!


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The Paths Many Take, Only Lead to a Dead End

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As we walk the paths of life, there are areas that are dark and dangerous. They are very hard to maneuver around. So we trod along facing the dark.

I have heard far too much from news, (which I shouldn’t even be watching) that it is time for culture change, The one I heard yesterday was we can’t call our parents mommy or daddy anymore. There is a gender confusion for some. REALLY??

There are far too many, so called, leaders who have fallen off the path of reality. They are rushing fast towards socialism. We need to wake up and fight back.


Our president has been embarrassed many times while trying to give a speech. He loses where he is at in his speech. He forgets very important people who are right behind him on the stage,

This is beyond alarming. Rumors have it that he won’t last a year, and Kamala Harris will take over. Not a step up in my opinion.

I want you to know that I pray for our country every day. I may not agree with the leadership, but I pray that they will make good decisions, that help the people and not just themselves.


How do we withstand the onslaught of ideas that may not be good for our country:

  1. Call and send notes to your congressmen and suggest ideas.
  2. Do not listen to the fake media. They are spreading very big lies about just about everything.
  3. Talk to your children and show them ways that are right, because they are getting liberal ideas shoved down their throats. Especially secondary education.


Now that I have ranted and raved, let’s concentrate on what is right and follow that path.

God has a plan, and He is in charge. It may be a little confusing right now what He is doing, But He knows what is best for us. We just need to keep praying and seeing where all of this is going.

Moses went to the mountain to see God, but we need to know that God is in the Valleys as well.

I often wonder What I would be if it wasn’t for God. God will never fail us. He is just a prayer away.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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We Often Get Angry and say Something we Regret

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Just got home from an all day trip to the Oregon Coast. It is a trip that wears me down quickly. Two hours riding in a car each way. Then we went shopping at Costco. and that did me in pretty good. Could hardly walk when I got home and unloaded the car. I also took out the garbage.


Enough whining from me. I have been sporadic on doing my posts, because of still recuperating from my surgery. It has taken forever to get even close to 100%

Hey wait…I am whining again…sorry!!


My church service online from last Sunday was excellent. I am going to share some thoughts from that service.

The theme was “Don’t get caught up in the moment.”

We sometimes are easily upset and even angry with someone, and say things we later wish we hadn’t said.

I know I have been there. However, I am a guy that realizes my mistake and goes back to the person and apologize. There have been some of those times when they wouldn’t accept my apology,

At that point we need to move on and not dwell on the problem. If we do the other person has won.

We need to realize that we can get swept up in the currents of anger, jealousy, envy, hatred, etc. All those will lead to us drowning in the current.

Don’t drown in your own self pity. I used to have some great pity parties, but no one ever came.


Often because of the misunderstandings and hurts, we feel powerless, we lose hope. God gives hope to the hopeless. He makes the impossible possible. He brings power to the powerless, and life to that which was dead.

So face each day with hope, and don’t get caught up in the moment.


Another thing learned from church lasy Sunday:

  1. Let God take the glory. I have really concentrated on saying God did this and that for me. It wasn’t me it was His graciousness.
  2. Never add of subtract from God’s word. So many so called Christians take out of context what they want from a verse in the Bible to fit their own personal beliefs and not Gods.


How is the world flowing for you? Is it a little overwhelming? Do the days drag on, because you are lost and in mental pain?

Turn to God. He has the world’s biggest shoulders. I can’t imagine trying to face this planet without Him in my life.

Pray to Him about your hurts, and pains. Ask Him to relieve your guilt. Ask Him to give you peace, and love.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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Beware The Christmas Rush Could Pull You Down.

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Well. the pandemic has hit very close to home. I live in a cull-de-sac and just three house away a neighbor has come down with the virus. Last night she got worse and they came with an ambulance to take her to the hospital.

Praying for her each day.


I watched my church online yesterday, and as I listened to the songs, I found these encouraging thoughts.

1.I know I will never be alone.

2. We need to let the King of our heart be the wind for our sails.

3. God will never let you down.

4. Sing louder in the presence of your enemies.


Thoughts from the service itself:

  1. Apart from God we are in darkness. Jesus is our light.
  2. In a time of hopelessness, God brings hope.
  3. God’s fullness is coming. (Jesus)
  4. The light we need to survive is Jesus.
  5. The wisdom of Jesus is forever.
  6. Reach out to Jesus in faith.


While you watched the video you can comment on the side. The pastor asked when does Christmas really start?

Some said the day after Halloween. Others said the day after Thanksgiving. Then one said,” It shouldn’t start until Christmas Eve, and end by 5:00pm Christmas Day.

Yes, this person got a few not so friendly names like Grinch, and Scrooge.

I posted this:

“We enjoy our time with family at Thanksgiving and we are thankful. We love our fun times at Halloween and we are thankful.

BUT!! Christmas isn’t just like for family at Thanksgiving. Christmas isn’t just like laughter and trick or treats at Halloween. Christmas is a birthday party for the baby Jesus. It is a time of joy that He came into the world for us.”

That seemed to quiet the “Grinch.” I know the guy and he is is a special Christian. I think he was just joking and the people didn’t realize it.


This is way off subject, but today is December 7th. On December 7th, 1941 Pear Harbor was bombed. Thousands lost their lives. We must never forget and honor those heroes who gave their all.


How are you doing? Has the Christmas rush hit you? Is the rat race too fast.

Take a big breath, and realize that God just gave you that breath. Concentrate on His love. Yes, it is a hectic time. Do not let it pull you down. Cling to the robe of Jesus, and let Him lead you through the storms we face.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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Satan is Having a Party at Our Expense Right Now. Fight Back!

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It is getting to the boiling point for me. I am so tired of the problems we have to face in our country.

We still don’t know who our next president will be. The COVID-19 virus is growing faster every day. The rioting has started up again.

Any one of these problems could bring a good person down to their knees.

So…Let’s get on our knees!

We need to pray more now than ever:

  1. Pray for our government both national and local.
  2. Pray for your family to be safe from the virus and any rioting.
  3. Pray for strength through this storm.
  4. Pray for you friends, who may be suffering.
  5. Pray the the election in our country will end, and done the right way.

I have a much longer list. Make your own list and start being a prayer warrior.


I am finding that all of the stress can cause problems as well.

I have been struggling lately, because I have been on lock down for nine months. There is no end in sight.

So how do I keep, keeping on?

  1. I always remember God is by my side.
  2. There is nothing thrown at me that God can not handle.
  3. I have been much closer to my family, even though it is through Zoom type programs. It isn’t even close to being together where you can hug each other, but very important.
  4. I have found that when I reach out to help others in the same boat. They are grateful, and so am I. A win, win!
  5. Perseverance should be your main word. Through perseverance you can take on anything.
  6. Yes, the storms come, but we need to face it head on and fight back.


So how are you doing?

Are you having many of the same issues? Does the world seem overwhelming to you right now.?

You certainly not alone. There are thousands of followers here that are walking the same path with you.


Be strong!!

Satan is having a party right now. He is very happy with what is going on. We need to tell him to hit the road, and concentrate on God.

Pray everyday for guidance from God. He hears your pleas. Remember, He answers on His timetable, not ours. Be patient.



You are never alone.

You are never fosaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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