A place to find Hope

Tag: dark side (Page 3 of 3)

There Are Benefits to Facing Trials

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There are very trying times right now, with the pandemic, rioting, and wild fires. There are some things I have seen while facing trials:

  1. We draw closer to God and others.
  2. We see things more clearly.
  3. We become more compassionate.

It happens time after time.

I am from Oregon and we have been devasted with wild fires. People have died and over 600 homes destroyed. This would normaly cause widespread depression, and panic.

It is not happening.

The people who lost their homes are out helping others to sift through the rubble to try to find some memories for them. People in my neighborhood have opened their doors for those displayed. People have volunteered to hand out water, food, and masks.


People are very tired of the rioting, and have bonded together to confront the rioters. It is not pretty, but the rioters are gettng the message.


Here are some more thoughts I love to share. You also seem to like them. (Let me know)

  1. Forget what others think you are.
  2. God is love, so we sshould love one another.
  3. Perfect love casts out fear.
  4. Praying is not just for praying. It is to speak to God.
  5. Reading the Bible is not the goal. The goal is to grow spiritually while reading the Bible.
  6. Only through death can we find life.
  7. Every pain, every disappointment, is covered by Jesus’s love.
  8. Live life like you are expecting Jesus to come.
  9. Be joyful; be prayful, and be grateful. (Always without ceasing)
  10. Through affliction, we know that God will do something greater.
  11. We need to be more concerned about God’s glory.
  12. We should obey God even if we are in pain.
  13. If one suffers all of us suffer. If one is honored, all of us are glad.
  14. Envy: Painful or resentful of some one’s possession. Leads to dissatisfacton, discontentment.
  15. Always look at the cross. It reminds you to trust.
  16. Are we just living, or are we living life well?
  17. Are we trusting the Lord to lead us, or are we wanting the Lord to do things our way?
  18. Are we mangaing our time to serve the Lord; our responsiblities, or our relationships?
  19. Do we need to be desparate to read the Bible? Are we willing to let God give us the desire to do so?
  20. You come to a crossroad. There only two directions to go. Left is wisdom, and the right is folly. Which way will you go?

I always suggest you go through those thoughts one at a time and ponder them. Much wisdom could come from them.


What is your life like?

Are you happy? Do you think life is great, or are you depressed with what is going on around you? Never let the dark side overcome you!! Reach for the light. Yes, there are many painful things happening right now, but always remember God is in charge. Stay strong and alway lean on Him for His love.


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You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unlloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!!

There is Fear Because of Wild Fires, Riots, and the Pandemic

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The wild fires are out of control. Two big fires are about to merge here, and then that area will be an inferno. I pray that you are not affected by the fires. We are on a stage one here right now. The fires are about 15-20 miles away. That is pretty close.

So may people are under tremendous stress right now. There are the wild fires, rioting in the big cities, looting and arson, plus the pandemic. It is pretty overwhelming for the average Joe like me.

This is suicide prevention month. I fear that many people are thinking there is no more hope and are considering this. Do not let the dark side overcome you! Go to the light of Jesus. He is your fortress, your comfort, and your savior. Pray to him for your families and your safety.

If you are at the end of your rope and can’t go on, there is a toll free number to call for help. There are highly qualified counsleors there to help you. They will not hang up until the know you are OK.



When I think of all of this turmoil, I think of Paul, who was shipwrecked, beaten, put in jail, bitten by a snake, and disliked by many people.

Yet, this man fought hard for the Lord. He loved the people. He reached out to them, and gave them comfort.

This was a man that was killing Jews, and dispised by his fellow people. He had his awaking on the road to Damascus. Jesus wondered why he was so against Him. Paul fell down and was blinded for a while. That woke him up big time.


Where are you at today? Do you dispise the way God is running the show? Do you wish He would end all of the tragic happens? I am with you there. I so would like all this pain to go away, but we have to always remember, GOD IS IN CHARGE!

He knows what is happening, and there is a reason for His approach.


We, as Christians have to be strong to show those who do not believe how we react, and then they will say, “I want to be like them.”


If you like what you see, please subscribe at the top of this page where it says, “subscribe.” When you do, all future posts will come directly to your inbox. Also, if you know some else who could benefit for the site, please let them know about it. Your comments will not be seen by other people, just me, and I will connect with you to see if you are OK to share it.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

God Never Calls us to do Something easy

We are certainly in tough times in our country. The Pandemic virus is growing fast. There is mass rioting throughout our country. People are out of work because of the Pandemic. Children can not go back to school to learn.

I was told the other day that this is a huge sign of the end times.

It may be, but what do we do if it is?

We need to have FAITH!

1 Faith is always true.

2. Faith always goes forward.

3. When God speaks to us we have enough faith to say yes.

God is in the business of doing the impossible. It sure makes you wonder why he is allowing so much chaos. Remember…God is in charge.

The world was shocked when President Trump won the presidential election. Shouldn’t have happened? GOD IS IN CHARGE!

He is watching over us. The next question is… Why is He allowing so much tragedy to happen? This is a tough question. However, God gave us choices. He allowed us to make our own decisions, and then face Him later. That is why dictators exist. That is why there is sex trafficking. That is why there are wars. That is hard for us to have to face, but it is reality with god.

All the rioters, seem to think what they are doing and is noble. They think they are heroes. God will be speaking to each of them later.

How about you? Are you walking the narrow path, or the wide path to destruction? God knows and you know. He knows every hair on your head. There is no place to hide from Him.

Now, I have made God sound like a mean, awful person. Know that He loves you very much. He made you in His own image. He wants the best for you.

BUT, we have to abide by His rules, not ours. There is a wonderful manual to guide you on how to act and how to be. It is called the Bible. If you read and live by it, you are in God loving graces.

So, God never calls us to do anything easy. A friend once told me,”Life is tough and then you die.” Pretty sad. That was many years ago that he told me that, but it still sticks with me today.

Don’t be allowing the dark side to overcome you. Look to the light, which is Jesus Christ our Lord. He died so that you have a chance for eternal life. I say you have a chance, because you have to accept him as your personal savior to receive that gift.

Life IS tough, but be strong and know that God is with you during your storms.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…Never, ever, give up!

The Sky is Falling-Chicken Little

This blogger has been reeling from all that is going on around me. The Pandemic is getting worse; There is still protests, and our country is severely divided.

It is hard, at best, to be cheerful, and excited. It takes every bone in my body to face each day.

I think I have scars from all of this. I actually hurt. (I know, that’s old age)

Then I thought of Jesus. He had scars all over His body, from thorns, whippings, a spear in his side, and spikes through His hands and feet.

However, the greatest pain He was going through was our sins.

There is one big difference. He will never lose His scars. They are scars of victory. The victory of eternal life for you and me.

When I think of that, my “poor me,” attempt is out the window. No one wants to come to a pity party.

What I need is to buck up and face my storms. When I am a afraid and discouraged, I need to remember that God is always with me. Where there is fear, God brings courage.

Have the fear dying from the virus? Well, to be honest, we should fear from dying and not knowing God.

God will lead us through the fires we face.


How are you doing.?Do you not turn on the TV, because it is mostly bad news? Do you wish you could stay in bed all day?

We certainly hear you. Never let the dark side tell you the world is coming to and end. The sky is not falling like Chicken Little said.

Just be courageous, and stead fast in all of this turmoil.




You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!

People Are Fighting Depression During this Pandemic

It is Saturday. Should be a break for many of you, but since I am retired every day is Saturday. Sounds like I am rubbing it on you? Not at all. It is very hard to be retired and not be able to leave your home.

I have been climbing the walls. Charlotte and I take breaks by going on rides to nowhere. We just get in the car and start driving. We have found many places close to us that we have never seen before. We even drove into a closed community by accident, and could only get out when a homeowner opened the gate. That was an interesting adventure.

How are you holding up? Are you also climbing your walls? Are you frustrated on how we are in a lock down? Do you try to find excuses to travel in your car to nowhere? You certainly are not alone.

As you can see you are not alone.

Some thoughts:

  1. God didn’t promise a rose garden, and besides there are the thorns.
  2. Every day is a new day. Embrace it.
  3. 99% of all the worry we face doesn’t happen. Give the rest to God.
  4. We need to TRUST. We need to trust that God is with us always. There is no place to hide. He will find you and help you through your storms.
  5. All storms end.
  6. Use the storms to make you even stronger.
  7. It is hard at best to face the world, but if God is for us who can be against us?
  8. Life seems like two steps forward and one step back, but you are still going forward.
  9. When you hit a wall, climb over it, dig under it, or go around it. Never let it stop you.
  10. “I can do all things through Christ who give me strength.” (Phil 4:13.)

I have been to the bottom of the muck and mire. God pulled me out and made me whole again. He can do that for you as well.

Don’t let the dark side dictate to you. Embrace the light of Jesus and let Him guide you. He is always there for you.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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