A place to find Hope

Tag: David

Our God Accepts All Knee Mails. He Loves to Talk.

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Here is another excerpt from my Award winning book, Signs of Hope: Ways to Surivive in an Unfriendly World.

Chapter 17

God Accepts Knee Mail

The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge.

He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

Psalm 18:2

In this day of modern technology, we can “talk” with someone in Africa in an instant. We can send e-mails faster than we can even say, “snail mail.” Instant and text messaging through our computers or cell phones make it so we can talk back and forth as easily as if we were sitting in the same room conversing. Isn’t that amazing? What wonderful advancements the world has made!

You know what is coming next, don’t you? God can answer prayers that fast. You don’t even need a computer to do it, and it is like He is right in the room with you conversing. God is watching right now as you read this chapter. Think about it, He knows every hair on your head. (I know—for some of us that’s not hard.) He knows when you are sad. He knows when you are happy. He knows when you are in danger. Psalm 139 tells us He knows all about us.

If you question how He can know your own thoughts, it’s because God is all knowing—or omniscient, as the theologian would say. He knows the thoughts of nobodies like us who want to be somebodies. Each of us is just one person among millions and millions of people. Why would He care about you and me? Because He loves us so much He doesn’t want us to be alone. He wants us to love Him back and seek Him in times of trouble. That’s what your earthly father would do, wouldn’t he? (I realize that question assumes a healthy parent-child relationship, which isn’t the case for everyone.)

Yes, He even knows your inner thoughts—your very own personal thoughts. That can be a scary thought, but it shows us His tremendous love for us. He loves us so much that He listens to even you and me.

God is all-powerful—omnipotent in theological terms. You follow the weather report each day to see if you need an umbrella for the rain that God created. You look at the beautiful mountains, and know that they tremble before God. You see a crocus come up in the spring, and know that God designed it. You look at a newborn child and see God’s greatest work.

Yet, even though God is so powerful, He takes time to listen to you and me. He lowers Himself to your level and listens as you speak in His ear. He loves us so much He even came to show us His love in person. In human flesh. He sent His only Son for us so that we would have a person who will pass our hurts, fears, and shame on to the Father. That is why we always say, “In Jesus name,” at the end of all our prayers. We are going through Jesus to have God also feel our pain.

Have you had times when you thought no one cared? Did your spouse leave you? Did your child grow up and move away—emotionally, if not geographically? Has your brother or sister stopped talking to you? Did your dad or mom disown you?

God feels your pain. Everyone left His only Son when He needed them the most. They turned their backs on Him and let Him die on the cross because they feared for their own lives.

God feels your pain. David escaped angry King Saul by hiding in a cave. When David became king, he committed adultery and had a man killed, yet God (through Paul) called him a man after His own heart (see Acts 13:22).

God feels your pain. Jonah tried to run from God and got as far as a whale’s stomach before God turned his pain into obedience.

God feels your pain. It hurts Him when people die in wars. He gives people choices and many leaders make painful, evil choices that hurt others.

Remember: God came down to this earth and felt pain. He cried. He worried. He knew fear. He knows (and understands) what we are going through. He has gone through it. So it makes sense to rely on someone with experience.

We probably wouldn’t hire someone to fix our toilet whose specialty is doing hair and makeup. Nor would we ask someone who has never been outside the United States (and is afraid of snakes and spiders) to lead us on a trek through a thick jungle. And we probably wouldn’t let a blind person show us how to climb the side of a rock cliff.

Rely on someone who knows you better than you do. Use someone who can change outcomes, before they happen. Count on someone who loves to make your life better than it is right now. Use God. Get on your knees and pray for God to direct you the rest of your life. God loves knee mail. He accepts it every day.

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear,

though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,

and though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.

Psalm 46:1–3

Further Adventures

We all have friends we can turn to in order to share with them our deepest hurts and fears. They are a must on this tainted planet. However, when you leave them after a long talk, they are not with you anymore. You can’t talk to them without calling them or e-mailing them. You don’t have that problem with God. He is sitting right next to you as you read these lines. He will always be right there for you. You are never alone. Let Him hear your inner thoughts and rely on Him to show you the way.

Something to Ponder

Isn’t it funny that God can move mountains and calm the seas, but we still doubt He will help us in time of trouble?


Keep coming back to see more excerpts. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on Subscribe. When you do all future posts will come directly to your inbox.


Getting on our knees to talk to God, is not humiliatingly, it is accelerating. Try doing just once and see how much closer you are to God. He loves to talk to you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never every give up!


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Man’s Way Leads to a Hopeless End-God’s Way Leads to Endless Hope

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We are in the middle of putting together a Living Will and Trust. It is extremely complicated, and has many things you have to do to make it valid. We are charging ahead however, because we know how important it is to our family.


Here is another excerpt from my first book, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in the Unfriendly World, that won a national award.


Man’s Way Leads to a Hopeless
End—God’s Way Leads to
Endless Hope

Chapter 5
A greedy man stirs up dissension, but he who trusts in the LORD
will prosper. He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in
wisdom is safe.
—Proverbs 28:25–26

THERE ARE TIMES when I think I am doing fine and do not
need to worry about tomorrow. I will be strong against the
sin that I may face. Every time I feel that way, I fall flat on
my face, and I let Satan creep in inch by inch. You give Satan an
inch, and he will become the ruler. (Another great bumper sticker!)
God has a plan for me, and I need to understand that He already
had my life planned before I was even born. A plan was begun for
mankind before God put the first breath into Adam. God knows
my every move. Wherever I go, He will be there with me.
I sent a saying to my son when he was stationed in Iraq. It said,
“I know your name, and I will be with you wherever you go.” That
is true for everyone. He knows your name. He is wherever you go.
God cares for you.
And God even cares for “little people.” What I mean by little
people are the people who come into your church—the ones youcharity store,
don’t want to sit next to because they need a bath. They need help
because they don’t know where their next meal is coming from.
They are the hungry. Their clothes look like they came from a
charity store.
Let me make sure you understand! God always hears and loves
those who seek Him—little people or not. He doesn’t care what
they wear. He doesn’t care if they smell. He does care that they are
hungry. He does care that they need love—just like you do.
I realize that to love these people you are going out on a limb,
taking a risk. They could take advantage of you. They may want to
steal the church offering. But you should embrace them as people
of worth and welcome them into your church. God cares about
them—and you need to as well.
Speaking of taking a risk: Don’t you take a risk when you let
your daughter go to her first dance alone? Don’t you take a risk
when you give the car keys to your son for the first time? You worry
about them, but you love them enough to let them stretch their
wings a little. They are a little person in your eyes yet. They are
still your little girl or boy, but you trust them enough to let them
enjoy increasing independence.
Our heavenly Father takes a risk with His children every day.
He lets us stretch our wings. He trusts us to do the right things.
We don’t always do the right things, but God loves us just the same
as you would still love your children if they didn’t make the right
We often try to make decisions without God’s help. But as the
bumper sticker says, “Man’s way leads to a hopeless end.”
Try to remember the risk takers from the Bible. Think of David
and his slingshot, Mary washing Jesus’ feet, Abraham raising his
knife to kill his son. They took the risk, but they relied on God to
help them. They had a heavenly Parent to trust them and protect
them. He let them stretch their wings because, “God’s way leads
to endless hope.”

Stay with God’s way, and the narrow path you walk will lead to
endless hope. The wider path leads to destruction, disappointment,
shame and despair. You may stretch your wings if you wish, but
stay the course that God has in mind for you, and you will receive
the fi nal reward—the eternal love of your heavenly Parent.
And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love.
Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.

—1 John 4:16
Further Adventures
Man’s way does lead to a hopeless end. We have all been there.
You think everything is going great and that you don’t need God
to help you during that time. Like clockwork, something knocks
you to your knees, and you are praying (crying) to God to help
you through it.
Let me suggest an alternative: Pray without ceasing! Let God
know every day about your day. If it was a good day, thank Him for
it. If it was a bad day, ask for His loving care. It is so easy to get in
touch with God. It is a much better way to communicate than any
electronic invention man has come up with. It is similar to e-mail,
except you would call it knee mail.

Something to Ponder
Isn’t it funny that if God is for us, no one can be against


I will share more excerpts in the future so keep coming back to check them out. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on “Subscribe.” When you do all future post will come directly to your inbox.


Are you struggling in this not so friendly world? You aren’t alone. Many people struggle with what is happening in our world today.

FEAR NOT!! God is with you. He knows all your troubles. He knows what is best for you. Let Him guide you for the rest of your life.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Why Was David Love By God? Bad Father, Committed Adultery

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I had a question come to my mind yesterday. Why was David so loved by God?

  1. He failed as a father. His own son was trying to kill him.
  2. He had a soldier murdered so he could have his wife.
  3. He committed adultery.

That doesn’t sound like someone God would ove. BUT love David he did. He said David was a man after his own heart,

Gives us hope right? He can do some pretty terrible things and still be forgiven by God? YES!

Then I wondered if I really lead a good life myself? Did I do enough to be acceptable to God? It is sometimes hard to think that. I am not always a goodie two shoes.

Then I did some more thinking. (Gave me a headache!)

I should really define my life by what God did for me and through me.

I am certainly not an angel. I am certainly not a perfect father or husband, but I know that God loves me the way I am. He just is trying to mold me into a better self.

I also thought of one verse that I love, Isaiah 40:8. The grass withers and flowers fade, but the word of our God will stand for ever.

We need to anchor our lives on His word. We need to look forward to the future He is bringing us.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Don’t need to Worry Because God is There For Us.

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Went to see my hearing aid doctor this morning. I asked her to help me write a letter to the VA about my hearing loss. She said I have to go through proper channels and then she will help.

I already went through several channels. What I need is another letter in support that I lost some of my hearing while deployed to Korea.

I will NOT give up! You shouldn’t either if you are a veteran struggling with the VA to get compensation.


It has been hard to get back to normal; whatever that is. I think we are setting up a new normal. I don’t expect anyone will ever want to shake hands again.

What a world changing event we are taking part in right now. People dying all around the world. India being the worst spot.

Have you been struggling with the new normal? Do you face big obstacles every day because of the limited things you can do?

I certainly hear you. Days seem long and slow. Nowhere to go. Nothing to do, and frustration facing us wherever we do go.


David had nowhere to go. He was isolated. He had to live in caves to stay alive. He was facing much of what we are facing today. Stay away from danger and hide.

David persevered however, and eventually became the king of Israel. He overcome all the danger and near death experiences, and prevailed.


You and I can do that too. We can persevere and overcome all the darkness we are facing right now.

How did David make it? He relied on God to protect Him and give him comfort.

Too simplistic? Not all all. God is always there. He will protect us , and comfort us just like He did David.

He loved David and called him, a man after His own heart.

He will do that for you too. Pray for His comfort and protection right now. He listens and answers prayer.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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What Was the Life Changing Event in Your Life?

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President Biden said this morning that there have been over 200 million first time virus shots given. That is good news. It is rolling in the right direction.

However, he also said that people who do not wear masks could be punished.

Mixed thoughts there for sure.


One thing I always wondered is what were my life changing events.

I had a few, but the biggest change in my life was when I joined the Army. I was only 18 and never had traveled out of my home state. It was a real awakening.

The military taught me discipline. It showed me how to protect myself. It also showed me the importance of friendships. Because of the military, I came out a totally different person.

David from the Bible had several life changing moments as well. This teenage boy killed Goliath with just a slingshot. That made him an overnight hero to his people. He also went on to lead the Israelites in battle. Winning everywhere he went. He even was made King of the whole country.

What was you life changing event? It could be:

Winning your first race in highschool.

Graduating from college.

Getting married.

Having children.

Death of a loved one.



I know you can think of other times, but what made them a life changing event?

Was it a good change, or not so good?


The most important thing to remember is that God has been, and will be with you always. He knows every hair on your head. He loves you, and wants the best for you. He made you in His own image.

With all of that, who can be against you…NO ONE!



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever give up!


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I was Suicidal Until God was With me.

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I told you yesterday that I had my first physical therapy for getting better balance. Well, something I had to do during the therapy injured my back. Now I am a lame duck. I will have to heal before I can go back.


One of the things we most fear is that we are alone on this world. We feel isolated, and lost. We do not know where to go for help.

David in the Old Testament felt that way. He was suppose to be king, but Saul had other ideas. Saul was trying to find David and kill him. David ran and hid. He lived in caves, for fear he would be found and killed.

What a terrible existence.


Have you been lost and fearful? Have you felt there was nowhere to turn to?

You certainly are not alone. Many of us have felt that fear of being alone. We have felt there was nowhere to turn to.

Let me share some thoughts that I think will give you hope and comfort.

  1. God is near in times of need. He can take care of all your worries and fears.
  2. God is sufficient in the times of need. He is capable of handling all your burdens.
  3. You need to be saying, God is mine in my time of greatest need.


Never think you are alone. Never think God has forsaken you. He loves you and wants the best for you. You are His child.

I was alone and lost in the year 2001. I was ready to end my life. Then I realized that God was right there with me. That gave me peace and comfort. I made it through that day, and I am here today talking to you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Does God Really Keep All of His Promises to us?

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I am reading about all the suspended accounts on Twitter and Facebook. It is really sounding like “Big brother,” is saying only write what I like.

The people are furious and moving on to other social networks. I do not blame them for one second. This is sounding more like a few controlling many.

I am on Facebook and Twitter. I haven’t said anything “awful” enough to be banned yet. I try to be positive as much as I can, but there are times when a person posts something that I can’t let slide.


Have you had broken promises invade your heart? Those you expected to happen and then they didn’t? We have all had that embrace us and knock us down.

I got to thinking about that. I has someone ask me, “Does God really keep His promises. So I did some digging in the Bible and one glaring example happened to be Abraham.

First let me give some back history on Abraham. He wasn’t a follower of God. As a matter of fact his whole family worshipped other gods. He was a pagan. We see this happen through out the Bible where God selects someone who wasn’t always a wonderful person:




OK…I digress.


Abraham wasn’t a bright star on God’s list at the time, but God chose Him to populate the world.

Then you see that God made Abraham wait, and wait, and wait, Before he could have his first son born from his wife. She was 90 when Isaac was born!!!

Abraham kept challenging God to follow through with his promises. God kept telling him it isn’t time yet.

Even after Isaac was born God tested Abraham by telling him to sacrifice Isaac. God of course stopped Abraham by provided a lamb for the sacrifice.

God kept telling Abraham he would keep His promises. He was just doing His promises on His time and not Abraham’s time.


Do you wonder if God will keep His promises to you? Of course He will. It is just like Abraham. It will be on God’s timing not yours.

I trust God to guide me through this not so friendly world. He knows what is best for me. He cares for me and will do what I need. We just have to be patient.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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Are You Desperate for God’s Word?

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I am as bad as some are who don’t read their Bible every day. I think about God often. I pray to Him every day. I never miss a prayer, but I miss times I could be reading and learning.

In my prayers I need to start asking God to give me the desire to read His Word. I need to be hungry for it. I need to realize that it is life’s manual for survival.

I have come up with a plan to stop whatever I am doing and read every day at 10:00am. It doesn’t need to be a long time in the book. Just read!

It just happens to be 10:00 am, so I best be reading.


I felt the need to read Proverbs. Most of Proverbs was written by Solomon, the son of David, who was the King of Israel.

Solomon was a very wise man. He made judgements for people. They lined up to ask him his advice.

One day two women came before him both claiming that a child was there’s. He asked them many questions to see who the real mother was and then he said, “I will have the child cut in half and you both can have him.” One woman screamed, “No Master! This woman can have my son so he will still be alive.”

Solomon instantly knew who the real mother was, and gave her the son. She truly loved her son enough to give him away so that he could live.

That is what I learned by reading today. I am blessed!


Are you struggling during all the turmoil right now? A pandemic is killing our people. There is rioting in many cities. There are many people out of work because of the pandemic.

How can we survive all of this?

Go to the top of this page and read again. We need to be in God’s word to survive. We need to find comfort and hope through His Word.

God’s Word is a manual of guidance we can all use. Just take one half hour of each day to read His Word and grow.


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You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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